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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438')
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.elcbin206727 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.elcbin209303 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.elcbin232185 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.elcbin199193 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.elcbin229176 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.elcbin228338 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.elcbin198093 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.elcbin217083 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.elcbin227980 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.elcbin228039 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.elcbin228154 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.elcbin228529 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.elcbin220272 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.elcbin227696 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.elcbin54997 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.elcbin12298 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.elcbin3381 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.elcbin4307 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.elcbin7010 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.elcbin196430 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.elcbin196580 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.elcbin229621 -> 0 bytes
46 files changed, 0 insertions, 5167 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d122f03398..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-challenger-deep-theme.el --- inspired by Atom City Lights
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-challenger-deep-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-challenger-deep-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-challenger-deep-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-challenger-deep-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-challenger-deep-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-challenger-deep-comment-bg doom-challenger-deep-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-challenger-deep-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-challenger-deep-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-challenger-deep-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-challenger-deep
-  "A dark theme inspired by Atom One Dark"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#1b182c" "#1c1c1c" nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#12111E" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#100e23" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#292F37" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#3d4551" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#4C4B68" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#565575" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#858FA5" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#9BA7BF" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#B0BED8" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#BAC9E4" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#cbe3e7" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (fg         '("#cbe3e7" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#ff8080" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#ffb378" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#95ffa4" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#63f2f1" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#ffe9aa" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#91ddff" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#65b2ff" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#c991e1" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#906cff" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#aaffe4" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#62d196" "#5699AF" "cyan"   ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      violet)
-   (vertical-bar base1)
-   (selection      violet)
-   (builtin        magenta)
-   (comments       (if doom-challenger-deep-brighter-comments base3 base2))
-   (doc-comments   (if doom-challenger-deep-brighter-comments (doom-darken dark-cyan 0.3) base5) )
-   (constants      cyan)
-   (functions      magenta)
-   (keywords       red)
-   (methods        magenta)
-   (operators      dark-cyan)
-   (type           blue)
-   (strings        yellow)
-   (variables      yellow)
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         base2)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-challenger-deep-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-challenger-deep-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-challenger-deep-padded-modeline) doom-challenger-deep-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        base3
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        base3
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-challenger-deep-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (org-block :background base2)
-   (org-block-begin-line :background base2 :foreground comments)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-challenger-deep-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index e0df946a5a48..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-challenger-deep-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c249fe692d8d..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-city-lights-theme.el --- inspired by Atom City Lights
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-city-lights-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-city-lights-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-city-lights-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-city-lights-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-city-lights-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-city-lights-comment-bg doom-city-lights-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-city-lights-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-city-lights-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-city-lights-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-city-lights
-  "A dark theme inspired by Atom One Dark"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#1D252C" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#181E24" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#10151C" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#171D22" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#20282F" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#28323B" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#384551" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#56697A" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#688094" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#7FA0B7" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#9CAABB" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#728CA0" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (fg         '("#A0B3C5" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#D95468" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#D98E48" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#8BD49C" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#4db5bd" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#EBBF83" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#5EC4FF" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#5C748E" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#E27E8D" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#B62D65" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#70E1E8" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#41858C" "#5699AF" "cyan"   ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.5))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        blue)
-   (comments       (if doom-city-lights-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-city-lights-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      red)
-   (functions      teal)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        cyan)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        base7)
-   (variables      base8)
-   (numbers        magenta)
-   (region         base3)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-city-lights-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-city-lights-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-city-lights-padded-modeline) doom-city-lights-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        base3
-        `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        base3
-        `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-city-lights-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (org-block :background base2)
-   (org-block-begin-line :background base2 :foreground comments)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-city-lights-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4a0e740b6a..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-city-lights-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b738beee709..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-dracula-theme.el - based on https://draculatheme.com/
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-dracula-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-dracula-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-dracula-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-dracula-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-dracula-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-dracula-colorful-headers nil
-  "If non-nil, headers in org-mode will be more colorful; which is truer to the
-original Dracula Emacs theme."
-  :group 'doom-dracula-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-dracula-comment-bg doom-dracula-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-dracula-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-dracula-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-dracula-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-dracula
-  "A dark theme inspired by Atom One Dark"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#282a36" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#1E2029" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#1E2029" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#282a36" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#373844" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#44475a" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#565761" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#6272a4" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#b6b6b2" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#ccccc7" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#f8f8f2" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#f8f8f2" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#e2e2dc" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#ff5555" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#ffb86c" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#50fa7b" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#0189cc" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#f1fa8c" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#61bfff" "#61bfff" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#0189cc" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#ff79c6" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#bd93f9" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#8be9fd" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#8be9fd" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      violet)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.1))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        orange)
-   (comments       (if doom-dracula-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-dracula-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      cyan)
-   (functions      green)
-   (keywords       magenta)
-   (methods        teal)
-   (operators      violet)
-   (type           blue)
-   (strings        yellow)
-   (variables      base8)
-   (numbers        red)
-   (region         base3)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (level1 magenta)
-   (level2 violet)
-   (level3 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers green   (doom-lighten violet 0.35)))
-   (level4 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers yellow  (doom-lighten magenta 0.35)))
-   (level5 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers cyan    (doom-lighten violet 0.6)))
-   (level6 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers orange  (doom-lighten magenta 0.6)))
-   (level7 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers blue    (doom-lighten violet 0.85)))
-   (level8 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers magenta (doom-lighten magenta 0.85)))
-   (level9 (if doom-dracula-colorful-headers violet  (doom-lighten violet 0.95)))
-   (hidden     base1)
-   (-modeline-bright doom-dracula-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-dracula-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-dracula-padded-modeline) doom-dracula-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken  magenta 0.675)
-      `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken magenta 0.6)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.075) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-dracula-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (solaire-hl-line-face :background base2)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-level-1 :background base1 :foreground level1 :height 1.2 :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-2 :foreground level2 :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-3 :inherit 'org-level-2 :foreground level3)
-   (org-level-4 :inherit 'org-level-2 :foreground level4)
-   (org-level-5 :inherit 'org-level-2 :foreground level5)
-   (org-level-6 :inherit 'org-level-2 :foreground level6)
-   (org-level-7 :inherit 'org-level-2 :foreground level7)
-   (org-todo :foreground orange :bold 'inherit :background (doom-darken base1 0.02))
-   (org-done :foreground green :strike-through nil :background base2 :bold t)
-   (org-headline-done :foreground base4 :strike-through nil)
-   ((org-tag &override) :foreground (doom-lighten orange 0.3))
-   (org-agenda-date :foreground cyan)
-   (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :foreground comments)
-   (org-agenda-done :foreground base4)
-   (org-agenda-structure :foreground violet)
-   (org-block            :background (doom-darken base1 0.125) :foreground violet)
-   (org-block-begin-line :background (doom-darken base1 0.125) :foreground comments)
-   (org-code :foreground yellow)
-   (org-column :background base1)
-   (org-column-title :background base1 :bold t :underline t)
-   (org-date :foreground cyan)
-   (org-document-info :foreground blue)
-   (org-document-info-keyword :foreground comments)
-   (org-ellipsis :foreground comments)
-   (org-footnote :foreground blue)
-   (org-headline-base :foreground comments :strike-through t :bold nil)
-   (org-link :foreground orange :underline t :weight 'bold)
-   (org-priority :foreground cyan)
-   (org-scheduled :foreground green)
-   (org-scheduled-previously :foreground yellow)
-   (org-scheduled-today :foreground orange)
-   (org-sexp-date :foreground base4)
-   (org-special-keyword :foreground yellow)
-   (org-table :foreground violet)
-   (org-upcoming-deadline :foreground yellow)
-   (org-warning :foreground magenta)
-   )
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-dracula-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2239efffd2c3..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-dracula-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b799722e7bb..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-;; doom-molokai-theme.el --- inspired by Textmate's monokai
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-molokai-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-molokai."
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-molokai-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-molokai-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-molokai-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-molokai-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-molokai
-  "A dark, vibrant theme inspired by Textmate's monokai."
-  ;; name        gui       256       16
-  ((bg         '("#1c1e1f" nil       nil))
-   (bg-alt     '("#222323" nil       nil))
-   (base0      '("#000000"))
-   (base1      '("#151617" "#101010" "brightblack"))
-   (base2      '("#1d1f20" "#191919" "brightblack"))
-   (base3      '("#2d2e2e" "#252525" "brightblack"))
-   (base4      '("#4e4e4e" "#454545" "brightblack"))
-   (base5      '("#555556" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"))
-   (base6      '("#767679" "#7b7b7b" "brightblack"))
-   (base7      '("#cfc0c5" "#c1c1c1" "brightblack"))
-   (base8      '("#ffffff" "#ffffff" "brightwhite"))
-   (fg         '("#d6d6d4" "#dfdfdf" "brightwhite"))
-   (fg-alt     '("#556172" "#4d4d4d" "white"))
-   (grey       '("#525254" "#515154" "brightblack"))
-   (red        '("#e74c3c" "#e74c3c" "red"))
-   (orange     '("#fd971f" "#fd971f" "brightred"))
-   (green      '("#b6e63e" "#b6e63e" "green"))
-   (teal       green)
-   (yellow     '("#e2c770" "#e2c770" "yellow"))
-   (blue       '("#268bd2" "#2686D6" "brightblue"))
-   (dark-blue  '("#727280" "#727280" "blue"))
-   (magenta    '("#fb2874" "#fb2874" "magenta"))
-   (violet     '("#9c91e4" "#9c91e4" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#66d9ef" "#66d9ef" "brightcyan"))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#8fa1b3" "#8FA1B3" "cyan"))
-   ;; face categories
-   (highlight      orange)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-lighten bg 0.1))
-   (selection      base0)
-   (builtin        orange)
-   (comments       (if doom-molokai-brighter-comments violet base5))
-   (doc-comments   (if doom-molokai-brighter-comments (doom-lighten violet 0.1) (doom-lighten base5 0.25)))
-   (constants      orange)
-   (functions      green)
-   (keywords       magenta)
-   (methods        cyan)
-   (operators      violet)
-   (type           cyan)
-   (strings        yellow)
-   (variables      orange)
-   (numbers        violet)
-   (region         base4)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    base4)
-   (vc-added       (doom-darken green 0.15))
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-molokai-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-molokai-padded-modeline)
-          doom-molokai-padded-modeline
-        4)))
-   (org-quote `(,(doom-lighten (car bg) 0.05) "#1f1f1f")))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((lazy-highlight :background violet :foreground base0 :distant-foreground base0 :bold bold)
-   (cursor :background magenta)
-   (mode-line
-    :background base3 :foreground base8
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color base3)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background (doom-darken base2 0.2) :foreground base4
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color base2)))
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background green)
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-modified :inherit 'bold :foreground orange)
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-path :inherit 'bold :foreground green)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base5 :distant-foreground nil)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground base7 :distant-foreground nil)
-   (isearch :foreground base0 :background green)
-   ;; ediff
-   (ediff-fine-diff-A :background (doom-blend magenta bg 0.3) :weight 'bold)
-   ;; evil-mode
-   (evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face :background violet)
-   ;; evil-snipe
-   (evil-snipe-first-match-face :foreground base0 :background green)
-   (evil-snipe-matches-face     :foreground green :underline t)
-   ;; flycheck
-   (flycheck-error   :underline `(:style wave :color ,red)    :background base3)
-   (flycheck-warning :underline `(:style wave :color ,yellow) :background base3)
-   (flycheck-info    :underline `(:style wave :color ,green)  :background base3)
-   ;; helm
-   (helm-swoop-target-line-face :foreground magenta :inverse-video t)
-   ;; ivy
-   (ivy-current-match :background base3)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 :background base1 :foreground base4)
-   ;; neotree
-   (neo-dir-link-face   :foreground cyan)
-   (neo-expand-btn-face :foreground magenta)
-   ;; rainbow-delimiters
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground magenta)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground orange)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground green)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground cyan)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground magenta)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground orange)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground green)
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground keywords)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-blockquote-face :inherit 'italic :foreground dark-blue)
-   (markdown-list-face :foreground magenta)
-   (markdown-pre-face  :foreground cyan)
-   (markdown-link-face :inherit 'bold :foreground blue)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base2 0.045))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-level-1 :background base2 :foreground magenta :bold bold :height 1.2)
-   (org-level-2 :inherit 'org-level-1 :foreground orange)
-   (org-level-3 :bold bold :foreground violet)
-   (org-level-4 :inherit 'org-level-3)
-   (org-level-5 :inherit 'org-level-3)
-   (org-level-6 :inherit 'org-level-3)
-   (org-ellipsis :underline nil :background base2 :foreground orange)
-   (org-tag :foreground yellow :bold nil)
-   (org-quote :inherit 'italic :foreground base7 :background org-quote)
-   (org-todo :foreground yellow :bold 'inherit)
-   (org-list-dt :foreground yellow))
-  ;; --- extra variables --------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-molokai-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index cc113a35bd57..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-molokai-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f312332cc69..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-nord-light-theme.el --- inspired by Nord
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-nord-light-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-nord-light-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-nord-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-light-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-nord-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-light-comment-bg doom-nord-light-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-nord-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-light-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-nord-light-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(defcustom doom-nord-light-region-highlight t
-  "Determines the selection highlight style. Can be 'frost, 'snowstorm or t
-  :group 'doom-nord-light-theme
-  :type 'symbol)
-(def-doom-theme doom-nord-light
-  "A dark theme inspired by Nord-Light."
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg '("#E5E9F0" nil nil))
-   (bg-alt '("#D8DEE9" nil nil))
-   (base0 '("#F0F4FC" "black" "black"))
-   (base1 '("#E3EAF5" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"))
-   (base2 '("#D8DEE9" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"))
-   (base3 '("#C2D0E7" "#262626" "brightblack"))
-   (base4 '("#B8C5DB" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"))
-   (base5 '("#AEBACF" "#525252" "brightblack"))
-   (base6 '("#A1ACC0" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"))
-   (base7 '("#60728C" "#979797" "brightblack"))
-   (base8 '("#485163" "#dfdfdf" "white"))
-   (fg '("#3B4252" "#2d2d2d" "white"))
-   (fg-alt '("#2E3440" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"))
-   (grey base4)
-   (red       '("#99324B" "#ff6655" "red"))
-   (orange    '("#AC4426" "#dd8844" "brightred"))
-   (green     '("#4F894C" "#99bb66" "green"))
-   (teal      '("#29838D" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"))
-   (yellow    '("#9A7500" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"))
-   (blue      '("#3B6EA8" "#51afef" "brightblue"))
-   (dark-blue '("#5272AF" "#2257A0" "blue"))
-   (magenta   '("#97365B" "#c678dd" "magenta"))
-   (violet    '("#842879" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan      '("#398EAC" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"))
-   (dark-cyan '("#2C7088" "#5699AF" "cyan"))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight (doom-blend blue bg 0.8))
-   (vertical-bar (doom-darken bg 0.15))
-   (selection (doom-blend blue bg 0.5))
-   (builtin teal)
-   (comments (if doom-nord-light-brighter-comments dark-cyan (doom-darken base5 0.2)))
-   (doc-comments (doom-darken (if doom-nord-light-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants magenta)
-   (functions teal)
-   (keywords blue)
-   (methods teal)
-   (operators blue)
-   (type yellow)
-   (strings green)
-   (variables violet)
-   (numbers magenta)
-   (region (pcase doom-nord-light-region-highlight
-             ((\` frost) (doom-lighten teal 0.5))
-             ((\` snowstorm) base0)
-             (_ base4)))
-   (error red)
-   (warning yellow)
-   (success green)
-   (vc-modified orange)
-   (vc-added green)
-   (vc-deleted red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-nord-light-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-nord-light-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-nord-light-padded-modeline) doom-nord-light-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base6)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-blend bg blue 0.7)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.03) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-blend bg blue 0.7)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.02) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive (doom-darken bg 0.01))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  (((region &override)
-    :foreground
-    (when (memq doom-nord-light-region-highlight '(frost snowstorm))
-      bg-alt))
-   ((lazy-highlight &override) :background (doom-blend teal bg 0.8))
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground (doom-lighten 'base5 0.2))
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground base7)
-   ((paren-face-match &override) :foreground red :background base3 :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   ((paren-face-mismatch &override) :foreground base3 :background red :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   ((vimish-fold-overlay &override) :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :background base3 :weight 'light)
-   ((vimish-fold-fringe &override) :foreground teal)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-nord-light-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (doom-modeline-project-root-dir :foreground base6)
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; elscreen
-   (elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   (magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight :foreground bg :background blue :weight 'bold)
-   (magit-diff-hunk-heading :foreground bg :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.3))
-   (ivy-posframe :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.2))
-   (ivy-virtual :foreground (doom-blend blue bg 0.8))
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 :background nil :foreground (doom-blend fg bg 0.5) :weight 'light)
-   (internal-border :foreground (doom-blend blue bg 0.2) :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.2))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property :foreground green)
-   (css-selector :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   (nav-flash-face :background region :foreground base8 :weight 'bold)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-nord-light-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index a31910ab7252..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-light-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f6e444f909..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-nord-theme.el --- inspired by Nord
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-nord-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-nord-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-nord-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-nord-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-comment-bg doom-nord-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-nord-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-nord-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-nord-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-  (defcustom doom-nord-region-highlight t
-    "Determines the selection highlight style. Can be 'frost, 'snowstorm or t
-    :group 'doom-nord-theme
-    :type 'symbol))
-(def-doom-theme doom-nord
-  "A dark theme inspired by Nord."
