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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/company-20180913.805/company-css.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/company-20180913.805/company-css.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/company-20180913.805/company-css.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/company-20180913.805/company-css.el
deleted file mode 100644
index d3ece74dc528..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/company-20180913.805/company-css.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-;;; company-css.el --- company-mode completion backend for css-mode  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; In Emacs >= 26, company-capf is used instead.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'company)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(declare-function web-mode-language-at-pos "web-mode" (&optional pos))
-(defconst company-css-property-alist
-  ;; see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html
-  '(("azimuth" angle "left-side" "far-left" "left" "center-left" "center"
-     "center-right" "right" "far-right" "right-side" "behind" "leftwards"
-     "rightwards")
-    ("background" background-color background-image background-repeat
-     background-attachment background-position
-     background-clip background-origin background-size)
-    ("background-attachment" "scroll" "fixed")
-    ("background-color" color "transparent")
-    ("background-image" uri "none")
-    ("background-position" percentage length "left" "center" "right" percentage
-     length "top" "center" "bottom" "left" "center" "right" "top" "center"
-     "bottom")
-    ("background-repeat" "repeat" "repeat-x" "repeat-y" "no-repeat")
-    ("border" border-width border-style border-color)
-    ("border-bottom" border)
-    ("border-bottom-color" border-color)
-    ("border-bottom-style" border-style)
-    ("border-bottom-width" border-width)
-    ("border-collapse" "collapse" "separate")
-    ("border-color" color "transparent")
-    ("border-left" border)
-    ("border-left-color" border-color)
-    ("border-left-style" border-style)
-    ("border-left-width" border-width)
-    ("border-right" border)
-    ("border-right-color" border-color)
-    ("border-right-style" border-style)
-    ("border-right-width" border-width)
-    ("border-spacing" length length)
-    ("border-style" border-style)
-    ("border-top" border)
-    ("border-top-color" border-color)
-    ("border-top-style" border-style)
-    ("border-top-width" border-width)
-    ("border-width" border-width)
-    ("bottom" length percentage "auto")
-    ("caption-side" "top" "bottom")
-    ("clear" "none" "left" "right" "both")
-    ("clip" shape "auto")
-    ("color" color)
-    ("content" "normal" "none" string uri counter "attr()" "open-quote"
-     "close-quote" "no-open-quote" "no-close-quote")
-    ("counter-increment" identifier integer "none")
-    ("counter-reset" identifier integer "none")
-    ("cue" cue-before cue-after)
-    ("cue-after" uri "none")
-    ("cue-before" uri "none")
-    ("cursor" uri "*" "auto" "crosshair" "default" "pointer" "move" "e-resize"
-     "ne-resize" "nw-resize" "n-resize" "se-resize" "sw-resize" "s-resize"
-     "w-resize" "text" "wait" "help" "progress")
-    ("direction" "ltr" "rtl")
-    ("display" "inline" "block" "list-item" "run-in" "inline-block" "table"
-     "inline-table" "table-row-group" "table-header-group" "table-footer-group"
-     "table-row" "table-column-group" "table-column" "table-cell"
-     "table-caption" "none")
-    ("elevation" angle "below" "level" "above" "higher" "lower")
-    ("empty-cells" "show" "hide")
-    ("float" "left" "right" "none")
-    ("font" font-style font-weight font-size "/" line-height
-     font-family "caption" "icon" "menu" "message-box" "small-caption"
-     "status-bar" "normal" "small-caps"
-     ;; CSS3
-     font-stretch)
-    ("font-family" family-name generic-family)
