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path: root/users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm
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authorVincent Ambo <mail@tazj.in>2021-12-13T22·51+0300
committerVincent Ambo <mail@tazj.in>2021-12-13T23·15+0300
commit019f8fd2113df4c5247c3969c60fd4f0e08f91f7 (patch)
tree76a857f61aa88f62a30e854651e8439db77fd0ea /users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm
parent464bbcb15c09813172c79820bcf526bb10cf4208 (diff)
parent6123e976928ca3d8d93f0b2006b10b5f659eb74d (diff)
subtree(users/wpcarro): docking briefcase at '24f5a642' r/3226
git-subtree-dir: users/wpcarro
git-subtree-mainline: 464bbcb15c09813172c79820bcf526bb10cf4208
git-subtree-split: 24f5a642af3aa1627bbff977f0a101907a02c69f
Change-Id: I6105b3762b79126b3488359c95978cadb3efa789
Diffstat (limited to 'users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm')
1 files changed, 1014 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm b/users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3f78bb169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/wpcarro/assessments/tt/client/src/State.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+port module State exposing (..)
+import Array exposing (Array)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation as Nav
+import Date
+import DatePicker
+import Http
+import Json.Decode as JD
+import Json.Decode.Extra as JDE
+import Json.Encode as JE
+import Json.Encode.Extra as JEE
+import Process
+import RemoteData exposing (WebData)
+import Shared
+import Task
+import Time
+import Url
+import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder
+import Url.Parser exposing ((</>), Parser, int, map, oneOf, s, string)
+import Utils
+-- Types
+type Msg
+    = DoNothing
+    | UpdateUsername String
+    | UpdateEmail String
+    | UpdatePassword String
+    | UpdateRole String
+    | UpdateAdminTab AdminTab
+    | UpdateTripDestination String
+    | UpdateTripStartDate DatePicker.Msg
+    | UpdateTripEndDate DatePicker.Msg
+    | UpdateTripComment String
+    | UpdateEditTripDestination String
+    | UpdateEditTripComment String
+    | ClearErrors
+    | ToggleLoginForm
+    | PrintPage
+    | GoogleSignIn
+    | GoogleSignOut
+    | UpdateInviteEmail String
+    | UpdateInviteRole (Maybe Role)
+    | ReceiveTodaysDate Date.Date
+    | EditTrip Trip
+    | CancelEditTrip
+      -- SPA
+    | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest
+    | UrlChanged Url.Url
+      -- Outbound network
+    | AttemptGetAccounts
+    | AttemptGetTrips
+    | AttemptSignUp
+    | AttemptLogin
+    | AttemptLogout
+    | AttemptDeleteAccount String
+    | AttemptCreateTrip Date.Date Date.Date
+    | AttemptDeleteTrip Trip
+    | AttemptInviteUser Role
+    | AttemptUpdateTrip TripPK Trip
+      -- Inbound network
+    | GotAccounts (WebData (List Account))
+    | GotTrips (WebData (List Trip))
+    | GotSignUp (Result Http.Error Session)
+    | GotLogin (Result Http.Error Session)
+    | GotLogout (Result Http.Error String)
+    | GotDeleteAccount (Result Http.Error String)
+    | GotCreateTrip (Result Http.Error ())
+    | GotDeleteTrip (Result Http.Error ())
+    | GotInviteUser (Result Http.Error ())
+    | GotUpdateTrip (Result Http.Error ())
+type Route
+    = Login
+    | UserHome
+    | ManagerHome
+    | AdminHome
+type Role
+    = User
+    | Manager
+    | Admin
+type alias Account =
+    { username : String
+    , role : Role
+    }
+type alias Session =
+    { role : Role
+    , username : String
+    }
+type alias Review =
+    { rowid : Int
+    , content : String
+    , rating : Int
+    , user : String
+    , dateOfVisit : String
+    }
+type AdminTab
+    = Accounts
+    | Trips
+type LoginTab
+    = LoginForm
+    | SignUpForm
+type alias Trip =
+    { username : String
+    , destination : String
+    , startDate : Date.Date
+    , endDate : Date.Date
+    , comment : String
+    }
+type alias TripPK =
+    { username : String
+    , destination : String
+    , startDate : Date.Date
+    }
+type alias Model =
+    { route : Maybe Route
+    , url : Url.Url
+    , key : Nav.Key
+    , session : Maybe Session
+    , todaysDate : Maybe Date.Date
+    , username : String
+    , email : String
+    , password : String
+    , role : Maybe Role
+    , accounts : WebData (List Account)
+    , startDatePicker : DatePicker.DatePicker
+    , endDatePicker : DatePicker.DatePicker
+    , tripDestination : String