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#3B4252" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#2E3440" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#191C25" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#242832" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#2C333F" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#373E4C" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#434C5E" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#4C566A" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#9099AB" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#D8DEE9" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#F0F4FC" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#ECEFF4" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#E5E9F0" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#C16069" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#D2876D" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#A2BF8A" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#8EBCBB" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#ECCC87" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#80A0C2" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#5C748E" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#B58DAE" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#5D80AE" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#86C0D1" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#507681" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.2))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        teal)
-   (comments       (if doom-nord-brighter-comments dark-cyan (doom-lighten base5 0.2)))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-nord-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      magenta)
-   (functions      teal)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        teal)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-lighten magenta 0.5))
-   (numbers        magenta)
-   (region         (pcase doom-nord-region-highlight
-                     (`frost teal)
-                     (`snowstorm base7)
-                     (_ base4)))
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-nord-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-nord-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-nord-padded-modeline) doom-nord-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (region-fg
-    (when (memq doom-nord-region-highlight '(frost snowstorm))
-      bg-alt))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base6)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-blend bg base5 0.2)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-blend bg base5 0.2)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  (((region &override) :foreground region-fg)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground (doom-lighten 'base5 0.2))
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground base7)
-   ((paren-face-match &override) :foreground red :background base3 :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   ((paren-face-mismatch &override) :foreground base3 :background red :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   ((vimish-fold-overlay &override) :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :background base3 :weight 'light)
-   ((vimish-fold-fringe &override)  :foreground teal)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-nord-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (doom-modeline-project-root-dir :foreground base6)
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; ediff
-   (ediff-fine-diff-A    :background (doom-darken violet 0.4) :weight 'bold)
-   (ediff-current-diff-A :background (doom-darken base0 0.25))
-   ;; elscreen
-   (elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-nord-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2c0a6daa3f..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nord-theme.elc
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Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 12bc33e63c7c..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-nova-theme.el --- inspired by Trevord Miller's Nova
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-nova-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-nova-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-nova-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-nova
-  "A light theme inspired by Trevord Miller's Nova. See
-  ;; name      gui
-  ((bg         '("#3c4c55" nil       nil))
-   (bg-alt     '("#44545d" "#445566" "black"))
-   ;; FIXME Tweak these
-   (base0      '("#0d0f11" "#0d0f11" "black"      )) ; FIXME black
-   (base1      '("#1e272c" "#1b1b1b"              ))
-   (base2      '("#212122" "#1e1e1e"              )) ;
-   (base3      '("#2f3f48" "#292929" "brightblack")) ;
-   (base4      '("#3c4c55" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack")) ;
-   (base5      '("#556873" "#525252" "brightblack"))
-   (base6      '("#6A7D89" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"))
-   (base7      '("#899BA6" "#878797" "brightblack"))
-   (base8      '("#e6eef3" "#efefef" "brightwhite")) ; FIXME white
-   (fg         '("#c5c8c6" "#c5c6c6" "white"      )) ;; TODO set correct color
-   (fg-alt     (doom-darken fg 0.6)) ;; TODO set correct color
-   (light-grey "#E6EEF3")
-   (grey       base7)
-   (dark-grey  base3)
-   (red        "#DF8C8C")
-   (orange     "#F2C38F")
-   (yellow     "#DADA93")
-   (green      "#A8CE93")
-   (blue       "#83AFE5")
-   (dark-blue  (doom-darken blue 0.7))
-   (teal       blue)
-   (magenta    (doom-lighten "#b294bb" 0.3)) ; FIXME TODO set correct color
-   (violet     "#9A93E1")
-   (cyan       "#7FC1CA")
-   (dark-cyan  (doom-darken cyan 0.4))
-   ;; face categories
-   (highlight      cyan)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-lighten bg 0.1))
-   (selection      highlight)
-   (builtin        blue)
-   (comments       grey)
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten grey 0.1))
-   (constants      highlight)
-   (functions      blue)
-   (keywords       violet)
-   (methods        blue)
-   (operators      green)
-   (type           green)
-   (strings        cyan)
-   (variables      red)
-   (numbers        highlight)
-   (region         selection)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    violet)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (current-line    base5) ; (doom-lighten bg-alt 0.04)
-   (modeline-fg     blue)
-   (modeline-bg     base5) ; bg-alt
-   (modeline-fg-alt (doom-lighten bg-alt 0.4))
-   (modeline-bg-alt base4)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-nova-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-nova-padded-modeline)
-          doom-nova-padded-modeline
-        4))))
-  ;; --- faces ------------------------------
-  ((doom-modeline-buffer-path       :foreground violet :bold nil)
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode :inherit 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :inherit 'mode-line-highlight)
-   (fringe :inherit 'default :foreground "#6c808d")
-   (region :background (doom-lighten current-line 0.1) :foreground nil :distant-foreground nil :weight 'bold)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground "#6c808d")
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground highlight :weight 'bold)
-   ;; rainbow-delimiters
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground violet)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground blue)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground orange)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground green)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground magenta)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground yellow)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground teal)
-   (hl-line :background current-line)
-   (solaire-hl-line-face :inherit 'hl-line)
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-alt :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-alt)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :background modeline-bg-alt :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-alt)))
-   ;; helm
-   (helm-selection :background current-line :weight 'bold)
-   (helm-match     :foreground highlight)
-   (helm-source-header :foreground base0 :background base6)
-   ;; ivy
-   (ivy-current-match :background current-line :distant-foreground base0)
-   ;; company
-   (company-tooltip            :inherit 'tooltip :background (doom-lighten bg 0.075))
-   (company-tooltip-selection  :background base5 :foreground base8 :weight 'bold)
-   (company-tooltip-common     :foreground cyan :distant-foreground cyan :weight 'bold)
-   (company-tooltip-search     :background highlight :foreground base1 :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   (company-tooltip-search-selection :background highlight :foreground base1 :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   (company-tooltip-mouse      :background base6 :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg)
-   ;; ediff
-   (ediff-fine-diff-A    :background base3 :weight 'bold)
-   (ediff-current-diff-A :inherit 'hl-line)
-   (ediff-even-diff-A    :background base3)
-   ;; show-paren
-   ((paren-face-match &override)    :foreground red :background (doom-darken violet 0.4))
-   ((paren-face-mismatch &override) :foreground (doom-darken red 0.4) :background cyan)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-level-1
-    :foreground blue :background (doom-darken bg 0.025)
-    :bold bold :height 1.2))
-  ;; --- variables --------------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-(provide 'doom-nova-theme)
-;;; doom-nova-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b8900c3d07..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-nova-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ee075bf0fc..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-one-light-theme.el --- inspired by Atom One Light
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-one-light-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-one-light-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-one-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-light-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-one-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-light-comment-bg doom-one-light-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-one-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-light-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-one-light-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-one-light
-  "A light theme inspired by Atom One"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#fafafa" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#f0f0f0" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#f0f0f0" "#f0f0f0" "white"        ))
-   (base1      '("#e7e7e7" "#e7e7e7" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#dfdfdf" "#dfdfdf" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#c6c7c7" "#c6c7c7" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#9ca0a4" "#9ca0a4" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#383a42" "#424242" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#202328" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#1c1f24" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#1b2229" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (fg         '("#383a42" "#424242" "black"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#c6c7c7" "#c7c7c7" "brightblack"  ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#e45649" "#e45649" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#da8548" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#50a14f" "#50a14f" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#4db5bd" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#986801" "#986801" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#4078f2" "#4078f2" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#a0bcf8" "#a0bcf8" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#a626a4" "#a626a4" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#b751b6" "#b751b6" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#0184bc" "#0184bc" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#005478" "#005478" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base2 0.1))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        magenta)
-   (comments       (if doom-one-light-brighter-comments cyan base4))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-darken comments 0.15))
-   (constants      violet)
-   (functions      magenta)
-   (keywords       red)
-   (methods        cyan)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-darken magenta 0.36))
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(doom-darken (cdr base0) 0.3)))
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (-modeline-bright doom-one-light-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-one-light-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-one-light-padded-modeline) doom-one-light-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt (doom-blend violet base4 (if -modeline-bright 0.5 0.2)))
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken base2 0.05)
-      base1))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken base2 0.1)
-      base2))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.05) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-one-light-comment-bg base0))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments
-    :slant 'italic)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground (doom-lighten base4 0.15))
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground base8)
-   (solaire-hl-line-face :inherit 'hl-line :background base0)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; magit
-   (magit-blame-heading     :foreground orange :background bg-alt)
-   (magit-diff-removed :foreground (doom-darken red 0.2) :background (doom-blend red bg 0.1))
-   (magit-diff-removed-highlight :foreground red :background (doom-blend red bg 0.2) :bold bold)
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face     :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face     :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face       :background base1)
-   (mmm-default-submode-face :background base1)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-block            :background base1)
-   (org-block-begin-line :foreground fg :slant 'italic)
-   (org-level-1          :foreground red    :weight 'ultra-bold :height 1.2)
-   (org-level-2          :foreground orange :weight 'extra-bold :height 1.1)
-   (org-level-3          :foreground violet :bold bold          :height 1.1)
-   (org-ellipsis         :underline nil :background bg     :foreground red)
-   (org-quote            :background base1)
-   ;; helm
-   (helm-candidate-number :background blue :foreground bg)
-   ;; web-mode
-   (web-mode-current-element-highlight-face :background dark-blue :foreground bg)
-   ;; wgrep
-   (wgrep-face :background base1)
-   ;; ediff
-   (ediff-current-diff-A        :foreground red   :background (doom-lighten red 0.8))
-   (ediff-current-diff-B        :foreground green :background (doom-lighten green 0.8))
-   (ediff-current-diff-C        :foreground blue  :background (doom-lighten blue 0.8))
-   (ediff-current-diff-Ancestor :foreground teal  :background (doom-lighten teal 0.8))
-   ;; tooltip
-   (tooltip :background base1 :foreground fg)
-   ;; posframe
-   (ivy-posframe               :background base0)
-   ;; lsp
-   (lsp-ui-doc-background      :background base0)
-   (lsp-face-highlight-read    :background (doom-blend red bg 0.3))
-   (lsp-face-highlight-textual :inherit 'lsp-face-highlight-read)
-   (lsp-face-highlight-write   :inherit 'lsp-face-highlight-read)
-   )
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-one-light-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index beadaff0774b..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-light-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 945cb2aaa8e5..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-one-theme.el --- inspired by Atom One Dark
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-one-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-one-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-one-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-one-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-comment-bg doom-one-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-one-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-one-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-one-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-one
-  "A dark theme inspired by Atom One Dark"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#282c34" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#21242b" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#1B2229" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#1c1f24" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#202328" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#23272e" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#3f444a" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#5B6268" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#73797e" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#9ca0a4" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#DFDFDF" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#bbc2cf" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#5B6268" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#ff6c6b" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#da8548" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#98be65" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#4db5bd" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#ECBE7B" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#51afef" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#2257A0" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#c678dd" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#a9a1e1" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#46D9FF" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#5699AF" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.1))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        magenta)
-   (comments       (if doom-one-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-one-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      violet)
-   (functions      magenta)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        cyan)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-lighten magenta 0.4))
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         `(,(doom-lighten (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(doom-lighten (cdr base0) 0.35)))
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-one-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-one-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-one-padded-modeline) doom-one-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.475)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.45)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg-alt 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg-alt) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   (evil-goggles-default-face :inherit 'region :background (doom-blend region bg 0.5))
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-one-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; ivy-mode
-   (ivy-current-match :background dark-blue :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'normal)
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-one-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a248434da06..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-one-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f28c9a3e72b..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-opera-light-theme.el --- Opera-Light theme
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-opera-light-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-opera-light-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-opera-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-light-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-opera-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-light-comment-bg doom-opera-light-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-opera-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-light-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-opera-light-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(defcustom doom-opera-light-region-highlight t
-  "Determines the selection highlight style. Can be 'frost, 'snowstorm or t
-  :group 'doom-opera-light-theme
-  :type 'symbol)
-(def-doom-theme doom-opera-light
-  "A dark opera-light theme."
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#fafafa" nil       nil ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#eeeeee" nil       nil ))
-   (base0      '("#fafafa" "#dfdfdf" nil ))
-   (base1      '("#f5f5f5" "#979797" nil ))
-   (base2      '("#eeeeee" "#6b6b6b" nil ))
-   (base3      '("#e0e0e0" "#525252" nil ))
-   (base4      '("#bdbdbd" "#3f3f3f" nil ))
-   (base5      '("#9e9e9e" "#262626" nil ))
-   (base6      '("#757575" "#2e2e2e" nil ))
-   (base7      '("#616161" "#1e1e1e" nil ))
-   (base8      '("#424242" "black"   nil ))
-   (fg         '("#2a2a2a" "#2a2a2a" nil ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#454545" "#757575" nil ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#99324b" "#ff6655" nil ))
-   (orange     '("#ac4426" "#dd8844" nil ))
-   (green      '("#4f894c" "#99bb66" nil ))
-   (teal       '("#29838d" "#44b9b1" nil ))
-   (yellow     '("#9a7500" "#ECBE7B" nil ))
-   (blue       '("#3b6ea8" "#51afef" nil ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#5272AF" "#2257A0" nil ))
-   (magenta    '("#97365b" "#c678dd" nil ))
-   (violet     '("#842879" "#a9a1e1" nil ))
-   (cyan       '("#398eac" "#46D9FF" nil ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#2c7088" "#5699AF" nil ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.2))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        teal)
-   (comments       (if doom-opera-light-brighter-comments dark-cyan (doom-lighten base5 0.2)))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-opera-light-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      magenta)
-   (functions      teal)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        teal)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-lighten magenta 0.5))
-   (numbers        magenta)
-   (region         base4)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-opera-light-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-opera-light-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-opera-light-padded-modeline) doom-opera-light-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.475)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.45)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg-alt 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg-alt) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  (
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground fg-alt)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-opera-light-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))))
-;;; doom-opera-light-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1242a65cd469..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-light-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f852bc462e8..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-opera-theme.el --- Opera theme
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-opera-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-opera-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-opera-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-opera-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-comment-bg doom-opera-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-opera-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-opera-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-opera-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(defcustom doom-opera-region-highlight t
-  "Determines the selection highlight style. Can be 'frost, 'snowstorm or t
-  :group 'doom-opera-theme
-  :type 'symbol)
-(def-doom-theme doom-opera
-  "A dark opera theme."
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#323334" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#222224" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#000000" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#1e1e1e" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#2e2e2e" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#262626" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#3f3f3f" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#525252" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#6b6b6b" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#979797" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#dfdfdf" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#eceff4" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#727269" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#C16069" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#D2876D" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#A2BF8A" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#8EBCBB" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#ECCC87" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#80A0C2" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#5C748E" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#B58DAE" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#5D80AE" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#86C0D1" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#507681" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken base1 0.2))
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        teal)
-   (comments       (if doom-opera-brighter-comments dark-cyan (doom-lighten base5 0.2)))
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-opera-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      magenta)
-   (functions      teal)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        teal)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-lighten magenta 0.5))
-   (numbers        magenta)
-   (region         base4)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-opera-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-opera-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-opera-padded-modeline) doom-opera-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base5)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.475)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.45)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg-alt 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg-alt) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  (
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground fg-alt)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-opera-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))))
-;;; doom-opera-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf2d63fef1a..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-opera-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6b827ac5ea..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-peacock-theme.el
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-peacock-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-peacock-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-peacock-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-peacock-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-peacock-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-peacock-comment-bg doom-peacock-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-peacock-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-peacock-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-peacock-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-peacock
-  "peacock theme!"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#2b2a27" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#282725" nil       nil            )) ;; arbitrarily picked this colour to change hline
-   (base0      '("#2b2a27" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#1c1f24" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#202328" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#23272e" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#3f444a" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#5B6268" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#73797e" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#9ca0a4" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#DFDFDF" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#ede0ce" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#5B6268" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (white      '("#f8f8f0" "base4"   "base4"        ))
-   (red        '("#ff5d38" "#ff6655" "red"          )) ;; peacock todo 16
-   (orange     '("#cb4b16" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#98be65" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#26a6a6" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  )) ;; peacock
-   (yellow     '("#bcd42a" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       )) ;; peacock, todo 16
-   (blue       '("#51afef" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#2257A0" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#c678dd" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#a9a1e1" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#46D9FF" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#5699AF" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   (coral-popup  '("#a60033" "#f6bfbc" "coral-popup"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      red)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-lighten bg 0.1))
-   (selection      coral-popup)
-   (builtin        red)
-   (comments       (if doom-peacock-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5)) ;; TODO
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-peacock-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25)) ;; TODO
-   (constants      red)        ;; done
-   (functions      yellow)     ;; done
-   (keywords       teal)       ;; done
-   (methods        yellow)     ;; not sure how to test this.
-   (operators      red)        ;; not showing up on `=` etc.
