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path: root/configs/shared/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el b/configs/shared/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7f1efeb799..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-;;; window-manager.el --- Functions augmenting my usage of EXWM. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
-;;; Commentary:
-;; I switched to EXWM from i3, and I haven't looked back.  One day I may write a
-;; poem declaring my love for Emacs and EXWM.  For now, I haven't the time.
-;; Wish list:
-;; - TODO: Support different startup commands and layouts depending on laptop or
-;;   desktop.
-;; - TODO: Support a Music named-workspace.
-;;; Code:
-;; Dependencies
-(require 'alert)
-(require 'prelude)
-(require 'string)
-(require 'cycle)
-(require 'set)
-(require 'kbd)
-(require 'ivy-helpers)
-(require 'display)
-(require 'dotfiles)
-(require 'org-helpers)
-;; Library
-;; TODO: Move this function to another module.
-(defun pkill (name)
-  "Call the pkill executable using NAME as its argument."
-  (interactive "sProcess name: ")
-  (call-process "pkill" nil nil nil name))
-;; TODO: Associate `window-purpose' window-layouts with each of these named
-;; workspaces.
-;; TODO: Associate KBDs for each of these named-layouts.
-;; TODO: Decide between window-manager, exwm, or some other namespace.
-;; TODO: Support (cycle/from-list '(current previous)) to toggle back and forth
-;; between most recent workspace.
-;; TODO: Support ad hoc cycle for loading a few workspaces that can be cycled
-;; between. (cycle/from-list '("Project" "Workspace"))
-;; TODO: Consider supporting a workspace for Racket, Clojure, Common Lisp,
-;; Haskell, Elixir, and a few other languages. These could behave very similarly
-;; to repl.it, which I've wanted to have locally for awhile now.
-;; TODO: Support MRU cache of workspaces for easily switching back-and-forth
-;; between workspaces.
-(cl-defstruct exwm/named-workspace
-  label
-  index
-  kbd)
-(defconst exwm/install-workspace-kbds? t
-  "When t, install the keybindings to switch between named-workspaces.")
-;; TODO: Consume `cache/touch' after changing workspaces.  Use this to enable
-;; cycling through workspaces.
-(defconst exwm/named-workspaces
-  (list (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Web surfing"
-         :index 0
-         :kbd "c")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Project"
-         :index 1
-         :kbd "p")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Dotfiles"
-         :index 2
-         :kbd "d")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Scratch"
-         :index 3
-         :kbd "s")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Terminal"
-         :index 4
-         :kbd "t")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Todos"
-         :index 5
-         :kbd "o")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Chatter"
-         :index 6
-         :kbd "h")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "IRC"
-         :index 7
-         :kbd "i")
-        (make-exwm/named-workspace
-         :label "Work"
-         :index 8
-         :kbd "w"))
-  "List of `exwm/named-workspace' structs.")
-;; Assert that no two workspaces share KBDs.
-(prelude/assert (= (list/length exwm/named-workspaces)
-                   (->> exwm/named-workspaces
-                        (list/map #'exwm/named-workspace-kbd)
-                        set/from-list
-                        set/count)))
-(defun window-manager/alert (x)
-  "Message X with a structured format."
-  (alert (string/concat "[exwm] " x)))
-;; Use Emacs as my primary window manager.
-(use-package exwm
-  :config
-  (require 'exwm-config)
-  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-  ;; Multiple Displays
-  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-  (require 'exwm-randr)
-  (exwm-randr-enable)
-  ;; TODO: Consider generating this plist.
-  ;; TODO: Replace integer index values with their named workspace equivalents.
-  (setq exwm-randr-workspace-monitor-plist
-        (list 0 display/4k-monitor
-              1 display/laptop-monitor))
-  (evil-set-initial-state 'exwm-mode 'emacs)
-  (ido-mode 1)
-  (exwm-config-ido)
-  (setq exwm-workspace-number
-        (list/length exwm/named-workspaces))
-  ;; EXWM supports "line-mode" and "char-mode".
-  ;;
-  ;; Note: It appears that calling `exwm-input-set-key' works if it's called
-  ;; during startup.  Once a session has started, it seems like this function is
-  ;; significantly less useful.  Is this a bug?
-  ;;
-  ;; Glossary:
-  ;; - char-mode: All keystrokes except `exwm' global ones are passed to the
-  ;;   application.
