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path: root/absl/time/internal/cctz/src/time_zone_info.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'absl/time/internal/cctz/src/time_zone_info.cc')
1 files changed, 956 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/absl/time/internal/cctz/src/time_zone_info.cc b/absl/time/internal/cctz/src/time_zone_info.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20bba28b363b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/absl/time/internal/cctz/src/time_zone_info.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+//   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+//   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+//   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+//   limitations under the License.
+// This file implements the TimeZoneIf interface using the "zoneinfo"
+// data provided by the IANA Time Zone Database (i.e., the only real game
+// in town).
+// TimeZoneInfo represents the history of UTC-offset changes within a time
+// zone. Most changes are due to daylight-saving rules, but occasionally
+// shifts are made to the time-zone's base offset. The database only attempts
+// to be definitive for times since 1970, so be wary of local-time conversions
+// before that. Also, rule and zone-boundary changes are made at the whim
+// of governments, so the conversion of future times needs to be taken with
+// a grain of salt.
+// For more information see tzfile(5), http://www.iana.org/time-zones, or
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoneinfo.
+// Note that we assume the proleptic Gregorian calendar and 60-second
+// minutes throughout.
+#include "time_zone_info.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "absl/time/internal/cctz/include/cctz/civil_time.h"
+#include "time_zone_fixed.h"
+#include "time_zone_posix.h"
+namespace absl {
+namespace time_internal {
+namespace cctz {
+namespace {
+inline bool IsLeap(year_t year) {
+  return (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0);
+// The number of days in non-leap and leap years respectively.
+const std::int_least32_t kDaysPerYear[2] = {365, 366};
+// The day offsets of the beginning of each (1-based) month in non-leap and
+// leap years respectively (e.g., 335 days before December in a leap year).
+const std::int_least16_t kMonthOffsets[2][1 + 12 + 1] = {
+  {-1, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365},
+  {-1, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366},
+// We reject leap-second encoded zoneinfo and so assume 60-second minutes.
+const std::int_least32_t kSecsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60;
+// 400-year chunks always have 146097 days (20871 weeks).
+const std::int_least64_t kSecsPer400Years = 146097LL * kSecsPerDay;
+// Like kDaysPerYear[] but scaled up by a factor of kSecsPerDay.
+const std::int_least32_t kSecsPerYear[2] = {
+  365 * kSecsPerDay,
+  366 * kSecsPerDay,
+// Single-byte, unsigned numeric values are encoded directly.
+inline std::uint_fast8_t Decode8(const char* cp) {
+  return static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(*cp) & 0xff;
+// Multi-byte, numeric values are encoded using a MSB first,
+// twos-complement representation. These helpers decode, from
+// the given address, 4-byte and 8-byte values respectively.
+// Note: If int_fastXX_t == intXX_t and this machine is not
+// twos complement, then there will be at least one input value
+// we cannot represent.
+std::int_fast32_t Decode32(const char* cp) {
+  std::uint_fast32_t v = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i != (32 / 8); ++i) v = (v << 8) | Decode8(cp++);
+  const std::int_fast32_t s32max = 0x7fffffff;
+  const auto s32maxU = static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(s32max);
+  if (v <= s32maxU) return static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(v);
+  return static_cast<std::int_fast32_t>(v - s32maxU - 1) - s32max - 1;
+std::int_fast64_t Decode64(const char* cp) {
+  std::uint_fast64_t v = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i != (64 / 8); ++i) v = (v << 8) | Decode8(cp++);
+  const std::int_fast64_t s64max = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
+  const auto s64maxU = static_cast<std::uint_fast64_t>(s64max);
+  if (v <= s64maxU) return static_cast<std::int_fast64_t>(v);
+  return static_cast<std::int_fast64_t>(v - s64maxU - 1) - s64max - 1;
+// Generate a year-relative offset for a PosixTransition.
