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path: root/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-04-18T12·30+0100
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-04-18T12·30+0100
commitf0803547e47827a3fb3b9fb1f89949fa270b6d8e (patch)
tree1eb84a865896fafa0c07e8c45396c5d4ffebf3ab /website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm
parent39d084e493c80952d59cbcc92ea67f344e543298 (diff)
"Chord Drill Sergeant" -> "Learn Piano Chords"
In the spirit of "keep it simple, stupid", I am naming this application as
closely to the functionality as I can imagine.
Diffstat (limited to 'website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm')
1 files changed, 1100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm b/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4f89b8c38ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Theory.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@
+module Theory exposing (..)
+import Array exposing (Array)
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+import List.Extra
+import Maybe.Extra
+import Misc
+{-| Notes are the individuals sounds that we use to create music. Think: "do re
+mi fa so la ti do".
+Note: Technically a "C-sharp" is also a "D-flat", but I will model accidentals
+(i.e. sharps and flats) as sharps and represent the ambiguity when I render the
+underlying state of the application.
+Note: There are "notes" like A, B, D-flat, and then there are notes like "middle
+C", also denoted in scientific pitch notation as C4. I'm unsure of what to call
+each of these, and my application does not model scientific pitch notation yet,
+so these non-scientific pitch denote values are "notes" for now.
+type Note
+    = C1
+    | C_sharp1
+    | D1
+    | D_sharp1
+    | E1
+    | F1
+    | F_sharp1
+    | G1
+    | G_sharp1
+    | A1
+    | A_sharp1
+    | B1
+    | C2
+    | C_sharp2
+    | D2
+    | D_sharp2
+    | E2
+    | F2
+    | F_sharp2
+    | G2
+    | G_sharp2
+    | A2
+    | A_sharp2
+    | B2
+    | C3
+    | C_sharp3
+    | D3
+    | D_sharp3
+    | E3
+    | F3
+    | F_sharp3
+    | G3
+    | G_sharp3
+    | A3
+    | A_sharp3
+    | B3
+    | C4
+    | C_sharp4
+    | D4
+    | D_sharp4
+    | E4
+    | F4
+    | F_sharp4
+    | G4
+    | G_sharp4
+    | A4
+    | A_sharp4
+    | B4
+    | C5
+    | C_sharp5
+    | D5
+    | D_sharp5
+    | E5
+    | F5
+    | F_sharp5
+    | G5
+    | G_sharp5
+    | A5
+    | A_sharp5
+    | B5
+    | C6
+    | C_sharp6
+    | D6
+    | D_sharp6
+    | E6
+    | F6
+    | F_sharp6
+    | G6
+    | G_sharp6
+    | A6
+    | A_sharp6
+    | B6
+    | C7
+    | C_sharp7
+    | D7
+    | D_sharp7
+    | E7
+    | F7
+    | F_sharp7
+    | G7
+    | G_sharp7
+    | A7
+    | A_sharp7
+    | B7
+    | C8
+{-| I alluded to this concept in the Note type's documentation. These are the
+letters of notes. For instance C2, C3, C4 are all instances of C.
+type PitchClass
+    = C
+    | C_sharp
+    | D
+    | D_sharp
+    | E
+    | F
+    | F_sharp
+    | G
+    | G_sharp
+    | A
+    | A_sharp
+    | B
+{-| Encode whether you are traversing "up" or "down" intervals
+type StepDirection
+    = Up
+    | Down
+{-| One can measure the difference between between notes using intervals.
+type Interval
+    = Half
+    | NHalves Int
+    | Whole
+    | MajorThird
+    | MinorThird
+    | PerfectFifth
+    | AugmentedFifth
+    | DiminishedFifth
+    | MajorSeventh
+    | DominantSeventh
+{-| Add direction to a distance on the piano.
+type alias IntervalVector =
+    { interval : Interval
+    , direction : StepDirection
+    }
+{-| A bundle of notes which are usually, but not necessarily harmonious.
+type alias Chord =
+    { note : Note
+    , chordType : ChordType
+    , chordInversion : ChordInversion
+    }
+{-| Many possible chords exist. This type encodes the possibilities. I am
+tempted to model these in a more "DRY" way, but I worry that this abstraction
+may cause more problems than it solves.
