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path: root/tools/nixery/build-image
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authorVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-12T16·14+0100
committerVincent Ambo <github@tazj.in>2019-08-13T23·02+0100
commit6d718bf2713a7e2209197247976390b878f51313 (patch)
tree6deaeb92468e17c8ea443523fd1a0043503d1066 /tools/nixery/build-image
parent819b4602788195cacde48cf8bb36ab242d240512 (diff)
refactor(server): Use wrapper script to avoid path dependency
Instead of requiring the server component to be made aware of the
location of the Nix builder via environment variables, this commit
introduces a wrapper script for the builder that can simply exist on
the builders $PATH.

This is one step towards a slightly nicer out-of-the-box experience
when using `nix-build -A nixery-bin`.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/nixery/build-image')
4 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/nixery/build-image/build-image.nix b/tools/nixery/build-image/build-image.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37156905fa38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/nixery/build-image/build-image.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This file contains a modified version of dockerTools.buildImage that, instead
+# of outputting a single tarball which can be imported into a running Docker
+# daemon, builds a manifest file that can be used for serving the image over a
+# registry API.
+  # Image Name
+  name,
+  # Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
+  tag ? null,
+  # Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
+  contents ? [],
+  # Packages to install by name (which must refer to top-level attributes of
+  # nixpkgs). This is passed in as a JSON-array in string form.
+  packages ? "[]",
+  # Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
+  extraCommands ? "", uid ? 0, gid ? 0,
+  # Docker's modern image storage mechanisms have a maximum of 125
+  # layers. To allow for some extensibility (via additional layers),
+  # the default here is set to something a little less than that.
+  maxLayers ? 96,
+  # Configuration for which package set to use when building.
+  #
+  # Both channels of the public nixpkgs repository as well as imports
+  # from private repositories are supported.
+  #
+  # This setting can be invoked with three different formats:
+  #
+  # 1. nixpkgs!$channel (e.g. nixpkgs!nixos-19.03)
+  # 2. git!$repo!$rev (e.g. git!git@github.com:NixOS/nixpkgs.git!master)
+  # 3. path!$path (e.g. path!/var/local/nixpkgs)
+  #
+  # '!' was chosen as the separator because `builtins.split` does not
+  # support regex escapes and there are few other candidates. It
+  # doesn't matter much because this is invoked by the server.
+  pkgSource ? "nixpkgs!nixos-19.03"
+  # If a nixpkgs channel is requested, it is retrieved from Github (as
+  # a tarball) and imported.
+  fetchImportChannel = channel:
+  let url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${channel}.tar.gz";
+  in import (builtins.fetchTarball url) {};
+  # If a git repository is requested, it is retrieved via
+  # builtins.fetchGit which defaults to the git configuration of the
+  # outside environment. This means that user-configured SSH
+  # credentials etc. are going to work as expected.
+  fetchImportGit = url: rev:
+  let
+    # builtins.fetchGit needs to know whether 'rev' is a reference
+    # (e.g. a branch/tag) or a revision (i.e. a commit hash)
+    #
+    # Since this data is being extrapolated from the supplied image
+    # tag, we have to guess if we want to avoid specifying a format.
+    #
+    # There are some additional caveats around whether the default
+    # branch contains the specified revision, which need to be
+    # explained to users.
+    spec = if (builtins.stringLength rev) == 40 then {
+      inherit url rev;
+    } else {
+      inherit url;
+      ref = rev;
+    };
+  in import (builtins.fetchGit spec) {};
+  importPath = path: import (builtins.toPath path) {};
+  source = builtins.split "!" pkgSource;
+  sourceType = builtins.elemAt source 0;
+  pkgs = with builtins;
+    if sourceType == "nixpkgs"
+    then fetchImportChannel (elemAt source 2)
+    else if sourceType == "git"
+    then fetchImportGit (elemAt source 2) (elemAt source 4)
+    else if sourceType == "path"
+    then importPath (elemAt source 2)
+    else builtins.throw("Invalid package set source specification: ${pkgSource}");
+# Since this is essentially a re-wrapping of some of the functionality that is
+# implemented in the dockerTools, we need all of its components in our top-level
+# namespace.