+std::int_fast64_t TransOffset(bool leap_year, int jan1_weekday,
+                              const PosixTransition& pt) {
+  std::int_fast64_t days = 0;
+  switch (pt.date.fmt) {
+    case PosixTransition::J: {
+      days = pt.date.j.day;
+      if (!leap_year || days < kMonthOffsets[1][3]) days -= 1;
+      break;
+    }
+    case PosixTransition::N: {
+      days = pt.date.n.day;
+      break;
+    }
+    case PosixTransition::M: {
+      const bool last_week = (pt.date.m.week == 5);
+      days = kMonthOffsets[leap_year][pt.date.m.month + last_week];
+      const std::int_fast64_t weekday = (jan1_weekday + days) % 7;
+      if (last_week) {
+        days -= (weekday + 7 - 1 - pt.date.m.weekday) % 7 + 1;
+      } else {
+        days += (pt.date.m.weekday + 7 - weekday) % 7;
+        days += (pt.date.m.week - 1) * 7;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return (days * kSecsPerDay) + pt.time.offset;
+inline time_zone::civil_lookup MakeUnique(const time_point<sys_seconds>& tp) {
+  time_zone::civil_lookup cl;
+  cl.kind = time_zone::civil_lookup::UNIQUE;
+  cl.pre = cl.trans = cl.post = tp;
+  return cl;
+inline time_zone::civil_lookup MakeUnique(std::int_fast64_t unix_time) {
+  return MakeUnique(FromUnixSeconds(unix_time));
+inline time_zone::civil_lookup MakeSkipped(const Transition& tr,
+                                           const civil_second& cs) {
+  time_zone::civil_lookup cl;
+  cl.kind = time_zone::civil_lookup::SKIPPED;
+  cl.pre = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time - 1 + (cs - tr.prev_civil_sec));
+  cl.trans = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time);
+  cl.post = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time - (tr.civil_sec - cs));
+  return cl;
+inline time_zone::civil_lookup MakeRepeated(const Transition& tr,
+                                            const civil_second& cs) {
+  time_zone::civil_lookup cl;
+  cl.kind = time_zone::civil_lookup::REPEATED;
+  cl.pre = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time - 1 - (tr.prev_civil_sec - cs));
+  cl.trans = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time);
+  cl.post = FromUnixSeconds(tr.unix_time + (cs - tr.civil_sec));
+  return cl;
+inline civil_second YearShift(const civil_second& cs, year_t shift) {
+  return civil_second(cs.year() + shift, cs.month(), cs.day(),
+                      cs.hour(), cs.minute(), cs.second());
+}  // namespace
+// What (no leap-seconds) UTC+seconds zoneinfo would look like.
+bool TimeZoneInfo::ResetToBuiltinUTC(const sys_seconds& offset) {
+  transition_types_.resize(1);
+  TransitionType& tt(transition_types_.back());
+  tt.utc_offset = static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(offset.count());
+  tt.is_dst = false;
+  tt.abbr_index = 0;
+  // We temporarily add some redundant, contemporary (2012 through 2021)
+  // transitions for performance reasons.  See TimeZoneInfo::LocalTime().
+  // TODO: Fix the performance issue and remove the extra transitions.
+  transitions_.clear();
+  transitions_.reserve(12);
+  for (const std::int_fast64_t unix_time : {
+           -(1LL << 59),  // BIG_BANG
+           1325376000LL,  // 2012-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1356998400LL,  // 2013-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1388534400LL,  // 2014-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1420070400LL,  // 2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1451606400LL,  // 2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1483228800LL,  // 2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1514764800LL,  // 2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1546300800LL,  // 2019-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1577836800LL,  // 2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           1609459200LL,  // 2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
+           2147483647LL,  // 2^31 - 1
+       }) {
+    Transition& tr(*transitions_.emplace(transitions_.end()));
+    tr.unix_time = unix_time;
+    tr.type_index = 0;
+    tr.civil_sec = LocalTime(tr.unix_time, tt).cs;
+    tr.prev_civil_sec = tr.civil_sec - 1;
+  }
+  default_transition_type_ = 0;
+  abbreviations_ = FixedOffsetToAbbr(offset);
+  abbreviations_.append(1, '\0');  // add NUL
+  future_spec_.clear();  // never needed for a fixed-offset zone
+  extended_ = false;
+  tt.civil_max = LocalTime(sys_seconds::max().count(), tt).cs;
+  tt.civil_min = LocalTime(sys_seconds::min().count(), tt).cs;
+  transitions_.shrink_to_fit();
+  return true;
+// Builds the in-memory header using the raw bytes from the file.
+bool TimeZoneInfo::Header::Build(const tzhead& tzh) {
+  std::int_fast32_t v;
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_timecnt)) < 0) return false;
+  timecnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_typecnt)) < 0) return false;
+  typecnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_charcnt)) < 0) return false;
+  charcnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_leapcnt)) < 0) return false;
+  leapcnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_ttisstdcnt)) < 0) return false;
+  ttisstdcnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  if ((v = Decode32(tzh.tzh_ttisgmtcnt)) < 0) return false;
+  ttisgmtcnt = static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
+  return true;
+// How many bytes of data are associated with this header. The result
+// depends upon whether this is a section with 4-byte or 8-byte times.
+std::size_t TimeZoneInfo::Header::DataLength(std::size_t time_len) const {
+  std::size_t len = 0;
+  len += (time_len + 1) * timecnt;  // unix_time + type_index
+  len += (4 + 1 + 1) * typecnt;     // utc_offset + is_dst + abbr_index
+  len += 1 * charcnt;               // abbreviations
+  len += (time_len + 4) * leapcnt;  // leap-time + TAI-UTC
+  len += 1 * ttisstdcnt;            // UTC/local indicators
+  len += 1 * ttisgmtcnt;            // standard/wall indicators
+  return len;
+// Check that the TransitionType has the expected offset/is_dst/abbreviation.
