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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/circe-20180525.1231/circe-color-nicks.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/circe-20180525.1231/circe-color-nicks.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/circe-20180525.1231/circe-color-nicks.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/circe-20180525.1231/circe-color-nicks.el
deleted file mode 100644
index dd5e64e04fa6..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/circe-20180525.1231/circe-color-nicks.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-;;; circe-color-nicks.el --- Color nicks in the channel
-;; Copyright (C) 2012  Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer
-;; Author: Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer <taylanbayirli@gmail.com>
-;; This file is part of Circe.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
-;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-;; 02110-1301  USA
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This Circe module adds the ability to assign a color to each
-;; nick in a channel.
-;; Some ideas/code copied from rcirc-colors.el.
-;; To use it, put the following into your .emacs:
-;; (require 'circe-color-nicks)
-;; (enable-circe-color-nicks)
-;;; Code:
-(require 'circe)
-(require 'color)
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(defun enable-circe-color-nicks ()
-  "Enable the Color Nicks module for Circe.
-This module colors all encountered nicks in a cross-server fashion."
-  (interactive)
-  (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
-    (with-current-buffer buf
-      (when (eq major-mode 'circe-channel-mode)
-        (add-circe-color-nicks))))
-  (add-hook 'circe-channel-mode-hook
-            'add-circe-color-nicks))
-(defun disable-circe-color-nicks ()
-  "Disable the Color Nicks module for Circe.
-See `enable-circe-color-nicks'."
-  (interactive)
-  (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
-    (with-current-buffer buf
-      (when (eq major-mode 'circe-channel-mode)
-        (remove-circe-color-nicks))))
-  (remove-hook 'circe-channel-mode-hook
-               'add-circe-color-nicks))
-(defun add-circe-color-nicks ()
-  "Add `circe-color-nicks' to `lui-pre-output-hook'."
-  (add-hook 'lui-pre-output-hook 'circe-color-nicks))
-(defun remove-circe-color-nicks ()
-  "Remove `circe-color-nicks' from `lui-pre-output-hook'."
-  (remove-hook 'lui-pre-output-hook 'circe-color-nicks))
-(defgroup circe-color-nicks nil
-  "Nicks colorization for Circe"
-  :prefix "circe-color-nicks-"
-  :group 'circe)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-min-contrast-ratio 7
-  "Minimum contrast ratio from background for generated colors;
-recommended is 7:1, or at least 4.5:1 (7 stands for 7:1 here).
-Lower value allows higher color spread, but could lead to less
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-min-difference 17
-  "Minimum difference from each other for generated colors."
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-min-fg-difference 17
-  "Minimum difference from foreground for generated colors."
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-min-my-message-difference 0
-  "Minimum difference from own nick color for generated colors."
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-everywhere nil
-  "Whether nicks should be colored in message bodies too."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-message-blacklist nil
-  "Blacklist for nicks that shall never be highlighted inside
-  images."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-(defcustom circe-color-nicks-pool-type 'adaptive
-  "Type of the color nick pool.
-Must be one of the following:
-'adaptive: Generate colors based on the current theme.
-List of strings: Pick colors from the specified list of hex codes
-or color names (see `color-name-rgb-alist')."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Adaptive" adaptive)
-                 (repeat string))
-  :group 'circe-color-nicks)
-;;; See http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G18
-(defsubst circe-w3-contrast-c-to-l (c)
-  (if (<= c 0.03928)
-      (/ c 12.92)
-    (expt (/ (+ c 0.055) 1.055) 2.4)))
-(defsubst circe-w3-contrast-relative-luminance (rgb)
-  (apply #'+
-         (cl-mapcar (lambda (color coefficient)
-                      (* coefficient
-                         (circe-w3-contrast-c-to-l color)))
-                    rgb
-                    '(0.2126 0.7152 0.0722))))
-(defsubst circe-w3-contrast-contrast-ratio (color1 color2)
-  (let ((l1 (+ 0.05 (circe-w3-contrast-relative-luminance color1)))
-        (l2 (+ 0.05 (circe-w3-contrast-relative-luminance color2))))
-    (if (> l1 l2)
-        (/ l1 l2)
-        (/ l2 l1))))
-(defun circe-color-alist ()
-  "Return list of colors (name rgb lab) where rgb is 0 to 1."
