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path: root/compat/vcbuild
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Diffstat (limited to 'compat/vcbuild')
12 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/.gitignore b/compat/vcbuild/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f8b794ef39f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/README b/compat/vcbuild/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b6dabf5a231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/README
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+The Steps to Build Git with VS2015 or VS2017 from the command line.
+1. Install the "vcpkg" open source package manager and build essential
+   third-party libraries.  The steps for this have been captured in a
+   set of convenience scripts.  These can be run from a stock Command
+   Prompt or from an SDK bash window:
+   $ cd <repo_root>
+   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+   The vcpkg tools and all of the third-party sources will be installed
+   in this folder:
+      <repo_root>/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/
+   A file will be created with a set of Makefile macros pointing to a
+   unified "include", "lib", and "bin" directory (release and debug) for
+   all of the required packages.  This file will be included by the main
+   Makefile:
+      <repo_root>/compat/vcbuild/MSVC-DEFS-GEN
+2. OPTIONALLY copy the third-party *.dll and *.pdb files into the repo
+   root to make it easier to run and debug git.exe without having to
+   manipulate your PATH.  This is especially true for debug sessions in
+   Visual Studio.
+   Use ONE of the following forms which should match how you want to
+   compile git.exe.
+   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_packages.bat debug
+   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_packages.bat release
+3. Build git using MSVC from an SDK bash window using one of the
+   following commands:
+   $ make MSVC=1
+   $ make MSVC=1 DEBUG=1
+Alternatively, run `make vcxproj` and then load the generated `git.sln` in
+Visual Studio. The initial build will install the vcpkg system and build the
+dependencies automatically. This will take a while.
+Instead of generating the `git.sln` file yourself (which requires a full Git
+for Windows SDK), you may want to consider fetching the `vs/master` branch of
+https://github.com/git-for-windows/git instead (which is updated automatically
+via CI running `make vcxproj`). The `vs/master` branch does not require a Git
+for Windows to build, but you can run the test scripts in a regular Git Bash.
+Note that `make vcxproj` will automatically add and commit the generated `.sln`
+and `.vcxproj` files to the repo. This is necessary to allow building a
+fully-testable Git in Visual Studio, where a regular Git Bash can be used to
+run the test scripts (as opposed to a full Git for Windows SDK): a number of
+build targets, such as Git commands implemented as Unix shell scripts (where
+`@@SHELL_PATH@@` and other placeholders are interpolated) require a full-blown
+Git for Windows SDK (which is about 10x the size of a regular Git for Windows
+If your plan is to open a Pull Request with Git for Windows, it is a good idea
+to drop this commit before submitting.
+The Steps of Build Git with VS2008
+1. You need the build environment, which contains the Git dependencies
+   to be able to compile, link and run Git with MSVC.
+   You can either use the binary repository:
+       WWW: http://repo.or.cz/w/msvcgit.git
+       Git: git clone git://repo.or.cz/msvcgit.git
+       Zip: http://repo.or.cz/w/msvcgit.git?a=snapshot;h=master;sf=zip
+   and call the setup_32bit_env.cmd batch script before compiling Git,
+   (see repo/package README for details), or the source repository:
+       WWW: http://repo.or.cz/w/gitbuild.git
+       Git: git clone git://repo.or.cz/gitbuild.git
+       Zip: (None, as it's a project with submodules)
+   and build the support libs as instructed in that repo/package.
+2. Ensure you have the msysgit environment in your path, so you have
+   GNU Make, bash and perl available.
+       WWW: http://repo.or.cz/w/msysgit.git
+       Git: git clone git://repo.or.cz/msysgit.git
+       Zip: http://repo.or.cz/w/msysgit.git?a=snapshot;h=master;sf=zip
+   This environment is also needed when you use the resulting
+   executables, since Git might need to run scripts which are part of
+   the git operations.
+3. Inside Git's directory run the command:
+       make command-list.h
+   to generate the command-list.h file needed to compile git.
+4. Then either build Git with the GNU Make Makefile in the Git projects
+   root
+       make MSVC=1
+   or generate Visual Studio solution/projects (.sln/.vcproj) with the
+   command
+       perl contrib/buildsystems/generate -g Vcproj
+   and open and build the solution with the IDE
+       devenv git.sln /useenv
+   or build with the IDE build engine directly from the command line
+       devenv git.sln /useenv /build "Release|Win32"
+   The /useenv option is required, so Visual Studio picks up the
+   environment variables for the support libraries required to build
+   Git, which you set up in step 1.