+    , tripStartDate : Maybe Date.Date
+    , tripEndDate : Maybe Date.Date
+    , tripComment : String
+    , trips : WebData (List Trip)
+    , editingTrip : Maybe Trip
+    , editTripDestination : String
+    , editTripComment : String
+    , adminTab : AdminTab
+    , loginTab : LoginTab
+    , inviteEmail : String
+    , inviteRole : Maybe Role
+    , inviteResponseStatus : WebData ()
+    , updateTripStatus : WebData ()
+    , loginError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , logoutError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , signUpError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , deleteUserError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , createTripError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , deleteTripError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , inviteUserError : Maybe Http.Error
+    }
+allErrors : Model -> List ( Maybe Http.Error, String )
+allErrors model =
+    [ ( model.loginError, "Error attempting to authenticate" )
+    , ( model.logoutError, "Error attempting to log out" )
+    , ( model.signUpError, "Error attempting to create your account" )
+    , ( model.deleteUserError, "Error attempting to delete a user" )
+    , ( model.createTripError, "Error attempting to create a trip" )
+    , ( model.inviteUserError, "Error attempting to invite a user" )
+    ]
+-- Functions
+roleToString : Role -> String
+roleToString role =
+    case role of
+        User ->
+            "user"
+        Manager ->
+            "manager"
+        Admin ->
+            "admin"
+endpoint : List String -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter -> String
+endpoint =
+    UrlBuilder.crossOrigin Shared.serverOrigin
+encodeRole : Role -> JE.Value
+encodeRole x =
+    case x of
+        User ->
+            JE.string "user"
+        Manager ->
+            JE.string "manager"
+        Admin ->
+            JE.string "admin"
+decodeRole : JD.Decoder Role
+decodeRole =
+    let
+        toRole : String -> JD.Decoder Role
+        toRole s =
+            case s of
+                "user" ->
+                    JD.succeed User
+                "manager" ->
+                    JD.succeed Manager
+                "admin" ->
+                    JD.succeed Admin
+                x ->
+                    JD.fail ("Invalid input: " ++ x)
+    in
+    JD.string |> JD.andThen toRole
+decodeSession : JD.Decoder Session
+decodeSession =
+    JD.map2
+        Session
+        (JD.field "role" decodeRole)
+        (JD.field "username" JD.string)
+encodeLoginRequest : String -> String -> JE.Value
+encodeLoginRequest username password =
+    JE.object
+        [ ( "username", JE.string username )
+        , ( "password", JE.string password )
+        ]
+login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg
+login username password =
+    Utils.postWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "login" ] []
+        , body = Http.jsonBody (encodeLoginRequest username password)
+        , expect = Http.expectJson GotLogin decodeSession
+        }
+logout : Cmd Msg
+logout =
+    Utils.getWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "logout" ] []
+        , expect = Http.expectString GotLogout
+        }
+signUp :
+    { username : String
+    , email : String
+    , password : String
+    }
+    -> Cmd Msg
+signUp { username, email, password } =
+    Utils.postWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "accounts" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "username", JE.string username )
+                    , ( "email", JE.string username )
+                    , ( "password", JE.string password )
+                    , ( "role", JE.string "user" )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectJson GotSignUp decodeSession
+        }
+updateTrip : TripPK -> Trip -> Cmd Msg
+updateTrip tripKey trip =
+    Utils.putWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "trips" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "tripKey", encodeTripKey tripKey )
+                    , ( "destination", JE.string trip.destination )
+                    , ( "startDate", encodeDate trip.startDate )
+                    , ( "endDate", encodeDate trip.endDate )
+                    , ( "comment", JE.string trip.comment )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectWhatever GotUpdateTrip
+        }
+inviteUser : { email : String, role : Role } -> Cmd Msg
+inviteUser { email, role } =