-  (let ((alist (if (display-graphic-p)
-                   color-name-rgb-alist
-                 (mapcar (lambda (c)
-                           (cons (car c) (cddr c)))
-                         (tty-color-alist))))
-        (valmax (float (car (color-values "#ffffff")))))
-    (mapcar (lambda (c)
-              (let* ((name (car c))
-                     (rgb (mapcar (lambda (v)
-                                    (/ v valmax))
-                                  (cdr c)))
-                     (lab (apply #'color-srgb-to-lab rgb)))
-                (list name rgb lab)))
-            alist)))
-(defun circe-color-canonicalize-format (color)
-  "Turns COLOR into (name rgb lab) format.  Avoid calling this in
-a loop, it's very slow on a tty!"
-  (let* ((name color)
-         (rgb (circe-color-name-to-rgb color))
-         (lab (apply #'color-srgb-to-lab rgb)))
-   (list name rgb lab)))
-(defun circe-color-contrast-ratio (color1 color2)
-  "Gives the contrast ratio between two colors."
-  (circe-w3-contrast-contrast-ratio (nth 1 color1) (nth 1 color2)))
-(defun circe-color-diff (color1 color2)
-  "Gives the difference between two colors per CIEDE2000."
-  (color-cie-de2000 (nth 2 color1) (nth 2 color2)))
-(defun circe-color-name-to-rgb (color)
-  "Like `color-name-to-rgb' but also handles \"unspecified-bg\"
-and \"unspecified-fg\"."
-  (cond ((equal color "unspecified-bg") '(0 0 0))
-        ((equal color "unspecified-fg") '(1 1 1))
-        (t (color-name-to-rgb color))))
-(defun circe-nick-color-appropriate-p (color bg fg my-msg)
-  "Tells whether COLOR is appropriate for being a nick color.
-BG, FG, and MY-MSG are the background, foreground, and my-message
-colors; these are expected as parameters instead of computed here
-because computing them repeatedly is a heavy operation."
-  (and (>= (circe-color-contrast-ratio color bg)
-           circe-color-nicks-min-contrast-ratio)
-       (>= (circe-color-diff color fg)
-           circe-color-nicks-min-fg-difference)
-       (>= (circe-color-diff color my-msg)
-           circe-color-nicks-min-my-message-difference)))
-(defun circe-nick-colors-delete-similar (colors)
-  "Return list COLORS with pairs of colors filtered out that are
-too similar per `circe-color-nicks-min-difference'.  COLORS may
-be mutated."
-  (cl-mapl (lambda (rest)
-             (let ((color (car rest)))
-               (setcdr rest (cl-delete-if
-                             (lambda (c)
-                               (< (circe-color-diff color c)
-                                  circe-color-nicks-min-difference))
-                             (cdr rest)))))
-           colors)
-  colors)
-(defun circe-nick-color-generate-pool ()
-  "Return a list of appropriate nick colors."
-  (if (consp circe-color-nicks-pool-type)
-      circe-color-nicks-pool-type
-    (let ((bg (circe-color-canonicalize-format (face-background 'default)))
-          (fg (circe-color-canonicalize-format (face-foreground 'default)))
-          (my-msg (circe-color-canonicalize-format
-                   (face-attribute
-                    'circe-my-message-face :foreground nil 'default))))
-      (mapcar #'car (circe-nick-colors-delete-similar
-                     (cl-remove-if-not
-                      (lambda (c)
-                        (circe-nick-color-appropriate-p c bg fg my-msg))
-                      (circe-color-alist)))))))
-(defun circe-nick-color-pool-test ()
-  "Display all appropriate nick colors in a temp buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Circe color test*"))
-  (erase-buffer)
-  (let ((pool (circe-nick-color-generate-pool)))
-    (while pool
-      (let ((pt (point)))
-        (insert "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n")
-        (put-text-property pt (point) 'face `(:foreground ,(pop pool)))))))
-(defvar circe-nick-color-pool nil
-  "Pool of yet unused nick colors.")