+void TimeZoneInfo::CheckTransition(const std::string& name,
+                                   const TransitionType& tt,
+                                   std::int_fast32_t offset, bool is_dst,
+                                   const std::string& abbr) const {
+  if (tt.utc_offset != offset || tt.is_dst != is_dst ||
+      &abbreviations_[tt.abbr_index] != abbr) {
+    std::clog << name << ": Transition"
+              << " offset=" << tt.utc_offset << "/"
+              << (tt.is_dst ? "DST" : "STD")
+              << "/abbr=" << &abbreviations_[tt.abbr_index]
+              << " does not match POSIX spec '" << future_spec_ << "'\n";
+  }
+// zic(8) can generate no-op transitions when a zone changes rules at an
+// instant when there is actually no discontinuity.  So we check whether
+// two transitions have equivalent types (same offset/is_dst/abbr).
+bool TimeZoneInfo::EquivTransitions(std::uint_fast8_t tt1_index,
+                                    std::uint_fast8_t tt2_index) const {
+  if (tt1_index == tt2_index) return true;
+  const TransitionType& tt1(transition_types_[tt1_index]);
+  const TransitionType& tt2(transition_types_[tt2_index]);
+  if (tt1.is_dst != tt2.is_dst) return false;
+  if (tt1.utc_offset != tt2.utc_offset) return false;
+  if (tt1.abbr_index != tt2.abbr_index) return false;
+  return true;
+// Use the POSIX-TZ-environment-variable-style std::string to handle times
+// in years after the last transition stored in the zoneinfo data.
+void TimeZoneInfo::ExtendTransitions(const std::string& name,
+                                     const Header& hdr) {
+  extended_ = false;
+  bool extending = !future_spec_.empty();
+  PosixTimeZone posix;
+  if (extending && !ParsePosixSpec(future_spec_, &posix)) {
+    std::clog << name << ": Failed to parse '" << future_spec_ << "'\n";
+    extending = false;
+  }
+  if (extending && posix.dst_abbr.empty()) {  // std only
+    // The future specification should match the last/default transition,
+    // and that means that handling the future will fall out naturally.
+    std::uint_fast8_t index = default_transition_type_;
+    if (hdr.timecnt != 0) index = transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 1].type_index;
+    const TransitionType& tt(transition_types_[index]);
+    CheckTransition(name, tt, posix.std_offset, false, posix.std_abbr);
+    extending = false;
+  }
+  if (extending && hdr.timecnt < 2) {
+    std::clog << name << ": Too few transitions for POSIX spec\n";
+    extending = false;
+  }
+  if (!extending) {
+    // Ensure that there is always a transition in the second half of the
+    // time line (the BIG_BANG transition is in the first half) so that the
+    // signed difference between a civil_second and the civil_second of its
+    // previous transition is always representable, without overflow.
+    const Transition& last(transitions_.back());
+    if (last.unix_time < 0) {
+      const std::uint_fast8_t type_index = last.type_index;
+      Transition& tr(*transitions_.emplace(transitions_.end()));
+      tr.unix_time = 2147483647;  // 2038-01-19T03:14:07+00:00
+      tr.type_index = type_index;
+    }
+    return;  // last transition wins
+  }
+  // Extend the transitions for an additional 400 years using the
+  // future specification. Years beyond those can be handled by
+  // mapping back to a cycle-equivalent year within that range.
+  // zic(8) should probably do this so that we don't have to.
+  // TODO: Reduce the extension by the number of compatible
+  // transitions already in place.
+  transitions_.reserve(hdr.timecnt + 400 * 2 + 1);
+  transitions_.resize(hdr.timecnt + 400 * 2);
+  extended_ = true;
+  // The future specification should match the last two transitions,
+  // and those transitions should have different is_dst flags.  Note
+  // that nothing says the UTC offset used by the is_dst transition
+  // must be greater than that used by the !is_dst transition.  (See
+  // Europe/Dublin, for example.)
+  const Transition* tr0 = &transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 1];
+  const Transition* tr1 = &transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 2];
+  const TransitionType* tt0 = &transition_types_[tr0->type_index];
+  const TransitionType* tt1 = &transition_types_[tr1->type_index];
+  const TransitionType& dst(tt0->is_dst ? *tt0 : *tt1);
+  const TransitionType& std(tt0->is_dst ? *tt1 : *tt0);
+  CheckTransition(name, dst, posix.dst_offset, true, posix.dst_abbr);
+  CheckTransition(name, std, posix.std_offset, false, posix.std_abbr);
+  // Add the transitions to tr1 and back to tr0 for each extra year.
+  last_year_ = LocalTime(tr0->unix_time, *tt0).cs.year();
+  bool leap_year = IsLeap(last_year_);
+  const civil_day jan1(last_year_, 1, 1);
+  std::int_fast64_t jan1_time = civil_second(jan1) - civil_second();
+  int jan1_weekday = (static_cast<int>(get_weekday(jan1)) + 1) % 7;
+  Transition* tr = &transitions_[hdr.timecnt];  // next trans to fill
+  if (LocalTime(tr1->unix_time, *tt1).cs.year() != last_year_) {
+    // Add a single extra transition to align to a calendar year.