+    Utils.postWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "invite" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "email", JE.string email )
+                    , ( "role", encodeRole role )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectWhatever GotInviteUser
+        }
+createTrip :
+    { username : String
+    , destination : String
+    , startDate : Date.Date
+    , endDate : Date.Date
+    , comment : String
+    }
+    -> Cmd Msg
+createTrip { username, destination, startDate, endDate, comment } =
+    Utils.postWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "trips" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "username", JE.string username )
+                    , ( "destination", JE.string destination )
+                    , ( "startDate", encodeDate startDate )
+                    , ( "endDate", encodeDate endDate )
+                    , ( "comment", JE.string comment )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectWhatever GotCreateTrip
+        }
+deleteTrip :
+    { username : String
+    , destination : String
+    , startDate : Date.Date
+    }
+    -> Cmd Msg
+deleteTrip { username, destination, startDate } =
+    Utils.deleteWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "trips" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "username", JE.string username )
+                    , ( "destination", JE.string destination )
+                    , ( "startDate", encodeDate startDate )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectWhatever GotDeleteTrip
+        }
+deleteAccount : String -> Cmd Msg
+deleteAccount username =
+    Utils.deleteWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "accounts" ] [ UrlBuilder.string "username" username ]
+        , body = Http.emptyBody
+        , expect = Http.expectString GotDeleteAccount
+        }
+decodeReview : JD.Decoder Review
+decodeReview =
+    JD.map5
+        Review
+        (JD.field "rowid" JD.int)
+        (JD.field "content" JD.string)
+        (JD.field "rating" JD.int)
+        (JD.field "user" JD.string)
+        (JD.field "timestamp" JD.string)
+encodeTripKey : TripPK -> JE.Value
+encodeTripKey tripKey =
+    JE.object
+        [ ( "username", JE.string tripKey.username )
+        , ( "destination", JE.string tripKey.destination )
+        , ( "startDate", encodeDate tripKey.startDate )
+        ]
+encodeDate : Date.Date -> JE.Value
+encodeDate date =
+    date |> Date.toIsoString |> JE.string
+decodeDate : JD.Decoder Date.Date
+decodeDate =
+    JD.string |> JD.andThen (Date.fromIsoString >> JDE.fromResult)
+fetchTrips : Cmd Msg
+fetchTrips =
+    Utils.getWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "trips" ] []
+        , expect =
+            Http.expectJson
+                (RemoteData.fromResult >> GotTrips)
+                (JD.list
+                    (JD.map5
+                        Trip
+                        (JD.field "username" JD.string)
+                        (JD.field "destination" JD.string)
+                        (JD.field "startDate" decodeDate)
+                        (JD.field "endDate" decodeDate)
+                        (JD.field "comment" JD.string)
+                    )
+                )
+        }
+fetchAccounts : Cmd Msg
+fetchAccounts =
+    Utils.getWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "accounts" ] []
+        , expect =
+            Http.expectJson
+                (RemoteData.fromResult >> GotAccounts)
+                (JD.list
+                    (JD.map2
+                        Account
+                        (JD.field "username" JD.string)
+                        (JD.field "role" decodeRole)
+                    )
+                )
+        }
+sleepAndClearErrors : Cmd Msg
+sleepAndClearErrors =
+    Process.sleep 4000
+        |> Task.perform (\_ -> ClearErrors)
+isAuthorized : Role -> Route -> Bool
+isAuthorized role route =
+    case ( role, route ) of
+        ( User, _ ) ->
+            True
+        ( Manager, _ ) ->
+            True
+        ( Admin, _ ) ->
+            True
+homeRouteForRole : Role -> String
+homeRouteForRole role =
+    case role of
+        User ->
+            "/user"
+        Manager ->
+            "/manager"
+        Admin ->
+            "/admin"
+routeParser : Parser (Route -> a) a
+routeParser =
+    oneOf
+        [ map Login (s "topic")
+        , map UserHome (s "user")
+        , map ManagerHome (s "manager")
+        , map AdminHome (s "admin")
+        ]
+{-| Set init to `prod` when going live.