-  ;; - line-mode:
-  ;;
-  ;; `exwm-input-global-keys' = {line,char}-mode; can also call `exwm-input-set-key'
-  ;; `exwm-mode-map'          = line-mode
-  ;; `???'                    = char-mode. Is there a mode-map for this?
-  ;;
-  ;; TODO: What is `exwm-input-prefix-keys'?
-  ;; TODO: Once I get `exwm-input-global-keys' functions, drop support for
-  ;; `wpc/kbds'.
-  (let ((kbds `(
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Window sizing
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key "C-M-=" :fn balance-windows)
-                ;; TODO: Make sure these don't interfere with LISP KBDs.
-                (:key "C-M-j" :fn shrink-window)
-                (:key "C-M-k" :fn enlarge-window)
-                (:key "C-M-h" :fn shrink-window-horizontally)
-                (:key "C-M-l" :fn enlarge-window-horizontally)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Window traversing
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key "M-h" :fn windmove-left)
-                (:key "M-j" :fn windmove-down)
-                (:key "M-k" :fn windmove-up)
-                (:key "M-l" :fn windmove-right)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Window splitting
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key "M-\\" :fn evil-window-vsplit)
-                (:key "M--"  :fn evil-window-split)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Window deletion
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key "M-q" :fn delete-window)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Miscellaneous
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key "M-:"               :fn eval-expression)
-                (:key "M-SPC"             :fn window-manager/apps)
-                (:key "M-x"               :fn counsel-M-x)
-                (:key "<M-tab>"           :fn exwm/next-workspace)
-                (:key "<M-S-iso-lefttab>" :fn exwm/prev-workspace)
-                (:key "<M-iso-lefttab>"   :fn exwm/prev-workspace)
-                ;; <M-escape> doesn't work in X11 windows.
-                (:key "<M-escape>"        :fn exwm/ivy-switch)
-                (:key "C-M-\\"            :fn ivy-pass)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; REPLs
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                (:key ,(kbd/raw 'x11 "r") :fn exwm/ivy-find-or-create-repl)
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; Workspaces
-                ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-                ;; NOTE: Here I need to generate lowercase and uppercase
-                ;; variants of each because my Ergodox is sending capitalized
-                ;; variants of the keycodes to EXWM.
-                (:key ,(kbd/raw 'workspace "l") :fn window-manager/logout)
-                (:key ,(kbd/raw 'workspace "L") :fn window-manager/logout)
-                (:key ,(kbd/raw 'workspace "i") :fn exwm/toggle-mode)
-                (:key ,(kbd/raw 'workspace "I") :fn exwm/toggle-mode))))
-    (setq exwm-input-global-keys
-          (->> kbds
-               (-map (lambda (plist)
-                       `(,(kbd (plist-get plist :key)) . ,(plist-get plist :fn)))))))
-  (setq exwm-input-simulation-keys
-        ;; TODO: Consider supporting M-d and other readline style KBDs.
-        '(([?\C-b] . [left])
-          ([?\M-b] . [C-left])
-          ([?\C-f] . [right])
-          ([?\M-f] . [C-right])
-          ([?\C-p] . [up])
-          ([?\C-n] . [down])
-          ([?\C-a] . [home])
-          ([?\C-e] . [end])
-          ([?\C-d] . [delete])
-          ;; TODO: Assess whether or not this is a good idea.
-          ;; TODO: Ensure C-c copies.
-          ([?\C-c] . [C-c])))
-  (exwm-enable))
-;; TODO: Package workspace management in another module.
-;; Here is the code required to allow EXWM to cycle workspaces.
-(defconst exwm/workspaces
-  (->> exwm/named-workspaces
-       cycle/from-list)
-  "Cycle of the my EXWM workspaces.")
- (= exwm-workspace-number
-    (list/length exwm/named-workspaces)))
-(defun exwm/next-workspace ()
-  "Cycle forwards to the next workspace."
-  (interactive)
-  (exwm/change-workspace (cycle/next exwm/workspaces)))
-(defun exwm/prev-workspace ()
-  "Cycle backwards to the previous workspace."
-  (interactive)
-  (exwm/change-workspace (cycle/prev exwm/workspaces)))
-;; TODO: Create friendlier API for working with EXWM.
-;; Here is the code required to toggle EXWM's modes.
-(defun exwm/line-mode ()
-  "Switch exwm to line-mode."
