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2 files changed, 88 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Login.elm b/client/src/Login.elm
index 046ee8583ca7..60a45e7fca77 100644
--- a/client/src/Login.elm
+++ b/client/src/Login.elm
@@ -32,7 +32,19 @@ loginForm model =
                 |> Tailwind.use
                 |> class
-            [ div
+            [ div [ [ "text-center", "pb-6" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+                [ UI.textButton
+                    { handleClick = State.ToggleLoginForm
+                    , label =
+                        case model.loginTab of
+                            State.LoginForm ->
+                                "Switch to sign up"
+                            State.SignUpForm ->
+                                "Switch to login"
+                    }
+                ]
+            , div
                 [ [ "mb-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
                 [ UI.label_ { for_ = "username", text_ = "Username" }
                 , UI.textField
@@ -42,28 +54,35 @@ loginForm model =
                     , inputValue = model.username
-            , div []
-                [ UI.label_ { for_ = "role", text_ = "Role" }
-                , select
-                    [ [ "mb-4"
-                      , "w-full"
-                      , "py-2"
-                      , "px-2"
-                      , "rounded"
-                      , "shadow"
-                      , "border"
-                      ]
-                        |> Tailwind.use
-                        |> class
-                    , id "role"
-                    , onInput State.UpdateRole
-                    ]
-                    [ option [] [ text "" ]
-                    , option [ value "user" ] [ text "User" ]
-                    , option [ value "manager" ] [ text "Manager" ]
-                    , option [ value "admin" ] [ text "Admin" ]
-                    ]
-                ]
+            , case model.loginTab of
+                State.LoginForm ->
+                    text ""
+                State.SignUpForm ->
+                    div
+                        [ [ "mb-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+                        [ UI.label_ { for_ = "email", text_ = "Email" }
+                        , input
+                            [ [ "shadow"
+                              , "appearance-none"
+                              , "border"
+                              , "rounded"
+                              , "w-full"
+                              , "py-2"
+                              , "px-3"
+                              , "text-gray-700"
+                              , "leading-tight"
+                              , "focus:outline-none"
+                              , "focus:shadow-outline"
+                              ]
+                                |> Tailwind.use
+                                |> class
+                            , id "email"
+                            , placeholder "who@domain.tld"
+                            , onInput State.UpdateEmail
+                            ]
+                            []
+                        ]
             , div
                 [ [ "mb-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
                 [ UI.label_ { for_ = "password", text_ = "Password" }
@@ -89,56 +108,16 @@ loginForm model =
-            , div
-                []
-                [ UI.baseButton
-                    { label = "Sign In"
-                    , handleClick = State.AttemptLogin
-                    , extraClasses = []
-                    , enabled =
-                        case ( model.username, model.password ) of
-                            ( "", "" ) ->
-                                False
-                            ( "", _ ) ->
-                                False
-                            ( _, "" ) ->
-                                False
-                            _ ->
-                                True
-                    }
-                , div [ [ "inline", "pl-2" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
-                    [ UI.baseButton
-                        { label = "Sign Up"
-                        , extraClasses = []
-                        , enabled =
-                            case ( model.username, model.password, model.role ) of
-                                ( "", "", _ ) ->
-                                    False
-                                ( _, "", _ ) ->
-                                    False
-                                ( "", _, _ ) ->
-                                    False
-                                ( _, _, Nothing ) ->
-                                    False
-                                _ ->
-                                    True
-                        , handleClick =
-                            case model.role of
-                                Just role ->
-                                    State.AttemptSignUp role
-                                Nothing ->
-                                    State.DoNothing
-                        }
-                    ]
-                ]
+            , case model.loginTab of
+                State.LoginForm ->
+                    UI.simpleButton { handleClick = State.AttemptLogin, label = "Login" }
+                State.SignUpForm ->
+                    if String.length model.username > 0 && String.length model.email > 0 && String.length model.password > 0 then
+                        UI.simpleButton { handleClick = State.AttemptSignUp, label = "Sign up" }
+                    else
+                        UI.disabledButton { label = "Sign up" }
diff --git a/client/src/State.elm b/client/src/State.elm
index 8595ee4dd3e8..e23580a05ebb 100644
--- a/client/src/State.elm
+++ b/client/src/State.elm
@@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ import Utils
 type Msg
     = DoNothing
     | UpdateUsername String
+    | UpdateEmail String
     | UpdatePassword String
     | UpdateRole String
     | UpdateAdminTab AdminTab
     | ClearErrors
+    | ToggleLoginForm
       -- SPA
     | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest
     | UrlChanged Url.Url
       -- Outbound network
     | AttemptGetUsers
-    | AttemptSignUp Role
+    | AttemptSignUp
     | AttemptLogin
     | AttemptLogout
     | AttemptDeleteUser String
@@ -94,16 +96,23 @@ type AdminTab
     = Users
+type LoginTab
+    = LoginForm
+    | SignUpForm
 type alias Model =
     { route : Maybe Route
     , url : Url.Url
     , key : Nav.Key
     , session : Maybe Session
     , username : String
+    , email : String
     , password : String
     , role : Maybe Role
     , users : WebData AllUsers
     , adminTab : AdminTab
+    , loginTab : LoginTab
     , loginError : Maybe Http.Error
     , logoutError : Maybe Http.Error
     , signUpError : Maybe Http.Error
@@ -191,29 +200,20 @@ logout =
 signUp :
     { username : String
+    , email : String
     , password : String
-    , role : Role
     -> Cmd Msg
-signUp { username, password, role } =
+signUp { username, email, password } =
-        { url = endpoint [ "create-account" ] []
+        { url = endpoint [ "accounts" ] []
         , body =
                     [ ( "username", JE.string username )
+                    , ( "email", JE.string username )
                     , ( "password", JE.string password )
-                    , ( "role"
-                      , case role of
-                            User ->
-                                JE.string "user"
-                            Manager ->
-                                JE.string "manager"
-                            Admin ->
-                                JE.string "admin"
-                      )
+                    , ( "role", JE.string "user" )
         , expect = Http.expectJson GotSignUp decodeSession
@@ -306,10 +306,12 @@ init _ url key =
       , key = key
       , session = Nothing
       , username = ""
+      , email = ""
       , password = ""
       , role = Nothing
       , users = RemoteData.NotAsked
       , adminTab = Users
+      , loginTab = LoginForm
       , loginError = Nothing
       , logoutError = Nothing
       , signUpError = Nothing
@@ -333,6 +335,9 @@ update msg model =
         UpdatePassword x ->
             ( { model | password = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateEmail x ->
+            ( { model | email = x }, Cmd.none )
         UpdateAdminTab x ->
             ( { model | adminTab = x }, Cmd.none )
@@ -343,7 +348,7 @@ update msg model =
                         "user" ->
                             Just User
-                        "owner" ->
+                        "manager" ->
                             Just Manager
                         "admin" ->
@@ -364,6 +369,19 @@ update msg model =
             , Cmd.none
+        ToggleLoginForm ->
+            ( { model
+                | loginTab =
+                    case model.loginTab of
+                        LoginForm ->
+                            SignUpForm
+                        SignUpForm ->
+                            LoginForm
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
         LinkClicked urlRequest ->
             case urlRequest of
                 Browser.Internal url ->
@@ -443,12 +461,12 @@ update msg model =
         -- /create-account
-        AttemptSignUp role ->
+        AttemptSignUp ->
             ( model
             , signUp
                 { username = model.username
+                , email = model.email
                 , password = model.password
-                , role = role