+prod : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+prod _ url key =
+    let
+        ( startDatePicker, startDatePickerCmd ) =
+            DatePicker.init
+        ( endDatePicker, endDatePickerCmd ) =
+            DatePicker.init
+    in
+    ( { route = Nothing
+      , url = url
+      , key = key
+      , session = Nothing
+      , todaysDate = Nothing
+      , username = ""
+      , email = ""
+      , password = ""
+      , role = Nothing
+      , accounts = RemoteData.NotAsked
+      , tripDestination = ""
+      , tripStartDate = Nothing
+      , tripEndDate = Nothing
+      , tripComment = ""
+      , trips = RemoteData.NotAsked
+      , editingTrip = Nothing
+      , editTripDestination = ""
+      , editTripComment = ""
+      , startDatePicker = startDatePicker
+      , endDatePicker = endDatePicker
+      , adminTab = Accounts
+      , loginTab = LoginForm
+      , inviteEmail = ""
+      , inviteRole = Nothing
+      , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.NotAsked
+      , updateTripStatus = RemoteData.NotAsked
+      , loginError = Nothing
+      , logoutError = Nothing
+      , signUpError = Nothing
+      , deleteUserError = Nothing
+      , createTripError = Nothing
+      , deleteTripError = Nothing
+      , inviteUserError = Nothing
+      }
+    , Cmd.batch
+        [ Cmd.map UpdateTripStartDate startDatePickerCmd
+        , Cmd.map UpdateTripEndDate endDatePickerCmd
+        , Date.today |> Task.perform ReceiveTodaysDate
+        ]
+    )
+{-| When working on a feature for the UserHome, use this.
+userHome : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+userHome flags url key =
+    let
+        ( model, cmd ) =
+            prod flags url key
+    in
+    ( { model
+        | route = Just UserHome
+        , session = Just { username = "mimi", role = User }
+        , trips =
+            RemoteData.Success
+                [ { username = "mimi"
+                  , destination = "Barcelona"
+                  , startDate = Date.fromCalendarDate 2020 Time.Sep 25
+                  , endDate = Date.fromCalendarDate 2020 Time.Oct 5
+                  , comment = "Blah"
+                  }
+                , { username = "mimi"
+                  , destination = "Paris"
+                  , startDate = Date.fromCalendarDate 2021 Time.Jan 1
+                  , endDate = Date.fromCalendarDate 2021 Time.Feb 1
+                  , comment = "Bon voyage!"
+                  }
+                ]
+      }
+    , cmd
+    )
+managerHome : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+managerHome flags url key =
+    let
+        ( model, cmd ) =
+            prod flags url key
+    in
+    ( { model
+        | route = Just ManagerHome
+        , session = Just { username = "bill", role = Manager }
+      }
+    , cmd
+    )
+adminHome : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+adminHome flags url key =
+    let
+        ( model, cmd ) =
+            prod flags url key
+    in
+    ( { model
+        | route = Just AdminHome
+        , session = Just { username = "wpcarro", role = Admin }
+      }
+    , cmd
+    )
+port printPage : () -> Cmd msg
+port googleSignIn : () -> Cmd msg
+port googleSignOut : () -> Cmd msg
+{-| The initial state for the application.