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat b/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40194dd2309b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+REM ================================================================
+REM You can use either GCC (the default) or MSVC to build git
+REM using the GIT-SDK command line tools.
+REM        $ make
+REM        $ make MSVC=1
+REM GIT-SDK BASH windows inherit environment variables with all of
+REM the bin/lib/include paths for GCC.  It DOES NOT inherit values
+REM for the corresponding MSVC tools.
+REM During normal (non-git) Windows development, you launch one
+REM of the provided "developer command prompts" to set environment
+REM variables for the MSVC tools.
+REM Therefore, to allow MSVC command line builds of git from BASH
+REM and MAKE, we must blend these two different worlds.  This script
+REM attempts to do that.
+REM ================================================================
+REM This BAT file starts in a plain (non-developer) command prompt,
+REM searches for the "best" commmand prompt setup script, installs
+REM it into the current CMD process, and exports the various MSVC
+REM environment variables for use by MAKE.
+REM The output of this script should be written to a make "include
+REM file" and referenced by the top-level Makefile.
+REM See "config.mak.uname" (look for compat/vcbuild/MSVC-DEFS-GEN).
+REM ================================================================
+REM The provided command prompts are custom to each VS release and
+REM filled with lots of internal knowledge (such as Registry settings);
+REM even their names vary by release, so it is not appropriate for us
+REM to look inside them.  Rather, just run them in a subordinate
+REM process and extract the settings we need.
+REM ================================================================
+REM Current (VS2017 and beyond)
+REM -------------------
+REM Visual Studio 2017 introduced a new installation layout and
+REM support for side-by-side installation of multiple versions of
+REM VS2017.  Furthermore, these can all coexist with installations
+REM of previous versions of VS (which have a completely different
+REM layout on disk).
+REM VS2017 Update 2 introduced a "vswhere.exe" command:
+REM https://github.com/Microsoft/vswhere
+REM https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/heaths/2017/02/25/vswhere-available/
+REM https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2017/03/06/finding-the-visual-c-compiler-tools-in-visual-studio-2017/
+REM VS2015
+REM ------
+REM Visual Studio 2015 uses the traditional VcVarsAll.
+REM Earlier Versions
+REM ----------------
+REM Currently unsupported.
+REM ================================================================
+REM Note: Throughout this script we use "dir <path> && <cmd>" rather
+REM than "if exist <path>" because of script problems with pathnames
+REM containing spaces.
+REM ================================================================
+REM Sanitize PATH to prevent git-sdk paths from confusing "wmic.exe"
+REM (called internally in some of the system BAT files).
+SET PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;
+REM ================================================================
+   SET vs_where=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe
+   dir "%vs_where%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_where
+   GOTO not_2017
+   REM Try to use VsWhere to get the location of VsDevCmd.
+   REM Keep VsDevCmd from cd'ing away.
+   REM Get the root of the VS product installation.
+   FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i IN (`"%vs_where%" -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -property installationPath`) DO @SET vs_ip=%%i
+   SET vs_devcmd=%vs_ip%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat
+   dir "%vs_devcmd%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_devcmd
+   GOTO not_2017
+   REM Use VsDevCmd to setup the environment of this process.
+   REM Setup CL for building 64-bit apps using 64-bit tools.
+   @call "%vs_devcmd%" -no_logo -arch=x64 -host_arch=x64
+   SET mn=%VCToolsInstallDir%
+   SET msvc_includes=-I"%mn%INCLUDE"
+   SET msvc_libs=-L"%mn%lib\%tgt%"
+   SET msvc_bin_dir=%mn%bin\Host%VSCMD_ARG_HOST_ARCH%\%tgt%
+   SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
+   SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
+   SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
+   SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared"
+   SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
+   SET sdk_libs=-L"%sl%ucrt\%tgt%" -L"%sl%um\%tgt%"
+   SET vs_ver=%VisualStudioVersion%
+   GOTO print_vars
+REM ================================================================
+   REM See if VS2015 is installed.
+   SET vs_2015_bat=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
+   dir "%vs_2015_bat%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_2015
+   GOTO not_2015
+   REM Use VcVarsAll like the "x64 Native" command prompt.
+   REM Setup CL for building 64-bit apps using 64-bit tools.
+   @call "%vs_2015_bat%" amd64
+   REM Note that in VS2015 they use "x64" in some contexts and "amd64" in others.