+with builtins;
+with pkgs;
+with dockerTools;
+  tarLayer = "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar";
+  baseName = baseNameOf name;
+  # deepFetch traverses the top-level Nix package set to retrieve an item via a
+  # path specified in string form.
+  #
+  # For top-level items, the name of the key yields the result directly. Nested
+  # items are fetched by using dot-syntax, as in Nix itself.
+  #
+  # Due to a restriction of the registry API specification it is not possible to
+  # pass uppercase characters in an image name, however the Nix package set
+  # makes use of camelCasing repeatedly (for example for `haskellPackages`).
+  #
+  # To work around this, if no value is found on the top-level a second lookup
+  # is done on the package set using lowercase-names. This is not done for
+  # nested sets, as they often have keys that only differ in case.
+  #
+  # For example, `deepFetch pkgs "xorg.xev"` retrieves `pkgs.xorg.xev` and
+  # `deepFetch haskellpackages.stylish-haskell` retrieves
+  # `haskellPackages.stylish-haskell`.
+  deepFetch = with lib; s: n:
+    let path = splitString "." n;
+        err = { error = "not_found"; pkg = n; };
+        # The most efficient way I've found to do a lookup against
+        # case-differing versions of an attribute is to first construct a
+        # mapping of all lowercased attribute names to their differently cased
+        # equivalents.
+        #
+        # This map is then used for a second lookup if the top-level
+        # (case-sensitive) one does not yield a result.
+        hasUpper = str: (match ".*[A-Z].*" str) != null;
+        allUpperKeys = filter hasUpper (attrNames s);
+        lowercased = listToAttrs (map (k: {
+          name = toLower k;
+          value = k;
+          }) allUpperKeys);
+        caseAmendedPath = map (v: if hasAttr v lowercased then lowercased."${v}" else v) path;
+        fetchLower = attrByPath caseAmendedPath err s;
+    in attrByPath path fetchLower s;
+  # allContents is the combination of all derivations and store paths passed in
+  # directly, as well as packages referred to by name.
+  #
+  # It accumulates potential errors about packages that could not be found to
+  # return this information back to the server.
+  allContents =
+    # Folds over the results of 'deepFetch' on all requested packages to
+    # separate them into errors and content. This allows the program to
+    # terminate early and return only the errors if any are encountered.
+    let splitter = attrs: res:
+          if hasAttr "error" res
+          then attrs // { errors = attrs.errors ++ [ res ]; }
+          else attrs // { contents = attrs.contents ++ [ res ]; };
+        init = { inherit contents; errors = []; };
+        fetched = (map (deepFetch pkgs) (fromJSON packages));
+    in foldl' splitter init fetched;
+  contentsEnv = symlinkJoin {
+    name = "bulk-layers";
+    paths = allContents.contents;
+  };
+  # The image build infrastructure expects to be outputting a slightly different
+  # format than the one we serve over the registry protocol. To work around its
+  # expectations we need to provide an empty JSON file that it can write some
+  # fun data into.
+  emptyJson = writeText "empty.json" "{}";
+  bulkLayers = mkManyPureLayers {
+    name = baseName;
+    configJson = emptyJson;
+    closure = writeText "closure" "${contentsEnv} ${emptyJson}";
+    # One layer will be taken up by the customisationLayer, so
+    # take up one less.
+    maxLayers = maxLayers - 1;
+  };
+  customisationLayer = mkCustomisationLayer {
+    name = baseName;
+    contents = contentsEnv;
+    baseJson = emptyJson;
+    inherit uid gid extraCommands;
+  };
+  # Inspect the returned bulk layers to determine which layers belong to the
+  # image and how to serve them.
+  #
+  # This computes both an MD5 and a SHA256 hash of each layer, which are used
+  # for different purposes. See the registry server implementation for details.
+  #
+  # Some of this logic is copied straight from `buildLayeredImage`.
+  allLayersJson = runCommand "fs-layer-list.json" {
+    buildInputs = [ coreutils findutils jq openssl ];
+  } ''
+      find ${bulkLayers} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort -t/ -k5 -n > layer-list
+      echo ${customisationLayer} >> layer-list
+      for layer in $(cat layer-list); do
+        layerPath="$layer/layer.tar"
+        layerSha256=$(sha256sum $layerPath | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+        # The server application compares binary MD5 hashes and expects base64
+        # encoding instead of hex.