+type ChordType
+    = Major
+    | Sus2
+    | Sus4
+    | Major7
+    | MajorDominant7
+    | Minor
+    | MinorMajor7
+    | MinorDominant7
+    | Augmented
+    | AugmentedDominant7
+    | Diminished
+    | DiminishedDominant7
+    | DiminishedMajor7
+{-| On a piano, a triad can be played three ways. As a rule-of-thumb, The number
+of ways a pianist can play a chord is equal to the number of notes in the chord
+type ChordInversion
+    = Root
+    | First
+    | Second
+{-| Whether a given note is a white key or a black key.
+type KeyClass
+    = Natural
+    | Accidental
+{-| Songs are written in one or more keys, which define the notes and therefore
+chords that harmonize with one another.
+type alias Key =
+    { pitchClass : PitchClass
+    , mode : Mode
+    }
+{-| We create "scales" by enumerating the notes of a given key. These keys are
+defined by the "tonic" note and the "mode". I thought about including Ionian,
+Dorian, Phrygian, etc., but in the I would like to avoid over-abstracting this
+early on, so I'm going to err on the side of overly concrete until I have a
+better idea of the extent of this project.
+type Mode
+    = BluesMode
+    | MajorMode
+    | MinorMode
+type alias NoteMetadata =
+    { note : Note
+    , label : String
+    , pitchClass : PitchClass
+    , natural : Bool
+    }
+{-| An integer representing which note in a given scale to play.
+type alias ScaleDegree =
+    Int
+{-| Returns the Note in the cental octave of the piano for a given
+PitchClass. For example, C4 -- or "middle C" -- for C.
+noteInCentralOctave : PitchClass -> Note
+noteInCentralOctave pitchClass =
+    case pitchClass of
+        C ->
+            C4
+        C_sharp ->
+            C_sharp4
+        D ->
+            D4
+        D_sharp ->
+            D_sharp4
+        E ->
+            E4
+        F ->
+            F4
+        F_sharp ->
+            F_sharp4
+        G ->
+            G4
+        G_sharp ->
+            G_sharp4
+        A ->
+            A4
+        A_sharp ->
+            A_sharp4
+        B ->
+            B4
+{-| Return the human-readable version of a chord inversion.
+inversionName : ChordInversion -> String
+inversionName inversion =
+    case inversion of
+        Root ->
+            "Root"
+        First ->
+            "First"
+        Second ->
+            "Second"
+{-| Return the human-readable version of a chord type.
+chordTypeName : ChordType -> String
+chordTypeName chordType =
+    case chordType of
+        Major ->
+            "major"
+        Sus2 ->
+            "suspended 2"
+        Sus4 ->
+            "suspended 4"
+        Major7 ->
+            "major 7th"
+        MajorDominant7 ->
+            "major dominant 7th"
+        Minor ->
+            "minor"
+        MinorMajor7 ->
+            "minor major 7th"
+        MinorDominant7 ->
+            "minor dominant 7th"
+        Augmented ->
+            "augmented"
+        AugmentedDominant7 ->
+            "augmented dominant 7th"
+        Diminished ->
+            "diminished"
+        DiminishedDominant7 ->
+            "diminished dominant 7th"
+        DiminishedMajor7 ->
+            "diminished major 7th"
+{-| Return the note that is one half step away from `note` in the direction,
+In the case of stepping up or down from the end of the piano, this returns a
+halfStep : StepDirection -> Note -> Maybe Note
+halfStep dir note =
+    let
+        everyNote =
+            notesFromRange C2 C8
+    in
+    case dir of
+        Up ->
+            Misc.comesAfter note everyNote
+        Down ->
+            Misc.comesBefore note everyNote
+{-| Return a list of steps to take away from the root note to return back to the
+root note for a given mode.
+intervalsForMode : Mode -> List IntervalVector
+intervalsForMode mode =
+    let
+        up x =
+            { direction = Up, interval = x }
+        down x =
+            { direction = Down, interval = x }
+    in
+    case mode of
+        MajorMode ->
+            List.map up [ Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole ]
+        MinorMode ->
+            List.map up [ Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Half, Whole ]
+        BluesMode ->
+            List.map up [ MinorThird, Whole, Half, Half, MinorThird ]
+{-| Return a list of the intervals that a chord. Each interval measures
+the distance away from the root-note of the chord.