+    transitions_.resize(transitions_.size() + 1);
+    assert(tr == &transitions_[hdr.timecnt]);  // no reallocation
+    const PosixTransition& pt1(tt0->is_dst ? posix.dst_end : posix.dst_start);
+    std::int_fast64_t tr1_offset = TransOffset(leap_year, jan1_weekday, pt1);
+    tr->unix_time = jan1_time + tr1_offset - tt0->utc_offset;
+    tr++->type_index = tr1->type_index;
+    tr0 = &transitions_[hdr.timecnt];
+    tr1 = &transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 1];
+    tt0 = &transition_types_[tr0->type_index];
+    tt1 = &transition_types_[tr1->type_index];
+  }
+  const PosixTransition& pt1(tt0->is_dst ? posix.dst_end : posix.dst_start);
+  const PosixTransition& pt0(tt0->is_dst ? posix.dst_start : posix.dst_end);
+  for (const year_t limit = last_year_ + 400; last_year_ < limit;) {
+    last_year_ += 1;  // an additional year of generated transitions
+    jan1_time += kSecsPerYear[leap_year];
+    jan1_weekday = (jan1_weekday + kDaysPerYear[leap_year]) % 7;
+    leap_year = !leap_year && IsLeap(last_year_);
+    std::int_fast64_t tr1_offset = TransOffset(leap_year, jan1_weekday, pt1);
+    tr->unix_time = jan1_time + tr1_offset - tt0->utc_offset;
+    tr++->type_index = tr1->type_index;
+    std::int_fast64_t tr0_offset = TransOffset(leap_year, jan1_weekday, pt0);
+    tr->unix_time = jan1_time + tr0_offset - tt1->utc_offset;
+    tr++->type_index = tr0->type_index;
+  }
+  assert(tr == &transitions_[0] + transitions_.size());
+bool TimeZoneInfo::Load(const std::string& name, ZoneInfoSource* zip) {
+  // Read and validate the header.
+  tzhead tzh;
+  if (zip->Read(&tzh, sizeof(tzh)) != sizeof(tzh))
+    return false;
+  if (strncmp(tzh.tzh_magic, TZ_MAGIC, sizeof(tzh.tzh_magic)) != 0)
+    return false;
+  Header hdr;
+  if (!hdr.Build(tzh))
+    return false;
+  std::size_t time_len = 4;
+  if (tzh.tzh_version[0] != '\0') {
+    // Skip the 4-byte data.
+    if (zip->Skip(hdr.DataLength(time_len)) != 0)
+      return false;
+    // Read and validate the header for the 8-byte data.
+    if (zip->Read(&tzh, sizeof(tzh)) != sizeof(tzh))
+      return false;
+    if (strncmp(tzh.tzh_magic, TZ_MAGIC, sizeof(tzh.tzh_magic)) != 0)
+      return false;
+    if (tzh.tzh_version[0] == '\0')
+      return false;
+    if (!hdr.Build(tzh))
+      return false;
+    time_len = 8;
+  }
+  if (hdr.typecnt == 0)
+    return false;
+  if (hdr.leapcnt != 0) {
+    // This code assumes 60-second minutes so we do not want
+    // the leap-second encoded zoneinfo. We could reverse the
+    // compensation, but the "right" encoding is rarely used
+    // so currently we simply reject such data.
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (hdr.ttisstdcnt != 0 && hdr.ttisstdcnt != hdr.typecnt)
+    return false;
+  if (hdr.ttisgmtcnt != 0 && hdr.ttisgmtcnt != hdr.typecnt)
+    return false;
+  // Read the data into a local buffer.
+  std::size_t len = hdr.DataLength(time_len);
+  std::vector<char> tbuf(len);
+  if (zip->Read(tbuf.data(), len) != len)
+    return false;
+  const char* bp = tbuf.data();
+  // Decode and validate the transitions.
+  transitions_.reserve(hdr.timecnt + 2);  // We might add a couple.
+  transitions_.resize(hdr.timecnt);
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i != hdr.timecnt; ++i) {
+    transitions_[i].unix_time = (time_len == 4) ? Decode32(bp) : Decode64(bp);
+    bp += time_len;
+    if (i != 0) {
+      // Check that the transitions are ordered by time (as zic guarantees).
+      if (!Transition::ByUnixTime()(transitions_[i - 1], transitions_[i]))
+        return false;  // out of order
+    }
+  }
+  bool seen_type_0 = false;
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i != hdr.timecnt; ++i) {
+    transitions_[i].type_index = Decode8(bp++);
+    if (transitions_[i].type_index >= hdr.typecnt)
+      return false;
+    if (transitions_[i].type_index == 0)
+      seen_type_0 = true;
+  }
+  // Decode and validate the transition types.
+  transition_types_.resize(hdr.typecnt);
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i != hdr.typecnt; ++i) {
+    transition_types_[i].utc_offset =
+        static_cast<std::int_least32_t>(Decode32(bp));
+    if (transition_types_[i].utc_offset >= kSecsPerDay ||
+        transition_types_[i].utc_offset <= -kSecsPerDay)
+      return false;
+    bp += 4;
+    transition_types_[i].is_dst = (Decode8(bp++) != 0);
+    transition_types_[i].abbr_index = Decode8(bp++);
+    if (transition_types_[i].abbr_index >= hdr.charcnt)
+      return false;
+  }
+  // Determine the before-first-transition type.