-   (type           white)      ;;
-   (strings        yellow)
-   (variables      white)      ;; done
-   (numbers        red)        ;; done
-   (region         `(,(doom-lighten (car bg-alt) 0.15) ,@(doom-lighten (cdr base0) 0.35)))
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (-modeline-bright doom-peacock-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-peacock-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-peacock-padded-modeline) doom-peacock-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt (doom-blend violet base4 (if -modeline-bright 0.5 0.2)))
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken bg 0.475)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken blue 0.45)
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-peacock-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground base7)
-   ;; tooltip
-   (tooltip              :background bg-alt :foreground fg)
-   ;; company
-    (company-tooltip            :inherit 'tooltip)
-    (company-tooltip-common                           :foreground highlight)
-    (company-tooltip-search     :background highlight :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg)
-    (company-tooltip-selection  :background selection)
-    (company-tooltip-mouse      :background magenta   :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg)
-    (company-tooltip-annotation                       :foreground violet)
-    (company-scrollbar-bg       :inherit 'tooltip)
-    (company-scrollbar-fg       :background highlight)
-    (company-preview                                  :foreground highlight)
-    (company-preview-common     :background base3 :foreground magenta)
-    (company-preview-search     :inherit 'company-tooltip-search)
-    (company-template-field     :inherit 'match)
-   ;; popup
-   (popup-face :inherit 'tooltip)
-   (popup-selection-face :inherit 'tooltip)
-   ;; pos-tip
-   (popup          :inherit 'tooltip)
-   (popup-tip-face :inherit 'tooltip)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05)))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-peacock-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c3392e08fe..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-peacock-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 03fdbfbd8afb..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-solarized-light-theme.el --- inspired by Atom One Dark
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-solarized-light-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-solarized-light-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-solarized-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-solarized-light-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-solarized-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-solarized-light-comment-bg doom-solarized-light-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-solarized-light-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-solarized-light-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-solarized-light-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-solarized-light
-  "A light theme inspired by Solarized light"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#FDF6E3" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#FFFBEA" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#FFFBF0" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#FCF8ED" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#FCF7E8" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#F2E6CE" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#E1DBCD" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#D6D6D6" "#525252" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#96A7A9" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#788484" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#626C6C" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#556b72" "#2d2d2d" "white"        ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#7B8787" "#bfbfbf" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#dc322f" "#ff6655" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#cb4b16" "#dd8844" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#859900" "#99bb66" "green"        ))
-   (teal       '("#35a69c" "#33aa99" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#b58900" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (blue       '("#268bd2" "#51afef" "brightblue"   ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#E1E3E5" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#d33682" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (violet     '("#6c71c4" "#a9a1e1" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#2aa198" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#D7DDD7" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   base4)
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        magenta)
-   (comments       (if doom-solarized-light-brighter-comments
-                       (doom-lighten teal 0.25)
-                     base6))
-   (doc-comments   teal)
-   (constants      violet)
-   (functions      magenta)
-   (keywords       green)
-   (methods        cyan)
-   (operators      blue)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        cyan)
-   (variables      blue)
-   (numbers        violet)
-   (region         `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.1) ,@(doom-darken (cdr base0) 0.1)))
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-solarized-light-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-solarized-light-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-solarized-light-padded-modeline) doom-solarized-light-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt base6)
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-lighten bg 0.7)
-      (doom-lighten base3 0.2)))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-lighten bg 0.7)
-      (doom-darken bg 0.05)))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.02))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l (doom-darken bg 0.025)))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   (hl-line :background nil)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base6)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg :background region :weight 'bold)
-   (org-block :background (doom-blend yellow bg 0.04))
-   (org-block-background :background (doom-blend yellow bg 0.04))
-   (org-block-begin-line :background (doom-blend yellow bg 0.08))
-   (org-block-end-line :background (doom-blend yellow bg 0.08))
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :slant 'italic
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-solarized-light-comment-bg (doom-blend teal base0 0.07)))
-   ((font-lock-doc-face &override) :foreground doc-comments)
-   ((font-lock-type-face &override) :slant 'italic)
-   ((font-lock-builtin-face &override) :slant 'italic)
-   ((font-lock-function-name-face &override) :foreground type)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-lighten base3 0.05))
-   ;; ivy-mode
-   (ivy-current-match :background (doom-lighten yellow 0.65) :distant-foreground fg)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1
-    :foreground comments
-    :weight 'light)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 :foreground magenta :background base3 :weight 'bold)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 :foreground green   :background base3 :weight 'bold)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 :foreground yellow  :background base3 :weight 'bold)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight :foreground violet :weight 'bold)
-   ;; posframe
-   (ivy-posframe :background modeline-bg-l)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden))
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-solarized-light-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e12284bcbf6..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-solarized-light-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f89bc3fb4d7..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-spacegrey-theme.el --- inspired by Atom One Dark
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-spacegrey-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-spacegrey-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-spacegrey-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-spacegrey-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-spacegrey-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-spacegrey-comment-bg doom-spacegrey-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-spacegrey-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-spacegrey-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-spacegrey-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-spacegrey
-  "A dark theme inspired by Atom spacegrey Dark"
-  ;; name        default   256       16
-  ((bg         '("#2F3841" nil       nil            ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#343D46" nil       nil            ))
-   (base0      '("#1B2229" "black"   "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#1c1f24" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#202328" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#2F3237" "#2F3237" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#4f5b66" "#4f5b66" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#65737E" "#65737E" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#73797e" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#9ca0a4" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#DFDFDF" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#c0c5ce" "#c0c5ce" "brightwhite"  ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#c0c5ce" "#c0c5ce" "white"        ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#BF616A" "#BF616A" "red"          ))
-   (orange     '("#D08770" "#D08770" "brightred"    ))
-   (green      '("#A3BE8C" "#A3BE8C" "green"        ))
-   (blue       '("#8FA1B3" "#8FA1B3" "brightblue"   ))
-   (violet     '("#b48ead" "#b48ead" "brightmagenta"))
-   (teal       '("#4db5bd" "#44b9b1" "brightgreen"  ))
-   (yellow     '("#ECBE7B" "#ECBE7B" "yellow"       ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#2257A0" "#2257A0" "blue"         ))
-   (magenta    '("#c678dd" "#c678dd" "magenta"      ))
-   (cyan       '("#46D9FF" "#46D9FF" "brightcyan"   ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#5699AF" "#5699AF" "cyan"         ))
-   ;; face categories -- required for all themes
-   (highlight      orange)
-   (vertical-bar   (doom-darken bg 0.25))
-   (selection      base4)
-   (builtin        orange)
-   (comments       base5)
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten (if doom-spacegrey-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5) 0.25))
-   (constants      orange)
-   (functions      blue)
-   (keywords       violet)
-   (methods        blue)
-   (operators      fg)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      (doom-lighten magenta 0.4))
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         selection)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    orange)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg-alt) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-bright doom-spacegrey-brighter-modeline)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-spacegrey-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-spacegrey-padded-modeline) doom-spacegrey-padded-modeline 4)))
-   ;; --- Modeline config -------------------
-   (modeline-fg     nil)
-   (modeline-fg-alt (doom-blend violet base4 (if -modeline-bright 0.5 0.2)))
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken base3 0.05)
-      base3))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if -modeline-bright
-        (doom-darken base3 0.1)
-      base3))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.05) ,@(cdr base1))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg)
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-spacegrey-comment-bg (doom-lighten bg 0.05)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if -modeline-bright modeline-bg highlight))
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if -modeline-bright base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground fg)
-   (css-selector             :foreground red)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-markup-face :foreground base5)
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   (markdown-code-face :background (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-block            :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.04))
-   (org-block-begin-line :foreground base4 :slant 'italic :background (doom-darken bg 0.04))
-   (org-level-1 :foreground fg   :weight 'ultra-bold :inherit 'hl-line :height 1.2)
-   (org-level-2 :foreground (doom-blend fg blue 0.35) :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-3 :foreground (doom-blend fg blue 0.7)  :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-4 :foreground blue       :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-5 :foreground (doom-blend magenta blue 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-6 :foreground (doom-blend magenta blue 0.4) :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-7 :foreground (doom-blend magenta blue 0.6) :weight 'bold)
-   (org-level-8 :foreground fg :weight 'semi-bold)
-   (org-ellipsis         :underline nil :background bg    :foreground red)
-   (org-quote            :background base1)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden)
-   )
-  ;; --- extra variables ---------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-spacegrey-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index a2cfb2d8f52c..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-spacegrey-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-autoloads.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-autoloads.el
deleted file mode 100644
index b411bdbc1d23..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-autoloads.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Code:
-(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
-;;;### (autoloads nil "doom-themes" "doom-themes.el" (23377 61285
-;;;;;;  465453 628000))
-;;; Generated autoloads from doom-themes.el
-(autoload 'doom-name-to-rgb "doom-themes" "\
-Retrieves the hexidecimal string repesented the named COLOR (e.g. \"red\")
-for FRAME (defaults to the current frame).
-\(fn COLOR &optional FRAME)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-blend "doom-themes" "\
-Blend two colors (hexidecimal strings) together by a coefficient ALPHA (a
-float between 0 and 1)
-\(fn COLOR1 COLOR2 ALPHA)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-darken "doom-themes" "\
-Darken a COLOR (a hexidecimal string) by a coefficient ALPHA (a float between
-0 and 1).
-\(fn COLOR ALPHA)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-lighten "doom-themes" "\
-Brighten a COLOR (a hexidecimal string) by a coefficient ALPHA (a float
-between 0 and 1).
-\(fn COLOR ALPHA)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-color "doom-themes" "\
-Retrieve a specific color named NAME (a symbol) from the current theme.
-\(fn NAME &optional TYPE)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-ref "doom-themes" "\
-\(fn FACE PROP &optional CLASS)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-set-faces "doom-themes" "\
-Customize THEME (a symbol) with FACES.
-\(fn THEME &rest FACES)" nil t)
-(function-put 'doom-themes-set-faces 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-org-config "doom-themes" "\
-Enable custom fontification and improves doom-themes integration with org-mode.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-neotree-config "doom-themes" "\
-Install doom-themes' neotree configuration.
-Includes an Atom-esque icon theme and highlighting based on filetype.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-treemacs-config "doom-themes" "\
-Install doom-themes' treemacs configuration.
-Includes an Atom-esque icon theme and highlighting based on filetype.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-visual-bell-config "doom-themes" "\
-Enable flashing the mode-line on error.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'doom-themes-visual-bell-fn "doom-themes" "\
-Blink the mode-line red briefly. Set `ring-bell-function' to this to use it.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) load-file-name) (let* ((base (file-name-directory load-file-name)) (dir (expand-file-name "themes/" base))) (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (or (and (file-directory-p dir) dir) base))))
-;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("doom-challenger-deep-theme.el" "doom-city-lights-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-dracula-theme.el" "doom-molokai-theme.el" "doom-nord-light-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-nord-theme.el" "doom-nova-theme.el" "doom-one-light-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-one-theme.el" "doom-opera-light-theme.el" "doom-opera-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-peacock-theme.el" "doom-solarized-light-theme.el" "doom-spacegrey-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-themes-common.el" "doom-themes-neotree.el" "doom-themes-org.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-themes-pkg.el" "doom-themes-treemacs.el" "doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el"
-;;;;;;  "doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el" "doom-vibrant-theme.el") (23377
-;;;;;;  61285 492218 786000))
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; End:
-;;; doom-themes-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.el
deleted file mode 100644
index e91518fc1ad2..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1377 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes-common.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(defvar doom-themes-common-faces
-  '(;; --- custom faces -----------------------
-    (doom-modeline-error
-     :background (doom-darken red 0.25)
-     :foreground base0
-     :distant-foreground base0)
-    ;; --- base faces -------------------------
-    (bold        :weight 'bold :foreground (unless bold base8))
-    (italic      :slant  'italic)
-    (bold-italic :inherit '(bold italic))
-    (default :background bg :foreground fg)
-    (fringe :inherit 'default :foreground base4)
-    (region               :background region     :foreground nil   :distant-foreground (doom-darken fg 0.2))
-    (highlight            :background highlight  :foreground base0 :distant-foreground base8)
-    (cursor               :background highlight)
-    (shadow               :foreground base5)
-    (minibuffer-prompt    :foreground highlight)
-    (tooltip              :background base3 :foreground fg)
-    (secondary-selection  :background grey)
-    (lazy-highlight       :background dark-blue  :foreground base8 :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (match                :foreground green      :background base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (trailing-whitespace  :background red)
-    (nobreak-space        :inherit 'default :underline nil)
-    (vertical-border      :background vertical-bar :foreground vertical-bar)
-    (link                 :foreground highlight :underline t :weight 'bold)
-    (error   :foreground error)
-    (warning :foreground warning)
-    (success :foreground success)
-    (font-lock-builtin-face              :foreground builtin)
-    (font-lock-comment-face              :foreground comments)
-    (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
-    (font-lock-doc-face                  :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :foreground doc-comments)
-    (font-lock-constant-face             :foreground constants)
-    (font-lock-function-name-face        :foreground functions)
-    (font-lock-keyword-face              :foreground keywords)
-    (font-lock-string-face               :foreground strings)
-    (font-lock-type-face                 :foreground type)
-    (font-lock-variable-name-face        :foreground variables)
-    (font-lock-warning-face              :inherit 'warning)
-    (font-lock-negation-char-face        :inherit 'bold :foreground operators)
-    (font-lock-preprocessor-face         :inherit 'bold :foreground operators)
-    (font-lock-preprocessor-char-face    :inherit 'bold :foreground operators)
-    (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash :inherit 'bold :foreground operators)
-    (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct :inherit 'bold :foreground operators)
-    ;; mode-line / header-line
-    (mode-line           :background bg     :foreground fg     :distant-foreground bg)
-    (mode-line-inactive  :background bg-alt :foreground fg-alt :distant-foreground bg-alt)
-    (mode-line-emphasis  :foreground highlight :distant-foreground bg)
-    (mode-line-highlight :inherit 'highlight :distant-foreground bg)
-    (mode-line-buffer-id :weight 'bold)
-    (header-line :inherit 'mode-line :distant-foreground bg)
-    ;; 1. Line number faces must explicitly disable its text style attributes
-    ;;    because nearby faces may "bleed" into the line numbers otherwise.
-    ;; 2. All other line number plugin faces should &inherit from these.
-    (line-number
-     :inherit 'default
-     :foreground base5 :distant-foreground nil
-     :weight 'normal :italic nil :underline nil :strike-through nil)
-    (line-number-current-line
-     :inherit '(hl-line default)
-     :foreground fg :distant-foreground nil
-     :weight 'normal :italic nil :underline nil :strike-through nil)
-    ;; --- built-in plugin faces --------------
-    ;; cperl
-    (cperl-array-face          :weight 'bold :inherit 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
-    (cperl-hash-face           :weight 'bold :slant 'italic :inherit 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
-    (cperl-nonoverridable-face :inherit 'font-lock-builtin-face)
-    ;; compilation
-    (compilation-column-number  :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
-    (compilation-line-number    :foreground highlight)
-    (compilation-error   :inherit 'error   :weight 'bold)
-    (compilation-warning :inherit 'warning :slant 'italic)
-    (compilation-info    :inherit 'success)
-    (compilation-mode-line-exit :inherit 'compilation-info)
-    (compilation-mode-line-fail :inherit 'compilation-error)
-    ;; custom
-    (custom-button                  :foreground blue   :background bg     :box '(:line-width 1 :style none))
-    (custom-button-unraised         :foreground violet :background bg     :box '(:line-width 1 :style none))
-    (custom-button-pressed-unraised :foreground bg     :background violet :box '(:line-width 1 :style none))
-    (custom-button-pressed          :foreground bg     :background blue   :box '(:line-width 1 :style none))
-    (custom-button-mouse            :foreground bg     :background blue   :box '(:line-width 1 :style none))
-    (custom-variable-button   :foreground green :underline t)
-    (custom-saved             :foreground green :background (doom-blend green bg 0.2) :bold bold)
-    (custom-comment           :foreground fg :background region)
-    (custom-comment-tag       :foreground grey)
-    (custom-modified          :foreground blue :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.2))
-    (custom-variable-tag      :foreground magenta)
-    (custom-visibility        :foreground blue :underline nil)
-    (custom-group-subtitle    :foreground red)
-    (custom-group-tag         :foreground violet)
-    (custom-group-tag-1       :foreground blue)
-    (custom-set               :foreground yellow :background bg)
-    (custom-themed            :foreground yellow :background bg)
-    (custom-invalid           :foreground red :background (doom-blend red bg 0.2))
-    (custom-variable-obsolete :foreground grey :background bg)
-    (custom-state             :foreground green :background (doom-blend green bg 0.2))
-    (custom-changed           :foreground blue :background bg)
-    ;; dired
-    (dired-directory  :foreground builtin)
-    (dired-ignored    :foreground comments)
-    (dired-flagged    :foreground red)
-    (dired-header     :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (dired-mark       :foreground orange :weight 'bold)
-    (dired-marked     :foreground magenta :weight 'bold)