+intervalsForChordType : ChordType -> ChordInversion -> List IntervalVector
+intervalsForChordType chordType chordInversion =
+    let
+        up x =
+            { direction = Up, interval = x }
+        down x =
+            { direction = Down, interval = x }
+    in
+    case ( chordType, chordInversion ) of
+        -- Major
+        ( Major, Root ) ->
+            [ up MajorThird, up PerfectFifth ]
+        ( Major, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), down (NHalves 8) ]
+        ( Major, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), up MajorThird ]
+        -- Sus2
+        ( Sus2, Root ) ->
+            [ up Whole, up PerfectFifth ]
+        ( Sus2, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 10), down (NHalves 5) ]
+        ( Sus2, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), up Whole ]
+        -- Sus4
+        ( Sus4, Root ) ->
+            [ up (NHalves 5), up PerfectFifth ]
+        ( Sus4, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 7), down (NHalves 5) ]
+        ( Sus4, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), up (NHalves 5) ]
+        -- Major7
+        ( Major7, Root ) ->
+            [ up MajorThird, up PerfectFifth, up MajorSeventh ]
+        ( Major7, First ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Major chordInversion
+        ( Major7, Second ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Major chordInversion
+        -- MajorDominant7
+        ( MajorDominant7, Root ) ->
+            up DominantSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Major chordInversion
+        ( MajorDominant7, First ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Major chordInversion
+        ( MajorDominant7, Second ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Major chordInversion
+        -- Minor
+        ( Minor, Root ) ->
+            [ up MinorThird, up PerfectFifth ]
+        ( Minor, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), down (NHalves 9) ]
+        ( Minor, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 5), up MinorThird ]
+        -- MinorMajor7
+        ( MinorMajor7, Root ) ->
+            up MajorSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        ( MinorMajor7, First ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        ( MinorMajor7, Second ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        -- MinorDominant7
+        ( MinorDominant7, Root ) ->
+            up DominantSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        ( MinorDominant7, First ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        ( MinorDominant7, Second ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Minor chordInversion
+        -- Augmented
+        ( Augmented, Root ) ->
+            [ up MajorThird, up AugmentedFifth ]
+        ( Augmented, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 8), down (NHalves 4) ]
+        ( Augmented, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 4), up MajorThird ]
+        -- AugmentedDominant7
+        ( AugmentedDominant7, Root ) ->
+            up DominantSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Augmented chordInversion
+        ( AugmentedDominant7, First ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Augmented chordInversion
+        ( AugmentedDominant7, Second ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Augmented chordInversion
+        -- Diminished
+        ( Diminished, Root ) ->
+            [ up MinorThird, up DiminishedFifth ]
+        ( Diminished, First ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 6), down (NHalves 9) ]
+        ( Diminished, Second ) ->
+            [ down (NHalves 6), up MinorThird ]
+        -- DiminishedDominant7
+        ( DiminishedDominant7, Root ) ->
+            up DominantSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+        ( DiminishedDominant7, First ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+        ( DiminishedDominant7, Second ) ->
+            down Whole :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+        -- DiminishedMajor7
+        ( DiminishedMajor7, Root ) ->
+            up MajorSeventh :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+        ( DiminishedMajor7, First ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+        ( DiminishedMajor7, Second ) ->
+            down Half :: intervalsForChordType Diminished chordInversion
+{-| Return the note in the direction, `dir`, away from `note` `s` intervals
+step : IntervalVector -> Note -> Maybe Note
+step { direction, interval } note =
+    let
+        doStep int =
+            step { direction = direction, interval = int }
+    in
+    case interval of
+        Half ->
+            halfStep direction note
+        NHalves n ->
+            List.repeat n
+                { direction = direction
+                , interval = Half
+                }
+                |> (\x -> walkNotes x note)
+                |> Maybe.andThen (List.reverse >> List.head)
+        Whole ->
+            note
+                |> doStep Half
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep Half)
+        MinorThird ->
+            note
+                |> doStep Whole
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep Half)
+        MajorThird ->
+            note
+                |> doStep Whole
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep Whole)
+        PerfectFifth ->
+            note
+                |> doStep MajorThird
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep MinorThird)
+        AugmentedFifth ->
+            note
+                |> doStep PerfectFifth
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep Half)
+        DiminishedFifth ->
+            note
+                |> doStep MajorThird
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep Whole)
+        MajorSeventh ->
+            note
+                |> doStep PerfectFifth
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep MajorThird)
+        DominantSeventh ->
+            note
+                |> doStep PerfectFifth
+                |> Maybe.andThen (doStep MinorThird)
+{-| Returns a list of all of the notes away from a give `note`.
+  - The 0th element is applied to `note`.