+  default_transition_type_ = 0;
+  if (seen_type_0 && hdr.timecnt != 0) {
+    std::uint_fast8_t index = 0;
+    if (transition_types_[0].is_dst) {
+      index = transitions_[0].type_index;
+      while (index != 0 && transition_types_[index].is_dst)
+        --index;
+    }
+    while (index != hdr.typecnt && transition_types_[index].is_dst)
+      ++index;
+    if (index != hdr.typecnt)
+      default_transition_type_ = index;
+  }
+  // Copy all the abbreviations.
+  abbreviations_.assign(bp, hdr.charcnt);
+  bp += hdr.charcnt;
+  // Skip the unused portions. We've already dispensed with leap-second
+  // encoded zoneinfo. The ttisstd/ttisgmt indicators only apply when
+  // interpreting a POSIX spec that does not include start/end rules, and
+  // that isn't the case here (see "zic -p").
+  bp += (8 + 4) * hdr.leapcnt;  // leap-time + TAI-UTC
+  bp += 1 * hdr.ttisstdcnt;     // UTC/local indicators
+  bp += 1 * hdr.ttisgmtcnt;     // standard/wall indicators
+  assert(bp == tbuf.data() + tbuf.size());
+  future_spec_.clear();
+  if (tzh.tzh_version[0] != '\0') {
+    // Snarf up the NL-enclosed future POSIX spec. Note
+    // that version '3' files utilize an extended format.
+    auto get_char = [](ZoneInfoSource* zip) -> int {
+      unsigned char ch;  // all non-EOF results are positive
+      return (zip->Read(&ch, 1) == 1) ? ch : EOF;
+    };
+    if (get_char(zip) != '\n')
+      return false;
+    for (int c = get_char(zip); c != '\n'; c = get_char(zip)) {
+      if (c == EOF)
+        return false;
+      future_spec_.push_back(static_cast<char>(c));
+    }
+  }
+  // We don't check for EOF so that we're forwards compatible.
+  // Trim redundant transitions. zic may have added these to work around
+  // differences between the glibc and reference implementations (see
+  // zic.c:dontmerge) and the Qt library (see zic.c:WORK_AROUND_QTBUG_53071).
+  // For us, they just get in the way when we do future_spec_ extension.
+  while (hdr.timecnt > 1) {
+    if (!EquivTransitions(transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 1].type_index,
+                          transitions_[hdr.timecnt - 2].type_index)) {
+      break;
+    }
+    hdr.timecnt -= 1;
+  }
+  transitions_.resize(hdr.timecnt);
+  // Ensure that there is always a transition in the first half of the
+  // time line (the second half is handled in ExtendTransitions()) so that
+  // the signed difference between a civil_second and the civil_second of
+  // its previous transition is always representable, without overflow.
+  // A contemporary zic will usually have already done this for us.
+  if (transitions_.empty() || transitions_.front().unix_time >= 0) {
+    Transition& tr(*transitions_.emplace(transitions_.begin()));
+    tr.unix_time = -(1LL << 59);  // see tz/zic.c "BIG_BANG"
+    tr.type_index = default_transition_type_;
+    hdr.timecnt += 1;
+  }
+  // Extend the transitions using the future specification.
+  ExtendTransitions(name, hdr);
+  // Compute the local civil time for each transition and the preceding
+  // second. These will be used for reverse conversions in MakeTime().
+  const TransitionType* ttp = &transition_types_[default_transition_type_];
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i != transitions_.size(); ++i) {
+    Transition& tr(transitions_[i]);
+    tr.prev_civil_sec = LocalTime(tr.unix_time, *ttp).cs - 1;
+    ttp = &transition_types_[tr.type_index];
+    tr.civil_sec = LocalTime(tr.unix_time, *ttp).cs;
+    if (i != 0) {
+      // Check that the transitions are ordered by civil time. Essentially
+      // this means that an offset change cannot cross another such change.
+      // No one does this in practice, and we depend on it in MakeTime().
+      if (!Transition::ByCivilTime()(transitions_[i - 1], tr))
+        return false;  // out of order
+    }
+  }
+  // Compute the maximum/minimum civil times that can be converted to a
+  // time_point<sys_seconds> for each of the zone's transition types.
+  for (auto& tt : transition_types_) {
+    tt.civil_max = LocalTime(sys_seconds::max().count(), tt).cs;
+    tt.civil_min = LocalTime(sys_seconds::min().count(), tt).cs;
+  }
+  transitions_.shrink_to_fit();
+  return true;
+namespace {
+// fopen(3) adaptor.
+inline FILE* FOpen(const char* path, const char* mode) {
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+  FILE* fp;
+  if (fopen_s(&fp, path, mode) != 0) fp = nullptr;
+  return fp;
+  return fopen(path, mode);  // TODO: Enable the close-on-exec flag.
+// A stdio(3)-backed implementation of ZoneInfoSource.