-    (dired-perm-write :foreground fg :underline t)
-    (dired-symlink    :foreground cyan :weight 'bold)
-    (dired-warning    :foreground warning)
-    ;; ediff
-    (ediff-fine-diff-A    :background (doom-blend selection bg 0.7) :weight 'bold)
-    (ediff-fine-diff-B    :inherit 'ediff-fine-diff-A)
-    (ediff-fine-diff-C    :inherit 'ediff-fine-diff-A)
-    (ediff-current-diff-A :background (doom-blend selection bg 0.3))
-    (ediff-current-diff-B :inherit 'ediff-current-diff-A)
-    (ediff-current-diff-C :inherit 'ediff-current-diff-A)
-    (ediff-even-diff-A    :inherit 'hl-line)
-    (ediff-even-diff-B    :inherit 'ediff-even-diff-A)
-    (ediff-even-diff-C    :inherit 'ediff-even-diff-A)
-    (ediff-odd-diff-A     :inherit 'ediff-even-diff-A)
-    (ediff-odd-diff-B     :inherit 'ediff-odd-diff-A)
-    (ediff-odd-diff-C     :inherit 'ediff-odd-diff-A)
-    ;; elfeed
-    (elfeed-log-debug-level-face :foreground comments)
-    (elfeed-log-error-level-face :inherit 'error)
-    (elfeed-log-info-level-face  :inherit 'success)
-    (elfeed-log-warn-level-face  :inherit 'warning)
-    (elfeed-search-date-face     :foreground violet)
-    (elfeed-search-feed-face     :foreground blue)
-    (elfeed-search-tag-face      :foreground comments)
-    (elfeed-search-title-face    :foreground comments)
-    (elfeed-search-filter-face   :foreground violet)
-    (elfeed-search-unread-count-face :foreground yellow)
-    (elfeed-search-unread-title-face :foreground fg :weight 'bold)
-    ;; eshell
-    (eshell-prompt        :foreground highlight :weight 'bold)
-    (eshell-ls-archive    :foreground magenta)
-    (eshell-ls-backup     :foreground yellow)
-    (eshell-ls-clutter    :foreground red)
-    (eshell-ls-directory  :foreground blue)
-    (eshell-ls-executable :foreground green)
-    (eshell-ls-missing    :foreground red)
-    (eshell-ls-product    :foreground orange)
-    (eshell-ls-readonly   :foreground orange)
-    (eshell-ls-special    :foreground violet)
-    (eshell-ls-symlink    :foreground cyan)
-    (eshell-ls-unreadable :foreground base5)
-    ;; flx-ido
-    (flx-highlight-face :weight 'bold :foreground yellow :underline nil)
-    ;; hl-line
-    (hl-line :background bg-alt)
-    ;; ido
-    (ido-first-match :foreground orange)
-    (ido-indicator   :foreground red :background bg)
-    (ido-only-match  :foreground green)
-    (ido-subdir      :foreground violet)
-    (ido-virtual     :foreground comments)
-    ;; isearch
-    (isearch :background highlight :foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    ;; linum
-    ((linum &inherit line-number))
-    ;; message
-    (message-header-name       :foreground green)
-    (message-header-subject    :foreground highlight :weight 'bold)
-    (message-header-to         :foreground highlight :weight 'bold)
-    (message-header-cc         :inherit 'message-header-to :foreground (doom-darken highlight 0.15))
-    (message-header-other      :foreground violet)
-    (message-header-newsgroups :foreground yellow)
-    (message-header-xheader    :foreground doc-comments)
-    (message-separator         :foreground comments)
-    (message-mml               :foreground comments :slant 'italic)
-    (message-cited-text        :foreground magenta)
-    ;; term
-    (term               :foreground fg)
-    (term-bold          :weight 'bold)
-    (term-color-black   :background base0   :foreground base0)
-    (term-color-red     :background red     :foreground red)
-    (term-color-green   :background green   :foreground green)
-    (term-color-yellow  :background yellow  :foreground yellow)
-    (term-color-blue    :background blue    :foreground blue)
-    (term-color-magenta :background magenta :foreground magenta)
-    (term-color-cyan    :background cyan    :foreground cyan)
-    (term-color-white   :background base8   :foreground base8)
-    ;; window-divider
-    (window-divider :inherit 'vertical-border)
-    (window-divider-first-pixel :inherit 'window-divider)
-    (window-divider-last-pixel  :inherit 'window-divider)
-    ;; --- plugin faces -----------------------
-    ;; all-the-icons
-    (all-the-icons-red      :foreground red)
-    (all-the-icons-lred     :foreground (doom-lighten red 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dred     :foreground (doom-darken red 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-green    :foreground green)
-    (all-the-icons-lgreen   :foreground (doom-lighten green 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dgreen   :foreground (doom-darken green 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-yellow   :foreground yellow)
-    (all-the-icons-lyellow  :foreground (doom-lighten yellow 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dyellow  :foreground (doom-darken yellow 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-blue     :foreground blue)
-    (all-the-icons-blue-alt :foreground teal)
-    (all-the-icons-lblue    :foreground (doom-lighten blue 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dblue    :foreground dark-blue)
-    (all-the-icons-maroon   :foreground magenta)
-    (all-the-icons-lmaroon  :foreground (doom-lighten magenta 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dmaroon  :foreground (doom-darken magenta 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-purple   :foreground violet)
-    (all-the-icons-lpurple  :foreground (doom-lighten violet 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dpurple  :foreground (doom-darken violet 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-cyan     :foreground cyan)
-    (all-the-icons-cyan-alt :foreground cyan)
-    (all-the-icons-lcyan    :foreground (doom-lighten cyan 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dcyan    :foreground dark-cyan)
-    (all-the-icons-pink     :foreground (doom-lighten red 0.35))
-    (all-the-icons-lpink    :foreground (doom-lighten red 0.55))
-    (all-the-icons-dpink    :foreground red)
-    (all-the-icons-silver   :foreground grey)
-    (all-the-icons-lsilver  :foreground (doom-lighten grey 0.3))
-    (all-the-icons-dsilver  :foreground (doom-darken grey 0.3))
-    ;; avy
-    (avy-background-face :foreground comments)
-    (avy-lead-face :background highlight :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg :weight 'bold)
-    (avy-lead-face-0
-     (&all   :inherit 'avy-lead-face)
-     (&dark  :background (doom-lighten highlight 0.3))
-     (&light :background (doom-darken highlight 0.3)))
-    (avy-lead-face-1
-     (&all   :inherit 'avy-lead-face)
-     (&dark  :background (doom-lighten highlight 0.6))
-     (&light :background (doom-darken highlight 0.6)))
-    (avy-lead-face-2
-     (&all   :inherit 'avy-lead-face)
-     (&dark  :background (doom-lighten highlight 0.9))
-     (&light :background (doom-darken highlight 0.9)))
-    ;; bookmark+
-    (bmkp-*-mark :foreground bg :background yellow)
-    (bmkp->-mark :foreground yellow)
-    (bmkp-D-mark :foreground bg :background red)
-    (bmkp-X-mark :foreground red)
-    (bmkp-a-mark :background red)
-    (bmkp-bad-bookmark :foreground bg :background yellow)
-    (bmkp-bookmark-file :foreground violet :background bg-alt)
-    (bmkp-bookmark-list :background bg-alt)
-    (bmkp-buffer :foreground blue)
-    (bmkp-desktop :foreground bg :background violet)
-    (bmkp-file-handler :background red)
-    (bmkp-function :foreground green)
-    (bmkp-gnus :foreground orange)
-    (bmkp-heading :foreground yellow)
-    (bmkp-info :foreground cyan)
-    (bmkp-light-autonamed :foreground bg-alt :background cyan)
-    (bmkp-light-autonamed-region :foreground bg-alt :background red)
-    (bmkp-light-fringe-autonamed :foreground bg-alt :background violet)
-    (bmkp-light-fringe-non-autonamed :foreground bg-alt :background green)
-    (bmkp-light-mark :foreground bg :background cyan)
-    (bmkp-light-non-autonamed :foreground bg :background violet)
-    (bmkp-light-non-autonamed-region :foreground bg :background red)
-    (bmkp-local-directory :foreground bg :background violet)
-    (bmkp-local-file-with-region :foreground yellow)
-    (bmkp-local-file-without-region :foreground comments)
-    (bmkp-man :foreground violet)
-    (bmkp-no-jump :foreground comments)
-    (bmkp-no-local :foreground yellow)
-    (bmkp-non-file :foreground green)
-    (bmkp-remote-file :foreground orange)
-    (bmkp-sequence :foreground blue)
-    (bmkp-su-or-sudo :foreground red)
-    (bmkp-t-mark :foreground violet)
-    (bmkp-url :foreground blue :underline t)
-    (bmkp-variable-list :foreground green)
-    ;; calfw
-    (cfw:face-title              :foreground blue                     :weight 'bold :height 2.0 :inherit 'variable-pitch)
-    (cfw:face-header             :foreground (doom-blend blue bg 0.8) :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-sunday             :foreground (doom-blend red bg 0.8)  :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-saturday           :foreground (doom-blend red bg 0.8)  :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-holiday            :foreground nil :background bg-alt   :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-grid               :foreground vertical-bar)
-    (cfw:face-periods            :foreground yellow)
-    (cfw:face-toolbar            :foreground nil :background nil)
-    (cfw:face-toolbar-button-off :foreground base6                    :weight 'bold             :inherit 'variable-pitch)
-    (cfw:face-toolbar-button-on  :foreground blue                     :weight 'bold             :inherit 'variable-pitch)
-    (cfw:face-default-content    :foreground fg)
-    (cfw:face-day-title          :foreground fg                       :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-today-title        :foreground bg  :background blue     :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-default-day                                             :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-today              :foreground nil :background nil      :weight 'bold)
-    (cfw:face-annotation         :foreground violet)
-    (cfw:face-disable            :foreground grey)
-    (cfw:face-select             :background region)
-    ;; company
-    (company-tooltip            :inherit 'tooltip)
-    (company-tooltip-common                           :foreground highlight :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (company-tooltip-search     :background highlight :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg :weight 'bold)
-    (company-tooltip-search-selection :background (doom-darken selection 0.25))
-    (company-tooltip-selection  :background selection :weight 'bold)
-    (company-tooltip-mouse      :background magenta   :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg)
-    (company-tooltip-annotation                       :foreground violet :distant-foreground bg)
-    (company-scrollbar-bg       :inherit 'tooltip)
-    (company-scrollbar-fg       :background highlight)
-    (company-preview                              :foreground comments)
-    (company-preview-common     :background base3 :foreground highlight)
-    (company-preview-search     :inherit 'company-tooltip-search)
-    (company-template-field     :inherit 'match)
-    ;; company-box
-    (company-box-candidate :foreground fg)
-    ;; circe
-    (circe-fool :foreground doc-comments)
-    (circe-highlight-nick-face :weight 'bold :foreground constants)
-    (circe-prompt-face :weight 'bold :foreground highlight)
-    (circe-server-face :foreground comments)
-    (circe-my-message-face :weight 'bold)
-    ;; diff-hl
-    (diff-hl-change :foreground vc-modified)
-    (diff-hl-delete :foreground vc-deleted)
-    (diff-hl-insert :foreground vc-added)
-    ;; diff-mode
-    (diff-added   :inherit 'hl-line :foreground green)
-    (diff-changed :foreground violet)
-    (diff-context
-     (&dark  :foreground (doom-darken fg 0.12))
-     (&light :foreground (doom-lighten fg 0.12)))
-    (diff-removed :foreground red :background base3)
-    (diff-header  :foreground cyan :background nil)
-    (diff-file-header :foreground blue :background nil)
-    (diff-hunk-header :foreground violet)
-    (diff-refine-added   :inherit 'diff-added :inverse-video t)
-    (diff-refine-changed :inherit 'diff-changed :inverse-video t)
-    (diff-refine-removed :inherit 'diff-removed :inverse-video t)
-    ;; dired+
-    (diredp-file-name              :foreground base8)
-    (diredp-dir-name               :foreground base8 :weight 'bold)
-    (diredp-ignored-file-name      :foreground base5)
-    (diredp-compressed-file-suffix :foreground base5)
-    (diredp-symlink                :foreground violet)
-    (diredp-dir-heading            :foreground blue  :weight 'bold)
-    (diredp-file-suffix            :foreground violet)
-    (diredp-read-priv              :foreground magenta)
-    (diredp-write-priv             :foreground green)
-    (diredp-exec-priv              :foreground yellow)
-    (diredp-rare-priv              :foreground red   :weight 'bold)
-    (diredp-dir-priv               :foreground blue  :weight 'bold)
-    (diredp-no-priv                :foreground base5)
-    (diredp-number                 :foreground magenta)
-    (diredp-date-time              :foreground blue)
-    ;; dired-k
-    (dired-k-directory :foreground blue)
-    ;; dired-subtree
-    (dired-subtree-depth-1-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.02))
-    (dired-subtree-depth-2-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.04))
-    (dired-subtree-depth-3-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.06))
-    (dired-subtree-depth-4-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.08))
-    (dired-subtree-depth-5-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.10))
-    (dired-subtree-depth-6-face :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.12))
-    ;; diredfl
-    (diredfl-autofile-name          :foreground base4 :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-compressed-file-name   :foreground yellow :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-compressed-file-suffix :foreground (doom-blend orange bg-alt 0.6) :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-date-time              :foreground cyan :background bg-alt :weight 'light)
-    (diredfl-deletion               :foreground red :background (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-    (diredfl-deletion-file-name     :foreground red :background (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.2))
-    (diredfl-dir-heading            :foreground blue :background bg-alt :weight 'bold)
-    (diredfl-dir-name               :foreground blue :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-dir-priv               :foreground blue :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-exec-priv              :foreground green :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-executable-tag         :foreground green :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-file-name              :foreground fg :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-file-suffix            :foreground (doom-blend fg bg-alt 0.6) :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-flag-mark              :foreground yellow :background (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-    (diredfl-flag-mark-line         :background (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.1))
-    (diredfl-ignored-file-name      :foreground comments :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-link-priv              :foreground violet :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-no-priv                :foreground fg :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-number                 :foreground orange :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-other-priv             :foreground magenta :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-rare-priv              :foreground fg :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-read-priv              :foreground yellow :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-symlink                :foreground violet :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-tagged-autofile-name   :foreground base5 :background bg-alt)
-    (diredfl-write-priv             :foreground red :background bg-alt)
-    ;; elscreen
-    (elscreen-tab-background-face     :background bg)
-    (elscreen-tab-control-face        :background bg     :foreground bg)
-    (elscreen-tab-current-screen-face :background bg-alt :foreground fg)
-    (elscreen-tab-other-screen-face   :background bg     :foreground fg-alt)
-    ;; erc
-    (erc-button :weight 'bold :underline t)
-    (erc-default-face :inherit 'default)
-    (erc-action-face  :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-command-indicator-face :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-direct-msg-face :foreground magenta)
-    (erc-error-face :inherit 'error)
-    (erc-header-line :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.15) :foreground highlight)
-    (erc-input-face :foreground green)
-    (erc-current-nick-face :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-timestamp-face :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-nick-default-face :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-nick-msg-face :foreground magenta)
-    (erc-nick-prefix-face :inherit 'erc-nick-default-face)
-    (erc-my-nick-face :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (erc-my-nick-prefix-face :inherit 'erc-my-nick-face)
-    (erc-notice-face :foreground comments)
-    (erc-prompt-face :foreground highlight :weight 'bold)
-    ;; evil
-    (evil-ex-info                   :foreground error :slant 'italic)
-    (evil-ex-substitute-matches     :background base0 :foreground red   :strike-through t :weight 'bold)
-    (evil-ex-substitute-replacement :background base0 :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face :inherit 'lazy-highlight)
-    ;; evil-mc
-    (evil-mc-cursor-default-face :background magenta :foreground base0 :inverse-video nil)
-    (evil-mc-region-face :inherit 'region)
-    (evil-mc-cursor-bar-face :height 1 :background magenta :foreground base0)
-    (evil-mc-cursor-hbar-face :underline `(:color ,highlight))
-    ;; evil-snipe
-    (evil-snipe-first-match-face :foreground highlight :background dark-blue :weight 'bold)
-    (evil-snipe-matches-face     :foreground highlight :underline t :weight 'bold)
-    ;; evil-googles
-    (evil-goggles-default-face :inherit 'region)
-    ;; flycheck
-    (flycheck-error     :underline `(:style wave :color ,red))
-    (flycheck-warning   :underline `(:style wave :color ,yellow))
-    (flycheck-info      :underline `(:style wave :color ,green))
-    ;; flycheck-posframe
-    (flycheck-posframe-face :inherit 'default)
-    (flycheck-posframe-background-face :background bg-alt)
-    (flycheck-posframe-error-face   :inherit 'flycheck-posframe-face :foreground error)
-    (flycheck-posframe-info-face    :inherit 'flycheck-posframe-face :foreground fg)
-    (flycheck-posframe-warning-face :inherit 'flycheck-posframe-face :foreground warning)
-    ;; flymake
-    (flymake-error   :underline `(:style wave :color ,red))
-    (flymake-note    :underline `(:style wave :color ,green))
-    (flymake-warning :underline `(:style wave :color ,orange))
-    ;; flyspell
-    (flyspell-incorrect :underline `(:style wave :color ,error) :inherit 'unspecified)
-    ;; git-commit
-    (git-commit-summary :foreground strings)
-    (git-commit-overlong-summary :inherit 'error :background base0 :slant 'italic :weight 'bold)
-    (git-commit-nonempty-second-line :inherit 'git-commit-overlong-summary)
-    (git-commit-note :foreground cyan :slant 'italic)
-    (git-commit-pseudo-header :foreground doc-comments :slant 'italic)
-    (git-commit-known-pseudo-header :foreground doc-comments :weight 'bold :slant 'italic)
-    (git-commit-comment-branch-local :foreground magenta)
-    (git-commit-comment-branch-remote :foreground green)
-    (git-commit-comment-detached :foreground orange)
-    (git-commit-comment-heading :foreground keywords)
-    (git-commit-comment-file :foreground violet)
-    (git-commit-comment-action)
-    ;; git-gutter
-    (git-gutter:modified :foreground vc-modified)
-    (git-gutter:added    :foreground vc-added)
-    (git-gutter:deleted  :foreground vc-deleted)
-    ;; git-gutter+
-    (git-gutter+-modified :foreground vc-modified :background nil)
-    (git-gutter+-added    :foreground vc-added :background nil)
-    (git-gutter+-deleted  :foreground vc-deleted :background nil)
-    ;; git-gutter-fringe
-    ((git-gutter-fr:modified &inherit git-gutter:modified))
-    ((git-gutter-fr:added    &inherit git-gutter:added))
-    ((git-gutter-fr:deleted  &inherit git-gutter:deleted))
-    ;; gnus
-    (gnus-group-mail-1           :weight 'bold :foreground fg)
-    (gnus-group-mail-2           :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1)
-    (gnus-group-mail-3           :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1)
-    (gnus-group-mail-1-empty     :foreground base5)
-    (gnus-group-mail-2-empty     :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-mail-3-empty     :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-1           :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-2           :inherit 'gnus-group-news-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-3           :inherit 'gnus-group-news-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-4           :inherit 'gnus-group-news-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-5           :inherit 'gnus-group-news-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-6           :inherit 'gnus-group-news-1)
-    (gnus-group-news-1-empty     :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-2-empty     :inherit 'gnus-groupnews-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-3-empty     :inherit 'gnus-groupnews-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-4-empty     :inherit 'gnus-groupnews-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-5-empty     :inherit 'gnus-groupnews-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-6-empty     :inherit 'gnus-groupnews-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-mail-low         :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1 :weight 'normal)
-    (gnus-group-mail-low-empty   :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1-empty)
-    (gnus-group-news-low         :inherit 'gnus-group-mail-1 :foreground base5)
-    (gnus-group-news-low-empty   :inherit 'gnus-group-news-low :weight 'normal)
-    (gnus-header-content         :inherit 'message-header-other)
-    (gnus-header-from            :inherit 'message-header-other)
-    (gnus-header-name            :inherit 'message-header-name)
-    (gnus-header-newsgroups      :inherit 'message-header-other)
-    (gnus-header-subject         :inherit 'message-header-subject)
-    (gnus-summary-cancelled      :foreground red :strike-through t)
-    (gnus-summary-high-ancient   :foreground (doom-lighten base5 0.2) :inherit 'italic)
-    (gnus-summary-high-read      :foreground (doom-lighten fg 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-high-ticked    :foreground (doom-lighten magenta 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-high-unread    :foreground (doom-lighten green 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-low-ancient    :foreground (doom-darken base5 0.2) :inherit 'italic)
-    (gnus-summary-low-read       :foreground (doom-darken fg 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-low-ticked     :foreground (doom-darken magenta 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-low-unread     :foreground (doom-darken green 0.2))
-    (gnus-summary-normal-ancient :foreground base5 :inherit 'italic)
-    (gnus-summary-normal-read    :foreground fg)
-    (gnus-summary-normal-ticked  :foreground magenta)
-    (gnus-summary-normal-unread  :foreground green :inherit 'bold)
-    (gnus-summary-selected       :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (gnus-cite-1                 :foreground violet)
-    (gnus-cite-2                 :foreground violet)
-    (gnus-cite-3                 :foreground violet)
-    (gnus-cite-4                 :foreground green)
-    (gnus-cite-5                 :foreground green)
-    (gnus-cite-6                 :foreground green)
-    (gnus-cite-7                 :foreground magenta)
-    (gnus-cite-8                 :foreground magenta)