+init : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+init flags url key =
+    prod flags url key
+{-| Now that we have state, we need a function to change the state.
+update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
+update msg model =
+    case msg of
+        DoNothing ->
+            ( model, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateUsername x ->
+            ( { model | username = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdatePassword x ->
+            ( { model | password = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateEmail x ->
+            ( { model | email = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateAdminTab x ->
+            ( { model | adminTab = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateRole x ->
+            let
+                maybeRole =
+                    case x of
+                        "user" ->
+                            Just User
+                        "manager" ->
+                            Just Manager
+                        "admin" ->
+                            Just Admin
+                        _ ->
+                            Nothing
+            in
+            ( { model | role = maybeRole }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateTripDestination x ->
+            ( { model | tripDestination = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateTripStartDate dpMsg ->
+            let
+                ( newDatePicker, dateEvent ) =
+                    DatePicker.update DatePicker.defaultSettings dpMsg model.startDatePicker
+                newDate =
+                    case dateEvent of
+                        DatePicker.Picked changedDate ->
+                            Just changedDate
+                        _ ->
+                            model.tripStartDate
+            in
+            ( { model
+                | tripStartDate = newDate
+                , startDatePicker = newDatePicker
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        UpdateTripEndDate dpMsg ->
+            let
+                ( newDatePicker, dateEvent ) =
+                    DatePicker.update DatePicker.defaultSettings dpMsg model.endDatePicker
+                newDate =
+                    case dateEvent of
+                        DatePicker.Picked changedDate ->
+                            Just changedDate
+                        _ ->
+                            model.tripEndDate
+            in
+            ( { model
+                | tripEndDate = newDate
+                , endDatePicker = newDatePicker
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        UpdateTripComment x ->
+            ( { model | tripComment = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateEditTripDestination x ->
+            ( { model | editTripDestination = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateEditTripComment x ->
+            ( { model | editTripComment = x }, Cmd.none )
+        ClearErrors ->
+            ( { model
+                | loginError = Nothing
+                , logoutError = Nothing
+                , signUpError = Nothing
+                , deleteUserError = Nothing
+                , createTripError = Nothing
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        ToggleLoginForm ->
+            ( { model
+                | loginTab =
+                    case model.loginTab of
+                        LoginForm ->
+                            SignUpForm
+                        SignUpForm ->
+                            LoginForm
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        PrintPage ->
+            ( model, printPage () )
+        GoogleSignIn ->
+            ( model, googleSignIn () )
+        GoogleSignOut ->
+            ( model, googleSignOut () )
+        UpdateInviteEmail x ->
+            ( { model | inviteEmail = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateInviteRole mRole ->
+            ( { model | inviteRole = mRole }, Cmd.none )
+        ReceiveTodaysDate date ->
+            ( { model | todaysDate = Just date }, Cmd.none )
+        EditTrip trip ->
+            ( { model
+                | editingTrip = Just trip
+                , editTripDestination = trip.destination
+                , editTripComment = trip.comment
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        CancelEditTrip ->
+            ( { model
+                | editingTrip = Nothing
+                , editTripDestination = ""
+                , editTripComment = ""
+              }
+            , Cmd.none
+            )
+        LinkClicked urlRequest ->
+            case urlRequest of
+                Browser.Internal url ->
+                    ( model, Nav.pushUrl model.key (Url.toString url) )
+                Browser.External href ->
+                    ( model, Nav.load href )
+        UrlChanged url ->
+            let
+                route =
+                    Url.Parser.parse routeParser url
+            in
+            case route of
+                Just UserHome ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | url = url
+                        , route = route
+                        , trips = RemoteData.Loading
+                      }
+                    , fetchTrips
+                    )
+                Just ManagerHome ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | url = url
+                        , route = route
+                        , accounts = RemoteData.Loading
+                      }
+                    , fetchAccounts
+                    )
+                Just AdminHome ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | url = url
+                        , route = route
+                        , accounts = RemoteData.Loading
+                        , trips = RemoteData.Loading
