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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20180908.1925/cider-cheatsheet.el')
-rw-r--r-- | configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20180908.1925/cider-cheatsheet.el | 577 |
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diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20180908.1925/cider-cheatsheet.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20180908.1925/cider-cheatsheet.el deleted file mode 100644 index d870c5a5a822..000000000000 --- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/cider-20180908.1925/cider-cheatsheet.el +++ /dev/null @@ -1,577 +0,0 @@ -;;; cider-cheatsheet.el --- Quick reference for Clojure -*- lexical-binding: t -*- - -;; Copyright © 2018 Kris Jenkins, Bozhidar Batsov and CIDER contributors -;; -;; Author: Kris Jenkins <krisajenkins@gmail.com> - -;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -;; (at your option) any later version. - -;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -;; GNU General Public License for more details. - -;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. - -;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. - -;;; Commentary: - -;; A quick reference system for Clojure. Fast, searchable & available offline. - -;; Mostly taken from Kris Jenkins' `clojure-cheatsheet' -;; See: https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-cheatsheet - -;;; Code: - -(require 'cider-doc) -(require 'seq) - -(defconst cider-cheatsheet-hierarchy - '(("Primitives" - ("Numbers" - ("Arithmetic" - (clojure.core + - * / quot rem mod dec inc max min)) - ("Compare" - (clojure.core = == not= < > <= >= compare)) - ("Bitwise" - (clojure.core bit-and bit-and-not bit-clear bit-flip bit-not bit-or bit-set bit-shift-left bit-shift-right bit-test bit-xor unsigned-bit-shift-right)) - ("Cast" - (clojure.core byte short long int float double bigdec bigint biginteger num rationalize)) - ("Test" - (clojure.core nil? some? identical? zero? pos? neg? even? odd?)) - ("Random" - (clojure.core rand rand-int)) - ("BigDecimal" - (clojure.core with-precision)) - ("Ratios" - (clojure.core numerator denominator ratio?)) - ("Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic" - (clojure.core +\' -\' *\' inc\' dec\')) - ("Unchecked" - (clojure.core *unchecked-math* - unchecked-add - unchecked-add-int - unchecked-byte - unchecked-char - unchecked-dec - unchecked-dec-int - unchecked-divide-int - unchecked-double - unchecked-float - unchecked-inc - unchecked-inc-int - unchecked-int - unchecked-long - unchecked-multiply - unchecked-multiply-int - unchecked-negate - unchecked-negate-int - unchecked-remainder-int - unchecked-short - unchecked-subtract - unchecked-subtract-int))) - - ("Strings" - ("Create" - (clojure.core str format)) - ("Use" - (clojure.core count get subs compare) - (clojure.string join escape split split-lines replace replace-first reverse re-quote-replacement index-of last-index-of starts-with? ends-with? includes?)) - ("Regex" - (clojure.core re-find re-seq re-matches re-pattern re-matcher re-groups) - (clojure.string replace replace-first re-quote-replacement)) - ("Letters" - (clojure.string capitalize lower-case upper-case)) - ("Trim" - (clojure.string trim trim-newline triml trimr)) - ("Test" - (clojure.core char char? string?) - (clojure.string blank?))) - - ("Other" - ("Characters" - (clojure.core char char-name-string char-escape-string)) - ("Keywords" - (clojure.core keyword keyword? find-keyword)) - ("Symbols" - (clojure.core symbol symbol? gensym)) - ("Data Readers" - (clojure.core *data-readers* default-data-readers *default-data-reader-fn*)))) - - ("Collections" - ("Generic Ops" - (clojure.core count bounded-count empty not-empty into conj)) - ("Tree Walking" - (clojure.walk walk prewalk prewalk-demo prewalk-replace postwalk postwalk-demo postwalk-replace keywordize-keys stringify-keys)) - ("Content tests" - (clojure.core distinct? empty? every? not-every? some