-    (gnus-cite-9                 :foreground magenta)
-    (gnus-cite-10                :foreground yellow)
-    (gnus-cite-11                :foreground yellow)
-    (gnus-signature              :foreground yellow)
-    (gnus-x-face                 :background base5 :foreground fg)
-    ;; helm
-    (helm-selection
-     (&all :inherit 'bold :background selection)
-     (&dark  :distant-foreground highlight)
-     (&light :distant-foreground base0))
-    (helm-match :foreground highlight :distant-foreground base8 :underline t)
-    (helm-source-header          :background base2 :foreground base5)
-    (helm-swoop-target-line-face :foreground highlight :inverse-video t)
-    (helm-visible-mark           :inherit '(bold highlight))
-    (helm-ff-file                :foreground fg)
-    (helm-ff-prefix              :foreground keywords)
-    (helm-ff-dotted-directory    :foreground grey)
-    (helm-ff-directory           :foreground variables)
-    (helm-ff-executable          :foreground base8 :inherit 'italic)
-    (helm-grep-match             :foreground highlight :distant-foreground red)
-    (helm-grep-file              :foreground methods)
-    (helm-grep-lineno            :foreground base5)
-    (helm-grep-finish            :foreground green)
-    (helm-swoop-target-line-face       :foreground highlight :inverse-video t)
-    (helm-swoop-target-line-block-face :foreground yellow)
-    (helm-swoop-target-word-face       :foreground green :inherit 'bold)
-    (helm-swoop-target-number-face     :foreground base5)
-    ;; helpful
-    (helpful-heading :weight 'bold :height 1.2)
-    ;; hideshow
-    (+doom-folded-face :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-                       :weight 'light
-                       :background (doom-darken bg 0.125))
-    ;; highlight-indentation-mode
-    (highlight-indentation-face                :inherit 'hl-line)
-    (highlight-indentation-current-column-face :background base1)
-    (highlight-indentation-guides-odd-face     :inherit 'highlight-indentation-face)
-    (highlight-indentation-guides-even-face    :inherit 'highlight-indentation-face)
-    ;; highlight-quoted-mode
-    (highlight-quoted-symbol :foreground type)
-    (highlight-quoted-quote  :foreground operators)
-    ;; highlight-numbers-mode
-    (highlight-numbers-number :inherit 'bold :foreground numbers)
-    ;; hlinum
-    (linum-highlight-face :foreground fg :distant-foreground nil :weight 'normal)
-    ;; hl-todo
-    (hl-todo :foreground red :weight 'bold)
-    ;; hydra
-    (hydra-face-red      :foreground red     :weight 'bold)
-    (hydra-face-blue     :foreground blue    :weight 'bold)
-    (hydra-face-amaranth :foreground magenta :weight 'bold)
-    (hydra-face-pink     :foreground violet  :weight 'bold)
-    (hydra-face-teal     :foreground teal    :weight 'bold)
-    ;; iedit
-    (iedit-occurrence :foreground magenta :weight 'bold :inverse-video t)
-    (iedit-read-only-occurrence :inherit 'region)
-    ;; imenu-list
-    ;; (imenu-list-entry-face)
-    (imenu-list-entry-face-0 :foreground highlight)
-    (imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-0 :inherit 'imenu-list-entry-face-0 :weight 'bold)
-    (imenu-list-entry-face-1 :foreground green)
-    (imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-1 :inherit 'imenu-list-entry-face-1 :weight 'bold)
-    (imenu-list-entry-face-2 :foreground yellow)
-    (imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-2 :inherit 'imenu-list-entry-face-2 :weight 'bold)
-    ;; indent-guide
-    ((indent-guide-face &inherit highlight-indentation-face))
-    ;; ivy
-    (ivy-current-match :background region :distant-foreground nil)
-    (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1
-     :background nil
-     :foreground (doom-lighten grey 0.14)
-     :weight 'light)
-    (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2
-     :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1
-     :foreground magenta :background base1 :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3
-     :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2
-     :foreground green :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4
-     :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2
-     :foreground yellow :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight :foreground violet)
-    (ivy-highlight-face :foreground violet)
-    (ivy-confirm-face :foreground success)
-    (ivy-match-required-face :foreground error)
-    (ivy-virtual :inherit 'italic :foreground doc-comments)
-    (ivy-modified-buffer :inherit 'bold :foreground vc-modified)
-    ;; ivy-posframe
-    (ivy-posframe :background (doom-darken bg-alt 0.2))
-    ;; jabber
-    (jabber-activity-face          :foreground red   :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-activity-personal-face :foreground blue  :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-chat-error             :foreground red   :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-chat-prompt-foreign    :foreground red   :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-chat-prompt-local      :foreground blue  :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-chat-prompt-system     :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-chat-text-foreign      :foreground fg)
-    (jabber-chat-text-local        :foreground fg)
-    (jabber-rare-time-face         :foreground green)
-    (jabber-roster-user-away       :foreground yellow)
-    (jabber-roster-user-chatty     :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-roster-user-dnd        :foreground red)
-    (jabber-roster-user-error      :foreground red)
-    (jabber-roster-user-offline    :foreground fg)
-    (jabber-roster-user-online     :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (jabber-roster-user-xa         :foreground cyan)
-    ;; linum-relative
-    ((linum-relative-current-face &inherit line-number-current-line))
-    ;; lui
-    (lui-time-stamp-face :foreground violet)
-    (lui-highlight-face :foreground highlight)
-    (lui-button-face :foreground builtin :underline t)
-    ;; multiple cursors
-    (mc/cursor-face :inherit 'cursor)
-    ;; nav-flash
-    (nav-flash-face :background selection :foreground base8 :weight 'bold)
-    ;; neotree
-    (neo-root-dir-face   :foreground strings :background bg :box `(:line-width 4 :color ,bg))
-    (neo-file-link-face  :foreground fg)
-    (neo-dir-link-face   :foreground highlight)
-    (neo-expand-btn-face :foreground highlight)
-    (neo-vc-edited-face  :foreground yellow)
-    (neo-vc-added-face   :foreground green)
-    (neo-vc-removed-face :foreground red :strike-through t)
-    (neo-vc-conflict-face :foreground magenta :weight 'bold)
-    (neo-vc-ignored-face  :foreground comments)
-    (doom-neotree-dir-face :foreground highlight)
-    (doom-neotree-file-face :foreground base8)
-    (doom-neotree-hidden-file-face :foreground comments)
-    (doom-neotree-text-file-face :foreground fg)
-    (doom-neotree-data-file-face :foreground violet)
-    (doom-neotree-media-file-face :inherit 'doom-neotree-hidden-file-face)
-    ;; nlinum
-    ((nlinum-current-line &inherit line-number-current-line))
-    ;; nlinum-hl
-    ((nlinum-hl-face &inherit line-number-current-line))
-    ;; nlinum-relative
-    ((nlinum-relative-current-face &inherit line-number-current-line))
-    ;; lsp
-    ;; TODO Add light versions
-    (lsp-face-highlight-textual :background dark-blue :foreground base8 :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (lsp-face-highlight-read    :background dark-blue :foreground base8 :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (lsp-face-highlight-write   :background dark-blue :foreground base8 :distant-foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (lsp-ui-peek-filename :inherit 'doom-modeline-buffer-file)
-    (lsp-ui-peek-header :foreground fg :background (doom-lighten bg 0.1) :bold bold)
-    (lsp-ui-peek-selection :foreground bg :background blue :bold bold)
-    (lsp-ui-peek-list :background (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-    (lsp-ui-peek-peek :background (doom-darken bg 0.1))
-    (lsp-ui-peek-highlight :inherit 'lsp-ui-peek-header :background region :foreground bg :box t)
-    (lsp-ui-peek-line-number :foreground success)
-    ;; magit
-    (magit-bisect-bad        :foreground red)
-    (magit-bisect-good       :foreground green)
-    (magit-bisect-skip       :foreground orange)
-    (magit-blame-date        :foreground red)
-    (magit-blame-heading     :foreground orange :background base3)
-    (magit-branch-current    :foreground blue)
-    (magit-branch-local      :foreground cyan)
-    (magit-branch-remote     :foreground green)
-    (magit-cherry-equivalent :foreground violet)
-    (magit-cherry-unmatched  :foreground cyan)
-    (magit-diff-added             :foreground (doom-darken green 0.2)  :background (doom-blend green bg 0.1))
-    (magit-diff-added-highlight   :foreground green                    :background (doom-blend green bg 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-base              :foreground (doom-darken orange 0.2) :background (doom-blend orange bg 0.1))
-    (magit-diff-base-highlight    :foreground orange                   :background (doom-blend orange bg 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-context           :foreground (doom-darken fg 0.4) :background bg)
-    (magit-diff-context-highlight :foreground fg                   :background bg-alt)
-    (magit-diff-file-heading           :foreground fg :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-file-heading-selection :foreground magenta               :background dark-blue :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-hunk-heading           :foreground bg                    :background (doom-blend violet bg 0.3))
-    (magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight :foreground bg                    :background violet :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-removed                :foreground (doom-darken red 0.2) :background (doom-blend red base3 0.1))
-    (magit-diff-removed-highlight      :foreground red                   :background (doom-blend red base3 0.2) :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-diff-lines-heading          :foreground yellow     :background red)
-    (magit-diffstat-added              :foreground green)
-    (magit-diffstat-removed            :foreground red)
-    (magit-dimmed :foreground comments)
-    (magit-hash :foreground comments)
-    (magit-header-line :background dark-blue :foreground base8 :weight 'bold
-                       :box `(:line-width 3 :color ,dark-blue))
-    (magit-log-author :foreground orange)
-    (magit-log-date :foreground blue)
-    (magit-log-graph :foreground comments)
-    (magit-process-ng :inherit 'error)
-    (magit-process-ok :inherit 'success)
-    (magit-reflog-amend :foreground magenta)
-    (magit-reflog-checkout :foreground blue)
-    (magit-reflog-cherry-pick :foreground green)
-    (magit-reflog-commit :foreground green)
-    (magit-reflog-merge :foreground green)
-    (magit-reflog-other :foreground cyan)
-    (magit-reflog-rebase :foreground magenta)
-    (magit-reflog-remote :foreground cyan)
-    (magit-reflog-reset :inherit 'error)
-    (magit-refname :foreground comments)
-    (magit-section-heading           :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-section-heading-selection :foreground orange :weight 'bold)
-    (magit-section-highlight :inherit 'hl-line)
-    (magit-sequence-drop :foreground red)
-    (magit-sequence-head :foreground blue)
-    (magit-sequence-part :foreground orange)
-    (magit-sequence-stop :foreground green)
-    (magit-signature-bad :inherit 'error)
-    (magit-signature-error :inherit 'error)
-    (magit-signature-expired :foreground orange)
-    (magit-signature-good :inherit 'success)
-    (magit-signature-revoked :foreground magenta)
-    (magit-signature-untrusted :foreground yellow)
-    (magit-tag :foreground yellow)
-    (magit-filename :foreground violet)
-    (magit-section-secondary-heading :foreground violet :weight 'bold)
-    ;; mic-paren
-    (paren-face-match    :foreground red   :background base0 :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (paren-face-mismatch :foreground base0 :background red   :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (paren-face-no-match :inherit 'paren-face-mismatch :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    ;; parenface
-    (paren-face :foreground comments)
-    ;; perspective
-    (persp-selected-face :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    ;; persp-mode
-    (persp-face-lighter-buffer-not-in-persp :foreground warning :slant 'italic)
-    (persp-face-lighter-nil-persp :foreground comments)
-    ;; popup
-    (popup-face :inherit 'tooltip)
-    (popup-tip-face :inherit 'popup-face :foreground violet :background base0)
-    (popup-selection-face :background selection)
-    ;; rainbow-delimiters
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground blue)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground magenta)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground green)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground orange)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground violet)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground yellow)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground teal)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face  :foreground red :weight 'bold :inverse-video t)
-    (rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face :inherit 'rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face)
-    ;; re-builder
-    (reb-match-0 :foreground orange  :inverse-video t)
-    (reb-match-1 :foreground magenta :inverse-video t)
-    (reb-match-2 :foreground green   :inverse-video t)
-    (reb-match-3 :foreground yellow  :inverse-video t)
-    ;; show-paren
-    ((show-paren-match &inherit paren-face-match))
-    ((show-paren-mismatch &inherit paren-face-mismatch))
-    ;; smartparens
-    (sp-pair-overlay-face :background region)
-    ;; smartparens
-    ((sp-show-pair-match-face    &inherit show-paren-match))
-    ((sp-show-pair-mismatch-face &inherit show-paren-mismatch))
-    ;; smerge-tool
-    (smerge-lower :background (doom-blend green bg 0.2))
-    (smerge-upper :background (doom-blend red base3 0.2))
-    (smerge-base  :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.2))
-    (smerge-markers :background comments :foreground bg :distant-foreground fg :weight 'bold)
-    ;; Emacs <25 compatibility
-    ((smerge-mine  &inherit smerge-upper))
-    ((smerge-other &inherit smerge-lower))
-    ;; solaire-mode
-    (solaire-default-face  :inherit 'default :background bg-alt)
-    (solaire-hl-line-face  :inherit 'hl-line :background bg)
-    (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground bg-alt)
-    ;; stripe-buffer
-    (stripe-highlight
-     (&light :background base5)
-     (&dark  :background base3))
-    ;; swiper
-    (swiper-line-face    :background blue    :foreground base0)
-    (swiper-match-face-1 :inherit 'unspecified :background base0   :foreground base5)
-    (swiper-match-face-2 :inherit 'unspecified :background orange  :foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (swiper-match-face-3 :inherit 'unspecified :background magenta :foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    (swiper-match-face-4 :inherit 'unspecified :background green   :foreground base0 :weight 'bold)
-    ;; tabbar
-    (tabbar-default             :foreground bg :background bg :height 1.0)
-    (tabbar-highlight           :foreground fg :background selection :distant-foreground bg)
-    (tabbar-button              :foreground fg :background bg)
-    (tabbar-button-highlight    :inherit 'tabbar-button :inverse-video t)
-    (tabbar-modified            :inherit 'tabbar-default :foreground red :weight 'bold)
-    (tabbar-unselected          :inherit 'tabbar-default :foreground base5)
-    (tabbar-unselected-modified :inherit 'tabbar-modified)
-    (tabbar-selected
-     :inherit 'tabbar-default :weight 'bold
-     :foreground fg :background bg-alt)
-    (tabbar-selected-modified :inherit 'tabbar-selected :foreground green)
-    ;; tldr
-    (tldr-command-itself   :foreground bg :background green :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (tldr-title            :foreground yellow :bold t :height 1.4)
-    (tldr-description      :foreground fg :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (tldr-introduction     :foreground (doom-blend blue bg 0.8) :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (tldr-code-block       :foreground green :background region :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (tldr-command-argument :foreground fg :background region )
-    ;; treemacs
-    (treemacs-root-face :inherit 'font-lock-string-face :weight 'bold :height 1.2)
-    (treemacs-file-face :foreground fg)
-    (treemacs-directory-face :foreground fg)
-    (treemacs-tags-face :foreground highlight)
-    (treemacs-git-modified-face :foreground violet)
-    (treemacs-git-added-face :foreground green)
-    (treemacs-git-conflict-face :foreground red)
-    (treemacs-git-untracked-face :inherit 'font-lock-doc-face)
-    ;; twittering-mode
-    (twitter-divider  ; custom face in Doom Emacs
-     (&light :underline '(:color (doom-lighten vertical-bar 0.2)))
-     (&dark  :underline '(:color (doom-darken vertical-bar 0.2))))
-    ;; undo-tree
-    (undo-tree-visualizer-default-face :foreground base5)
-    (undo-tree-visualizer-current-face :foreground green :weight 'bold)
-    (undo-tree-visualizer-unmodified-face :foreground base5)
-    (undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face :foreground blue)
-    (undo-tree-visualizer-register-face :foreground yellow)
-    ;; vimish-fold
-    (vimish-fold-overlay :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :background base0 :weight 'light)
-    (vimish-fold-fringe  :foreground magenta)
-    ;; volatile-highlights
-    (vhl/default-face :background grey)
-    ;; wgrep
-    (wgrep-face :weight 'bold :foreground green :background base5)
-    (wgrep-delete-face :foreground base3 :background red)
-    (wgrep-done-face   :foreground blue)
-    (wgrep-file-face   :foreground comments)
-    (wgrep-reject-face :foreground red :weight 'bold)
-    ;; which-func
-    (which-func :foreground blue)
-    ;; which-key
-    (which-key-key-face                   :foreground green)
-    (which-key-group-description-face     :foreground violet)
-    (which-key-command-description-face   :foreground blue)
-    (which-key-local-map-description-face :foreground magenta)
-    ;; whitespace
-    (whitespace-empty    :background base3)
-    (whitespace-space    :foreground base4)
-    (whitespace-tab      :foreground base4 :background (unless indent-tabs-mode base3))
-    (whitespace-newline  :foreground base4)
-    (whitespace-indentation :foreground red :background yellow)
-    (whitespace-trailing :inherit 'trailing-whitespace)
-    (whitespace-line     :background base0 :foreground red :weight 'bold)
-    ;; workgroups2
-    (wg-current-workgroup-face :foreground base0 :background highlight)
-    (wg-other-workgroup-face   :foreground base5)
-    (wg-divider-face           :foreground grey)
-    (wg-brace-face             :foreground highlight)
-    ;; yasnippet
-    (yas-field-highlight-face :inherit 'match)
-    ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-    ;; auctex (latex-mode)
-    (font-latex-bold-face         :inherit 'bold)
-    (font-latex-italic-face       :inherit 'italic)
-    (font-latex-math-face         :foreground blue)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-0-face :foreground blue    :weight 'ultra-bold :height 1.4)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-1-face :foreground magenta :weight 'semi-bold  :height 1.2)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-2-face :foreground violet  :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-3-face :foreground (doom-lighten blue 0.3)    :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-4-face :foreground (doom-lighten magenta 0.3) :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (font-latex-sectioning-5-face :foreground (doom-lighten violet 0.3)  :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (font-latex-script-char-face  :foreground dark-blue)
-    (font-latex-string-face       :inherit 'font-lock-string-face)
-    (font-latex-warning-face      :inherit 'font-lock-warning-face)
-    (font-latex-verbatim-face     :inherit 'fixed-pitch :foreground violet :slant 'italic)
-    ;; elixir-mode
-    (elixir-atom-face (&light :foreground dark-blue)
-                      (&dark  :foreground cyan))
-    (elixir-attribute-face :foreground violet)
-    ;; enh-ruby-mode
-    (enh-ruby-op-face :foreground operators)
-    (enh-ruby-string-delimiter-face  :inherit 'font-lock-string-face)
-    (enh-ruby-heredoc-delimiter-face :inherit 'font-lock-string-face)
-    (enh-ruby-regexp-face :foreground constants)
-    (enh-ruby-regexp-delimiter-face  :inherit 'enh-ruby-regexp-face)
-    (erm-syn-errline  :underline `(:style wave :color ,error))
-    (erm-syn-warnline :underline `(:style wave :color ,warning))
-    ;; jdee-mode
-    (jdee-font-lock-number-face :foreground numbers)
-    (jdee-font-lock-operator-face :foreground operators)
-    (jdee-font-lock-constant-face :inherit 'font-lock-constant-face)
-    (jdee-font-lock-constructor-face :foreground methods)
-    (jdee-font-lock-public-face :inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-    (jdee-font-lock-protected-face :inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-    (jdee-font-lock-private-face :inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-    (jdee-font-lock-modifier-face :inherit 'font-lock-type-face)
-    (jdee-font-lock-doc-tag-face :foreground violet)
-    (jdee-font-lock-italic-face :inherit 'italic)
-    (jdee-font-lock-bold-face :inherit 'bold)
-    (jdee-font-lock-link-face :foreground blue :italic nil :underline t)
-    ;; js2-mode
-    (js2-function-param  :foreground variables)
-    (js2-function-call   :foreground functions)
-    (js2-object-property :foreground violet)
-    (js2-jsdoc-tag       :foreground doc-comments)
-    ;; ledger-mode
-    (ledger-font-posting-date-face :foreground blue)
-    (ledger-font-posting-amount-face :foreground yellow)
-    (ledger-font-posting-account-face :foreground base8)
-    (ledger-font-payee-cleared-face :foreground violet :weight 'bold :height 1.2)
-    (ledger-font-payee-uncleared-face :foreground base5 :weight 'bold :height 1.2)
-    (ledger-font-xact-highlight-face :background base0)
-    ;; makefile-*-mode
-    (makefile-targets :foreground blue)
-    ;; markdown-mode
-    (markdown-header-face           :inherit 'bold :foreground highlight)
-    (markdown-header-delimiter-face :inherit 'markdown-header-face)
-    (markdown-metadata-key-face     :foreground red)
-    (markdown-list-face             :foreground red)
-    (markdown-link-face             :inherit 'bold :foreground blue)
-    (markdown-url-face              :foreground magenta :weight 'normal)
-    (markdown-italic-face           :inherit 'italic :foreground violet)
-    (markdown-bold-face             :inherit 'bold   :foreground orange)
-    (markdown-markup-face           :foreground operators)
-    (markdown-blockquote-face       :inherit 'italic :foreground doc-comments)
-    (markdown-pre-face              :foreground strings)
-    (markdown-code-face :background base3)
-    (markdown-inline-code-face :inherit '(markdown-code-face markdown-pre-face))
-    ;; notmuch
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-decryption               :foreground blue-l)
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-part-header              :foreground yellow-l)
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-signature-bad            :foreground red-l)
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-signature-good           :foreground base1)
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key       :foreground aqua-l)
-    ;; (notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown        :foreground yellow)
-    ;; (notmuch-hello-logo-background           :foreground fg)
-    (notmuch-message-summary-face            :foreground grey :background nil)
-    (notmuch-search-count                    :foreground comments)