-(defvar circe-nick-color-mapping (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-  "Hash-table from nicks to colors.")
-(defun circe-nick-color-nick-list ()
-  "Return list of all nicks that should be colored in this channel.
-Own and blacklisted nicks are excluded."
-  (let ((our-nick (circe-nick))
-        (channel-nicks (circe-channel-nicks)))
-    (cl-remove-if (lambda (nick)
-                    (or (string= our-nick nick)
-                        (member nick circe-color-nicks-message-blacklist)))
-                  channel-nicks)))
-(defvar circe-nick-color-timestamps (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-  "Hash-table from colors to the timestamp of their last use.")
-(defun circe-nick-color-for-nick (nick)
-  "Return the color for NICK.  Assigns a color to NICK if one
-wasn't assigned already."
-  (let ((color (gethash nick circe-nick-color-mapping)))
-    (when (not color)
-      ;; NOTE use this as entry point for taking NICK into account for
-      ;; picking the new color
-      (setq color (circe-nick-color-pick))
-      (puthash nick color circe-nick-color-mapping))
-    (puthash color (float-time) circe-nick-color-timestamps)
-    color))
-(defun circe-nick-color-pick ()
-  "Picks either a color from the pool of unused colors, or the
-color that was used least recently (i.e. nicks that have it
-assigned have been least recently active)."
-  (if (zerop (hash-table-count circe-nick-color-mapping))
-      (setq circe-nick-color-pool (circe-nick-color-generate-pool)))
-  (or (pop circe-nick-color-pool)
-      (circe-nick-color-pick-least-recent)))
-(defun circe-nick-color-pick-least-recent ()
-  "Pick the color that was used least recently.
-See `circe-nick-color-pick', which is where this is used."
-  (let ((least-recent-color nil)
-        (oldest-time (float-time)))
-    (maphash
-     (lambda (color time)
-       (if (< time oldest-time)
-           (progn
-             (setq least-recent-color color)
-             (setq oldest-time time))))
-     circe-nick-color-timestamps)
-    (if least-recent-color
-        least-recent-color
-      ;; Someone must have messed with `circe-nick-color-mapping', recover by
-      ;; re-filling the pool.
-      (setq circe-nick-color-pool (circe-nick-color-generate-pool))
-      (pop circe-nick-color-pool))))
-(defun circe-color-nicks ()
-  "Color nicks on this lui output line."
-  (when (eq major-mode 'circe-channel-mode)
-    (let ((nickstart (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max)
-                                        'lui-format-argument 'nick)))
-      (when nickstart
-        (goto-char nickstart)
-        (let ((nickend (next-single-property-change nickstart
-                                                    'lui-format-argument))
-              (nick (plist-get (plist-get (text-properties-at nickstart)
-                                          'lui-keywords)
-                               :nick)))
-          (when (not (circe-server-my-nick-p nick))
-            (let ((color (circe-nick-color-for-nick nick)))
-              (add-face-text-property nickstart nickend
-                                      `(:foreground ,color)))))))
-    (when circe-color-nicks-everywhere
-      (let ((body (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max)
-                                     'lui-format-argument 'body)))
-        (when body
-          (with-syntax-table circe-nick-syntax-table
-            (goto-char body)
-            (let* ((nicks (circe-nick-color-nick-list))
-                   (regex (regexp-opt nicks 'words)))
-              (let (case-fold-search)
-                (while (re-search-forward regex nil t)
-                  (let* ((nick (match-string-no-properties 0))
-                         (color (circe-nick-color-for-nick nick)))
-                    (add-face-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
-                                            `(:foreground ,color))))))))))))
-(defun circe-nick-color-reset ()
-  "Reset the nick color mapping (and some internal data).
-This is useful if you switched between frames supporting
-different color ranges and would like nicks to get new colors
-appropriate to the new color range."
-  (interactive)
-  (setq circe-nick-color-pool (circe-nick-color-generate-pool))
-  (setq circe-nick-color-mapping (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
-  (setq circe-nick-color-timestamps (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-(provide 'circe-color-nicks)
-;;; circe-color-nicks.el ends here