+  - The 1st element is applied to the result of the previous operation.
+  - The 2nd element is applied to the result of the previous operation.
+  - and so on...until all of the `steps` are exhausted.
+In the case where applying any of the steps would result in running off of
+either edge of the piano, this function returns a Nothing.
+walkNotes : List IntervalVector -> Note -> Maybe (List Note)
+walkNotes steps note =
+    doWalkNotes steps note [] |> Maybe.map List.reverse
+{-| Recursive helper for `walkNotes`.
+doWalkNotes : List IntervalVector -> Note -> List Note -> Maybe (List Note)
+doWalkNotes steps note result =
+    case steps of
+        [] ->
+            Just (note :: result)
+        s :: rest ->
+            case step s note of
+                Just x ->
+                    doWalkNotes rest x (note :: result)
+                Nothing ->
+                    Nothing
+{-| Return the KeyClass for a given `note`.
+keyClass : Note -> KeyClass
+keyClass note =
+    if isNatural note then
+        Natural
+    else
+        Accidental
+{-| Return the PitchClass for a given note.
+classifyNote : Note -> PitchClass
+classifyNote note =
+    note |> getNoteMetadata |> .pitchClass
+{-| Return a list of the notes that comprise a `chord`
+notesForChord : Chord -> Maybe (List Note)
+notesForChord { note, chordType, chordInversion } =
+    intervalsForChordType chordType chordInversion
+        |> List.map (\interval -> step interval note)
+        |> Maybe.Extra.combine
+        |> Maybe.map (\notes -> note :: notes)
+{-| Return the scale for a given `key`.
+notesForKey : Key -> List Note
+notesForKey { pitchClass, mode } =
+    let
+        origin =
+            noteInCentralOctave pitchClass
+    in
+    case walkNotes (intervalsForMode mode) origin of
+        -- We should never hit the Nothing case here.
+        Nothing ->
+            []
+        Just scale ->
+            scale
+{-| Return true if `note` is a black key.
+isAccidental : Note -> Bool
+isAccidental note =
+    note |> isNatural |> not
+{-| Return true if `note` is a white key.
+isNatural : Note -> Bool
+isNatural note =
+    note |> getNoteMetadata |> .natural
+{-| Return a list of all of the notes that we know about.
+Only return the notes within the range `start` and `end`.
+notesFromRange : Note -> Note -> List Note
+notesFromRange start end =
+    noteMetadata
+        |> Array.toList
+        |> List.map .note
+        |> List.Extra.dropWhile ((/=) start)
+        |> List.Extra.takeWhile ((/=) end)
+{-| Return a list of all of the chord inversions about which we know.
+allInversions : List ChordInversion
+allInversions =
+    [ Root, First, Second ]
+{-| Return a list of all of the chord types about which we know.
+allChordTypes : List ChordType
+allChordTypes =
+    [ Major
+    , Sus2
+    , Sus4
+    , Major7
+    , MajorDominant7
+    , Minor
+    , MinorMajor7
+    , MinorDominant7
+    , Augmented
+    , AugmentedDominant7
+    , Diminished
+    , DiminishedDominant7
+    , DiminishedMajor7
+    ]
+{-| Return a list of all of the key modes about which we know.
+allModes : List Mode
+allModes =
+    [ MajorMode, MinorMode, BluesMode ]
+{-| Return a list of all of the keys about which we know.
+allKeys : List Key
+allKeys =
+    allPitchClasses
+        |> List.Extra.andThen
+            (\pitchClass ->
+                allModes
+                    |> List.Extra.andThen
+                        (\mode ->
+                            [ { pitchClass = pitchClass
+                              , mode = mode
+                              }
+                            ]
+                        )
+            )
+{-| Return an array of every note on a piano.
+Note: Currently this piano has 85 keys, but modern pianos have 88 keys. I would
+prefer to have 88 keys, but it's not urgent.