+        layerMd5=$(openssl dgst -md5 -binary $layerPath | openssl enc -base64)
+        layerSize=$(wc -c $layerPath | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+        jq -n -c --arg sha256 $layerSha256 --arg md5 $layerMd5 --arg size $layerSize --arg path $layerPath \
+          '{ size: ($size | tonumber), sha256: $sha256, md5: $md5, path: $path }' >> fs-layers
+      done
+      cat fs-layers | jq -s -c '.' > $out
+  '';
+  allLayers = fromJSON (readFile allLayersJson);
+  # Image configuration corresponding to the OCI specification for the file type
+  # 'application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json'
+  config = {
+    architecture = "amd64";
+    os = "linux";
+    rootfs.type = "layers";
+    rootfs.diff_ids = map (layer: "sha256:${layer.sha256}") allLayers;
+    # Required to let Kubernetes import Nixery images
+    config = {};
+  };
+  configJson = writeText "${baseName}-config.json" (toJSON config);
+  configMetadata = fromJSON (readFile (runCommand "config-meta" {
+    buildInputs = [ jq openssl ];
+  } ''
+    size=$(wc -c ${configJson} | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+    sha256=$(sha256sum ${configJson} | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+    md5=$(openssl dgst -md5 -binary ${configJson} | openssl enc -base64)
+    jq -n -c --arg size $size --arg sha256 $sha256 --arg md5 $md5 \
+      '{ size: ($size | tonumber), sha256: $sha256, md5: $md5 }' \
+      >> $out
+  ''));
+  # Corresponds to the manifest JSON expected by the Registry API.
+  #
+  # This is Docker's "Image Manifest V2, Schema 2":
+  #   https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/manifest-v2-2/
+  manifest = {
+    schemaVersion = 2;
+    mediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json";
+    config = {
+      mediaType = "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json";
+      size = configMetadata.size;
+      digest = "sha256:${configMetadata.sha256}";
+    };
+    layers = map (layer: {
+      mediaType = tarLayer;
+      digest = "sha256:${layer.sha256}";
+      size = layer.size;
+    }) allLayers;
+  };
+  # This structure maps each layer digest to the actual tarball that will need
+  # to be served. It is used by the controller to cache the paths during a pull.
+  layerLocations = {
+      "${configMetadata.sha256}" = {
+        path = configJson;
+        md5 = configMetadata.md5;
+      };
+    } // (listToAttrs (map (layer: {
+      name  = "${layer.sha256}";
+      value = {
+        path = layer.path;
+        md5 = layer.md5;
+      };
+    }) allLayers));
+  # Final output structure returned to the controller in the case of a
+  # successful build.
+  manifestOutput = {
+    inherit manifest layerLocations;
+  };
+  # Output structure returned if errors occured during the build. Currently the
+  # only error type that is returned in a structured way is 'not_found'.
+  errorOutput = {
+    error = "not_found";
+    pkgs = map (err: err.pkg) allContents.errors;
+  };
+in writeText "manifest-output.json" (if (length allContents.errors) == 0
+  then toJSON manifestOutput
+  else toJSON errorOutput
diff --git a/tools/nixery/build-image/default.nix b/tools/nixery/build-image/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4962e07deee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/nixery/build-image/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This file builds the tool used to calculate layer distribution and
+# moves the files needed to call the Nix builds at runtime in the
+# correct locations.
+{ buildGoPackage, lib, nix, writeShellScriptBin }:
+  group-layers = buildGoPackage {
+    name = "group-layers";
+    goDeps = ./go-deps.nix;
+    src = ./.;
+    goPackagePath = "github.com/google/nixery/group-layers";
+    meta = {
+      description = "Tool to group a set of packages into container image layers";
+      license = lib.licenses.asl20;
+      maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.tazjin ];
+    };
+  };
+  # Wrapper script which is called by the Nixery server to trigger an
+  # actual image build.