+class FileZoneInfoSource : public ZoneInfoSource {
+ public:
+  static std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource> Open(const std::string& name);
+  std::size_t Read(void* ptr, std::size_t size) override {
+    size = std::min(size, len_);
+    std::size_t nread = fread(ptr, 1, size, fp_.get());
+    len_ -= nread;
+    return nread;
+  }
+  int Skip(std::size_t offset) override {
+    offset = std::min(offset, len_);
+    int rc = fseek(fp_.get(), static_cast<long>(offset), SEEK_CUR);
+    if (rc == 0) len_ -= offset;
+    return rc;
+  }
+ protected:
+  explicit FileZoneInfoSource(
+      FILE* fp, std::size_t len = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max())
+      : fp_(fp, fclose), len_(len) {}
+ private:
+  std::unique_ptr<FILE, int(*)(FILE*)> fp_;
+  std::size_t len_;
+std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource> FileZoneInfoSource::Open(
+    const std::string& name) {
+  // Use of the "file:" prefix is intended for testing purposes only.
+  if (name.compare(0, 5, "file:") == 0) return Open(name.substr(5));
+  // Map the time-zone name to a path name.
+  std::string path;
+  if (name.empty() || name[0] != '/') {
+    const char* tzdir = "/usr/share/zoneinfo";
+    char* tzdir_env = nullptr;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+    _dupenv_s(&tzdir_env, nullptr, "TZDIR");
+    tzdir_env = std::getenv("TZDIR");
+    if (tzdir_env && *tzdir_env) tzdir = tzdir_env;
+    path += tzdir;
+    path += '/';
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+    free(tzdir_env);
+  }
+  path += name;
+  // Open the zoneinfo file.
+  FILE* fp = FOpen(path.c_str(), "rb");
+  if (fp == nullptr) return nullptr;
+  std::size_t length = 0;
+  if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) {
+    long pos = ftell(fp);
+    if (pos >= 0) {
+      length = static_cast<std::size_t>(pos);
+    }
+    rewind(fp);
+  }
+  return std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource>(new FileZoneInfoSource(fp, length));
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+class AndroidZoneInfoSource : public FileZoneInfoSource {
+ public:
+  static std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource> Open(const std::string& name);
+ private:
+  explicit AndroidZoneInfoSource(FILE* fp, std::size_t len)
+      : FileZoneInfoSource(fp, len) {}
+std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource> AndroidZoneInfoSource::Open(
+    const std::string& name) {
+  // Use of the "file:" prefix is intended for testing purposes only.
+  if (name.compare(0, 5, "file:") == 0) return Open(name.substr(5));
+  // See Android's libc/tzcode/bionic.cpp for additional information.
+  for (const char* tzdata : {"/data/misc/zoneinfo/current/tzdata",
+                             "/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/tzdata"}) {
+    std::unique_ptr<FILE, int (*)(FILE*)> fp(FOpen(tzdata, "rb"), fclose);
+    if (fp.get() == nullptr) continue;
+    char hbuf[24];  // covers header.zonetab_offset too
+    if (fread(hbuf, 1, sizeof(hbuf), fp.get()) != sizeof(hbuf)) continue;
+    if (strncmp(hbuf, "tzdata", 6) != 0) continue;
+    const std::int_fast32_t index_offset = Decode32(hbuf + 12);
+    const std::int_fast32_t data_offset = Decode32(hbuf + 16);
+    if (index_offset < 0 || data_offset < index_offset) continue;
+    if (fseek(fp.get(), static_cast<long>(index_offset), SEEK_SET) != 0)
+      continue;
+    char ebuf[52];  // covers entry.unused too
+    const std::size_t index_size =
+        static_cast<std::size_t>(data_offset - index_offset);
+    const std::size_t zonecnt = index_size / sizeof(ebuf);
+    if (zonecnt * sizeof(ebuf) != index_size) continue;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != zonecnt; ++i) {
+      if (fread(ebuf, 1, sizeof(ebuf), fp.get()) != sizeof(ebuf)) break;
+      const std::int_fast32_t start = data_offset + Decode32(ebuf + 40);
+      const std::int_fast32_t length = Decode32(ebuf + 44);
+      if (start < 0 || length < 0) break;
+      ebuf[40] = '\0';  // ensure zone name is NUL terminated
+      if (strcmp(name.c_str(), ebuf) == 0) {
+        if (fseek(fp.get(), static_cast<long>(start), SEEK_SET) != 0) break;
+        return std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource>(new AndroidZoneInfoSource(
+            fp.release(), static_cast<std::size_t>(length)));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+}  // namespace
+bool TimeZoneInfo::Load(const std::string& name) {
+  // We can ensure that the loading of UTC or any other fixed-offset
+  // zone never fails because the simple, fixed-offset state can be
+  // internally generated. Note that this depends on our choice to not
+  // accept leap-second encoded ("right") zoneinfo.
+  auto offset = sys_seconds::zero();
+  if (FixedOffsetFromName(name, &offset)) {
+    return ResetToBuiltinUTC(offset);
+  }
+  // Find and use a ZoneInfoSource to load the named zone.
