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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/dash-functional-20180107.1618/dash-functional.el
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/dash-functional-20180107.1618/dash-functional.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/dash-functional-20180107.1618/dash-functional.el
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index 502e8c1ff78e..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/dash-functional-20180107.1618/dash-functional.el
+++ /dev/null
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-;;; dash-functional.el --- Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Authors: Matus Goljer <matus.goljer@gmail.com>
-;;          Magnar Sveen <magnars@gmail.com>
-;; Version: 1.2.0
-;; Package-Version: 20180107.1618
-;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.0.0") (emacs "24"))
-;; Keywords: lisp functions combinators
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp
-;; See documentation on https://github.com/magnars/dash.el#functions
-;;; Code:
-(require 'dash)
-(defun -partial (fn &rest args)
-  "Takes a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN,
-and returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS.
-When called, the returned function calls FN with ARGS first and
-then additional args."
-  (apply 'apply-partially fn args))
-(defun -rpartial (fn &rest args)
-  "Takes a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN,
-and returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS.
-When called, the returned function calls FN with the additional
-args first and then ARGS."
-  (lambda (&rest args-before) (apply fn (append args-before args))))
-(defun -juxt (&rest fns)
-  "Takes a list of functions and returns a fn that is the
-juxtaposition of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable
-number of args, and returns a list containing the result of
-applying each fn to the args (left-to-right)."
-  (lambda (&rest args) (mapcar (lambda (x) (apply x args)) fns)))
-(defun -compose (&rest fns)
-  "Takes a list of functions and returns a fn that is the
-composition of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable
-number of arguments, and returns the result of applying
-each fn to the result of applying the previous fn to
-the arguments (right-to-left)."
-  (lambda (&rest args)
-    (car (-reduce-r-from (lambda (fn xs) (list (apply fn xs)))
-                         args fns))))
-(defun -applify (fn)
-  "Changes an n-arity function FN to a 1-arity function that
-expects a list with n items as arguments"
-  (apply-partially 'apply fn))
-(defun -on (operator transformer)
-  "Return a function of two arguments that first applies
-TRANSFORMER to each of them and then applies OPERATOR on the
-results (in the same order).
-In types: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c"
-  (lambda (x y) (funcall operator (funcall transformer x) (funcall transformer y))))
-(defun -flip (func)
-  "Swap the order of arguments for binary function FUNC.
-In types: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c"
-  (lambda (x y) (funcall func y x)))
-(defun -const (c)
-  "Return a function that returns C ignoring any additional arguments.
-In types: a -> b -> a"
-  (lambda (&rest _) c))
-(defmacro -cut (&rest params)
-  "Take n-ary function and n arguments and specialize some of them.
-Arguments denoted by <> will be left unspecialized.
-See SRFI-26 for detailed description."
-  (let* ((i 0)
-         (args (mapcar (lambda (_) (setq i (1+ i)) (make-symbol (format "D%d" i)))
-                       (-filter (-partial 'eq '<>) params))))
-    `(lambda ,args
-       ,(let ((body (--map (if (eq it '<>) (pop args) it) params)))
-          (if (eq (car params) '<>)
-              (cons 'funcall body)
-            body)))))
-(defun -not (pred)
-  "Take a unary predicate PRED and return a unary predicate
-that returns t if PRED returns nil and nil if PRED returns
-  (lambda (x) (not (funcall pred x))))
-(defun -orfn (&rest preds)
-  "Take list of unary predicates PREDS and return a unary
-predicate with argument x that returns non-nil if at least one of
-the PREDS returns non-nil on x.
-In types: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool"
-  (lambda (x) (-any? (-cut funcall <> x) preds)))
-(defun -andfn (&rest preds)
-  "Take list of unary predicates PREDS and return a unary
-predicate with argument x that returns non-nil if all of the
-PREDS returns non-nil on x.
