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path: root/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-04-18T12·30+0100
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-04-18T12·30+0100
commitf0803547e47827a3fb3b9fb1f89949fa270b6d8e (patch)
tree1eb84a865896fafa0c07e8c45396c5d4ffebf3ab /website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm
parent39d084e493c80952d59cbcc92ea67f344e543298 (diff)
"Chord Drill Sergeant" -> "Learn Piano Chords"
In the spirit of "keep it simple, stupid", I am naming this application as
closely to the functionality as I can imagine.
Diffstat (limited to 'website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm b/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b100cb9cf573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/Piano.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+module Piano exposing (render)
+import Browser
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import List.Extra
+import Theory
+{-| On mobile phones, the keyboard displays vertically.
+type Direction
+    = Horizontal
+    | Vertical
+type alias KeyMarkup a =
+    { offset : Int
+    , isHighlit : Bool
+    , note : Theory.Note
+    , direction : Direction
+    }
+    -> Html a
+type alias Props =
+    { highlight : List Theory.Note
+    , start : Theory.Note
+    , end : Theory.Note
+    }
+{-| Convert an integer into its pixel representation for CSS.
+pixelate : Int -> String
+pixelate x =
+    String.fromInt x ++ "px"
+{-| Pixel width of the white keys.
+naturalWidth : Direction -> Int
+naturalWidth direction =
+    case direction of
+        Vertical ->
+            -- Right now, I'm designing this specifically for my Google Pixel 4
+            -- phone, which has a screen width of 1080px.
+            1080
+        Horizontal ->
+            45
+{-| Pixel height of the white keys.
+naturalHeight : Direction -> Int
+naturalHeight direction =
+    case direction of
+        Vertical ->
+            -- Right now, I'm designing this specifically for my Google Pixel 4
+            -- phone, which has a screen height of 2280px. 2280 / 21
+            -- (i.e. no. natural keys) ~= 108
+            108
+        Horizontal ->
+            250
+{-| Pixel width of the black keys.
+accidentalWidth : Direction -> Int
+accidentalWidth direction =
+    case direction of
+        Vertical ->
+            round (toFloat (naturalWidth direction) * 0.6)
+        Horizontal ->
+            round (toFloat (naturalWidth direction) * 0.4)
+{-| Pixel height of the black keys.
+accidentalHeight : Direction -> Int
+accidentalHeight direction =
+    case direction of
+        Vertical ->
+            round (toFloat (naturalHeight direction) * 0.63)
+        Horizontal ->
+            round (toFloat (naturalHeight direction) * 0.63)
+{-| Return the markup for either a white or a black key.
+pianoKey : KeyMarkup a
+pianoKey { offset, isHighlit, note, direction } =
+    let
+        sharedClasses =
+            [ "box-border" ]
+        { keyWidth, keyHeight, keyColor, offsetEdge, extraClasses } =
+            case ( Theory.keyClass note, direction ) of
+                ( Theory.Natural, Vertical ) ->
+                    { keyWidth = naturalWidth Vertical
+                    , keyHeight = naturalHeight Vertical
+                    , keyColor = "white"
+                    , offsetEdge = "top"
+                    , extraClasses = []
+                    }
+                ( Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) ->
+                    { keyWidth = naturalWidth Horizontal
+                    , keyHeight = naturalHeight Horizontal
+                    , keyColor = "white"
+                    , offsetEdge = "left"
+                    , extraClasses = []
+                    }
+                ( Theory.Accidental, Vertical ) ->
+                    { keyWidth = accidentalWidth Vertical
+                    , keyHeight = accidentalHeight Vertical
+                    , keyColor = "black"
+                    , offsetEdge = "top"
+                    , extraClasses = [ "z-10" ]
+                    }
+                ( Theory.Accidental, Horizontal ) ->
+                    { keyWidth = accidentalWidth Horizontal
+                    , keyHeight = accidentalHeight Horizontal
+                    , keyColor = "black"
+                    , offsetEdge = "left"
+                    , extraClasses = [ "z-10" ]
+                    }
+    in
+    div
+        [ style "background-color"
+            (if isHighlit then
+                "red"
+             else
+                keyColor
+            )
+        , style "border-top" "1px solid black"
+        , style "border-bottom" "1px solid black"
+        , style "border-left" "1px solid black"
+        , style "border-right" "1px solid black"
+        , style "width" (pixelate keyWidth)
+        , style "height" (pixelate keyHeight)
+        , style "position" "absolute"
+        , style offsetEdge (String.fromInt offset ++ "px")
+        , class <| String.join " " (List.concat [ sharedClasses, extraClasses ])
+        ]
+        []
+{-| A section of the piano consisting of all twelve notes.
+keys : Direction -> Theory.Note -> Theory.Note -> List Theory.Note -> List (Html a)
+keys direction start end highlight =
+    let
+        isHighlit note =
+            List.member note highlight
+        spacing prevOffset prev curr =
+            case ( Theory.keyClass prev, Theory.keyClass curr, direction ) of
+                -- Horizontal
+                ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Accidental, Horizontal ) ->
+                    prevOffset + naturalWidth direction - round (toFloat (accidentalWidth direction) / 2)
+                ( Theory.Accidental, Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) ->
+                    prevOffset + round (toFloat (accidentalWidth direction) / 2)
+                ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Natural, Horizontal ) ->
+                    prevOffset + naturalWidth direction
+                -- Vertical
+                ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Accidental, Vertical ) ->
+                    prevOffset + naturalHeight direction - round (toFloat (accidentalHeight direction) / 2)
+                ( Theory.Accidental, Theory.Natural, Vertical ) ->
+                    prevOffset + round (toFloat (accidentalHeight direction) / 2)
+                ( Theory.Natural, Theory.Natural, Vertical ) ->
+                    prevOffset + naturalHeight direction
+                -- This pattern should never hit.
+                _ ->
+                    prevOffset
+        ( _, _, notes ) =
+            Theory.notesFromRange start end
+                |> List.foldl
+                    (\curr ( prevOffset, prev, result ) ->
+                        case ( prevOffset, prev ) of
+                            ( Nothing, Nothing ) ->
+                                ( Just 0
+                                , Just curr
+                                , pianoKey
+                                    { offset = 0
+                                    , isHighlit = List.member curr highlight
+                                    , note = curr
+                                    , direction = direction
+                                    }
+                                    :: result
+                                )
+                            ( Just po, Just p ) ->
+                                let
+                                    offset =
+                                        spacing po p curr
+                                in
+                                ( Just offset
+                                , Just curr
+                                , pianoKey
+                                    { offset = offset
+                                    , isHighlit = List.member curr highlight
+                                    , note = curr
+                                    , direction = direction
+                                    }
+                                    :: result
+                                )
+                            -- This pattern should never hit.
+                            _ ->
+                                ( Nothing, Nothing, [] )
+                    )
+                    ( Nothing, Nothing, [] )
+    in
+    List.reverse notes
+{-| Return the HTML that renders a piano representation.
+render : Props -> Html a
+render { highlight, start, end } =
+    div [ style "display" "flex" ]
+        (keys Vertical start end highlight |> List.reverse |> List.repeat 1 |> List.concat)