+   SET mn=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\
+   SET msvc_includes=-I"%mn%INCLUDE"
+   SET msvc_libs=-L"%mn%lib\amd64"
+   SET msvc_bin_dir=%mn%bin\amd64
+   SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
+   SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
+   SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
+   SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared" -I"%si%winrt"
+   SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
+   SET sdk_libs=-L"%sl%ucrt\x64" -L"%sl%um\x64"
+   SET vs_ver=%VisualStudioVersion%
+   GOTO print_vars
+REM ================================================================
+   echo "ERROR: unsupported VS version (older than VS2015)" >&2
+   EXIT /B 1
+REM ================================================================
+   REM Dump the essential vars to stdout to allow the main
+   REM Makefile to include it.  See config.mak.uname.
+   REM Include DOS-style and BASH-style path for bin dir.
+   echo msvc_bin_dir=%msvc_bin_dir%
+   SET X1=%msvc_bin_dir:C:=/C%
+   SET X2=%X1:\=/%
+   echo msvc_bin_dir_msys=%X2%
+   echo msvc_includes=%msvc_includes%
+   echo msvc_libs=%msvc_libs%
+   echo sdk_includes=%sdk_includes%
+   echo sdk_libs=%sdk_libs%
+   echo vs_ver=%vs_ver%
+   EXIT /B 0
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/param.h b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/param.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d8552a2c6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/param.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* Intentionally empty file to support building git with MSVC */
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/time.h b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/time.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d8552a2c6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/time.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* Intentionally empty file to support building git with MSVC */
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/utime.h b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/utime.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..582589c70a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/include/sys/utime.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#ifndef	_UTIME_H_
+#define	_UTIME_H_
+ * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
+ * This file is a part of the mingw-runtime package.
+ *
+ * The mingw-runtime package and its code is distributed in the hope that it
+ * IMPLIED ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.  This includes but is not limited to
+ *
+ * You are free to use this package and its code without limitation.
+ */
+ * Structure used by _utime function.
+ */
+struct _utimbuf
+	time_t	actime;		/* Access time */
+	time_t	modtime;	/* Modification time */
+#ifndef	_NO_OLDNAMES
+/* NOTE: Must be the same as _utimbuf above. */
+struct utimbuf
+	time_t	actime;
+	time_t	modtime;
+#endif	/* Not _NO_OLDNAMES */
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/include/unistd.h b/compat/vcbuild/include/unistd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a959d124ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/include/unistd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#ifndef _UNISTD_
+#define _UNISTD_
+/* Win32 define for porting git*/
+#ifndef _MODE_T_
+#define	_MODE_T_
+typedef unsigned short _mode_t;
+#ifndef	_NO_OLDNAMES
+typedef _mode_t	mode_t;
+#endif	/* Not _MODE_T_ */
+#ifndef _SSIZE_T_
+#define _SSIZE_T_
+typedef long _ssize_t;
+#ifndef	_OFF_T_
+#define	_OFF_T_
+typedef long _off_t;
+#ifndef	_NO_OLDNAMES
+typedef _off_t	off_t;
+#endif	/* Not _OFF_T_ */
+#ifndef	_NO_OLDNAMES
+typedef _ssize_t ssize_t;
+#endif /* Not _SSIZE_T_ */
+typedef signed char int8_t;
+typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
+typedef short  int16_t;
+typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
+typedef int  int32_t;
+typedef unsigned   uint32_t;
+typedef long long  int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long   uint64_t;
+typedef long long  intmax_t;
+typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t;
+typedef int64_t off64_t;
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1600
+#define INTMAX_MIN  _I64_MIN
+#define INTMAX_MAX  _I64_MAX
+#define UINTMAX_MAX _UI64_MAX
+#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffff  /* 4294967295U */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define STDIN_FILENO  0
+#define STDOUT_FILENO 1
+#define STDERR_FILENO 2
+/* Some defines for _access nAccessMode (MS doesn't define them, but
+ * it doesn't seem to hurt to add them). */
+#define	F_OK	0	/* Check for file existence */
+/* Well maybe it does hurt.  On newer versions of MSVCRT, an access mode
+   of 1 causes invalid parameter error. */
+#define	X_OK	0	/* MS access() doesn't check for execute permission. */
+#define	W_OK	2	/* Check for write permission */
+#define	R_OK	4	/* Check for read permission */
+#define	_S_IFIFO	0x1000	/* FIFO */
+#define	_S_IFCHR	0x2000	/* Character */
+#define	_S_IFBLK	0x3000	/* Block: Is this ever set under w32? */
+#define	_S_IFDIR	0x4000	/* Directory */
+#define	_S_IFREG	0x8000	/* Regular */
+#define	_S_IFMT		0xF000	/* File type mask */
+#define	_S_IXUSR	_S_IEXEC
+#define	_S_IWUSR	_S_IWRITE
