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path: root/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs
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authorAspen Smith <grfn@gws.fyi>2024-02-12T03·00-0500
committerclbot <clbot@tvl.fyi>2024-02-14T19·37+0000
commit82ecd61f5c699cf3af6c4eadf47a1c52b1d696c6 (patch)
tree429c5e078528000591742ec3211bc768ae913a78 /users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs
parent0ba476a4266015f278f18d74094299de74a5a111 (diff)
chore(users): grfn -> aspen r/7511
Change-Id: I6c6847fac56f0a9a1a2209792e00a3aec5e672b9
Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/10809
Autosubmit: aspen <root@gws.fyi>
Reviewed-by: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: lukegb <lukegb@tvl.fyi>
Diffstat (limited to 'users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs b/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7de95e6806..000000000000
--- a/users/grfn/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Level/Village.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-module Xanthous.Generators.Level.Village
-  ( fromCave
-  ) where
-import           Xanthous.Prelude hiding (any, failing, toList)
-import           Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
-import           Control.Monad.State (execStateT, MonadState, modify)
-import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
-import           Control.Parallel.Strategies
-import           Data.Array.IArray
-import           Data.Foldable (any, toList)
-import           Xanthous.Data
-import           Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityMap)
-import qualified Xanthous.Data.EntityMap as EntityMap
-import           Xanthous.Entities.Environment
-import           Xanthous.Generators.Level.Util
-import           Xanthous.Game.State (SomeEntity(..))
-import           Xanthous.Random
-fromCave :: MonadRandom m
-         => Cells -- ^ The positions of all the walls
-         -> m (EntityMap SomeEntity)
-fromCave wallPositions = execStateT (fromCave' wallPositions) mempty
-fromCave' :: forall m. (MonadRandom m, MonadState (EntityMap SomeEntity) m)
-          => Cells
-          -> m ()
-fromCave' wallPositions = failing (pure ()) $ do
-  Just villageRegion <-
-    choose
-    . (`using` parTraversable rdeepseq)
-    . weightedBy (\reg -> let circSize = length $ circumference reg
-                         in if circSize == 50
-                            then (1.0 :: Double)
-                            else 1.0 / (fromIntegral . abs $ circSize - 50))
-    $ regions closedHallways
-  let circ = setFromList . circumference $ villageRegion
-  centerPoints <- chooseSubset (0.1 :: Double) $ toList circ
-  roomTiles <- foldM
-              (flip $ const $ stepOut circ)
-              (map pure centerPoints)
-              [0 :: Int ..2]
-  let roomWalls = circumference . setFromList @(Set _) <$> roomTiles
-      allWalls = join roomWalls
-  doorPositions <- fmap join . for roomWalls $ \room ->
-    let candidates = filter (`notMember` circ) room
-    in fmap toList . choose $ ChooseElement candidates
-  let entryways =
-        filter (\pt ->
-                  let ncs = neighborCells pt
-                  in any ((&&) <$> (not . (wallPositions !))
-                              <*> (`notMember` villageRegion)) ncs
-                   && any ((&&) <$> (`member` villageRegion)
-                              <*> (`notElem` allWalls)) ncs)
-                  $ toList villageRegion
-  Just entryway <- choose $ ChooseElement entryways
-  for_ (filter ((&&) <$> (`notElem` doorPositions) <*> (/= entryway)) allWalls)
-    $ insertEntity Wall
-  for_ (filter (/= entryway) doorPositions) $ insertEntity unlockedDoor
-  insertEntity unlockedDoor entryway
-  where
-    insertEntity e pt = modify $ EntityMap.insertAt (ptToPos pt) $ SomeEntity e
-    ptToPos pt = _Position # (fromIntegral <$> pt)
-    stepOut :: Set (V2 Word) -> [[V2 Word]] -> MaybeT m [[V2 Word]]
-    stepOut circ rooms = for rooms $ \room ->
-      let nextLevels = hashNub $ toList . neighborCells =<< room
-      in pure
-         . (<> room)
-         $ filter ((&&) <$> (`notMember` circ) <*> (`notElem` join rooms))
-         nextLevels
-    circumference pts =
-      filter (any (`notMember` pts) . neighborCells) $ toList pts
-    closedHallways = closeHallways livePositions
-    livePositions = amap not wallPositions
-closeHallways :: Cells -> Cells
-closeHallways livePositions =
-  livePositions // mapMaybe closeHallway (assocs livePositions)
-  where
-    closeHallway (_, False) = Nothing
-    closeHallway (pos, _)
-      | isHallway pos = Just (pos, False)
-      | otherwise     = Nothing
-    isHallway pos = any ((&&) <$> not . view left <*> not . view right)
-      . rotations
-      . fmap (fromMaybe False)
-      $ arrayNeighbors livePositions pos
-failing :: Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a -> m a
-failing result = (maybe result pure =<<) . runMaybeT
-import Xanthous.Generators.Village
-import Xanthous.Generators
-import Xanthous.Data
-import System.Random
-import qualified Data.Text
-import qualified Xanthous.Generators.CaveAutomata as CA
-let gi = GeneratorInput SCaveAutomata CA.defaultParams
-wallPositions <- generateFromInput gi (Dimensions 80 50) <$> getStdGen
-putStrLn . Data.Text.unpack $ showCells wallPositions
-import Data.Array.IArray
-let closedHallways = closeHallways . amap not $ wallPositions
-putStrLn . Data.Text.unpack . showCells $ amap not closedHallways