+  auto zip = cctz_extension::zone_info_source_factory(
+      name, [](const std::string& name) -> std::unique_ptr<ZoneInfoSource> {
+        if (auto zip = FileZoneInfoSource::Open(name)) return zip;
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+        if (auto zip = AndroidZoneInfoSource::Open(name)) return zip;
+        return nullptr;
+      });
+  return zip != nullptr && Load(name, zip.get());
+// BreakTime() translation for a particular transition type.
+time_zone::absolute_lookup TimeZoneInfo::LocalTime(
+    std::int_fast64_t unix_time, const TransitionType& tt) const {
+  // A civil time in "+offset" looks like (time+offset) in UTC.
+  // Note: We perform two additions in the civil_second domain to
+  // sidestep the chance of overflow in (unix_time + tt.utc_offset).
+  return {(civil_second() + unix_time) + tt.utc_offset,
+          tt.utc_offset, tt.is_dst, &abbreviations_[tt.abbr_index]};
+// BreakTime() translation for a particular transition.
+time_zone::absolute_lookup TimeZoneInfo::LocalTime(
+    std::int_fast64_t unix_time, const Transition& tr) const {
+  const TransitionType& tt = transition_types_[tr.type_index];
+  // Note: (unix_time - tr.unix_time) will never overflow as we
+  // have ensured that there is always a "nearby" transition.
+  return {tr.civil_sec + (unix_time - tr.unix_time),  // TODO: Optimize.
+          tt.utc_offset, tt.is_dst, &abbreviations_[tt.abbr_index]};
+// MakeTime() translation with a conversion-preserving +N * 400-year shift.
+time_zone::civil_lookup TimeZoneInfo::TimeLocal(const civil_second& cs,
+                                                year_t c4_shift) const {
+  assert(last_year_ - 400 < cs.year() && cs.year() <= last_year_);
+  time_zone::civil_lookup cl = MakeTime(cs);
+  if (c4_shift > sys_seconds::max().count() / kSecsPer400Years) {
+    cl.pre = cl.trans = cl.post = time_point<sys_seconds>::max();
+  } else {
+    const auto offset = sys_seconds(c4_shift * kSecsPer400Years);
+    const auto limit = time_point<sys_seconds>::max() - offset;
+    for (auto* tp : {&cl.pre, &cl.trans, &cl.post}) {
+      if (*tp > limit) {
+        *tp = time_point<sys_seconds>::max();
+      } else {
+        *tp += offset;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return cl;
+time_zone::absolute_lookup TimeZoneInfo::BreakTime(
+    const time_point<sys_seconds>& tp) const {
+  std::int_fast64_t unix_time = ToUnixSeconds(tp);
+  const std::size_t timecnt = transitions_.size();
+  assert(timecnt != 0);  // We always add a transition.
+  if (unix_time < transitions_[0].unix_time) {
+    return LocalTime(unix_time, transition_types_[default_transition_type_]);
+  }
+  if (unix_time >= transitions_[timecnt - 1].unix_time) {
+    // After the last transition. If we extended the transitions using
+    // future_spec_, shift back to a supported year using the 400-year
+    // cycle of calendaric equivalence and then compensate accordingly.
+    if (extended_) {
+      const std::int_fast64_t diff =
+          unix_time - transitions_[timecnt - 1].unix_time;
+      const year_t shift = diff / kSecsPer400Years + 1;
+      const auto d = sys_seconds(shift * kSecsPer400Years);
+      time_zone::absolute_lookup al = BreakTime(tp - d);
+      al.cs = YearShift(al.cs, shift * 400);
+      return al;
+    }
+    return LocalTime(unix_time, transitions_[timecnt - 1]);
+  }
+  const std::size_t hint = local_time_hint_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+  if (0 < hint && hint < timecnt) {
+    if (transitions_[hint - 1].unix_time <= unix_time) {
+      if (unix_time < transitions_[hint].unix_time) {
+        return LocalTime(unix_time, transitions_[hint - 1]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const Transition target = {unix_time, 0, civil_second(), civil_second()};
+  const Transition* begin = &transitions_[0];
+  const Transition* tr = std::upper_bound(begin, begin + timecnt, target,
+                                          Transition::ByUnixTime());
+  local_time_hint_.store(static_cast<std::size_t>(tr - begin),
+                         std::memory_order_relaxed);
+  return LocalTime(unix_time, *--tr);
+time_zone::civil_lookup TimeZoneInfo::MakeTime(const civil_second& cs) const {
+  const std::size_t timecnt = transitions_.size();
+  assert(timecnt != 0);  // We always add a transition.
+  // Find the first transition after our target civil time.
+  const Transition* tr = nullptr;
+  const Transition* begin = &transitions_[0];
+  const Transition* end = begin + timecnt;
+  if (cs < begin->civil_sec) {
+    tr = begin;
+  } else if (cs >= transitions_[timecnt - 1].civil_sec) {
+    tr = end;
+  } else {
+    const std::size_t hint = time_local_hint_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    if (0 < hint && hint < timecnt) {
+      if (transitions_[hint - 1].civil_sec <= cs) {
+        if (cs < transitions_[hint].civil_sec) {
+          tr = begin + hint;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (tr == nullptr) {
+      const Transition target = {0, 0, cs, civil_second()};
+      tr = std::upper_bound(begin, end, target, Transition::ByCivilTime());
+      time_local_hint_.store(static_cast<std::size_t>(tr - begin),
+                             std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    }
+  }
+  if (tr == begin) {
+    if (tr->prev_civil_sec >= cs) {
+      // Before first transition, so use the default offset.