+#define	_S_IRUSR	_S_IREAD
+#define	_S_ISDIR(m)	(((m) & _S_IFMT) == _S_IFDIR)
+#define	S_IFIFO		_S_IFIFO
+#define	S_IFCHR		_S_IFCHR
+#define	S_IFBLK		_S_IFBLK
+#define	S_IFDIR		_S_IFDIR
+#define	S_IFREG		_S_IFREG
+#define	S_IFMT		_S_IFMT
+#define	S_IEXEC		_S_IEXEC
+#define	S_IREAD		_S_IREAD
+#define	S_IRWXU		_S_IRWXU
+#define	S_IXUSR		_S_IXUSR
+#define	S_IWUSR		_S_IWUSR
+#define	S_IRUSR		_S_IRUSR
+#define	S_ISDIR(m)	(((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
+#define	S_ISREG(m)	(((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
+#define	S_ISFIFO(m)	(((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFIFO)
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/include/utime.h b/compat/vcbuild/include/utime.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8285f38fdefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/include/utime.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include <sys/utime.h>
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/clink.pl b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/clink.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..c7b021bfac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/clink.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Compiles or links files
+# This is a wrapper to facilitate the compilation of Git with MSVC
+# using GNU Make as the build system. So, instead of manipulating the
+# Makefile into something nasty, just to support non-space arguments
+# etc, we use this wrapper to fix the command line options
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Marius Storm-Olsen <mstormo@gmail.com>
+use strict;
+my @args = ();
+my @cflags = ();
+my @lflags = ();
+my $is_linking = 0;
+my $is_debug = 0;
+while (@ARGV) {
+	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+	if ("$arg" eq "-DDEBUG") {
+	    # Some vcpkg-based libraries have different names for release
+	    # and debug versions.  This hack assumes that -DDEBUG comes
+	    # before any "-l*" flags.
+	    $is_debug = 1;
+	}
+	if ("$arg" =~ /^-[DIMGOZ]/) {
+		push(@cflags, $arg);
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-o") {
+		my $file_out = shift @ARGV;
+		if ("$file_out" =~ /exe$/) {
+			$is_linking = 1;
+			# Create foo.exe and foo.pdb
+			push(@args, "-OUT:$file_out");
+		} else {
+			# Create foo.o and foo.o.pdb
+			push(@args, "-Fo$file_out");
+			push(@args, "-Fd$file_out.pdb");
+		}
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lz") {
+	    if ($is_debug) {
+		push(@args, "zlibd.lib");
+	    } else{
+		push(@args, "zlib.lib");
+	    }
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-liconv") {
+		push(@args, "libiconv.lib");
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lcrypto") {
+		push(@args, "libeay32.lib");
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lssl") {
+		push(@args, "ssleay32.lib");
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lcurl") {
+		my $lib = "";
+		# Newer vcpkg definitions call this libcurl_imp.lib; Do we
+		# need to use that instead?
+		foreach my $flag (@lflags) {
+			if ($flag =~ /^-LIBPATH:(.*)/) {
+				foreach my $l ("libcurl_imp.lib", "libcurl.lib") {
+					if (-f "$1/$l") {
+						$lib = $l;
+						last;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		push(@args, $lib);
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lexpat") {
+		push(@args, "expat.lib");
+	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-L/ && "$arg" ne "-LTCG") {
+		$arg =~ s/^-L/-LIBPATH:/;
+		push(@lflags, $arg);
+	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-R/) {
+		# eat
+	} else {
+		push(@args, $arg);
+	}
+if ($is_linking) {
+	push(@args, @lflags);
+	unshift(@args, "link.exe");
+} else {
+	unshift(@args, "cl.exe");
+	push(@args, @cflags);
+printf(STDERR "**** @args\n\n\n") if (!defined($ENV{'QUIET_GEN'}));
+exit (system(@args) != 0);
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/lib.pl b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/lib.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d8054e469fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/lib.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Libifies files on Windows
+# This is a wrapper to facilitate the compilation of Git with MSVC
+# using GNU Make as the build system. So, instead of manipulating the
+# Makefile into something nasty, just to support non-space arguments
+# etc, we use this wrapper to fix the command line options
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Marius Storm-Olsen <mstormo@gmail.com>
+use strict;
+my @args = ();
+while (@ARGV) {
+	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+	if ("$arg" eq "rcs") {
+		# Consume the rcs option
+	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /\.a$/) {
+		push(@args, "-OUT:$arg");
+	} else {
+		push(@args, $arg);
+	}
+unshift(@args, "lib.exe");
+# printf("**** @args\n");
+exit (system(@args) != 0);
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13661c14f870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+REM ================================================================
+REM This script is an optional step. It copies the *.dll and *.pdb
+REM files (created by vcpkg_install.bat) into the top-level directory
+REM of the repo so that you can type "./git.exe" and find them without
+REM having to fixup your PATH.