-    (notmuch-search-date                     :foreground numbers :weight 'bold)
-    (notmuch-search-flagged-face             :foreground (doom-blend red base4 0.5))
-    (notmuch-search-matching-authors         :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (notmuch-search-non-matching-authors     :foreground blue)
-    (notmuch-search-subject                  :foreground fg)
-    (notmuch-search-unread-face              :foreground base8)
-    (notmuch-tag-added                       :foreground green :weight 'normal)
-    (notmuch-tag-deleted                     :foreground red :weight 'normal)
-    (notmuch-tag-face                        :foreground yellow :weight 'normal)
-    (notmuch-tag-flagged                     :foreground yellow :weight 'normal)
-    (notmuch-tag-unread                      :foreground yellow :weight 'normal)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-author-face          :foreground blue :weight 'bold)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-date-face            :foreground numbers :weight 'bold)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-face                 :foreground fg)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-subject-face         :foreground fg)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-tag-face             :foreground yellow)
-    (notmuch-tree-match-tree-face            :foreground comments)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-author-face       :foreground blue)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-date-face         :foreground numbers)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-face              :foreground base5)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-subject-face      :foreground base5)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-tag-face          :foreground yellow)
-    (notmuch-tree-no-match-tree-face         :foreground yellow)
-    (notmuch-wash-cited-text                 :foreground base4)
-    (notmuch-wash-toggle-button :foreground fg)
-    ;; outline
-    (outline-1 :inherit 'org-level-1)
-    (outline-2 :inherit 'org-level-2)
-    (outline-3 :inherit 'org-level-3)
-    (outline-4 :inherit 'org-level-4)
-    (outline-5 :inherit 'org-level-5)
-    (outline-6 :inherit 'org-level-6)
-    (outline-7 :inherit 'org-level-7)
-    (outline-8 :inherit 'org-level-8)
-    ;; org-mode
-    (org-archived                 :foreground doc-comments)
-    (org-block                    :background base3)
-    (org-block-background         :background base3)
-    (org-block-begin-line         :foreground comments :background base3)
-    (org-block-end-line           :inherit 'org-block-begin-line)
-    (org-checkbox                 :inherit 'org-todo)
-    (org-checkbox-statistics-done :inherit 'org-done)
-    (org-checkbox-statistics-todo :inherit 'org-todo)
-    (org-code                     :foreground orange)
-    (org-date                     :foreground yellow)
-    (org-default                  :inherit 'variable-pitch)
-    (org-document-info            :foreground builtin)
-    (org-document-title           :foreground builtin :weight 'bold)
-    (org-done                     :inherit 'org-headline-done :bold 'inherit)
-    (org-ellipsis                 :underline nil :background nil :foreground grey)
-    (org-footnote                 :foreground orange)
-    (org-formula                  :foreground cyan)
-    (org-headline-done            :foreground base5)
-    (org-hide                     :foreground bg)
-    (org-level-1 :foreground blue     :background base3 :weight 'ultra-bold :height 1.25)
-    (org-level-2 :foreground magenta  :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-3 :foreground violet   :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-4 :foreground (doom-lighten blue 0.25)    :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-5 :foreground (doom-lighten magenta 0.25) :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-6 :foreground (doom-lighten blue 0.5)  :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-7 :foreground (doom-lighten magenta 0.5)    :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-level-8 :foreground (doom-lighten blue 0.8) :weight 'semi-bold)
-    (org-list-dt         :foreground highlight)
-    (org-meta-line       :foreground doc-comments)
-    (org-priority        :foreground red)
-    (org-property-value  :foreground doc-comments)
-    (org-quote           :background base3 :slant 'italic)
-    (org-special-keyword :foreground doc-comments)
-    (org-table           :foreground violet)
-    (org-tag             :foreground doc-comments :weight 'normal)
-    (org-ref-cite-face   :foreground yellow :weight 'light :underline t)
-    (org-todo            :foreground highlight :bold 'inherit)
-    (org-verbatim        :foreground green)
-    (org-warning         :foreground warning)
-    ;; org-agenda
-    (org-agenda-done :inherit 'org-done)
-    (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face :foreground comments)
-    (org-agenda-date          :foreground violet :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (org-agenda-date-today    :foreground (doom-lighten violet 0.4)   :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (org-agenda-date-weekend  :foreground (doom-darken violet 0.4)  :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (org-agenda-structure     :foreground fg :weight 'ultra-bold)
-    (org-agenda-clocking      :background (doom-blend blue bg 0.2))
-    (org-upcoming-deadline         :foreground (doom-blend fg bg 0.8))
-    (org-upcoming-distant-deadline :foreground (doom-blend fg bg 0.5))
-    (org-scheduled            :foreground fg)
-    (org-scheduled-today      :foreground base7)
-    (org-scheduled-previously :foreground base8)
-    (org-time-grid            :foreground comments)
-    (org-sexp-date            :foreground fg)
-    ;; org-habit
-    (org-habit-clear-face          :weight 'bold :background bg-alt :foreground bg-alt)
-    (org-habit-clear-future-face   :weight 'bold :background bg-alt :foreground bg-alt)
-    (org-habit-ready-face          :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend blue bg-alt 0.5)   :foreground (doom-blend blue bg-alt 0.5))
-    (org-habit-ready-future-face   :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend blue bg-alt 0.5)   :foreground (doom-blend blue bg-alt 0.5))
-    (org-habit-alert-face          :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.5) :foreground (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.5))
-    (org-habit-alert-future-face   :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.5) :foreground (doom-blend yellow bg-alt 0.5))
-    (org-habit-overdue-face        :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.5)    :foreground (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.5))
-    (org-habit-overdue-future-face :weight 'bold :background (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.5)    :foreground (doom-blend red bg-alt 0.5))
-    ;; rpm-spec-mode
-    (rpm-spec-macro-face        :foreground yellow)
-    (rpm-spec-var-face          :foreground violet)
-    (rpm-spec-tag-face          :foreground blue)
-    (rpm-spec-obsolete-tag-face :foreground red)
-    (rpm-spec-package-face      :foreground orange)
-    (rpm-spec-dir-face          :foreground green)
-    (rpm-spec-doc-face          :foreground orange)
-    (rpm-spec-ghost-face        :foreground comments)
-    (rpm-spec-section-face      :foreground magenta)
-    ;; typescript-mode
-    (typescript-jsdoc-tag :foreground doc-comments)
-    (typescript-jsdoc-type :foreground (doom-darken doc-comments 0.15))
-    (typescript-jsdoc-value :foreground (doom-lighten doc-comments 0.15))
-    ;; sh-mode
-    (sh-heredoc :inherit 'font-lock-string-face :weight 'normal)
-    (sh-quoted-exec :inherit 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
-    ;; web-mode
-    (web-mode-doctype-face           :foreground comments)
-    (web-mode-html-tag-face          :foreground methods)
-    (web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face  :foreground methods)
-    (web-mode-html-attr-name-face    :foreground type)
-    (web-mode-html-entity-face       :foreground cyan :inherit 'italic)
-    (web-mode-block-control-face     :foreground orange)
-    (web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face  :foreground operators))
-  "TODO")
-(defvar doom-themes-common-vars
-  '((ansi-color-names-vector
-     (vconcat (mapcar #'doom-color '(base0 red green yellow blue magenta cyan base8))))
-    (fci-rule-color (doom-color 'base5))
-    (jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors `(cons ,(doom-color 'base0) ,(doom-color 'grey)))
-    (jdee-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors `(cons ,(doom-color 'base0) ,(doom-color 'green)))
-    (jdee-db-active-breakpoint-face-colors `(cons ,(doom-color 'base0) ,(doom-color 'highlight)))
-    (vc-annotate-color-map
-     `(list (cons 20  ,(doom-color 'green))
-            (cons 40  ,(doom-blend 'yellow 'green (/ 1.0 3)))
-            (cons 60  ,(doom-blend 'yellow 'green (/ 2.0 3)))
-            (cons 80  ,(doom-color 'yellow))
-            (cons 100 ,(doom-blend 'orange 'yellow (/ 1.0 3)))
-            (cons 120 ,(doom-blend 'orange 'yellow (/ 2.0 3)))
-            (cons 140 ,(doom-color 'orange))
-            (cons 160 ,(doom-blend 'magenta 'orange (/ 1.0 3)))
-            (cons 180 ,(doom-blend 'magenta 'orange (/ 2.0 3)))
-            (cons 200 ,(doom-color 'magenta))
-            (cons 220 ,(doom-blend 'red 'magenta (/ 1.0 3)))
-            (cons 240 ,(doom-blend 'red 'magenta (/ 2.0 3)))
-            (cons 260 ,(doom-color 'red))
-            (cons 280 ,(doom-blend 'grey 'red (/ 1.0 4)))
-            (cons 300 ,(doom-blend 'grey 'red (/ 2.0 4)))
-            (cons 320 ,(doom-blend 'grey 'red (/ 3.0 4)))
-            (cons 340 ,(doom-color 'base5))
-            (cons 360 ,(doom-color 'base5))))
-    (vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
-    (vc-annotate-background (doom-color 'bg)))
-  "TODO")
-;; Library
-(defvar doom-themes--colors)
-(defvar doom--min-colors '(257 256 16))
-(defvar doom--quoted-p nil)
-(defvar doom-themes--faces nil)
-(defun doom-themes--colors-p (item)
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  (when item
-    (cond ((listp item)
-           (let ((car (car item)))
-             (cond ((memq car '(quote doom-color)) nil)
-                   ((memq car '(backquote \`))
-                    (let ((doom--quoted-p t))
-                      (doom-themes--colors-p (cdr item))))
-                   ((eq car '\,)
-                    (let (doom--quoted-p)
-                      (doom-themes--colors-p (cdr item))))
-                   ((or (doom-themes--colors-p car)
-                        (doom-themes--colors-p (cdr-safe item)))))))
-          ((and (symbolp item)
-                (not (keywordp item))
-                (not doom--quoted-p)
-                (not (equal (substring (symbol-name item) 0 1) "-"))
-                (assq item doom-themes--colors))))))
-(defun doom-themes--apply-faces (new-faces &optional default-faces)
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  (let ((default-faces (or default-faces doom-themes-common-faces))
-        (faces (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size (+ (length default-faces) (length new-faces))))
-        (directives (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
-    (dolist (spec (append (mapcar #'copy-sequence default-faces) new-faces))
-      (if (listp (car spec))
-          (cl-destructuring-bind (face action &optional arg) (car spec)
-            (unless (assq face new-faces)
-              (puthash face (list action arg (cdr spec))
-                       directives)))
-        (puthash (car spec) (cdr spec) faces)))
-    (cl-loop for face being the hash-keys of directives
-             for (action target spec) = (gethash face directives)
-             unless (memq action '(&inherit &extend &override))
-             do (error "Invalid operation (%s) for '%s' face" action face)
-             if (eq (car spec) 'quote)
-             do (error "Can't extend literal face spec (for '%s')" face)
-             ;; TODO Add &all/&light/&dark extension support
-             else if (memq (car spec) '(&all &light &dark))
-             do (error "Can't extend face with &all, &light or &dark specs (for '%s')" face)
-             else do
-             (puthash face
-                      (let ((old-spec (gethash (or target face) faces))
-                            (plist spec))
-                        ;; remove duplicates
-                        (while (keywordp (car plist))
-                          (setq old-spec (plist-put old-spec (car plist) (cadr plist))
-                                plist (cddr plist)))
-                        old-spec)
-                      faces))
-    (let (results)
-      (maphash (lambda (face plist)
-                 (when (keywordp (car plist))
-                   ;; TODO Clean up duplicates in &all/&light/&dark blocks
-                   (dolist (prop (append (unless doom-themes-enable-bold   '(:weight normal :bold nil))
-                                         (unless doom-themes-enable-italic '(:slant normal :italic nil))))
-                     (when (and (plist-member plist prop)
-                                (not (eq (plist-get plist prop) 'inherit)))
-                       (plist-put plist prop
-                                  (if (memq prop '(:weight :slant))
-                                      (quote 'normal))))))
-                 (push (cons face plist) results))
-               faces)
-      (nreverse results))))
-(defun doom-themes--colorize (item type)
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  (when item
-    (let ((doom--quoted-p doom--quoted-p))
-      (cond ((listp item)
-             (cond ((memq (car item) '(quote doom-color))
-                    item)
-                   ((eq (car item) 'doom-ref)
-                    (doom-themes--colorize
-                     (apply #'doom-ref (cdr item)) type))
-                   ((let* ((item (append item nil))
-                           (car (car item))
-                           (doom--quoted-p
-                            (cond ((memq car '(backquote \`)) t)
-                                  ((eq car '\,) nil)
-                                  (t doom--quoted-p))))
-                      (cons car
-                            (cl-loop
-                             for i in (cdr item)
-                             collect (doom-themes--colorize i type)))))))
-            ((and (symbolp item)
-                  (not (keywordp item))
-                  (not doom--quoted-p)
-                  (not (equal (substring (symbol-name item) 0 1) "-"))
-                  (assq item doom-themes--colors))
-             `(doom-color ',item ',type))
-            (item)))))
-(defun doom-themes--build-face (face)
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  `(list
-    ',(car face)
-    ,(let ((face-body (cdr face)))
-       (cond ((keywordp (car face-body))
-              (let ((real-attrs face-body)
-                    defs)
-                (if (doom-themes--colors-p real-attrs)
-                    (dolist (cl doom--min-colors `(list ,@(nreverse defs)))
-                      (push `(list '((class color) (min-colors ,cl))
-                                   (list ,@(doom-themes--colorize real-attrs cl)))
-                            defs))
-                  `(list (list 't (list ,@real-attrs))))))
-             ((memq (car-safe (car face-body)) '(quote backquote \`))
-              (car face-body))
-             ((let (all-attrs defs)
-                (dolist (attrs face-body `(list ,@(nreverse defs)))
-                  (cond ((eq (car attrs) '&all)
-                         (setq all-attrs (append all-attrs (cdr attrs))))
-                        ((memq (car attrs) '(&dark &light))
-                         (let ((bg (if (eq (car attrs) '&dark) 'dark 'light))
-                               (real-attrs (append all-attrs (cdr attrs) '())))
-                           (cond ((doom-themes--colors-p real-attrs)
-                                  (dolist (cl doom--min-colors)
-                                    (push `(list '((class color) (min-colors ,cl) (background ,bg))
-                                                 (list ,@(doom-themes--colorize real-attrs cl)))
-                                          defs)))
-                                 ((push `(list '((background ,bg)) (list ,@real-attrs))
-                                        defs)))))))))))))
-;; Public functions
-(defun doom-themes-prepare-facelist (custom-faces)
-  "Return an alist of face definitions for `custom-theme-set-faces'.
-Faces in EXTRA-FACES override the default faces."
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  (setq doom-themes--faces (doom-themes--apply-faces custom-faces))
-  (mapcar #'doom-themes--build-face doom-themes--faces))
-(defun doom-themes-prepare-varlist (vars)
-  "Return an alist of variable definitions for `custom-theme-set-variables'.
-Variables in EXTRA-VARS override the default ones."
-  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
-  (cl-loop for (var val) in (append doom-themes-common-vars vars)
-           collect `(list ',var ,val)))
-(provide 'doom-themes-common)
-;;; doom-themes-common.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f3b46c7803..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-common.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b7a5134e7c3..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes-neotree.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(unless doom-themes--inhibit-warning
-  (message "doom-themes: loading `doom-themes-neotree' directly is obsolete, call `doom-themes-neotree-config' instead"))
-(defgroup doom-neotree nil
-  "Options for doom's neotree theme"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defface doom-neotree-dir-face  '((t (:inherit neo-dir-link-face)))
-  "Face for directory labels."
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defface doom-neotree-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
-  "Face for file name labels."
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-;; file type faces
-(defface doom-neotree-hidden-file-face '((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
-  "Face for labels of hidden files. See `doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist'."
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defface doom-neotree-text-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
-  "Face for labels of text/documentation files (readmes, org files, etc). See
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defface doom-neotree-media-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
-  "Face for labels of media files. See `doom-neotree-file-face-re-alist'."
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defface doom-neotree-data-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
-  "Face for labels of data files (json, yaml, xml, etc). See
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defface doom-neotree-executable-file-face '((t (:inherit neo-file-link-face)))
-  "TODO"
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-project-size 1.4
-  "What :height to display the project icon at the top at."
-  :type 'float
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-folder-size 1.05
-  "What :height to display the folder icons at."
-  :type 'float
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-chevron-size 0.8
-  "What :height to display the chevron icons at."
-  :type 'float
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-line-spacing 2
-  "Line-spacing for neotree buffer."
-  :type 'symbol
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'doom-neotree-enable-file-icons 'doom-neotree-file-icons)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-file-icons 'simple
-  "The style to use for the file icons. Can be nil (disabled), non-nil (for a
-diverse iconset), or 'simple, which is closest's to Atom's style as it only
-distinguishes text, source, pdfs, images and binary files."
-  :type '(choice
-          (const :tag "A diverse array of file icons based on file type" t)
-          (const :tag "Minimalistic file icons (like Atom's)" 'simple)
-          (const :tag "Disable file icons" nil))
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons t
-  "If non-nil, display folder icons next to each file. Different icons are used
-depending on whether the folder is a repo, symlink or regular folder."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons t
-  "If non-nil, display the chevron-down icon next to each expanded folder."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-closed-chevron-icons t
-  "If non-nil, display the chevron-right icon next to each collapsed folder."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch nil
-  "If non-nil, labels will use the `doom-neotree-dir-face' and
-`doom-neotree-dir-face' faces, which inherit from the `variable-pitch' face."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defcustom doom-neotree-enable-type-colors t
-  "If non-nil, color each file/folder based on the categories determined by
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-neotree)
-(defun doom--neo-is-repo-dir-p (path)
-  (or (file-exists-p (format "%s/.git" path))
-      (all-the-icons-dir-is-submodule path)))
-(defvar doom-neotree-dir-rules
-  (eval-when-compile
-    `(("/\\(?:node_modules\\|vendor\\)$"
-       :face doom-neotree-hidden-file-face)
-      ("/\\.[^$/#]+$"
-       :face doom-neotree-hidden-file-face)
-      (file-symlink-p
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-symlink-directory"))
-      (doom--neo-is-repo-dir-p
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-submodule"))
-      (t :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-directory"))))
-  "TODO")
-(defvar doom-neotree-file-rules
-  (eval-when-compile
-    `((file-symlink-p
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-symlink-file"))
-      (file-executable-p
-       :face doom-neotree-executable-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-binary"))
-      ("\\.\\(?:md\\|org\\|rst\\|log\\)\\|/[A-Z_-]+\\(?:\\.[a-z]+\\)?$"
-       :face doom-neotree-text-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text"))
-      (,(concat "\\." (regexp-opt '("htm" "html" "phtml" "tpl" "erb" "mustache"
-                                    "twig" "ejs" "erb" "jsx" "haml" "inky-haml"
-                                    "inky-slim" "slim" "pug" "jade"))
-                "$")
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-code"))
-      (,(concat "\\(?:/\\(?:Gemfile\\|Vagrantfile\\|Makefile\\|Rakefile\\|Cask\\|\\.[^$]+rc\\|\\)\\|"
-                "\\." (regexp-opt '("json" "cson" "yaml" "yml" "xml" "toml"
-                                    "tpl" "ini" "erb" "mustache" "twig" "ejs"
-                                    "mk" "haml" "pug" "jade"))
-                "\\)$")
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-code"))
-      (,(concat "\\."
-                (regexp-opt '("png" "jpg" "jpeg" "gif" "ico" "tif" "tiff"
-                              "svg" "bmp" "psd" "ai" "eps" "indd"         ; images
-                              "mov" "avi" "mp4" "webm" "mkv"              ; video
-                              "wav" "mp3" "ogg" "midi"))                  ; audio
-                "$")
-       :face doom-neotree-data-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-media"))
-      (,(concat "\\.\\(?:[gl]?zip\\|bzip2\\|deb\\|dmg\\|iso\\|7z\\|rpm\\|pkg\\|dat\\|[rjt]ar\\(?:\\.gz\\)?\\)$")
-       :face doom-neotree-data-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-zip"))
-      ("\\.pdf$"
-       :face doom-neotree-data-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-pdf"))
-      ("\\.\\(?:lock\\|resolved\\|dll\\|so\\|pyc\\|elc\\|class\\|css\\.map\\)$"
-       :face doom-neotree-hidden-file-face
-       :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-binary"))
-      ("/\\.[^$/#]+$"
-       :face doom-neotree-hidden-file-face)
-      (t :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text"))))
-  "TODO")
-(defun doom--neotree-no-fringes ()
-  "Remove fringes in neotree. They get reset each time you select the neotree
-pane and are highlighted incorrectly."