-    ("font-size" absolute-size relative-size length percentage)
-    ("font-style" "normal" "italic" "oblique")
-    ("font-weight" "normal" "bold" "bolder" "lighter" "100" "200" "300" "400"
-     "500" "600" "700" "800" "900")
-    ("height" length percentage "auto")
-    ("left" length percentage "auto")
-    ("letter-spacing" "normal" length)
-    ("line-height" "normal" number length percentage)
-    ("list-style" list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image)
-    ("list-style-image" uri "none")
-    ("list-style-position" "inside" "outside")
-    ("list-style-type" "disc" "circle" "square" "decimal" "decimal-leading-zero"
-     "lower-roman" "upper-roman" "lower-greek" "lower-latin" "upper-latin"
-     "armenian" "georgian" "lower-alpha" "upper-alpha" "none")
-    ("margin" margin-width)
-    ("margin-bottom" margin-width)
-    ("margin-left" margin-width)
-    ("margin-right" margin-width)
-    ("margin-top" margin-width)
-    ("max-height" length percentage "none")
-    ("max-width" length percentage "none")
-    ("min-height" length percentage)
-    ("min-width" length percentage)
-    ("orphans" integer)
-    ("outline" outline-color outline-style outline-width)
-    ("outline-color" color "invert")
-    ("outline-style" border-style)
-    ("outline-width" border-width)
-    ("overflow" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto"
-     ;; CSS3:
-     "no-display" "no-content")
-    ("padding" padding-width)
-    ("padding-bottom" padding-width)
-    ("padding-left" padding-width)
-    ("padding-right" padding-width)
-    ("padding-top" padding-width)
-    ("page-break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right")
-    ("page-break-before" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right")
-    ("page-break-inside" "avoid" "auto")
-    ("pause" time percentage)
-    ("pause-after" time percentage)
-    ("pause-before" time percentage)
-    ("pitch" frequency "x-low" "low" "medium" "high" "x-high")
-    ("pitch-range" number)
-    ("play-during" uri "mix" "repeat" "auto" "none")
-    ("position" "static" "relative" "absolute" "fixed")
-    ("quotes" string string "none")
-    ("richness" number)
-    ("right" length percentage "auto")
-    ("speak" "normal" "none" "spell-out")
-    ("speak-header" "once" "always")
-    ("speak-numeral" "digits" "continuous")
-    ("speak-punctuation" "code" "none")
-    ("speech-rate" number "x-slow" "slow" "medium" "fast" "x-fast" "faster"
-     "slower")
-    ("stress" number)
-    ("table-layout" "auto" "fixed")
-    ("text-align" "left" "right" "center" "justify")
-    ("text-indent" length percentage)
-    ("text-transform" "capitalize" "uppercase" "lowercase" "none")
-    ("top" length percentage "auto")
-    ("unicode-bidi" "normal" "embed" "bidi-override")
-    ("vertical-align" "baseline" "sub" "super" "top" "text-top" "middle"
-     "bottom" "text-bottom" percentage length)
-    ("visibility" "visible" "hidden" "collapse")
-    ("voice-family" specific-voice generic-voice "*" specific-voice
-     generic-voice)
-    ("volume" number percentage "silent" "x-soft" "soft" "medium" "loud"
-     "x-loud")
-    ("white-space" "normal" "pre" "nowrap" "pre-wrap" "pre-line")
-    ("widows" integer)
-    ("width" length percentage "auto")
-    ("word-spacing" "normal" length)
-    ("z-index" "auto" integer)
-    ;; CSS3
-    ("align-content" align-stretch "space-between" "space-around")
-    ("align-items" align-stretch "baseline")
-    ("align-self" align-items "auto")
-    ("animation" animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function
-     animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction
-     animation-fill-mode)
-    ("animation-delay" time)
-    ("animation-direction" "normal" "reverse" "alternate" "alternate-reverse")
-    ("animation-duration" time)
-    ("animation-fill-mode" "none" "forwards" "backwards" "both")
-    ("animation-iteration-count" integer "infinite")
-    ("animation-name" "none")
-    ("animation-play-state" "paused" "running")