+REM NOTE: Because the names of some DLL files change between DEBUG and
+REM NOTE: RELEASE builds when built using "vcpkg.exe", you will need
+REM NOTE: to copy up the corresponding version.
+REM ================================================================
+	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
+	@FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ("%~dp0") DO @SET cwd=%%~fD
+	cd %cwd%
+	SET arch=x64-windows
+	SET inst=%cwd%vcpkg\installed\%arch%
+	IF [%1]==[release] (
+		echo Copying RELEASE mode DLLs to repo root...
+	) ELSE IF [%1]==[debug] (
+		SET inst=%inst%\debug
+		echo Copying DEBUG mode DLLs to repo root...
+	) ELSE (
+		echo ERROR: Invalid argument.
+		echo Usage: %~0 release
+		echo Usage: %~0 debug
+		EXIT /B 1
+	)
+	xcopy /e/s/v/y %inst%\bin\*.dll ..\..\
+	xcopy /e/s/v/y %inst%\bin\*.pdb ..\..\
+	xcopy /e/s/v/y %inst%\bin\*.dll ..\..\t\helper\
+	xcopy /e/s/v/y %inst%\bin\*.pdb ..\..\t\helper\
+	EXIT /B 0
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebd0bad242a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+REM ================================================================
+REM This script installs the "vcpkg" source package manager and uses
+REM it to build the third-party libraries that git requires when it
+REM is built using MSVC.
+REM [1] Install VCPKG.
+REM     [a] Create <root>/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/
+REM     [b] Download "vcpkg".
+REM     [c] Compile using the currently installed version of VS.
+REM     [d] Create <root>/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/vcpkg.exe
+REM [2] Install third-party libraries.
+REM     [a] Download each (which may also install CMAKE).
+REM     [b] Compile in RELEASE mode and install in:
+REM         vcpkg/installed/<arch>/{bin,lib}
+REM     [c] Compile in DEBUG mode and install in:
+REM         vcpkg/installed/<arch>/debug/{bin,lib}
+REM     [d] Install headers in:
+REM         vcpkg/installed/<arch>/include
+REM [3] Create a set of MAKE definitions for the top-level
+REM     Makefile to allow "make MSVC=1" to find the above
+REM     third-party libraries.
+REM     [a] Write vcpkg/VCPGK-DEFS
+REM https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/09/19/vcpkg-a-tool-to-acquire-and-build-c-open-source-libraries-on-windows/
+REM https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg
+REM https://vcpkg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+REM ================================================================
+	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
+	@FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ("%~dp0") DO @SET cwd=%%~fD
+	cd %cwd%
+	dir vcpkg\vcpkg.exe >nul 2>nul && GOTO :install_libraries
+	echo Fetching vcpkg in %cwd%vcpkg
+	git.exe clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg vcpkg
+	cd vcpkg
+	echo Building vcpkg
+	powershell -exec bypass scripts\bootstrap.ps1
+	echo Successfully installed %cwd%vcpkg\vcpkg.exe
+	SET arch=x64-windows
+	echo Installing third-party libraries...
+	FOR %%i IN (zlib expat libiconv openssl libssh2 curl) DO (
+	    cd %cwd%vcpkg
+	    IF NOT EXIST "packages\%%i_%arch%" CALL :sub__install_one %%i
+	    IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( EXIT /B 1 )
+	)
+	cd %cwd%
+	SET inst=%cwd%vcpkg\installed\%arch%
+	echo vcpkg_inc=-I"%inst%\include">VCPKG-DEFS
+	echo vcpkg_rel_lib=-L"%inst%\lib">>VCPKG-DEFS
+	echo vcpkg_rel_bin="%inst%\bin">>VCPKG-DEFS
+	echo vcpkg_dbg_lib=-L"%inst%\debug\lib">>VCPKG-DEFS
+	echo vcpkg_dbg_bin="%inst%\debug\bin">>VCPKG-DEFS
+	EXIT /B 0
+	echo     Installing package %1...
+	.\vcpkg.exe install %1:%arch%
+	echo     Finished %1
+	goto :EOF