-  (set-window-fringes neo-global--window 0 0))
-(defun doom--neotree-setup (&rest _)
-  (setq line-spacing doom-neotree-line-spacing
-        tab-width 1)
-  (when (featurep 'hl-line)
-    (set (make-local-variable 'hl-line-sticky-flag) t)
-    (hl-line-mode +1)))
-(defun doom-neotree-spec (node rules)
-  (let (case-fold-search)
-    (cl-loop for spec in rules
-             for pred = (car spec)
-             for plist = (cdr spec)
-             when
-             (cond ((eq pred 't))
-                   ((symbolp pred) (funcall pred node))
-                   ((stringp pred) (string-match-p pred node)))
-             return plist)))
-(defun doom--neotree-insert-file-icon (node icon &optional faces)
-  (if node
-      (cond ((eq doom-neotree-file-icons 'simple)
-             (propertize
-              (if icon
-                  (apply (car icon) (cdr icon))
-                (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text"))
-              'face `(:inherit ,faces
-                               :family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
-                               :height 1.3)
-              'display '(raise 0)))
-            (t (all-the-icons-icon-for-file node)))
-    (all-the-icons-fileicon "default")))
-(defun doom--neotree-insert-dir-icon (node type &optional faces)
-  (concat (if type
-              (all-the-icons-octicon
-               (format "chevron-%s" (if (eq type 'open) "down" "right"))
-               :v-adjust 0.1
-               :height doom-neotree-chevron-size
-               :face `(:inherit ,faces
-                                :family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
-                                :height ,doom-neotree-chevron-size))
-            "\t")
-          "\t"
-          (when doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons
-            (all-the-icons-octicon
-             (cond ((file-symlink-p node) "file-symlink-directory")
-                   ((file-exists-p (format "%s/.git" node)) "file-submodule")
-                   ((all-the-icons-dir-is-submodule node) "file-submodule")
-                   ("file-directory"))
-             :v-adjust 0
-             :height doom-neotree-folder-size
-             :face `(:inherit ,faces
-                     :family ,(all-the-icons-octicon-family)
-                     :height ,doom-neotree-folder-size)))))
-(defun doom--neotree-insert-icon (type node &optional icon faces)
-  "Custom hybrid unicode theme with leading whitespace."
-  (let ((spc "\t")
-        (vspc (propertize "  " 'face 'variable-pitch)))
-    (cond ((eq type 'open)
-           (insert
-            (concat spc
-                    (doom--neotree-insert-dir-icon
-                     node (if doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons type)
-                     faces)
-                    vspc)))
-          ((eq type 'close)
-           (insert
-            (concat spc
-                    (doom--neotree-insert-dir-icon
-                     node (if doom-neotree-enable-closed-chevron-icons type)
-                     faces)
-                    vspc)))
-          ((eq type 'leaf)
-           (insert
-            (concat (when (or doom-neotree-enable-open-chevron-icons
-                              doom-neotree-enable-closed-chevron-icons)
-                      spc)
-                    (when doom-neotree-enable-folder-icons spc)
-                    (when doom-neotree-file-icons
-                      (concat spc (doom--neotree-insert-file-icon node icon faces)))
-                    vspc))))))
-(defun doom-neotree-insert-root (node)
-  ;; insert icon
-  (when (display-graphic-p)
-    (insert
-     (concat (propertize "\t" 'face 'neo-root-dir-face)
-             (all-the-icons-octicon
-              "repo"
-              :height doom-neotree-project-size
-              :face 'neo-root-dir-face
-              :v-adjust -0.1)
-             (propertize " " 'face 'neo-root-dir-face))))
-  ;; insert project name
-  (insert
-   (propertize
-    (concat (or (neo-path--file-short-name node) "-")
-            "\n")
-    'face `(:inherit ,(append (if doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch '(variable-pitch))
-                              '(neo-root-dir-face))))))
-(defun doom-neotree-insert-dir (node depth expanded)
-  (let ((short-name (neo-path--file-short-name node))
-        (faces '(doom-neotree-dir-face))
-        icon-text)
-    ;; insert indentation
-    (insert-char ?\s (* (- depth 1) 2))
-    ;; vcs integration
-    (let ((vc (if neo-vc-integration (neo-vc-for-node node))))
-      (when (memq 'char neo-vc-integration)
-        (insert-char (car vc))
-        (insert-char ?\s))
-      (unless (and (memq 'face neo-vc-integration)
-                   (not (eq (cdr vc) 'neo-vc-up-to-date-face))
-                   (setq faces (list (cdr vc))))
-        (cl-destructuring-bind (&key face icon)
-            (doom-neotree-spec node doom-neotree-dir-rules)
-          (if face (push face faces))
-          (if icon (setq icon-text icon)))))
-    ;; insert icon
-    (let ((type (if expanded 'open 'close)))
-      (if (display-graphic-p)
-          (doom--neotree-insert-icon type node icon-text faces)
-        (neo-buffer--insert-fold-symbol type node)))
-    ;; insert label button
-    (when doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch
-      (push 'variable-pitch faces))
-    (insert-button short-name
-                   'follow-link t
-                   'face `(:inherit (,@faces))
-                   'neo-full-path node
-                   'keymap neotree-dir-button-keymap)
-    ;; metadata + newline
-    (neo-buffer--node-list-set nil node)
-    (neo-buffer--newline-and-begin)))
-(defun doom-neotree-insert-file (node depth)
-  (let ((short-name (neo-path--file-short-name node))
-        (vc (if neo-vc-integration (neo-vc-for-node node)))
-        (faces '(doom-neotree-file-face))
-        icon-text)
-    ;; insert indentation
-    (insert-char ?\s (* (- depth 1) 2))
-    ;; vcs integration
-    (unless (and (memq 'face neo-vc-integration)
-                 (not (eq (cdr vc) 'neo-vc-up-to-date-face))
-                 (setq faces (list (cdr vc))))
-      (cl-destructuring-bind (&key face icon)
-          (doom-neotree-spec node doom-neotree-file-rules)
-        (if face (push face faces))
-        (if icon (setq icon-text icon))))
-    ;; insert icon
-    (if (display-graphic-p)
-        (doom--neotree-insert-icon 'leaf node icon-text faces)
-      (neo-buffer--insert-fold-symbol 'leaf node))
-    ;; insert label button
-    (when doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch
-      (push 'variable-pitch faces))
-    (insert-button short-name
-                   'follow-link t
-                   'face `(:inherit (,@faces))
-                   'neo-full-path node
-                   'keymap neotree-file-button-keymap)
-    ;; metadata + newline
-    (neo-buffer--node-list-set nil node)
-    (neo-buffer--newline-and-begin)))
-(eval-after-load 'neotree
-  (lambda ()
-    (unless (require 'all-the-icons nil t)
-      (error "all-the-icons isn't installed"))
-    ;; Enable buffer-local hl-line and adjust line-spacing
-    (add-hook 'neo-after-create-hook #'doom--neotree-setup)
-    ;; Incompatible
-    (setq neo-vc-integration nil)
-    ;; Remove fringes in Neotree pane
-    (advice-add #'neo-global--select-window :after #'doom--neotree-no-fringes)
-    ;; Patch neotree to use `doom--neotree-insert-icon'
-    (advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-file-entry :override #'doom-neotree-insert-file)
-    (advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-dir-entry  :override #'doom-neotree-insert-dir)
-    ;; Shorter pwd in neotree                    override
-    (advice-add #'neo-buffer--insert-root-entry :override #'doom-neotree-insert-root)))
-(provide 'doom-themes-neotree)
-;;; doom-themes-neotree.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 178bffd8f0f7..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-neotree.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7914e9237db1..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes-org.el --- improve org-mode support for doom-themes -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(defgroup doom-org nil
-  "Options for doom's org customizations."
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-org-special-tags t
-  "If non-nil, highlight #hashtags and @attags especially."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-org)
-;; TODO Remove this once released with org-mode
-(defface org-upcoming-distant-deadline '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
-  "Face for items scheduled previously, not done, and have a distant deadline.
-See also `org-agenda-deadline-faces'."
-  :group 'doom-org)
-(defsubst doom-org--tag-face (n)
-  (let ((kwd (match-string n)))
-    (or (and (equal kwd "#") 'org-tag)
-        (and (equal kwd "@") 'org-formula))))
-(defun doom-org-custom-fontification ()
-  "Correct (and improve) org-mode's font-lock keywords.
-  1. Re-set `org-todo' & `org-headline-done' faces, to make them respect
-     (inherit) underlying faces.
-  2. Make statistic cookies respect (inherit) underlying faces.
-  3. Fontify item bullets (make them stand out)
-  4. Fontify item checkboxes (and when they're marked done), like TODOs that are
-     marked done.
-  5. Fontify dividers/separators (5+ dashes)
-  6. Fontify #hashtags and @at-tags, for personal convenience; see
-     `doom-org-special-tags' to disable this."
-  (let ((org-todo (format org-heading-keyword-regexp-format
-                          org-todo-regexp))
-        (org-done (format org-heading-keyword-regexp-format
-                          (concat "\\(?:" (mapconcat #'regexp-quote org-done-keywords "\\|") "\\)"))))
-    (setq
-     org-font-lock-extra-keywords
-     (append (org-delete-all
-              (append `(("\\[\\([0-9]*%\\)\\]\\|\\[\\([0-9]*\\)/\\([0-9]*\\)\\]"
-                         (0 (org-get-checkbox-statistics-face) t))
-                        (,org-todo (2 (org-get-todo-face 2) t))
-                        (,org-done (2 'org-headline-done t)))
-                      (when (memq 'date org-activate-links)
-                        '((org-activate-dates (0 'org-date t)))))
-              org-font-lock-extra-keywords)
-             ;; respsect underlying faces!
-             `((,org-todo (2 (org-get-todo-face 2) prepend))
-               (,org-done (2 'org-headline-done prepend)))
-             (when (memq 'date org-activate-links)
-               '((org-activate-dates (0 'org-date prepend))))
-             ;; Make checkbox statistic cookies respect underlying faces
-             '(("\\[\\([0-9]*%\\)\\]\\|\\[\\([0-9]*\\)/\\([0-9]*\\)\\]"
-                (0 (org-get-checkbox-statistics-face) prepend))
-               ;; I like how org-mode fontifies checked TODOs and want this to extend to
-               ;; checked checkbox items:
-               ("^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[).]\\)[ \t]+\\(\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?[0-9]+\\][ \t]*\\)?\\[\\(?:X\\|\\([0-9]+\\)/\\2\\)\\][^\n]*\n\\)"
-                1 'org-headline-done prepend)
-               ;; make plain list bullets stand out
-               ("^ *\\([-+]\\|[0-9]+[).]\\) " 1 'org-list-dt append)
-               ;; and separators/dividers
-               ("^ *\\(-----+\\)$" 1 'org-meta-line))
-             ;; custom #hashtags & @at-tags for another level of organization
-             (when doom-org-special-tags
-               '(("\\s-\\(\\([#@]\\)[^+ \n.,]+\\)" 1 (doom-org--tag-face 2) prepend)))))))
-;; Bootstrap
-(setq org-hide-leading-stars t
-      org-hide-leading-stars-before-indent-mode t
-      org-fontify-done-headline t
-      org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t
-      org-fontify-whole-heading-line t
-      org-agenda-deadline-faces
-      '((1.001 . error)
-        (1.0 . org-warning)
-        (0.5 . org-upcoming-deadline)
-        (0.0 . org-upcoming-distant-deadline)))
-(add-hook 'org-font-lock-set-keywords-hook #'doom-org-custom-fontification)
-(provide 'doom-themes-org)
-;;; doom-themes-org.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec67cc402d5..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-org.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-pkg.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-pkg.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d70fe7ae06ca..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-pkg.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(define-package "doom-themes" "20180720.438" "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes"
-  '((emacs "24.4")
-    (all-the-icons "1.0.0")
-    (cl-lib "0.5"))
-  :keywords
-  '("dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova")
-  :url "https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-doom-theme")
-;; Local Variables:
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; End:
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 45499b7530d4..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes-treemacs.el --- description -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(defgroup doom-treemacs nil
-  "Options for doom's treemacs theme"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-treemacs-enable-variable-pitch t
-  "If non-nil, the labels for files, folders and projects are displayed with the
-variable-pitch face."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'doom-treemacs)
-(defcustom doom-treemacs-line-spacing 1
-  "Line-spacing for treemacs buffer."
-  :type 'symbol
-  :group 'doom-treemacs)
-(defun doom--treemacs-no-fringes ()
-  "Remove fringes in treemacs. They get reset each time you select the neotree
-pane and are highlighted incorrectly when used with `solaire-mode'."
-  (when (display-graphic-p)
-    (set-window-fringes nil 0 0)))
-(defun doom--treemacs-setup (&rest _)
-  (setq line-spacing doom-treemacs-line-spacing
-        tab-width 1))
-(defun doom--treemacs-hide-modeline ()
-  (setq mode-line-format nil))
-(defun doom--treemacs-variable-pitch-labels (&rest _)
-  (when doom-treemacs-enable-variable-pitch
-    (dolist (face '(treemacs-root-face
-                    treemacs-git-unmodified-face
-                    treemacs-git-modified-face
-                    treemacs-git-renamed-face
-                    treemacs-git-ignored-face
-                    treemacs-git-untracked-face
-                    treemacs-git-added-face
-                    treemacs-git-conflict-face
-                    treemacs-directory-face
-                    treemacs-directory-collapsed-face
-                    treemacs-file-face))
-      (let ((faces (face-attribute face :inherit nil)))
-        (set-face-attribute face nil :inherit `(variable-pitch ,@(delq 'unspecified (doom-enlist faces))))))))
-(eval-after-load 'treemacs
-  (lambda ()
-    (unless (require 'all-the-icons nil t)
-      (error "all-the-icons isn't installed"))
-    ;; Silence plistp error with all-the-icons
-    (advice-add #'treemacs--pulse-png-advice :override #'ignore)
-    (add-hook 'treemacs-mode-hook #'doom--treemacs-setup)
-    (add-hook 'treemacs-mode-hook #'doom--treemacs-hide-modeline)
-    ;; no fringes in treemacs window
-    (add-hook 'treemacs-mode-hook #'doom--treemacs-no-fringes)
-    (advice-add #'treemacs-select-window :after #'doom--treemacs-no-fringes)
-    ;; variable-pitch labels for files/folders
-    (doom--treemacs-variable-pitch-labels)
-    (advice-add #'load-theme :after #'doom--treemacs-variable-pitch-labels)
-    ;; minimalistic atom-inspired icon theme
-    (let ((all-the-icons-default-adjust 0))
-      (setq treemacs-icon-root-png
-            (concat " " (all-the-icons-octicon "repo" :v-adjust -0.1 :height 1.6
-                                               :face 'font-lock-string-face)
-                    " ")
-            treemacs-icon-tag-open-png
-            (all-the-icons-octicon "chevron-down" :v-adjust 0.1)
-            treemacs-icon-tag-closed-png
-            (all-the-icons-octicon "chevron-right" :v-adjust 0.1)
-            treemacs-indentation-string "  "
-            treemacs-indentation 1
-            treemacs-icon-open-png
-            (concat (all-the-icons-octicon "file-directory" :v-adjust 0 :height 1.15)
-                    " ")
-            treemacs-icon-closed-png
-            (concat (all-the-icons-octicon "file-directory" :v-adjust 0 :height 1.15 :face 'font-lock-doc-face)
-                    " ")
-            treemacs-icon-tag-node-open-png
-            (concat (all-the-icons-octicon "chevron-down"  :height 0.75 :face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-                    "\t")
-            treemacs-icon-tag-node-closed-png
-            (concat (all-the-icons-octicon "chevron-right" :height 0.9  :face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
-                    "\t")
-            treemacs-icon-tag-leaf-png "- ")
-      ;; File type icons
-      (setq treemacs-icons-hash (make-hash-table :size 200 :test #'equal)
-            treemacs-icon-fallback (concat (all-the-icons-octicon "file-code" :height 1.2 :v-adjust 0) " ")
-            treemacs-icon-text     treemacs-icon-fallback)
-      (treemacs-define-custom-icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-media" :height 1.2)
-                                   "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "gif" "ico" "tif" "tiff" "svg" "bmp"
-                                   "psd" "ai" "eps" "indd" "mov" "avi" "mp4" "webm" "mkv"
-                                   "wav" "mp3" "ogg" "midi")
-      (treemacs-define-custom-icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" :height 1.2)
-                                   "md" "markdown" "rst" "log" "org" "txt"
-                                   "CONTRIBUTE" "LICENSE" "README" "CHANGELOG")
-      (treemacs-define-custom-icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-code" :height 1.2)
-                                   "yaml" "yml" "json" "xml" "toml" "cson" "ini"
-                                   "tpl" "erb" "mustache" "twig" "ejs" "mk" "haml" "pug" "jade"))))
-(provide 'doom-themes-treemacs)
-;;; doom-themes-treemacs.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 609ed1f391fb..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes-treemacs.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 53fe97eca460..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-themes.el --- an opinionated pack of modern color-themes -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Henrik Lissner
-;; Author: Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>
-;; Maintainer: Henrik Lissner <henrik@lissner.net>
-;; Created: May 22, 2016
-;; Modified: July 10, 2018
-;; Version: 2.1.5
-;; Keywords: dark light blue atom one theme neotree icons faces nova
-;; Homepage: https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-doom-theme
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (all-the-icons "1.0.0") (cl-lib "0.5"))
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; DOOM Themes is an opinionated UI plugin and pack of themes extracted from my
-;; [emacs.d], inspired by some of my favorite color themes including:
-;; Flagship themes
-;;   `doom-one'
-;;   `doom-one-light'
-;;   `doom-vibrant'
-;; Additional themes
-;;   [X] `doom-city-lights' (added by fuxialexnder)
-;;   [X] `doom-darcula' (added by fuxialexnder)
-;;   [X] `doom-molokai'
-;;   [X] `doom-nord' (added by fuxialexnder)
-;;   [X] `doom-nord-light' (added by fuxialexnder)
-;;   [X] `doom-opera' (added by jwintz)
-;;   [X] `doom-opera-light' (added by jwintz)
-;;   [X] `doom-nova' (added by bigardone)
-;;   [X] `doom-peacock' (added by teesloane)
-;;   [X] `doom-solarized-light' (added by fuxialexnder)
-;;   [X] `doom-spacegrey' (added by teesloane)
-;;   [X] `doom-tomorrow-night'
-;;   [X] `doom-tomorrow-day'
-;;   [ ] `doom-mono-dark' / `doom-mono-light'
-;;   [ ] `doom-tron'
-;; ## Install
-;;   `M-x package-install RET doom-themes`
-;; A comprehensive configuration example:
-;;   (require 'doom-themes)
-;;   ;; Global settings (defaults)
-;;   (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t    ; if nil, bold is universally disabled
-;;         doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled
-;;   ;; Load the theme (doom-one, doom-molokai, etc); keep in mind that each
-;;   ;; theme may have their own settings.
-;;   (load-theme 'doom-one t)
-;;   ;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors
-;;   (doom-themes-visual-bell-config)
-;;   ;; Enable custom neotree theme
-;;   (doom-themes-neotree-config)  ; all-the-icons fonts must be installed!