-    ("animation-timing-function" transition-timing-function
-     "step-start" "step-end" "steps(,)")
-    ("backface-visibility" "visible" "hidden")
-    ("background-clip" background-origin)
-    ("background-origin" "border-box" "padding-box" "content-box")
-    ("background-size" length percentage "auto" "cover" "contain")
-    ("border-image" border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-source
-     border-image-slice border-image-width)
-    ("border-image-outset" length)
-    ("border-image-repeat" "stretch" "repeat" "round" "space")
-    ("border-image-source" uri "none")
-    ("border-image-slice" length)
-    ("border-image-width" length percentage)
-    ("border-radius" length)
-    ("border-top-left-radius" length)
-    ("border-top-right-radius" length)
-    ("border-bottom-left-radius" length)
-    ("border-bottom-right-radius" length)
-    ("box-decoration-break" "slice" "clone")
-    ("box-shadow" length color)
-    ("box-sizing" "content-box" "border-box")
-    ("break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right" "page" "column"
-     "avoid-page" "avoid-column")
-    ("break-before" break-after)
-    ("break-inside" "avoid" "auto")
-    ("columns" column-width column-count)
-    ("column-count" integer)
-    ("column-fill" "auto" "balance")
-    ("column-gap" length "normal")
-    ("column-rule" column-rule-width column-rule-style column-rule-color)
-    ("column-rule-color" color)
-    ("column-rule-style" border-style)
-    ("column-rule-width" border-width)
-    ("column-span" "all" "none")
-    ("column-width" length "auto")
-    ("filter" url "blur()" "brightness()" "contrast()" "drop-shadow()"
-     "grayscale()" "hue-rotate()" "invert()" "opacity()" "saturate()" "sepia()")
-    ("flex" flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis)
-    ("flex-basis" percentage length "auto")
-    ("flex-direction" "row" "row-reverse" "column" "column-reverse")
-    ("flex-flow" flex-direction flex-wrap)
-    ("flex-grow" number)
-    ("flex-shrink" number)
-    ("flex-wrap" "nowrap" "wrap" "wrap-reverse")
-    ("font-feature-setting" normal string number)
-    ("font-kerning" "auto" "normal" "none")
-    ("font-language-override" "normal" string)
-    ("font-size-adjust" "none" number)
-    ("font-stretch" "normal" "ultra-condensed" "extra-condensed" "condensed"
-     "semi-condensed" "semi-expanded" "expanded" "extra-expanded" "ultra-expanded")
-    ("font-synthesis" "none" "weight" "style")
-    ("font-variant" font-variant-alternates font-variant-caps
-     font-variant-east-asian font-variant-ligatures font-variant-numeric
-     font-variant-position)
-    ("font-variant-alternates" "normal" "historical-forms" "stylistic()"
-     "styleset()" "character-variant()" "swash()" "ornaments()" "annotation()")
-    ("font-variant-caps" "normal" "small-caps" "all-small-caps" "petite-caps"
-     "all-petite-caps" "unicase" "titling-caps")
-    ("font-variant-east-asian" "jis78" "jis83" "jis90" "jis04" "simplified"
-     "traditional" "full-width" "proportional-width" "ruby")
-    ("font-variant-ligatures" "normal" "none" "common-ligatures"
-     "no-common-ligatures" "discretionary-ligatures" "no-discretionary-ligatures"
-     "historical-ligatures" "no-historical-ligatures" "contextual" "no-contextual")
-    ("font-variant-numeric" "normal" "ordinal" "slashed-zero"
-     "lining-nums" "oldstyle-nums" "proportional-nums" "tabular-nums"
-     "diagonal-fractions" "stacked-fractions")
-    ("font-variant-position" "normal" "sub" "super")
-    ("hyphens" "none" "manual" "auto")
-    ("justify-content" align-common "space-between" "space-around")
-    ("line-break" "auto" "loose" "normal" "strict")
-    ("marquee-direction" "forward" "reverse")
-    ("marquee-play-count" integer "infinite")
-    ("marquee-speed" "slow" "normal" "fast")
-    ("marquee-style" "scroll" "slide" "alternate")
-    ("opacity" number)
-    ("order" number)
-    ("outline-offset" length)
-    ("overflow-x" overflow)
-    ("overflow-y" overflow)