not-any?)) - ("Capabilities" - (clojure.core sequential? associative? sorted? counted? reversible?)) - ("Type tests" - (clojure.core type class coll? list? vector? set? map? seq? - number? integer? float? decimal? class? rational? ratio? - chunked-seq? reduced? special-symbol? record?)) - ("Lists" - ("Create" - (clojure.core list list*)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core first nth peek)) - ("Change" - (clojure.core cons conj rest pop))) - - ("Vectors" - ("Create" - (clojure.core vec vector vector-of)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core get peek)) - - ("Change" - (clojure.core assoc pop subvec replace conj rseq)) - ("Ops" - (clojure.core mapv filterv reduce-kv))) - - ("Sets" - ("Create" - (clojure.core set hash-set sorted-set sorted-set-by)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core get contains?)) - ("Change" - (clojure.core conj disj)) - ("Relational Algebra" - (clojure.set join select project union difference intersection)) - ("Get map" - (clojure.set index rename-keys rename map-invert)) - ("Test" - (clojure.set subset? superset?)) - ("Sorted Sets" - (clojure.core rseq subseq rsubseq))) - - ("Maps" - ("Create" - (clojure.core hash-map array-map zipmap sorted-map sorted-map-by bean frequencies group-by)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core get get-in contains? find keys vals map-entry?)) - ("Change" - (clojure.core assoc assoc-in dissoc merge merge-with select-keys update update-in)) - ("Entry" - (clojure.core key val)) - ("Sorted Maps" - (clojure.core rseq subseq rsubseq))) - - ("Hashes" - (clojure.core hash hash-ordered-coll hash-unordered-coll mix-collection-hash)) - - ("Volatiles" - (clojure.core volatile! volatile? vreset! vswap!))) - - ("Functions" - ("Create" - (clojure.core fn defn defn- definline identity constantly comp complement partial juxt memfn memoize fnil every-pred some-fn trampoline)) - ("Call" - (clojure.core -> ->> some-> some->> as-> cond-> cond->>)) - ("Test" - (clojure.core fn? ifn?))) - - ("Transducers" - ("Create" - (clojure.core cat dedupe distinct drop drop-while filter halt-when interpose keep keep-indexed map map-indexed mapcat partition-all partition-by random-sample remove replace take take-nth take-while)) - ("Call" - (clojure.core ->Eduction eduction into sequence transduce completing run!)) - ("Early Termination" - (clojure.core deref reduced reduced? ensure-reduced unreduced))) - - ("Spec" - ("Operations" - (clojure.spec.alpha valid? conform unform explain explain-data explain-str explain-out form describe assert check-asserts check-asserts?)) - ("Generator Ops" - (clojure.spec.alpha gen exercise exercise-fn)) - ("Defn & Registry" - (clojure.spec.alpha def fdef registry get-spec spec? spec with-gen)) - ("Logical" - (clojure.spec.alpha and or)) - ("Collection" - (clojure.spec.alpha coll-of map-of every every-kv keys merge)) - ("Regex " - (clojure.spec.alpha cat alt * + \? & keys*)) - ("Range" - (clojure.spec.alpha int-in inst-in double-in int-in-range? inst-in-range?)) - ("Custom Explain" - (clojure.spec.alpha explain-printer *explain-out*)) - ("Other" - (clojure.spec.alpha nilable multi-spec fspec conformer)) - - ("Predicates with test.check generators" - ("Numbers" - (clojure.core number? rational? integer? ratio? decimal? float? zero? double? int? nat-int? neg-int? pos-int?)) - ("Symbols & Keywords" - (clojure.core keyword? symbol? ident? qualified-ident? qualified-keyword? qualified-symbol? simple-ident? simple-keyword? simple-symbol?)) - ("Scalars" - (clojure.core string? true? false? nil? some? boolean? bytes? inst? uri? uuid?)) - ("Collections" - (clojure.core list? map? set? vector? associative? coll? sequential? seq? empty? indexed? seqable?)) - ("Other" - (clojure.core any?)))) - - ("Other" - ("XML" - (clojure.core xml-seq) - (clojure.xml parse)) - ("REPL" - (clojure.core *1 *2 *3 *e *print-dup* *print-length* *print-level* *print-meta* *print-readably*)) - ("EDN" - (clojure.edn read read-string)) - ("Compiling Code & Class Generation" - (clojure.core *compile-files* *compile-path* *file* *warn-on-reflection* compile gen-class gen-interface loaded-libs test)) - ("Misc" - (clojure.core eval force name *clojure-version* clojure-version *command-line-args*)) - ("Pretty Printing" - (clojure.pprint pprint print-table pp *print-right-margin*)) - ("Browser / Shell" - (clojure.java.browse browse-url) - (clojure.java.shell sh with-sh-dir with-sh-env))) - - ("Vars & Global Environment" - ("Def Variants" - (:special def) - (clojure.core defn defn- definline defmacro defmethod defmulti defonce defrecord)) - ("Interned Vars" - (:special var) - (clojure.core declare intern binding find-var)) - ("Var Objects" - (clojure.core with-local-vars var-get var-set alter-var-root var?)) - ("Var Validators" - (clojure.core set-validator! get-validator))) - - ("Reader Conditionals" - (clojure.core reader-conditional reader-conditional? tagged-literal tagged-literal?)) - - ("Abstractions" - ("Protocols" - (clojure.core defprotocol extend extend-type extend-protocol reify extends? satisfies? extenders)) - ("Records & Types" - (clojure.core defrecord deftype)) - ("Multimethods" - ("Define" - (clojure.core defmulti defmethod)) - ("Dispatch" - (clojure.core get-method methods)) - ("Remove" - (clojure.core remove-method remove-all-methods)) - ("Prefer" - (clojure.core prefer-method prefers)) - ("Relation" - (clojure.core derive isa? parents ancestors descendants make-hierarchy)))) - - ("Macros" - ("Create" - (clojure.core defmacro definline)) - ("Debug" - (clojure.core macroexpand-1 macroexpand) - (clojure.walk macroexpand-all)) - ("Branch" - (clojure.core and or when when-not when-let when-first if-not if-let cond condp case)) - ("Loop" - (clojure.core for doseq dotimes while)) - ("Arrange" - (clojure.core .. doto ->)) - ("Scope" - (clojure.core binding locking time) - (clojure.core with-in-str with-local-vars with-open with-out-str with-precision with-redefs with-redefs-fn)) - ("Lazy" - (clojure.core lazy-cat lazy-seq delay delay?)) - ("Doc" - (clojure.core assert comment) - (clojure.repl doc dir dir-fn source-fn))) - - ("Java Interop" - ("General" - (:special new set!) - (clojure.core .. doto bean comparator enumeration-seq import iterator-seq memfn definterface supers bases)) - ("Cast" - (clojure.core boolean byte short char int long float double bigdec bigint num cast biginteger)) - ("Exceptions" - (:special throw try catch finally) - (clojure.core ex-info ex-data Throwable->map StackTraceElement->vec) - (clojure.repl pst)) - ("Arrays" - ("Create" - (clojure.core boolean-array byte-array double-array char-array float-array int-array long-array make-array object-array short-array to-array)) - ("Manipulate" - (clojure.core aclone aget aset alength amap areduce aset-int aset-long aset-short aset-boolean aset-byte aset-char aset-double aset-float)) - ("Cast" - (clojure.core booleans bytes chars doubles floats ints longs shorts))) - ("Proxy" - ("Create" - (clojure.core proxy get-proxy-class construct-proxy init-proxy)) - ("Misc" - (clojure.core proxy-mappings proxy-super update-proxy)))) - - ("Namespaces" - ("Current" - (clojure.core *ns*)) - ("Create Switch" - (clojure.core ns in-ns create-ns)) - ("Add" - (clojure.core alias import intern refer refer-clojure)) - ("Find" - (clojure.core all-ns find-ns)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core ns-aliases ns-imports ns-interns ns-map ns-name ns-publics ns-refers)) - ("From symbol" - (clojure.core resolve namespace ns-resolve the-ns)) - ("Remove" - (clojure.core ns-unalias ns-unmap remove-ns))) - ("Loading" - ("Load libs" - (clojure.core require use import refer)) - ("List Loaded" - (clojure.core loaded-libs)) - ("Load Misc" - (clojure.core load load-file load-reader load-string))) - - ("Concurrency" - ("Atoms" - (clojure.core atom swap! swap-vals! reset! reset-vals! compare-and-set!)) - ("Futures" - (clojure.core future future-call future-cancel future-cancelled? future-done? future?)) - ("Threads" - (clojure.core bound-fn bound-fn* get-thread-bindings pop-thread-bindings push-thread-bindings)) - - ("Misc" - (clojure.core locking pcalls pvalues pmap seque promise deliver)) - - ("Refs & Transactions" - ("Create" - (clojure.core ref)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core deref)) - ("Transaction" - (clojure.core sync dosync io!)) - ("In Transaction" - (clojure.core ensure ref-set alter commute)) - ("Validators" - (clojure.core get-validator set-validator!)) - ("History" - (clojure.core ref-history-count ref-max-history ref-min-history))) - - ("Agents & Asynchronous Actions" - ("Create" - (clojure.core agent)) - ("Examine" - (clojure.core agent-error)) - ("Change State" - (clojure.core send send-off restart-agent send-via set-agent-send-executor! set-agent-send-off-executor!)) - ("Block Waiting" - (clojure.core await await-for)) - ("Ref Validators" - (clojure.core get-validator set-validator!)) - ("Watchers" - (clojure.core add-watch remove-watch)) - ("Thread Handling" - (clojure.core shutdown-agents)) - ("Error" - (clojure.core error-handler set-error-handler! error-mode set-error-mode!)) - ("Misc" - (clojure.core *agent* release-pending-sends)))) - - ("Sequences" - ("Creating a Lazy Seq" - ("From Collection" - (clojure.core seq sequence keys vals rseq subseq rsubseq)) - ("From Producer Fn" - (clojure.core lazy-seq repeatedly iterate)) - ("From Constant" - (clojure.core repeat range)) - ("From Other" - (clojure.core file-seq line-seq resultset-seq re-seq tree-seq xml-seq iterator-seq enumeration-seq)) - ("From Seq" - (clojure.core keep keep-indexed))) - - ("Seq in, Seq out" - ("Get shorter" - (clojure.core distinct dedupe filter remove for)) - ("Get longer" - (clojure.core cons conj concat lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose))) - ("Tail-items" - (clojure.core rest nthrest fnext nnext drop drop-while take-last for)) - ("Head-items" - (clojure.core take take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for)) - ("Change" - (clojure.core conj concat distinct flatten group-by partition partition-all partition-by split-at split-with filter remove replace shuffle random-sample)) - ("Rearrange" - (clojure.core reverse sort sort-by compare)) - ("Process items" - (clojure.core map pmap map-indexed mapcat for replace seque)) - - ("Using a Seq" - ("Extract item" - (clojure.core first second last rest next ffirst nfirst fnext nnext nth nthnext rand-nth when-first max-key min-key)) - ("Construct coll" - (clojure.core zipmap into reduce reductions set vec into-array to-array-2d)) - ("Pass to fn" - (clojure.core apply)) - ("Search" - (clojure.core some filter)) - ("Force evaluation" - (clojure.core doseq dorun doall)) - ("Check for forced" - (clojure.core realized?)))) - - ("Zippers" - ("Create" - (clojure.zip zipper seq-zip vector-zip xml-zip)) - ("Get loc" - (clojure.zip up down left right leftmost rightmost)) - ("Get seq" - (clojure.zip lefts rights path children)) - ("Change" - (clojure.zip make-node replace edit insert-child insert-left insert-right append-child remove)) - ("Move" - (clojure.zip next prev)) - ("XML" - (clojure.data.zip.xml attr attr= seq-test tag= text text= xml-> xml1->)) - ("Misc" - (clojure.zip root node branch? end?))) - - ("Documentation" - ("REPL" - (clojure.repl doc find-doc apropos source pst) - (clojure.java.javadoc javadoc))) - - ("Transients" - ("Create" - (clojure.core transient persistent!)) - ("Change" - (clojure.core conj! pop! assoc! dissoc! disj!))) - ("Misc" - ("Compare" - (clojure.core = == identical? not= not compare) - (clojure.data diff)) - ("Test" - (clojure.core true? false? nil? instance?))) - - ("IO" - ("To/from ..." - (clojure.core spit slurp)) - ("To *out*" - (clojure.core pr prn print printf println newline) - (clojure.pprint print-table)) - ("To writer" - (clojure.pprint pprint cl-format)) - ("To string" - (clojure.core format with-out-str pr-str prn-str print-str println-str)) - ("From *in*" - (clojure.core read-line