+noteMetadata : Array NoteMetadata
+noteMetadata =
+    Array.fromList
+        [ { note = A1, label = "A1", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp1, label = "A♯/B♭1", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B1, label = "B1", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C1, label = "C1", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp1, label = "C♯/D♭1", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D1, label = "D1", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp1, label = "D♯/E♭1", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E1, label = "E1", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F1, label = "F1", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp1, label = "F♯/G♭1", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G1, label = "G1", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp1, label = "G♯/A♭1", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A2, label = "A2", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp2, label = "A♯/B♭2", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B2, label = "B2", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C2, label = "C2", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp2, label = "C♯/D♭2", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D2, label = "D2", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp2, label = "D♯/E♭2", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E2, label = "E2", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F2, label = "F2", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp2, label = "F♯/G♭2", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G2, label = "G2", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp2, label = "G♯/A♭2", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A3, label = "A3", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp3, label = "A♯/B♭3", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B3, label = "B3", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C3, label = "C3", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp3, label = "C♯/D♭3", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D3, label = "D3", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp3, label = "D♯/E♭3", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E3, label = "E3", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F3, label = "F3", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp3, label = "F♯/G♭3", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G3, label = "G3", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp3, label = "G♯/A♭3", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A4, label = "A4", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp4, label = "A♯/B♭4", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B4, label = "B4", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C4, label = "C4", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp4, label = "C♯/D♭4", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D4, label = "D4", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp4, label = "D♯/E♭4", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E4, label = "E4", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F4, label = "F4", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp4, label = "F♯/G♭4", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G4, label = "G4", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp4, label = "G♯/A♭4", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A5, label = "A5", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp5, label = "A♯/B♭5", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B5, label = "B5", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C5, label = "C5", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp5, label = "C♯/D♭5", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D5, label = "D5", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp5, label = "D♯/E♭5", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E5, label = "E5", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F5, label = "F5", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp5, label = "F♯/G♭5", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G5, label = "G5", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp5, label = "G♯/A♭5", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A6, label = "A6", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp6, label = "A♯/B♭6", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B6, label = "B6", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C6, label = "C6", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp6, label = "C♯/D♭6", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D6, label = "D6", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp6, label = "D♯/E♭6", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E6, label = "E6", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F6, label = "F6", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp6, label = "F♯/G♭6", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G6, label = "G6", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp6, label = "G♯/A♭6", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = A7, label = "A7", pitchClass = A, natural = True }
+        , { note = A_sharp7, label = "A♯/B♭7", pitchClass = A_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = B7, label = "B7", pitchClass = B, natural = True }
+        , { note = C7, label = "C7", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        , { note = C_sharp7, label = "C♯/D♭7", pitchClass = C_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = D7, label = "D7", pitchClass = D, natural = True }
+        , { note = D_sharp7, label = "D♯/E♭7", pitchClass = D_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = E7, label = "E7", pitchClass = E, natural = True }
+        , { note = F7, label = "F7", pitchClass = F, natural = True }
+        , { note = F_sharp7, label = "F♯/G♭7", pitchClass = F_sharp, natural = False }
+        , { note = G7, label = "G7", pitchClass = G, natural = True }
+        , { note = G_sharp7, label = "G♯/A♭7", pitchClass = G, natural = False }
+        , { note = C8, label = "C8", pitchClass = C, natural = True }
+        ]
+{-| Mapping of note data to commonly needed metadata for that note.
+getNoteMetadata : Note -> NoteMetadata
+getNoteMetadata note =
+    case Array.get (noteAsNumber note) noteMetadata of
+        Just metadata ->
+            metadata
+        -- This case should never hit, so we just return C1 to appease the
+        -- compiler.
+        Nothing ->
+            getNoteMetadata C1
+{-| Return the numeric representation of `note` to ues when comparing two
+noteAsNumber : Note -> Int
+noteAsNumber note =
+    let
+        result =
+            noteMetadata
+                |> Array.toList
+                |> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair
+                |> Misc.find (\( _, x ) -> x.note == note)
+    in
+    case result of
+        Nothing ->
+            0
+        Just ( i, _ ) ->
+            i
+{-| Return true if all of the notes that comprise `chord` can be played on a
+piano whose keys begin at `start` and end at `end`.
+chordWithinRange : Note -> Note -> Chord -> Bool
+chordWithinRange start end chord =
+    case notesForChord chord of
+        Just notes ->
+            let
+                nums =
+                    List.map noteAsNumber notes
+                lo =
+                    List.minimum nums |> Maybe.withDefault (noteAsNumber start)
+                hi =
+                    List.maximum nums |> Maybe.withDefault (noteAsNumber end)
+            in
+            lo >= noteAsNumber start && hi < noteAsNumber end
+        Nothing ->
+            False
+{-| Return a list of all of the pitch classes that we know about.