+      const TransitionType& tt(transition_types_[default_transition_type_]);
+      if (cs < tt.civil_min) return MakeUnique(time_point<sys_seconds>::min());
+      return MakeUnique(cs - (civil_second() + tt.utc_offset));
+    }
+    // tr->prev_civil_sec < cs < tr->civil_sec
+    return MakeSkipped(*tr, cs);
+  }
+  if (tr == end) {
+    if (cs > (--tr)->prev_civil_sec) {
+      // After the last transition. If we extended the transitions using
+      // future_spec_, shift back to a supported year using the 400-year
+      // cycle of calendaric equivalence and then compensate accordingly.
+      if (extended_ && cs.year() > last_year_) {
+        const year_t shift = (cs.year() - last_year_ - 1) / 400 + 1;
+        return TimeLocal(YearShift(cs, shift * -400), shift);
+      }
+      const TransitionType& tt(transition_types_[tr->type_index]);
+      if (cs > tt.civil_max) return MakeUnique(time_point<sys_seconds>::max());
+      return MakeUnique(tr->unix_time + (cs - tr->civil_sec));
+    }
+    // tr->civil_sec <= cs <= tr->prev_civil_sec
+    return MakeRepeated(*tr, cs);
+  }
+  if (tr->prev_civil_sec < cs) {
+    // tr->prev_civil_sec < cs < tr->civil_sec
+    return MakeSkipped(*tr, cs);
+  }
+  if (cs <= (--tr)->prev_civil_sec) {
+    // tr->civil_sec <= cs <= tr->prev_civil_sec
+    return MakeRepeated(*tr, cs);
+  }
+  // In between transitions.
+  return MakeUnique(tr->unix_time + (cs - tr->civil_sec));
+std::string TimeZoneInfo::Description() const {
+  std::ostringstream oss;
+  // TODO: It would nice if the zoneinfo data included the zone name.
+  // TODO: It would nice if the zoneinfo data included the tzdb version.
+  oss << "#trans=" << transitions_.size();
+  oss << " #types=" << transition_types_.size();
+  oss << " spec='" << future_spec_ << "'";
+  return oss.str();
+bool TimeZoneInfo::NextTransition(time_point<sys_seconds>* tp) const {
+  if (transitions_.empty()) return false;
+  const Transition* begin = &transitions_[0];
+  const Transition* end = begin + transitions_.size();
+  if (begin->unix_time <= -(1LL << 59)) {
+    // Do not report the BIG_BANG found in recent zoneinfo data as it is
+    // really a sentinel, not a transition.  See tz/zic.c.
+    ++begin;
+  }
+  std::int_fast64_t unix_time = ToUnixSeconds(*tp);
+  const Transition target = { unix_time };
+  const Transition* tr = std::upper_bound(begin, end, target,
+                                          Transition::ByUnixTime());
+  if (tr != begin) {  // skip no-op transitions
+    for (; tr != end; ++tr) {
+      if (!EquivTransitions(tr[-1].type_index, tr[0].type_index)) break;
+    }
+  }
+  // When tr == end we return false, ignoring future_spec_.
+  if (tr == end) return false;
+  *tp = FromUnixSeconds(tr->unix_time);
+  return true;
+bool TimeZoneInfo::PrevTransition(time_point<sys_seconds>* tp) const {
+  if (transitions_.empty()) return false;
+  const Transition* begin = &transitions_[0];
+  const Transition* end = begin + transitions_.size();
+  if (begin->unix_time <= -(1LL << 59)) {
+    // Do not report the BIG_BANG found in recent zoneinfo data as it is
+    // really a sentinel, not a transition.  See tz/zic.c.
+    ++begin;
+  }
+  std::int_fast64_t unix_time = ToUnixSeconds(*tp);
+  if (FromUnixSeconds(unix_time) != *tp) {
+    if (unix_time == std::numeric_limits<std::int_fast64_t>::max()) {
+      if (end == begin) return false;  // Ignore future_spec_.
+      *tp = FromUnixSeconds((--end)->unix_time);
+      return true;
+    }
+    unix_time += 1;  // ceils
+  }
+  const Transition target = { unix_time };
+  const Transition* tr = std::lower_bound(begin, end, target,
+                                          Transition::ByUnixTime());
+  if (tr != begin) {  // skip no-op transitions
+    for (; tr - 1 != begin; --tr) {
+      if (!EquivTransitions(tr[-2].type_index, tr[-1].type_index)) break;
+    }
+  }
+  // When tr == end we return the "last" transition, ignoring future_spec_.
+  if (tr == begin) return false;
+  *tp = FromUnixSeconds((--tr)->unix_time);
+  return true;
+}  // namespace cctz
+}  // namespace time_internal
+}  // namespace absl