-In types: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool"
-  (lambda (x) (-all? (-cut funcall <> x) preds)))
-(defun -iteratefn (fn n)
-  "Return a function FN composed N times with itself.
-FN is a unary function.  If you need to use a function of higher
-arity, use `-applify' first to turn it into a unary function.
-With n = 0, this acts as identity function.
-In types: (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> a.
-This function satisfies the following law:
-  (funcall (-iteratefn fn n) init) = (-last-item (-iterate fn init (1+ n)))."
-  (lambda (x) (--dotimes n (setq x (funcall fn x))) x))
-(defun -counter (&optional beg end inc)
-  "Return a closure that counts from BEG to END, with increment INC.
-The closure will return the next value in the counting sequence
-each time it is called, and nil after END is reached. BEG
-defaults to 0, INC defaults to 1, and if END is nil, the counter
-will increment indefinitely.
-The closure accepts any number of arguments, which are discarded."
-  (let ((inc (or inc 1))
-        (n (or beg 0)))
-    (lambda (&rest _)
-      (when (or (not end) (< n end))
-        (prog1 n
-          (setq n (+ n inc)))))))
-(defvar -fixfn-max-iterations 1000
-  "The default maximum number of iterations performed by `-fixfn'
-  unless otherwise specified.")
-(defun -fixfn (fn &optional equal-test halt-test)
-  "Return a function that computes the (least) fixpoint of FN.
-FN must be a unary function. The returned lambda takes a single
-argument, X, the initial value for the fixpoint iteration. The
-iteration halts when either of the following conditions is satisified:
- 1. Iteration converges to the fixpoint, with equality being
-    tested using EQUAL-TEST. If EQUAL-TEST is not specified,
-    `equal' is used. For functions over the floating point
-    numbers, it may be necessary to provide an appropriate
-    appoximate comparsion test.
- 2. HALT-TEST returns a non-nil value. HALT-TEST defaults to a
-    simple counter that returns t after `-fixfn-max-iterations',
-    to guard against infinite iteration. Otherwise, HALT-TEST
-    must be a function that accepts a single argument, the
-    current value of X, and returns non-nil as long as iteration
-    should continue. In this way, a more sophisticated
-    convergence test may be supplied by the caller.
-The return value of the lambda is either the fixpoint or, if
-iteration halted before converging, a cons with car `halted' and
-cdr the final output from HALT-TEST.
-In types: (a -> a) -> a -> a."
-  (let ((eqfn   (or equal-test 'equal))
-    (haltfn (or halt-test
-            (-not
-              (-counter 0 -fixfn-max-iterations)))))
-    (lambda (x)
-      (let ((re (funcall fn x))
-        (halt? (funcall haltfn x)))
-    (while (and (not halt?) (not (funcall eqfn x re)))
-      (setq x     re
-        re    (funcall fn re)
-        halt? (funcall haltfn re)))
-    (if halt? (cons 'halted halt?)
-      re)))))
-(defun -prodfn (&rest fns)
-  "Take a list of n functions and return a function that takes a
-list of length n, applying i-th function to i-th element of the
-input list.  Returns a list of length n.
-In types (for n=2): ((a -> b), (c -> d)) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
-This function satisfies the following laws:
-  (-compose (-prodfn f g ...) (-prodfn f\\=' g\\=' ...)) = (-prodfn (-compose f f\\=') (-compose g g\\=') ...)
-  (-prodfn f g ...) = (-juxt (-compose f (-partial \\='nth 0)) (-compose g (-partial \\='nth 1)) ...)
-  (-compose (-prodfn f g ...) (-juxt f\\=' g\\=' ...)) = (-juxt (-compose f f\\=') (-compose g g\\=') ...)
-  (-compose (-partial \\='nth n) (-prod f1 f2 ...)) = (-compose fn (-partial \\='nth n))"
-  (lambda (x) (-zip-with 'funcall fns x)))
-(provide 'dash-functional)
-;;; dash-functional.el ends here