+allPitchClasses : List PitchClass
+allPitchClasses =
+    [ C
+    , C_sharp
+    , D
+    , D_sharp
+    , E
+    , F
+    , F_sharp
+    , G
+    , G_sharp
+    , A
+    , A_sharp
+    , B
+    ]
+{-| Return a list of all of the chords that we know about.
+Only create chords from the range of notes delimited by the range `start` and
+allChords :
+    { start : Note
+    , end : Note
+    , inversions : List ChordInversion
+    , chordTypes : List ChordType
+    , pitchClasses : List PitchClass
+    }
+    -> List Chord
+allChords { start, end, inversions, chordTypes, pitchClasses } =
+    let
+        notes =
+            notesFromRange start end
+                |> List.filter (\note -> List.member (classifyNote note) pitchClasses)
+    in
+    notes
+        |> List.Extra.andThen
+            (\note ->
+                chordTypes
+                    |> List.Extra.andThen
+                        (\chordType ->
+                            inversions
+                                |> List.Extra.andThen
+                                    (\inversion ->
+                                        [ { note = note
+                                          , chordType = chordType
+                                          , chordInversion = inversion
+                                          }
+                                        ]
+                                    )
+                        )
+            )
+        |> List.filter (chordWithinRange start end)
+{-| Return a human-readable format of `note`.
+viewNote : Note -> String
+viewNote note =
+    note |> getNoteMetadata |> .label
+{-| Return a human-readable format of `chord`.
+viewChord : Chord -> String
+viewChord { note, chordType, chordInversion } =
+    viewPitchClass (classifyNote note) ++ " " ++ chordTypeName chordType ++ " " ++ inversionName chordInversion ++ " position"
+{-| Return a human-readable format of `pitchClass`.
+viewPitchClass : PitchClass -> String
+viewPitchClass pitchClass =
+    case pitchClass of
+        C ->
+            "C"
+        C_sharp ->
+            "C♯/D♭"
+        D ->
+            "D"
+        D_sharp ->
+            "D♯/E♭"
+        E ->
+            "E"
+        F ->
+            "F"
+        F_sharp ->
+            "F♯/G♭"
+        G ->
+            "G"
+        G_sharp ->
+            "G♯/A♭"
+        A ->
+            "A"
+        A_sharp ->
+            "A♯/B♭"
+        B ->
+            "B"
+viewMode : Mode -> String
+viewMode mode =
+    case mode of
+        MajorMode ->
+            "major"
+        MinorMode ->
+            "minor"
+        BluesMode ->
+            "blues"
+{-| Return the human-readable format of `key`.
+viewKey : Key -> String
+viewKey { pitchClass, mode } =
+    viewPitchClass pitchClass ++ " " ++ viewMode mode
+{-| Returns a pairing of a scale-degree to the type of chord at that scale
+practiceChordsForMode : Mode -> Dict ScaleDegree ChordType
+practiceChordsForMode mode =
+    case mode of
+        MajorMode ->
+            Dict.fromList
+                [ ( 1, Major )
+                , ( 2, Minor )
+                , ( 3, Minor )
+                , ( 4, Major )
+                , ( 5, Major )
+                , ( 6, Minor )
+                , ( 7, Diminished )
+                ]
+        MinorMode ->
+            Dict.fromList
+                [ ( 1, Minor )
+                , ( 2, Diminished )
+                , ( 3, Major )
+                , ( 4, Minor )
+                , ( 5, Minor )
+                , ( 6, Major )
+                , ( 7, Major )
+                ]
+        BluesMode ->
+            Dict.fromList
+                [ ( 1, MajorDominant7 )
+                -- While many refer to the blues progression as a I-IV-V, the IV
+                -- chord is really a MajorDominant7 made from the third scale
+                -- degree.
+                , ( 3, MajorDominant7 )
+                , ( 5, MajorDominant7 )
+                ]
+{-| Returns a list of chords for a particular `key`.
+chordsForKey : Key -> List Chord
+chordsForKey key =
+    let
+        chords =
+            practiceChordsForMode key.mode
+    in
+    notesForKey key
+        |> List.indexedMap
+            (\i note ->
+                case Dict.get (i + 1) chords of
+                    Nothing ->
+                        Nothing
+                    Just chordType ->
+                        Just
+                            (allInversions
+                                |> List.Extra.andThen
+                                    (\inversion ->
+                                        [ { note = note
+                                          , chordType = chordType
+                                          , chordInversion = inversion
+                                          }
+                                        ]
+                                    )
+                            )
+            )
+        |> Maybe.Extra.values
+        |> List.concat