-    ("overflow-style" "auto" "marquee-line" "marquee-block")
-    ("overflow-wrap" "normal" "break-word")
-    ("perspective" "none" length)
-    ("perspective-origin" percentage length "left" "center" "right" "top" "bottom")
-    ("resize" "none" "both" "horizontal" "vertical")
-    ("tab-size" integer length)
-    ("text-align-last" "auto" "start" "end" "left" "right" "center" "justify")
-    ("text-decoration" text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style)
-    ("text-decoration-color" color)
-    ("text-decoration-line" "none" "underline" "overline" "line-through" "blink")
-    ("text-decoration-style" "solid" "double" "dotted" "dashed" "wavy")
-    ("text-overflow" "clip" "ellipsis")
-    ("text-shadow" color length)
-    ("text-underline-position" "auto" "under" "left" "right")
-    ("transform" "matrix(,,,,,)" "translate(,)" "translateX()" "translateY()"
-     "scale()" "scaleX()" "scaleY()" "rotate()" "skewX()" "skewY()" "none")
-    ("transform-origin" perspective-origin)
-    ("transform-style" "flat" "preserve-3d")
-    ("transition" transition-property transition-duration
-     transition-timing-function transition-delay)
-    ("transition-delay" time)
-    ("transition-duration" time)
-    ("transition-timing-function"
-     "ease" "linear" "ease-in" "ease-out" "ease-in-out" "cubic-bezier(,,,)")
-    ("transition-property" "none" "all" identifier)
-    ("word-wrap" overflow-wrap)
-    ("word-break" "normal" "break-all" "keep-all"))
-  "A list of CSS properties and their possible values.")
-(defconst company-css-value-classes
-  '((absolute-size "xx-small" "x-small" "small" "medium" "large" "x-large"
-                   "xx-large")
-    (align-common "flex-start" "flex-end" "center")
-    (align-stretch align-common "stretch")
-    (border-style "none" "hidden" "dotted" "dashed" "solid" "double" "groove"
-                  "ridge" "inset" "outset")
-    (border-width "thick" "medium" "thin")
-    (color "aqua" "black" "blue" "fuchsia" "gray" "green" "lime" "maroon" "navy"
-           "olive" "orange" "purple" "red" "silver" "teal" "white" "yellow")
-    (counter "counter(,)")
-    (family-name "Courier" "Helvetica" "Times")
-    (generic-family "serif" "sans-serif" "cursive" "fantasy" "monospace")
-    (generic-voice "male" "female" "child")
-    (margin-width "auto") ;; length percentage
-    (relative-size "larger" "smaller")
-    (shape "rect(,,,)")
-    (uri "url()"))
-  "A list of CSS property value classes and their contents.")
-;; missing, because not completable
-;; <angle><frequency><identifier><integer><length><number><padding-width>
-;; <percentage><specific-voice><string><time><uri>
-(defconst company-css-html-tags
-  '("a" "abbr" "acronym" "address" "applet" "area" "b" "base" "basefont" "bdo"
-    "big" "blockquote" "body" "br" "button" "caption" "center" "cite" "code"
-    "col" "colgroup" "dd" "del" "dfn" "dir" "div" "dl" "dt" "em" "fieldset"
-    "font" "form" "frame" "frameset" "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "h6" "head" "hr"
-    "html" "i" "iframe" "img" "input" "ins" "isindex" "kbd" "label" "legend"
-    "li" "link" "map" "menu" "meta" "noframes" "noscript" "object" "ol"
-    "optgroup" "option" "p" "param" "pre" "q" "s" "samp" "script" "select"
-    "small" "span" "strike" "strong" "style" "sub" "sup" "table" "tbody" "td"
-    "textarea" "tfoot" "th" "thead" "title" "tr" "tt" "u" "ul" "var"
-    ;; HTML5
-    "section" "article" "aside" "header" "footer" "nav" "figure" "figcaption"
-    "time" "mark" "main")
-  "A list of HTML tags for use in CSS completion.")
-(defconst company-css-pseudo-classes
-  '("active" "after" "before" "first" "first-child" "first-letter" "first-line"
-    "focus" "hover" "lang" "left" "link" "right" "visited")
-  "Identifiers for CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes.")
-(defconst company-css-property-cache (make-hash-table :size 115 :test 'equal))
-(defun company-css-property-values (attribute)
-  "Access the `company-css-property-alist' cached and flattened."