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'doom-themes-common)
-(defgroup doom-themes nil
-  "Options for doom-themes."
-  :group 'faces)
-(defface doom-modeline-error '((t (:inherit error :inverse-video t)))
-  "Face to use for the mode-line when `doom-themes-visual-bell-config' is used."
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-themes-enable-bold t
-  "If nil, bold will be disabled across all faces."
-  :group 'doom-themes
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-themes-enable-italic t
-  "If nil, italics will be disabled across all faces."
-  :group 'doom-themes
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-themes-padded-modeline nil
-  "Default value for padded-modeline setting for themes that support it."
-  :group 'doom-themes
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'doom-enable-italic 'doom-themes-enable-italic "1.2.9")
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'doom-enable-bold   'doom-themes-enable-bold "1.2.9")
-(defvar doom-themes--colors nil)
-(defvar doom-themes--inhibit-warning nil)
-(defvar doom-themes--bell-p nil)
-;; Color helper functions
-;; Shamelessly *borrowed* from solarized
-(defun doom-name-to-rgb (color &optional frame)
-  "Retrieves the hexidecimal string repesented the named COLOR (e.g. \"red\")
-for FRAME (defaults to the current frame)."
-  (cl-loop for x in (color-values color frame)
-           collect (/ x (float (car (color-values "#ffffff"))))))
-(defun doom-blend (color1 color2 alpha)
-  "Blend two colors (hexidecimal strings) together by a coefficient ALPHA (a
-float between 0 and 1)"
-  (when (and color1 color2)
-    (cond ((and color1 color2 (symbolp color1) (symbolp color2))
-           (doom-blend (doom-color color1) (doom-color color2) alpha))
-          ((or (listp color1) (listp color2))
-           (cl-loop for x in color1
-                    when (if (listp color2) (pop color2) color2)
-                    collect (doom-blend x it alpha)))
-          ((and (string-prefix-p "#" color1) (string-prefix-p "#" color2))
-           (apply (lambda (r g b) (format "#%02x%02x%02x" (* r 255) (* g 255) (* b 255)))
-                  (cl-loop for it    in (doom-name-to-rgb color1)
-                           for other in (doom-name-to-rgb color2)
-                           collect (+ (* alpha it) (* other (- 1 alpha))))))
-          (t color1))))
-(defun doom-darken (color alpha)
-  "Darken a COLOR (a hexidecimal string) by a coefficient ALPHA (a float between
-0 and 1)."
-  (cond ((and color (symbolp color))
-         (doom-darken (doom-color color) alpha))
-        ((listp color)
-         (cl-loop for c in color collect (doom-darken c alpha)))
-        (t
-         (doom-blend color "#000000" (- 1 alpha)))))
-(defun doom-lighten (color alpha)
-  "Brighten a COLOR (a hexidecimal string) by a coefficient ALPHA (a float
-between 0 and 1)."
-  (cond ((and color (symbolp color))
-         (doom-lighten (doom-color color) alpha))
-        ((listp color)
-         (cl-loop for c in color collect (doom-lighten c alpha)))
-        (t
-         (doom-blend color "#FFFFFF" (- 1 alpha)))))
-(defun doom-color (name &optional type)
-  "Retrieve a specific color named NAME (a symbol) from the current theme."
-  (let ((colors (if (listp name)
-                    name
-                  (cdr-safe (assq name doom-themes--colors)))))
-    (and colors
-         (cond ((listp colors)
-                (let ((i (or (plist-get '(256 1 16 2 8 3) type) 0)))
-                  (if (> i (1- (length colors)))
-                      (car (last colors))
-                    (nth i colors))))
-               (t colors)))))
-(defun doom-ref (face prop &optional class)
-  "TODO"
-  (let ((spec (or (cdr (assq face doom-themes--faces))
-                  (error "Couldn't find the '%s' face" face))))
-    (when (memq (car spec) '(quote backquote \`))
-      (user-error "Can't fetch the literal spec for '%s'" face))
-    (when class
-      (setq spec (cdr (assq class spec)))
-      (unless spec
-        (error "Couldn't find the '%s' class in the '%s' face"
-               class face)))
-    (unless (plist-member spec prop)
-      (error "Couldn't find the '%s' property in the '%s' face%s"
-             prop face (if class (format "'s '%s' class" class) "")))
-    (plist-get spec prop)))
-(defmacro doom-themes-set-faces (theme &rest faces)
-  "Customize THEME (a symbol) with FACES."
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  `(custom-theme-set-faces
-    ,theme
-    ,@(mapcar #'doom-themes--build-face faces)))
-(defmacro def-doom-theme (name docstring defs &optional extra-faces extra-vars)
-  "Define a DOOM theme, named NAME (a symbol)."
-  (declare (doc-string 2))
-  (let ((doom-themes--colors defs))
-    `(let* ((bold   doom-themes-enable-bold)
-            (italic doom-themes-enable-italic)
-            ,@defs)
-       (setq doom-themes--colors
-             (list ,@(cl-loop for (var val) in defs
-                              collect `(cons ',var ,val))))
-       (deftheme ,name ,docstring)
-       (custom-theme-set-faces
-        ',name ,@(doom-themes-prepare-facelist extra-faces))
-       (custom-theme-set-variables
-        ',name ,@(doom-themes-prepare-varlist extra-vars))
-       (provide-theme ',name))))
-(defun doom-themes-org-config ()
-  "Enable custom fontification and improves doom-themes integration with org-mode."
-  (require 'doom-themes-org))
-(defun doom-themes-neotree-config ()
-  "Install doom-themes' neotree configuration.
-Includes an Atom-esque icon theme and highlighting based on filetype."
-  (let ((doom-themes--inhibit-warning t))
-    (require 'doom-themes-neotree)))
-(defun doom-themes-treemacs-config ()
-  "Install doom-themes' treemacs configuration.
-Includes an Atom-esque icon theme and highlighting based on filetype."
-  (require 'doom-themes-treemacs))
-(defun doom-themes-visual-bell-config ()
-  "Enable flashing the mode-line on error."
-  (setq ring-bell-function #'doom-themes-visual-bell-fn
-        visible-bell t))
-(defun doom-themes-visual-bell-fn ()
-  "Blink the mode-line red briefly. Set `ring-bell-function' to this to use it."
-  (unless doom-themes--bell-p
-    (let ((old-remap (copy-alist face-remapping-alist)))
-      (setq doom-themes--bell-p t)
-      (setq face-remapping-alist
-            (append (delete (assq 'mode-line face-remapping-alist)
-                            face-remapping-alist)
-                    '((mode-line doom-modeline-error))))
-      (force-mode-line-update)
-      (run-with-timer 0.15 nil
-                      (lambda (remap buf)
-                        (with-current-buffer buf
-                          (when (assq 'mode-line face-remapping-alist)
-                            (setq face-remapping-alist remap
-                                  doom-themes--bell-p nil))
-                          (force-mode-line-update)))
-                      old-remap
-                      (current-buffer)))))
-(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) load-file-name)
-  (let* ((base (file-name-directory load-file-name))
-         (dir (expand-file-name "themes/" base)))
-    (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
-                 (or (and (file-directory-p dir) dir)
-                     base))))
-(provide 'doom-themes)
-;;; doom-themes.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 57408d0d60e6..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-themes.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f7aa2a36c5..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el -- port of tomorrow theme
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file is part of emacs-doom-themes, which provides license
-;; information.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-tomorrow-day-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-tomorrow-day-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line.
-Can be an integer to determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-tomorrow-day-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-tomorrow-day
-  "A theme based off of Chris Kempson's Tomorrow Dark."
-  ;; name        gui       256       16
-  ((bg         '("#ffffff" "white"   "white" ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#eaeaea" nil       nil     ))
-   (base0      '("#f2f2f2" "white"   "white" ))
-   (base1      '("#e4e4e4" "#e4e4e4"         ))
-   (base2      '("#dedede" "#cccccc"         ))
-   (base3      '("#d6d4d4" "#cccccc" "silver"))
-   (base4      '("#C0bfbf" "#c0c0c0" "silver"))
-   (base5      '("#a3a1a1" "#adadad" "silver"))
-   (base6      '("#8a8787" "#949494" "silver"))
-   (base7      '("#696769" "#6b6b6b" "silver"))
-   (base8      '("#000000" "#000000" "black" ))
-   (fg         '("#4d4d4c" "#3a3a3a" "black"))
-   (fg-alt     (doom-darken fg 0.6))
-   (grey       '("#a5a4a5" "#999999" "silver"))
-   (red        '("#c82829" "#cc3333" "red"))
-   (orange     '("#f5871f" "#ff9933" "brightred"))
-   (yellow     '("#eab700" "#ffcc00" "yellow"))
-   (green      '("#718c00" "#669900" "green"))
-   (blue       '("#3e999f" "#339999" "brightblue"))
-   (dark-blue  '("#4271ae" "#336699" "blue"))
-   (teal       blue) ; FIXME replace with real teal
-   (magenta    '("#c9b4cf" "#c9b4cf" "magenta"))
-   (violet     '("#8959a8" "#996699" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#8abeb7" "#8abeb7" "cyan"))
-   (dark-cyan  (doom-lighten cyan 0.4))
-   ;; face categories
-   (highlight      dark-blue)
-   (vertical-bar   base0)
-   (selection      base3)
-   (builtin        blue)
-   (comments       grey)
-   (doc-comments   (doom-darken grey 0.1))
-   (constants      orange)
-   (functions      blue)
-   (keywords       violet)
-   (methods        blue)
-   (operators      fg)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      red)
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         selection)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    fg-alt)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (modeline-bg     `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.1) ,@(cdr base3)))
-   (modeline-bg-alt `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.14) ,@(cdr base1)))
-   (modeline-fg     base8)
-   (modeline-fg-alt comments)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-tomorrow-day-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-tomorrow-day-padded-modeline)
-          doom-tomorrow-day-padded-modeline
-        4))))
-  ;; --- faces ------------------------------
-  ((doom-modeline-buffer-path       :foreground violet :bold bold)
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode :inherit 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground blue :bold bold)
-   (ivy-current-match :background region :distant-foreground grey :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1
-    :foreground base5
-    :weight 'light)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 :foreground violet :weight 'ultra-bold)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 :foreground blue)
-   (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 :inherit 'ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 :foreground red)
-   ;; rainbow-delimiters
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground violet)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground blue)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground orange)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground green)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground magenta)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground yellow)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground teal)
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-alt :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-alt))))
-  ;; --- variables --------------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-(provide 'doom-tomorrow-day-theme)
-;;; doom-tomorrow-day-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb1be576dee..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-day-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c90b69b0d610..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-;;; doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-tomorrow-night-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-tomorrow-night-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-tomorrow-night-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-tomorrow-night
-  "A theme based off of Chris Kempson's Tomorrow Dark."
-  ;; name        gui       256       16
-  ((bg         '("#1d1f21" nil       nil          ))
-   (bg-alt     '("#232527" nil       nil          ))
-   (base0      '("#0d0d0d" "black"   "black"      ))
-   (base1      '("#1b1b1b" "#1b1b1b"              ))
-   (base2      '("#212122" "#1e1e1e"              ))
-   (base3      '("#292b2b" "#292929" "brightblack"))
-   (base4      '("#3f4040" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack"))
-   (base5      '("#5c5e5e" "#525252" "brightblack"))
-   (base6      '("#757878" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack"))
-   (base7      '("#969896" "#979797" "brightblack"))
-   (base8      '("#ffffff" "#ffffff" "white"      ))
-   (fg         '("#c5c8c6" "#c5c5c5" "white"))
-   (fg-alt     (doom-darken fg 0.6))
-   (grey       '("#5a5b5a" "#5a5a5a" "brightblack"))
-   (red        '("#cc6666" "#cc6666" "red"))
-   (orange     '("#de935f" "#dd9955" "brightred"))
-   (yellow     '("#f0c674" "#f0c674" "yellow"))
-   (green      '("#b5bd68" "#b5bd68" "green"))
-   (blue       '("#81a2be" "#88aabb" "brightblue"))
-   (dark-blue  '("#41728e" "#41728e" "blue"))
-   (teal       blue) ; FIXME replace with real teal
-   (magenta    '("#c9b4cf" "#c9b4cf" "magenta"))
-   (violet     '("#b294bb" "#b294bb" "brightmagenta"))
-   (cyan       '("#8abeb7" "#8abeb7" "cyan"))
-   (dark-cyan  (doom-darken cyan 0.4))
-   ;; face categories
-   (highlight      dark-blue)
-   (vertical-bar   base0)
-   (selection      (doom-lighten bg 0.1))
-   (builtin        blue)
-   (comments       grey)
-   (doc-comments   (doom-lighten grey 0.1))
-   (constants      orange)
-   (functions      blue)
-   (keywords       violet)
-   (methods        blue)
-   (operators      fg)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      red)
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         selection)
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    fg-alt)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (modeline-bg     `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.3) ,@(cdr base3)))
-   (modeline-bg-alt `(,(car bg) ,@(cdr base1)))
-   (modeline-fg     base8)
-   (modeline-fg-alt comments)
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-tomorrow-night-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-tomorrow-night-padded-modeline)
-          doom-tomorrow-night-padded-modeline
-        4))))
-  ;; --- faces ------------------------------
-  ((doom-modeline-buffer-path       :foreground violet :bold bold)
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode :inherit 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground blue :bold bold)
-   ;; rainbow-delimiters
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :foreground violet)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :foreground blue)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :foreground orange)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :foreground green)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :foreground magenta)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :foreground yellow)
-   (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :foreground teal)
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-alt :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-alt))))
-  ;; --- variables --------------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-(provide 'doom-tomorrow-night-theme)
-;;; doom-tomorrow-night-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index b67d06355922..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-tomorrow-night-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 296bb3b39d07..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-;; doom-vibrant-theme.el --- a more vibrant version of doom-one
-(require 'doom-themes)
-(defgroup doom-vibrant-theme nil
-  "Options for doom-themes"
-  :group 'doom-themes)
-(defcustom doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline nil
-  "If non-nil, more vivid colors will be used to style the mode-line."
-  :group 'doom-vibrant-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-vibrant-brighter-comments nil
-  "If non-nil, comments will be highlighted in more vivid colors."
-  :group 'doom-vibrant-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-vibrant-comment-bg doom-vibrant-brighter-comments
-  "If non-nil, comments will have a subtle, darker background. Enhancing their
-  :group 'doom-vibrant-theme
-  :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom doom-vibrant-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline
-  "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to
-determine the exact padding."
-  :group 'doom-vibrant-theme
-  :type '(or integer boolean))
-(def-doom-theme doom-vibrant
-  "A dark theme based off of doom-one with more vibrant colors."
-  ;; name        gui       256       16
-  ((bg         '("#242730" nil       nil))
-   (bg-alt     '("#2a2e38" nil       nil))
-   (base0      '("#1c1f24" "#101010" "black"        ))
-   (base1      '("#1c1f24" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base2      '("#21272d" "#21212d" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base3      '("#23272e" "#262626" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base4      '("#484854" "#5e5e5e" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base5      '("#62686E" "#666666" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base6      '("#757B80" "#7b7b7b" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base7      '("#9ca0a4" "#979797" "brightblack"  ))
-   (base8      '("#DFDFDF" "#dfdfdf" "white"        ))
-   (fg         '("#bbc2cf" "#bfbfbf" ))
-   (fg-alt     '("#5D656B" "#5d5d5d" ))
-   (grey       base4)
-   (red        '("#ff665c" "#ff6655" ))
-   (orange     '("#e69055" "#dd8844" ))
-   (green      '("#7bc275" "#99bb66" ))
-   (teal       '("#4db5bd" "#44b9b1" ))
-   (yellow     '("#FCCE7B"           ))
-   (blue       '("#51afef"           ))
-   (dark-blue  '("#1f5582"           ))
-   (magenta    '("#C57BDB"           ))
-   (violet     '("#a991f1"           )) ;a9a1e1
-   (cyan       '("#5cEfFF"           ))
-   (dark-cyan  '("#6A8FBF"           ))
-   ;; face categories
-   (highlight      blue)
-   (vertical-bar   base0)
-   (selection      dark-blue)
-   (builtin        magenta)
-   (comments       (if doom-vibrant-brighter-comments dark-cyan base5))
-   (doc-comments   (if doom-vibrant-brighter-comments (doom-lighten dark-cyan 0.15) (doom-lighten base4 0.3)))
-   (constants      violet)
-   (functions      cyan)
-   (keywords       blue)
-   (methods        violet)
-   (operators      magenta)
-   (type           yellow)
-   (strings        green)
-   (variables      base8)
-   (numbers        orange)
-   (region         "#3d4451")
-   (error          red)
-   (warning        yellow)
-   (success        green)
-   (vc-modified    yellow)
-   (vc-added       green)
-   (vc-deleted     red)
-   ;; custom categories
-   (hidden     `(,(car bg) "black" "black"))
-   (hidden-alt `(,(car bg-alt) "black" "black"))
-   (-modeline-pad
-    (when doom-vibrant-padded-modeline
-      (if (integerp doom-vibrant-padded-modeline) doom-vibrant-padded-modeline 4)))
-   (modeline-fg     "#bbc2cf")
-   (modeline-fg-alt (doom-blend blue grey (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline 0.4 0.08)))
-   (modeline-bg
-    (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline
-        `("#383f58" ,@(cdr base1))
-      `(,(car bg-alt) ,@(cdr base0))))
-   (modeline-bg-l
-    (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline
-        modeline-bg
-      `(,(doom-darken (car bg) 0.15) ,@(cdr base1))))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive   (doom-darken bg 0.25))
-   (modeline-bg-inactive-l `(,(doom-darken (car bg-alt) 0.2) ,@(cdr base0))))
-  ;; --- extra faces ------------------------
-  ((elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022")
-   (font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground comments
-    :background (if doom-vibrant-comment-bg (doom-darken bg-alt 0.095)))
-   (font-lock-doc-face
-    :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face
-    :foreground doc-comments)
-   ((line-number &override) :foreground base4)
-   ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground blue :bold bold)
-   (doom-modeline-bar :background (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline modeline-bg highlight))
-   (doom-modeline-buffer-path :foreground (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline base8 blue) :bold bold)
-   (mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg)))
-   (mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive)))
-   (mode-line-emphasis
-    :foreground (if doom-vibrant-brighter-modeline base8 highlight))
-   (solaire-mode-line-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line
-    :background modeline-bg-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-l)))
-   (solaire-mode-line-inactive-face
-    :inherit 'mode-line-inactive
-    :background modeline-bg-inactive-l
-    :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive-l)))
-   ;; --- major-mode faces -------------------
-   ;; css-mode / scss-mode
-   (css-proprietary-property :foreground orange)
-   (css-property             :foreground green)
-   (css-selector             :foreground blue)
-   ;; markdown-mode
-   (markdown-header-face :inherit 'bold :foreground red)
-   ;; org-mode
-   (org-hide :foreground hidden)
-   (solaire-org-hide-face :foreground hidden-alt))
-  ;; --- extra variables --------------------
-  ;; ()
-  )
-;;; doom-vibrant-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 57cbbf7607d5..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/doom-themes-20180720.438/doom-vibrant-theme.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