-  (call-interactively #'exwm-input-grab-keyboard)
-  (window-manager/alert "Switched to line-mode"))
-(defun exwm/char-mode ()
-  "Switch exwm to char-mode."
-  (call-interactively #'exwm-input-release-keyboard)
-  (window-manager/alert "Switched to char-mode"))
-(defconst exwm/modes
-  (cycle/from-list (list #'exwm/char-mode
-                         #'exwm/line-mode))
-  "Functions to switch exwm modes.")
-(defun exwm/toggle-mode ()
-  "Switch between line- and char- mode."
-  (interactive)
-  (with-current-buffer (window-buffer)
-    (when (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode)
-      (funcall (cycle/next exwm/modes)))))
-;; Ensure exwm apps open in char-mode.
- 'exwm-manage-finish-hook
- #'exwm/char-mode)
-;; Interface to the Linux password manager
-;; TODO: Consider writing a better client for this.
-(use-package ivy-pass)
-;; TODO: Prefer a more idiomatic Emacs way like `with-output-to-temp-buffer'.
-;; TODO: Create a mode similar to `help-mode' that also kills the buffer when
-;; "q" is pressed since this is sensitive information that we probably don't
-;; want persisting.
-;; TODO: Have this interactively show all of the listings in ~/.password-store
-;; in an ivy list.
-(defun password-store/show (key)
-  "Show the contents of KEY from the password-store in a buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((b (buffer/find-or-create (string/format "*password-store<%s>*" key))))
-    (with-current-buffer b
-      (insert (password-store-get key))
-      (help-mode))
-    (buffer/show b)))
-;; TODO: I'm having difficulties with the Nix-built terminator. The one at
-;; /usr/bin/terminator (i.e. built w/o Nix) works just fine. Using this,
-;; however, cheapens my Nix setup.
-(defconst exwm/preferred-terminal "terminator"
-  "My preferred terminal.")
-;; TODO: How do I handle this dependency?
-(defconst exwm/preferred-browser "google-chrome"
-  "My preferred web browser.")
-(defun exwm/browser-open (&optional url)
-  "Opens the URL in `exwm/preferred-browser'."
-  (exwm/open
-   (string/format "%s %s" exwm/preferred-browser url)
-   :buffer-name (string/format "*%s*<%s>" exwm/preferred-browser url)
-   :process-name url))
-;; TODO: Consider storing local state of all processes started with this command
-;; for some nice ways to cycle through existing terminals, etc.
-(defun exwm/terminal-open (cmd)
-  "Call CMD using `exwm/preferred-terminal'."
-  (exwm/open (string/format
-              "%s --command '%s'"
-              exwm/preferred-terminal
-              cmd)
-             :buffer-name (string/format "*%s*<%s>" exwm/preferred-terminal cmd)
-             :process-name cmd))
-;; TODO: Create a KBD that calls the `C-x b<Enter>' I call often.
-;; TODO: Consider auto-generating KBDs for spawning these using the first
-;; character in their name.  Also assert that none of the generated keybindings
-;; will clash with one another.
-(defconst exwm/repls
-  '(("python" . (lambda () (exwm/terminal-open "python3")))
-    ("zsh"    . (lambda () (exwm/terminal-open "zsh")))
-    ("fish"   . (lambda () (exwm/terminal-open "fish")))
-    ("nix"    . (lambda () (exwm/terminal-open "nix repl")))
-    ("racket" . racket-repl)
-    ;; NOTE: `ielm' as-is is a find-or-create operation.
-    ("elisp"  . ielm))
-  "Mapping of REPL labels to the commands needed to initialize those REPLs.")
-;; NOTE: Some of these commands split the window already.  Some of these
-;; commands find-or-create already.
-;; Find-or-create:
-;;        +---+---+
-;;        | Y | N |
-;;        +---+---+
-;; python |   | x |
-;; zsh    |   | x |
-;; racket | x |   |
-;; elisp  | x |   |
-;;        +---+---+
-;; Split:
-;;        +---+---+
-;;        | Y | N |
-;;        +---+---+
-;; python |   | x |
-;; zsh    |   | x |
-;; racket | x |   |
-;; elisp  |   | x |
-;;        +---+---+
-;; - Split:
-;;   - racket
-(defun exwm/ivy-find-or-create-repl ()
-  "Select a type of REPL using `ivy' and then find-or-create it."
-  (interactive)
-  (ivy-helpers/kv "REPLs: "
-                  exwm/repls
-                  (lambda (_ v)
-                    (funcall v))))
-;; KBDs to quickly open X11 applications.