+                      }
+                    , Cmd.batch
+                        [ fetchAccounts
+                        , fetchTrips
+                        ]
+                    )
+                _ ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | url = url
+                        , route = route
+                      }
+                    , Cmd.none
+                    )
+        -- GET /accounts
+        AttemptGetAccounts ->
+            ( { model | accounts = RemoteData.Loading }, fetchAccounts )
+        GotAccounts xs ->
+            ( { model | accounts = xs }, Cmd.none )
+        -- DELETE /accounts
+        AttemptDeleteAccount username ->
+            ( model, deleteAccount username )
+        GotDeleteAccount result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( model, fetchAccounts )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model | deleteUserError = Just e }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        -- POST /trips
+        AttemptCreateTrip startDate endDate ->
+            ( model
+            , case model.session of
+                Nothing ->
+                    Cmd.none
+                Just session ->
+                    createTrip
+                        { username = session.username
+                        , destination = model.tripDestination
+                        , startDate = startDate
+                        , endDate = endDate
+                        , comment = model.tripComment
+                        }
+            )
+        GotCreateTrip result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | tripDestination = ""
+                        , tripStartDate = Nothing
+                        , tripEndDate = Nothing
+                        , tripComment = ""
+                      }
+                    , fetchTrips
+                    )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | createTripError = Just e
+                        , tripDestination = ""
+                        , tripStartDate = Nothing
+                        , tripEndDate = Nothing
+                        , tripComment = ""
+                      }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        -- DELETE /trips
+        AttemptDeleteTrip trip ->
+            ( model
+            , deleteTrip
+                { username = trip.username
+                , destination = trip.destination
+                , startDate = trip.startDate
+                }
+            )
+        GotDeleteTrip result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( model, fetchTrips )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model | deleteTripError = Just e }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        AttemptInviteUser role ->
+            ( { model | inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Loading }
+            , inviteUser
+                { email = model.inviteEmail
+                , role = role
+                }
+            )
+        GotInviteUser result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | inviteEmail = ""
+                        , inviteRole = Nothing
+                        , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Success ()
+                      }
+                    , Cmd.none
+                    )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | inviteUserError = Just e
+                        , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Failure e
+                      }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        -- PATCH /trips
+        AttemptUpdateTrip tripKey trip ->
+            ( { model | updateTripStatus = RemoteData.Loading }
+            , updateTrip tripKey trip
+            )
+        GotUpdateTrip result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( { model | updateTripStatus = RemoteData.Success () }
+                    , fetchTrips
+                    )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model | updateTripStatus = RemoteData.Failure e }
+                    , Cmd.none
+                    )
+        -- POST /accounts
+        AttemptSignUp ->
+            ( model
+            , signUp
+                { username = model.username
+                , email = model.email
+                , password = model.password
+                }
+            )
+        GotSignUp result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok session ->
+                    ( { model | session = Just session }
+                    , Nav.pushUrl model.key (homeRouteForRole session.role)
+                    )
+                Err x ->
+                    ( { model | signUpError = Just x }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        -- GET /trips
+        AttemptGetTrips ->
+            ( { model | trips = RemoteData.Loading }, fetchTrips )
+        GotTrips xs ->
+            ( { model | trips = xs }, Cmd.none )
+        -- POST /login
+        AttemptLogin ->
+            ( model, login model.username model.password )
+        GotLogin result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok session ->
+                    ( { model | session = Just session }
+                    , Nav.pushUrl model.key (homeRouteForRole session.role)
+                    )
+                Err x ->
+                    ( { model | loginError = Just x }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
+        -- GET /logout
+        AttemptLogout ->
+            ( model, logout )
+        GotLogout result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( { model | session = Nothing }
+                    , Nav.pushUrl model.key "/login"
+                    )
+                Err e ->
+                    ( { model | logoutError = Just e }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )