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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal
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authorAspen Smith <grfn@gws.fyi>2024-02-12T03·00-0500
committerclbot <clbot@tvl.fyi>2024-02-14T19·37+0000
commit82ecd61f5c699cf3af6c4eadf47a1c52b1d696c6 (patch)
tree429c5e078528000591742ec3211bc768ae913a78 /users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal
parent0ba476a4266015f278f18d74094299de74a5a111 (diff)
chore(users): grfn -> aspen r/7511
Change-Id: I6c6847fac56f0a9a1a2209792e00a3aec5e672b9
Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/10809
Autosubmit: aspen <root@gws.fyi>
Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: lukegb <lukegb@tvl.fyi>
Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 529 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal b/users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal
deleted file mode 100644
index 12222c26732f..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/xanthous.cabal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-cabal-version: 1.12
--- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.0.
--- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
--- hash: b3bf8e65d621856081832c9d3c8e8ad38799e23a7f5084dc4f972daa654a0ff3
-name:           xanthous
-synopsis:       A WIP TUI RPG
-description:    Please see the README on GitHub at <https://github.com/glittershark/xanthous>
-category:       Game
-homepage:       https://github.com/glittershark/xanthous#readme
-bug-reports:    https://github.com/glittershark/xanthous/issues
-author:         Griffin Smith
-maintainer:     root@gws.fyi
-copyright:      2019 Griffin Smith
-license:        GPL-3
-license-file:   LICENSE
-build-type:     Simple
-    README.org
-source-repository head
-  type: git
-  location: https://github.com/glittershark/xanthous
-  exposed-modules:
-      Data.Aeson.Generic.DerivingVia
-      Xanthous.AI.Gormlak
-      Xanthous.App
-      Xanthous.App.Autocommands
-      Xanthous.App.Common
-      Xanthous.App.Prompt
-      Xanthous.App.Time
-      Xanthous.Command
-      Xanthous.Data
-      Xanthous.Data.App
-      Xanthous.Data.Entities
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityChar
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityMap
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.Graphics
-      Xanthous.Data.Levels
-      Xanthous.Data.Memo
-      Xanthous.Data.NestedMap
-      Xanthous.Data.VectorBag
-      Xanthous.Entities.Character
-      Xanthous.Entities.Common
-      Xanthous.Entities.Creature
-      Xanthous.Entities.Creature.Hippocampus
-      Xanthous.Entities.Draw.Util
-      Xanthous.Entities.Entities
-      Xanthous.Entities.Environment
-      Xanthous.Entities.Item
-      Xanthous.Entities.Marker
-      Xanthous.Entities.Raws
-      Xanthous.Entities.RawTypes
-      Xanthous.Game
-      Xanthous.Game.Arbitrary
-      Xanthous.Game.Draw
-      Xanthous.Game.Env
-      Xanthous.Game.Lenses
-      Xanthous.Game.Memo
-      Xanthous.Game.Prompt
-      Xanthous.Game.State
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.CaveAutomata
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.Dungeon
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.LevelContents
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.Util
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.Village
-      Xanthous.Generators.Speech
-      Xanthous.Messages
-      Xanthous.Messages.Template
-      Xanthous.Monad
-      Xanthous.Orphans
-      Xanthous.Physics
-      Xanthous.Prelude
-      Xanthous.Random
-      Xanthous.Util
-      Xanthous.Util.Comonad
-      Xanthous.Util.Graph
-      Xanthous.Util.Graphics
-      Xanthous.Util.Inflection
-      Xanthous.Util.JSON
-      Xanthous.Util.Optparse
-      Xanthous.Util.QuickCheck
-  other-modules:
-      Paths_xanthous
-  hs-source-dirs:
-      src
-  default-extensions:
-      BlockArguments
-      ConstraintKinds
-      DataKinds
-      DeriveAnyClass
-      DeriveGeneric
-      DerivingStrategies
-      DerivingVia
-      FlexibleContexts
-      FlexibleInstances
-      FunctionalDependencies
-      GADTSyntax
-      GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-      KindSignatures
-      StandaloneKindSignatures
-      LambdaCase
-      MultiWayIf
-      NoImplicitPrelude
-      NoStarIsType
-      OverloadedStrings
-      PolyKinds
-      RankNTypes
-      ScopedTypeVariables
-      TupleSections
-      TypeApplications
-      TypeFamilies
-      TypeOperators
-      ViewPatterns
-  ghc-options: -Wall -fconstraint-solver-iterations=6
-  build-depends:
-      JuicyPixels
-    , MonadRandom
-    , QuickCheck
-    , Rasterific
-    , aeson
-    , array
-    , async
-    , base
-    , bifunctors
-    , brick
-    , checkers
-    , classy-prelude
-    , comonad
-    , comonad-extras
-    , constraints
-    , containers
-    , criterion
-    , data-default
-    , data-interval
-    , deepseq
-    , directory
-    , fgl
-    , fgl-arbitrary
-    , file-embed
-    , filepath
-    , generic-arbitrary
-    , generic-lens
-    , groups
-    , hgeometry
-    , hgeometry-combinatorial
-    , lens
-    , lifted-async
-    , linear
-    , megaparsec
-    , mmorph
-    , monad-control
-    , mtl
-    , optparse-applicative
-    , parallel
-    , parser-combinators
-    , pointed
-    , quickcheck-instances
-    , quickcheck-text
-    , random
-    , random-extras
-    , random-fu
-    , random-source
-    , raw-strings-qq
-    , reflection
-    , semigroupoids
-    , semigroups
-    , splitmix
-    , stache
-    , streams
-    , text
-    , text-zipper
-    , tomland
-    , transformers
-    , vector
-    , vty
-    , witherable
-    , yaml
-    , zlib
-  default-language: Haskell2010
-executable xanthous
-  main-is: Main.hs
-  other-modules:
-      Paths_xanthous
-  hs-source-dirs:
-      app
-  default-extensions:
-      BlockArguments
-      ConstraintKinds
-      DataKinds
-      DeriveAnyClass
-      DeriveGeneric
-      DerivingStrategies
-      DerivingVia
-      FlexibleContexts
-      FlexibleInstances
-      FunctionalDependencies
-      GADTSyntax
-      GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-      KindSignatures
-      StandaloneKindSignatures
-      LambdaCase
-      MultiWayIf
-      NoImplicitPrelude
-      NoStarIsType
-      OverloadedStrings
-      PolyKinds
-      RankNTypes
-      ScopedTypeVariables
-      TupleSections
-      TypeApplications
-      TypeFamilies
-      TypeOperators
-      ViewPatterns
-  ghc-options: -Wall -fconstraint-solver-iterations=6 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O2
-  build-depends:
-      JuicyPixels
-    , MonadRandom
-    , QuickCheck
-    , Rasterific
-    , aeson
-    , array
-    , async
-    , base
-    , bifunctors
-    , brick
-    , checkers
-    , classy-prelude
-    , comonad
-    , comonad-extras
-    , constraints
-    , containers
-    , criterion
-    , data-default
-    , data-interval
-    , deepseq
-    , directory
-    , fgl
-    , fgl-arbitrary
-    , file-embed
-    , filepath
-    , generic-arbitrary
-    , generic-lens
-    , groups
-    , hgeometry
-    , hgeometry-combinatorial
-    , lens
-    , lifted-async
-    , linear
-    , megaparsec
-    , mmorph
-    , monad-control
-    , mtl
-    , optparse-applicative
-    , parallel
-    , parser-combinators
-    , pointed
-    , quickcheck-instances
-    , quickcheck-text
-    , random
-    , random-extras
-    , random-fu
-    , random-source
-    , raw-strings-qq
-    , reflection
-    , semigroupoids
-    , semigroups
-    , splitmix
-    , stache
-    , streams
-    , text
-    , text-zipper
-    , tomland
-    , transformers
-    , vector
-    , vty
-    , witherable
-    , xanthous
-    , yaml
-    , zlib
-  default-language: Haskell2010
-test-suite test
-  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  main-is: Spec.hs
-  other-modules:
-      Test.Prelude
-      Xanthous.CommandSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.EntitiesSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityCharSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.GraphicsSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.EntityMapSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.LevelsSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.MemoSpec
-      Xanthous.Data.NestedMapSpec
-      Xanthous.DataSpec
-      Xanthous.Entities.CharacterSpec
-      Xanthous.Entities.CommonSpec
-      Xanthous.Entities.RawsSpec
-      Xanthous.Entities.RawTypesSpec
-      Xanthous.Game.PromptSpec
-      Xanthous.Game.StateSpec
-      Xanthous.GameSpec
-      Xanthous.Generators.Level.UtilSpec
-      Xanthous.Messages.TemplateSpec
-      Xanthous.MessageSpec
-      Xanthous.OrphansSpec
-      Xanthous.RandomSpec
-      Xanthous.Util.GraphicsSpec
-      Xanthous.Util.GraphSpec
-      Xanthous.Util.InflectionSpec
-      Xanthous.UtilSpec
-      Paths_xanthous
-  hs-source-dirs:
-      test
-  default-extensions:
-      BlockArguments
-      ConstraintKinds
-      DataKinds
-      DeriveAnyClass
-      DeriveGeneric
-      DerivingStrategies
-      DerivingVia
-      FlexibleContexts
-      FlexibleInstances
-      FunctionalDependencies
-      GADTSyntax
-      GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-      KindSignatures
-      StandaloneKindSignatures
-      LambdaCase
-      MultiWayIf
-      NoImplicitPrelude
-      NoStarIsType
-      OverloadedStrings
-      PolyKinds
-      RankNTypes
-      ScopedTypeVariables
-      TupleSections
-      TypeApplications
-      TypeFamilies
-      TypeOperators
-      ViewPatterns
-  ghc-options: -Wall -fconstraint-solver-iterations=6 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O0
-  build-depends:
-      JuicyPixels
-    , MonadRandom
-    , QuickCheck
-    , Rasterific
-    , aeson
-    , array
-    , async
-    , base
-    , bifunctors
-    , brick
-    , checkers
-    , classy-prelude
-    , comonad
-    , comonad-extras
-    , constraints
-    , containers
-    , criterion
-    , data-default
-    , data-interval
-    , deepseq
-    , directory
-    , fgl
-    , fgl-arbitrary
-    , file-embed
-    , filepath
-    , generic-arbitrary
-    , generic-lens
-    , groups
-    , hgeometry
-    , hgeometry-combinatorial
-    , lens
-    , lens-properties
-    , lifted-async
-    , linear
-    , megaparsec
-    , mmorph
-    , monad-control
-    , mtl
-    , optparse-applicative
-    , parallel
-    , parser-combinators
-    , pointed
-    , quickcheck-instances
-    , quickcheck-text
-    , random
-    , random-extras
-    , random-fu
-    , random-source
-    , raw-strings-qq
-    , reflection
-    , semigroupoids
-    , semigroups
-    , splitmix
-    , stache
-    , streams
-    , tasty
-    , tasty-hunit
-    , tasty-quickcheck
-    , tasty-rerun
-    , text
-    , text-zipper
-    , tomland
-    , transformers
-    , vector
-    , vty
-    , witherable
-    , xanthous
-    , yaml
-    , zlib
-  default-language: Haskell2010
-benchmark benchmark
-  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-  main-is: Bench.hs
-  other-modules:
-      Bench.Prelude
-      Xanthous.Generators.UtilBench
-      Xanthous.RandomBench
-      Paths_xanthous
-  hs-source-dirs:
-      bench
-  default-extensions:
-      BlockArguments
-      ConstraintKinds
-      DataKinds
-      DeriveAnyClass
-      DeriveGeneric
-      DerivingStrategies
-      DerivingVia
-      FlexibleContexts
-      FlexibleInstances
-      FunctionalDependencies
-      GADTSyntax
-      GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-      KindSignatures
-      StandaloneKindSignatures
-      LambdaCase
-      MultiWayIf
-      NoImplicitPrelude
-      NoStarIsType
-      OverloadedStrings
-      PolyKinds
-      RankNTypes
-      ScopedTypeVariables
-      TupleSections
-      TypeApplications
-      TypeFamilies
-      TypeOperators
-      ViewPatterns
-  ghc-options: -Wall -fconstraint-solver-iterations=6 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
-  build-depends:
-      JuicyPixels
-    , MonadRandom
-    , QuickCheck
-    , Rasterific
-    , aeson
-    , array
-    , async
-    , base
-    , bifunctors
-    , brick
-    , checkers
-    , classy-prelude
-    , comonad
-    , comonad-extras
-    , constraints
-    , containers
-    , criterion
-    , data-default
-    , data-interval
-    , deepseq
-    , directory
-    , fgl
-    , fgl-arbitrary
-    , file-embed
-    , filepath
-    , generic-arbitrary
-    , generic-lens
-    , groups
-    , hgeometry
-    , hgeometry-combinatorial
-    , lens
-    , lifted-async
-    , linear
-    , megaparsec
-    , mmorph
-    , monad-control
-    , mtl
-    , optparse-applicative
-    , parallel
-    , parser-combinators
-    , pointed
-    , quickcheck-instances
-    , quickcheck-text
-    , random
-    , random-extras
-    , random-fu
-    , random-source
-    , raw-strings-qq
-    , reflection
-    , semigroupoids
-    , semigroups
-    , splitmix
-    , stache
-    , streams
-    , text
-    , text-zipper
-    , tomland
-    , transformers
-    , vector
-    , vty
-    , witherable
-    , xanthous
-    , yaml
-    , zlib
-  default-language: Haskell2010