- ;; TODO: Eventually switch this to a find-or-create operation.  In general, I
- ;; shouldn't need multiple instances of `python3` REPLs.
- ;; TODO: Consider coupling these KBDs with the `exwm/ivy-find-or-create-repl'
- ;; functionality defined above.
- (kbd/raw 'x11 "n") (lambda ()
-                      (interactive)
-                      (exwm/terminal-open "nix repl"))
- (kbd/raw 'x11 "p") (lambda ()
-                      (interactive)
-                      (exwm/terminal-open "python3"))
- (kbd/raw 'x11 "t") (lambda ()
-                      (interactive)
-                      (exwm/open exwm/preferred-terminal))
- (kbd/raw 'x11 "c") (lambda ()
-                      (interactive)
-                      (exwm/open exwm/preferred-browser)))
-;; TODO: Support searching all "launchable" applications like OSX's Spotlight.
-;; TODO: Model this as key-value pairs.
-(defconst window-manager/applications
-  (list "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://chat.google.com"
-        "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://calendar.google.com"
-        "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://gmail.com"
-        "telegram-desktop"
-        "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://teknql.slack.com"
-        "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://web.whatsapp.com"
-        "google-chrome --new-window --app=https://irccloud.com"
-        exwm/preferred-browser
-        exwm/preferred-terminal)
-  "Applications that I commonly use.
-These are the types of items that would usually appear in dmenu.")
-;; TODO: Consider replacing the `ivy-read' call with something like `hydra' that
-;; can provide a small mode for accepting user-input.
-;; TODO: Put this somewhere more diliberate.
-;; TODO: Configure the environment variables for xsecurelock so that the font is
-;; smaller, different, and the glinux wallpaper doesn't show.
-;; - XSECURELOCK_FONT="InputMono-Black 10"
-;; Maybe just create a ~/.xsecurelockrc
-;; TODO: Is there a shell-command API that accepts an alist and serializes it
-;; into variables to pass to the shell command?
-(defconst window-manager/xsecurelock
-  "/usr/share/goobuntu-desktop-files/xsecurelock.sh"
-  "Path to the proper xsecurelock executable.
-The other path to xsecurelock is /usr/bin/xsecurelock, which works fine, but it
-is not optimized for Goobuntu devices.  Goobuntu attempts to check a user's
-password using the network.  When there is no network connection available, the
-login attempts fail with an \"unknown error\", which isn't very helpful.  To
-avoid this, prefer the goobuntu wrapper around xsecurelock when on a goobuntu
-device.  This all relates to PAM (i.e. pluggable authentication modules).")
-(defun window-manager/logout ()
-  "Prompt the user for options for logging out, shutting down, etc.
-The following options are supported:
-- Lock
-- Logout
-- Suspend
-- Hibernate
-- Reboot
-- Shutdown
-Ivy is used to capture the user's input."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((name->cmd `(("Lock" . ,window-manager/xsecurelock)
-                      ("Logout" . "sudo systemctl stop lightdm")
-                      ("Suspend" . ,(string/concat
-                                     window-manager/xsecurelock
-                                     " && systemctl suspend"))
-                      ("Hibernate" . ,(string/concat
-                                       window-manager/xsecurelock
-                                       " && systemctl hibernate"))
-                      ("Reboot" . "systemctl reboot")
-                      ("Shutdown" . "systemctl poweroff"))))
-    (funcall
-     (lambda ()
-       (shell-command
-        (alist/get (ivy-read "System: " (alist/keys name->cmd))
-                   name->cmd))))))
-(cl-defun exwm/open (command &key
-                             (process-name command)
-                             (buffer-name command))
-  "Open COMMAND, which should be an X11 window."
-  (start-process-shell-command process-name buffer-name command))
-(cl-defun window-manager/execute-from-counsel (&key prompt list)
-  "Display a counsel menu of `LIST' with `PROMPT' and pipe the output through
-  (let ((x (ivy-read prompt list)))
-    (exwm/open
-     x
-     :buffer-name (string/format "*exwm/open*<%s>" x)
-     :process-name x)))
-(defun window-manager/apps ()
-  "Open commonly used applications from counsel."
-  (interactive)
-  (window-manager/execute-from-counsel
-   :prompt "Application: "
-   :list window-manager/applications))
-(defun exwm/label->index (label workspaces)
-  "Return the index of the workspace in WORKSPACES named LABEL."
-  (let ((workspace (->> workspaces
-                        (list/find
-                         (lambda (x)
-                           (equal label
-                                  (exwm/named-workspace-label x)))))))
-    (if (prelude/set? workspace)
-        (exwm/named-workspace-index workspace)
-      (error (string/concat "No workspace found for label: " label)))))
-(defun exwm/register-kbd (workspace)
-  "Registers a keybinding for WORKSPACE struct.
-Currently using super- as the prefix for switching workspaces."
-  (let ((handler (lambda ()
-                   (interactive)
-                   (exwm/switch (exwm/named-workspace-label workspace))))
-        (key (exwm/named-workspace-kbd workspace)))
-    (exwm-input-set-key
-     (kbd/for 'workspace key)
-     handler)
-    ;; Note: We need to capitalize the KBD here because of the signals that my
-    ;; Ergodox is sending Emacs on my desktop.
-    (exwm-input-set-key
-     (kbd/for 'workspace (s-capitalize key))
-     handler)))
-(defun exwm/change-workspace (workspace)
-  "Switch EXWM workspaces to the WORKSPACE struct."
-  (exwm-workspace-switch (exwm/named-workspace-index workspace))
-  (window-manager/alert
-   (string/format "Switched to: %s" (exwm/named-workspace-label workspace))))
-(defun exwm/switch (label)
-  "Switch to a named workspaces using LABEL."
-  (cycle/focus (lambda (x)
-                 (equal label
-                        (exwm/named-workspace-label x)))
-               exwm/workspaces)
-  (exwm/change-workspace (cycle/current exwm/workspaces)))
-;; TODO: Assign an easy-to-remember keybinding to this.
-(exwm-input-set-key (kbd "C-S-f") #'exwm/toggle-previous)
-(defun exwm/toggle-previous ()
-  "Focus the previously active EXWM workspace."
-  (interactive)
-  (exwm/change-workspace (cycle/focus-previous! exwm/workspaces)))
-(defun exwm/ivy-switch ()
-  "Use ivy to switched between named workspaces."
-  (interactive)
-  (ivy-read
-   "Workspace: "
-   (->> exwm/named-workspaces
-        (list/map #'exwm/named-workspace-label))
-   :action #'exwm/switch))
-(when exwm/install-workspace-kbds?
-  (progn
-    (->> exwm/named-workspaces
-         (list/map #'exwm/register-kbd))
-    (window-manager/alert "Registered workspace KBDs!")))
-;; Startup Applications in `exwm/named-workspaces'
- 'exwm-init-hook
- (lambda ()
-   ;; TODO: Refactor this into a bigger solution where the named-workspaces are
-   ;; coupled to their startup commands.  Expedience wins this time.
-   (progn
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Chrome
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Web surfing")
-       ;; make sure this blocks.
-       ;; TODO: Support shell-cmd.el that has `shell-cmd/{sync,async}'.
-       ;; (call-process-shell-command "google-chrome")
-       )
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Project
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Project")
-       (find-file constants/current-project))
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Scratch
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Scratch")
-       (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*"))
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Terminal
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Terminal")
-       ;; TODO: Why does "gnome-terminal" work but not "terminator"?
-       ;; (call-process-shell-command "gnome-terminal")
-       )
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Todos
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Todos")
-       (org-helpers/find-file "today-expected.org")
-       (wpc/evil-window-vsplit-right)
-       (org-helpers/find-file "today-actual.org"))
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Dotfiles
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Dotfiles")
-       (dotfiles/find-emacs-file "init.el")
-       (wpc/evil-window-vsplit-right)
-       (dotfiles/find-emacs-file "wpc/window-manager.el"))
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Chatter
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Chatter")
-       ;; TODO: Support the following chat applications:
-       ;; - Slack teknql
-       ;; - irccloud.net
-       ;; - web.whatsapp.com
-       ;; - Telegram
-       ;; NOTE: Perhaps all of these should be borderless.
-       ;; (call-process-shell-command "terminator")
-       )
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Work
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (progn
-       (exwm/switch "Work")
-       ;; TODO: Support opening the following in chrome:
-       ;; - calendar
-       ;; - gmail
-       ;; - chat (in a horizontal split)
-       )
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     ;; Reset to default
-     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-     (exwm/switch "Dotfiles"))))
-(provide 'window-manager)
-;;; window-manager.el ends here