-  (or (gethash attribute company-css-property-cache)
-      (let (results)
-        (dolist (value (cdr (assoc attribute company-css-property-alist)))
-          (if (symbolp value)
-              (dolist (child (or (cdr (assoc value company-css-value-classes))
-                                 (company-css-property-values
-                                  (symbol-name value))))
-                (push child results))
-            (push value results)))
-        (setq results (sort results 'string<))
-        (puthash attribute
-                 (if (fboundp 'delete-consecutive-dups)
-                     (delete-consecutive-dups results)
-                   (delete-dups results))
-                 company-css-property-cache)
-        results)))
-;;; bracket detection
-(defconst company-css-braces-syntax-table
-  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
-    (setf (aref table ?{) '(4 . 125))
-    (setf (aref table ?}) '(5 . 123))
-    table)
-  "A syntax table giving { and } paren syntax.")
-(defun company-css-inside-braces-p ()
-  "Return non-nil, if point is within matched { and }."
-  (ignore-errors
-    (with-syntax-table company-css-braces-syntax-table
-      (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
-        (scan-lists (point) -1 1)))))
-;;; tags
-(defconst company-css-tag-regexp
-  (concat "\\(?:\\`\\|}\\)[[:space:]]*"
-          ;; multiple
-          "\\(?:"
-          ;; previous tags:
-          "\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?"
-          ;; space or selectors
-          "\\(?:[[:space:]]+\\|[[:space:]]*[+,>][[:space:]]*\\)"
-          "\\)*"
-          "\\(\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)\\(?:[[:alnum:]-#]*\\_>\\)?\\_>\\|\\)"
-          "\\=")
-  "A regular expression matching CSS tags.")
-;;; pseudo id
-(defconst company-css-pseudo-regexp
-  (concat "\\(?:\\`\\|}\\)[[:space:]]*"
-          ;; multiple
-          "\\(?:"
-          ;; previous tags:
-          "\\(?:#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\(?:\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?"
-          ;; space or delimiters
-          "\\(?:[[:space:]]+\\|[[:space:]]*[+,>][[:space:]]*\\)"
-          "\\)*"
-          "\\(?:\\(?:\\#\\|\\_<[[:alpha:]]\\)[[:alnum:]-#]*\\):"
-          "\\([[:alpha:]-]+\\_>\\|\\)\\_>\\=")
-  "A regular expression matching CSS pseudo classes.")
-;;; properties
-(defun company-css-grab-property ()
-  "Return the CSS property before point, if any.
-Returns \"\" if no property found, but feasible at this position."
-  (when (company-css-inside-braces-p)
-    (company-grab-symbol)))
-;;; values
-(defconst company-css-property-value-regexp
-  "\\_<\\([[:alpha:]-]+\\):\\(?:[^{};]*[[:space:]]+\\)?\\([^{};]*\\_>\\|\\)\\="
-  "A regular expression matching CSS tags.")
-(defun company-css (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "`company-mode' completion backend for `css-mode'."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-case command
-    (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-css))
-    (prefix (and (or (derived-mode-p 'css-mode)
-                     (and (derived-mode-p 'web-mode)
-                          (string= (web-mode-language-at-pos) "css")))
-                 (or (company-grab company-css-tag-regexp 1)
-                     (company-grab company-css-pseudo-regexp 1)
-                     (company-grab company-css-property-value-regexp 2
-                                   (line-beginning-position))
-                     (company-css-grab-property))))
-    (candidates
-     (cond
-      ((company-grab company-css-tag-regexp 1)
-       (all-completions arg company-css-html-tags))
-      ((company-grab company-css-pseudo-regexp 1)
-       (all-completions arg company-css-pseudo-classes))
-      ((company-grab company-css-property-value-regexp 2
-                     (line-beginning-position))
-       (all-completions arg
-                        (company-css-property-values
-                         (company-grab company-css-property-value-regexp 1))))
-      ((company-css-grab-property)
-       (all-completions arg company-css-property-alist))))
-    (sorted t)))
-(provide 'company-css)
-;;; company-css.el ends here