read)) - ("From reader" - (clojure.core line-seq read)) - ("From string" - (clojure.core read-string with-in-str)) - ("Open" - (clojure.core with-open) - (clojure.java.io reader writer input-stream output-stream)) - ("Interop" - (clojure.java.io make-writer make-reader make-output-stream make-input-stream)) - ("Misc" - (clojure.core flush file-seq *in* *out* *err*) - (clojure.java.io file copy delete-file resource as-file as-url as-relative-path make-parents))) - - ("Metadata" - (clojure.core meta with-meta alter-meta! reset-meta! vary-meta)) - - ("Special Forms" - (:special def if do quote var recur throw try monitor-enter monitor-exit) - (clojure.core fn loop) - ("Binding / Destructuring" - (clojure.core let fn letfn defn defmacro loop for doseq if-let if-some when-let when-some))) - - ("Async" - ("Main" - (clojure.core.async go go-loop <! <!! >! >!! chan put! take take! close! timeout offer! poll! promise-chan)) - ("Choice" - (clojure.core.async alt! alt!! alts! alts!! do-alts)) - ("Buffering" - (clojure.core.async buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer unblocking-buffer?)) - ("Pipelines" - (clojure.core.async pipeline pipeline-async pipeline-blocking)) - ("Threading" - (clojure.core.async thread thread-call)) - ("Mixing" - (clojure.core.async admix solo-mode mix unmix unmix-all toggle merge pipe unique)) - ("Multiples" - (clojure.core.async mult tap untap untap-all)) - ("Publish/Subscribe" - (clojure.core.async pub sub unsub unsub-all)) - ("Higher Order" - (clojure.core.async filter< filter> map map< map> mapcat< mapcat> partition partition-by reduce remove< remove> split)) - ("Pre-Populate" - (clojure.core.async into onto-chan to-chan))) - ("Unit Tests" - ("Defining" - (clojure.test deftest deftest- testing is are)) - ("Running" - (clojure.test run-tests run-all-tests test-vars)) - ("Fixtures" - (clojure.test use-fixtures join-fixtures compose-fixtures)))) - "A data structure for Clojure cheatsheet information. - -It's a tree, where the head of each list determines the context of the rest -of the list. The head may be: - - - A string, in which case it's a (sub)heading for the rest of the items. - - - A symbol, in which case it's the Clojure namespace of the symbols that - follow it. - - - The keyword :special, in which case it's a Clojure special form - - - Any other keyword, in which case it's a typed item that will be passed - through. - -Note that some Clojure symbols appear in more than once. This is entirely -intentional. For instance, `map` belongs in the sections on collections -and transducers.") - -(defun cider-cheatsheet--expand-vars (list) - "Expand the symbols in LIST to fully-qualified var names. - -This list is supposed to have the following format: - - (my-ns var1 var2 var3)" - (let ((ns (car list)) - (vars (cdr list))) - (if (eq ns :special) - (mapcar #'symbol-name vars) - (mapcar (lambda (var) (format "%s/%s" ns var)) vars)))) - -(defun cider-cheatsheet--select-var (var-list) - "Expand the symbols in VAR-LIST to fully-qualified var names. - -The list can hold one or more lists inside - one per each namespace." - (let ((namespaced-vars (seq-mapcat #'cider-cheatsheet--expand-vars - (seq-remove (lambda (list) - (eq (car list) :url)) - var-list)))) - (cider-doc-lookup (completing-read "Select var: " namespaced-vars)))) - -;;;###autoload -(defun cider-cheatsheet () - "Navigate `cider-cheatsheet-hierarchy' with `completing-read'. - -When you make it to a Clojure var its doc buffer gets displayed." - (interactive) - (let ((cheatsheet-data cider-cheatsheet-hierarchy)) - (while (stringp (caar cheatsheet-data)) - (let* ((sections (mapcar #'car cheatsheet-data)) - (sel-section (completing-read "Select cheatsheet section: " sections)) - (section-data (seq-find (lambda (elem) (equal (car elem) sel-section)) cheatsheet-data))) - (setq cheatsheet-data (cdr section-data)))) - (cider-cheatsheet--select-var cheatsheet-data))) - -(provide 'cider-cheatsheet) - -;;; cider-cheatsheet.el ends here |