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path: root/absl/types/any_exception_safety_test.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'absl/types/any_exception_safety_test.cc')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/absl/types/any_exception_safety_test.cc b/absl/types/any_exception_safety_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eadba3080437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/types/any_exception_safety_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "absl/types/any.h"
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "absl/base/internal/exception_safety_testing.h"
+using Thrower = absl::ThrowingValue<>;
+using ThrowerList = std::initializer_list<Thrower>;
+using ThrowerVec = std::vector<Thrower>;
+using ThrowingAlloc = absl::ThrowingAllocator<Thrower>;
+using ThrowingThrowerVec = std::vector<Thrower, ThrowingAlloc>;
+namespace absl {
+testing::AssertionResult AbslCheckInvariants(absl::any* a,
+                                             InternalAbslNamespaceFinder) {
+  using testing::AssertionFailure;
+  using testing::AssertionSuccess;
+  if (a->has_value()) {
+    if (a->type() == typeid(void)) {
+      return AssertionFailure()
+             << "A non-empty any should not have type `void`";
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (a->type() != typeid(void)) {
+      return AssertionFailure()
+             << "An empty any should have type void, but has type "
+             << a->type().name();
+    }
+  }
+  //  Make sure that reset() changes any to a valid state.
+  a->reset();
+  if (a->has_value()) {
+    return AssertionFailure() << "A reset `any` should be valueless";
+  }
+  if (a->type() != typeid(void)) {
+    return AssertionFailure() << "A reset `any` should have type() of `void`, "
+                                 "but instead has type "
+                              << a->type().name();
+  }
+  try {
+    auto unused = absl::any_cast<Thrower>(*a);
+    static_cast<void>(unused);
+    return AssertionFailure()
+           << "A reset `any` should not be able to be any_cast";
+  } catch (absl::bad_any_cast) {
+  } catch (...) {
+    return AssertionFailure()
+           << "Unexpected exception thrown from absl::any_cast";
+  }
+  return AssertionSuccess();
+}  // namespace absl
+namespace {
+class AnyExceptionSafety : public ::testing::Test {
+ private:
+  absl::AllocInspector inspector_;
+testing::AssertionResult AnyIsEmpty(absl::any* a) {
+  if (!a->has_value()) return testing::AssertionSuccess();
+  return testing::AssertionFailure()
+         << "a should be empty, but instead has value "
+         << absl::any_cast<Thrower>(*a).Get();
+TEST_F(AnyExceptionSafety, Ctors) {
+  Thrower val(1);
+  auto with_val = absl::TestThrowingCtor<absl::any>(val);
+  auto copy = absl::TestThrowingCtor<absl::any>(with_val);
+  auto in_place =
+      absl::TestThrowingCtor<absl::any>(absl::in_place_type_t<Thrower>(), 1);
+  auto in_place_list = absl::TestThrowingCtor<absl::any>(
+      absl::in_place_type_t<ThrowerVec>(), ThrowerList{val});
+  auto in_place_list_again =
+      absl::TestThrowingCtor<absl::any,
+                             absl::in_place_type_t<ThrowingThrowerVec>,
+                             ThrowerList, ThrowingAlloc>(
+          absl::in_place_type_t<ThrowingThrowerVec>(), {val}, ThrowingAlloc());
+struct OneFactory {
+  std::unique_ptr<absl::any> operator()() const {
+    return absl::make_unique<absl::any>(absl::in_place_type_t<Thrower>(), 1,
+                                        absl::no_throw_ctor);
+  }
+struct EmptyFactory {
+  std::unique_ptr<absl::any> operator()() const {
+    return absl::make_unique<absl::any>();
+  }
+TEST_F(AnyExceptionSafety, Assignment) {
+  auto thrower_comp = [](const absl::any& l, const absl::any& r) {
+    return absl::any_cast<Thrower>(l) == absl::any_cast<Thrower>(r);
+  };
+  OneFactory one_factory;
+  absl::ThrowingValue<absl::NoThrow::kMoveCtor | absl::NoThrow::kMoveAssign>
+      moveable_val(2);
+  Thrower val(2);
+  absl::any any_val(val);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory, [&any_val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = any_val; },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(one_factory, thrower_comp)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory, [&val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = val; },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(one_factory, thrower_comp)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory, [&val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = std::move(val); },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(one_factory, thrower_comp)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory,
+      [&moveable_val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = std::move(moveable_val); },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(one_factory, thrower_comp)));
+  EmptyFactory empty_factory;
+  auto empty_comp = [](const absl::any& l, const absl::any& r) {
+    return !(l.has_value() || r.has_value());
+  };
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      empty_factory, [&any_val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = any_val; },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(empty_factory, empty_comp)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      empty_factory, [&val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = val; },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(empty_factory, empty_comp)));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      empty_factory, [&val](absl::any* ap) { *ap = std::move(val); },
+      absl::StrongGuarantee(empty_factory, empty_comp)));
+// libstdc++ std::any fails this test
+#if !defined(ABSL_HAVE_STD_ANY)
+TEST_F(AnyExceptionSafety, Emplace) {
+  OneFactory one_factory;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory, [](absl::any* ap) { ap->emplace<Thrower>(2); }, AnyIsEmpty));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      one_factory,
+      [](absl::any* ap) {
+        ap->emplace<absl::ThrowingValue<absl::NoThrow::kMoveCtor |
+                                        absl::NoThrow::kMoveAssign>>(2);
+      },
+      AnyIsEmpty));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(one_factory,
+                                        [](absl::any* ap) {
+                                          std::initializer_list<Thrower> il{
+                                              Thrower(2, absl::no_throw_ctor)};
+                                          ap->emplace<ThrowerVec>(il);
+                                        },
+                                        AnyIsEmpty));
+  EmptyFactory empty_factory;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(
+      empty_factory, [](absl::any* ap) { ap->emplace<Thrower>(2); },
+      AnyIsEmpty));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(absl::TestExceptionSafety(empty_factory,
+                                        [](absl::any* ap) {
+                                          std::initializer_list<Thrower> il{
+                                              Thrower(2, absl::no_throw_ctor)};
+                                          ap->emplace<ThrowerVec>(il);
+                                        },
+                                        AnyIsEmpty));
+#endif  // ABSL_HAVE_STD_ANY
+}  // namespace