+in writeShellScriptBin "nixery-build-image" ''
+  exec ${nix}/bin/nix-build --show-trace --no-out-link "$@" ${./build-image.nix}
diff --git a/tools/nixery/build-image/go-deps.nix b/tools/nixery/build-image/go-deps.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..235c3c4c6dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/nixery/build-image/go-deps.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This file was generated by https://github.com/kamilchm/go2nix v1.3.0
+  {
+    goPackagePath = "gonum.org/v1/gonum";
+    fetch = {
+      type = "git";
+      url = "https://github.com/gonum/gonum";
+      rev = "ced62fe5104b907b6c16cb7e575c17b2e62ceddd";
+      sha256 = "1b7q6haabnp53igpmvr6a2414yralhbrldixx4kbxxg1apy8jdjg";
+    };
+  }
diff --git a/tools/nixery/build-image/group-layers.go b/tools/nixery/build-image/group-layers.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..93f2e520ace9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/nixery/build-image/group-layers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+// This program reads an export reference graph (i.e. a graph representing the
+// runtime dependencies of a set of derivations) created by Nix and groups them
+// in a way that is likely to match the grouping for other derivation sets with
+// overlapping dependencies.
+// This is used to determine which derivations to include in which layers of a
+// container image.
+// # Inputs
+// * a graph of Nix runtime dependencies, generated via exportReferenceGraph
+// * a file containing absolute popularity values of packages in the
+//   Nix package set (in the form of a direct reference count)
+// * a maximum number of layers to allocate for the image (the "layer budget")
+// # Algorithm
+// It works by first creating a (directed) dependency tree:
+// img (root node)
+// │
+// ├───> A ─────┐
+// │            v
+// ├───> B ───> E
+// │            ^
+// ├───> C ─────┘
+// │     │
+// │     v
+// └───> D ───> F
+//       │
+//       └────> G
+// Each node (i.e. package) is then visited to determine how important
+// it is to separate this node into its own layer, specifically:
+// 1. Is the node within a certain threshold percentile of absolute
+//    popularity within all of nixpkgs? (e.g. `glibc`, `openssl`)
+// 2. Is the node's runtime closure above a threshold size? (e.g. 100MB)
+// In either case, a bit is flipped for this node representing each
+// condition and an edge to it is inserted directly from the image
+// root, if it does not already exist.
+// For the rest of the example we assume 'G' is above the threshold
+// size and 'E' is popular.
+// This tree is then transformed into a dominator tree:
+// img
+// │
+// ├───> A
+// ├───> B
+// ├───> C
+// ├───> E
+// ├───> D ───> F
+// └───> G
+// Specifically this means that the paths to A, B, C, E, G, and D
+// always pass through the root (i.e. are dominated by it), whilst F
+// is dominated by D (all paths go through it).
+// The top-level subtrees are considered as the initially selected
+// layers.
+// If the list of layers fits within the layer budget, it is returned.
+// Otherwise, a merge rating is calculated for each layer. This is the
+// product of the layer's total size and its root node's popularity.
+// Layers are then merged in ascending order of merge ratings until
+// they fit into the layer budget.
+// # Threshold values
+// Threshold values for the partitioning conditions mentioned above
+// have not yet been determined, but we will make a good first guess
+// based on gut feeling and proceed to measure their impact on cache
+// hits/misses.
+// # Example
+// Using the logic described above as well as the example presented in
+// the introduction, this program would create the following layer
+// groupings (assuming no additional partitioning):
+// Layer budget: 1
+// Layers: { A, B, C, D, E, F, G }
+// Layer budget: 2
+// Layers: { G }, { A, B, C, D, E, F }
+// Layer budget: 3
+// Layers: { G }, { E }, { A, B, C, D, F }
+// Layer budget: 4
+// Layers: { G }, { E }, { D, F }, { A, B, C }
+// ...
+// Layer budget: 10
+// Layers: { E }, { D, F }, { A }, { B }, { C }
+package main
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"flag"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/graph/flow"
+	"gonum.org/v1/gonum/graph/simple"
+// closureGraph represents the structured attributes Nix outputs when asking it
+// for the exportReferencesGraph of a list of derivations.
+type exportReferences struct {
+	References struct {
+		Graph []string `json:"graph"`
+	} `json:"exportReferencesGraph"`
+	Graph []struct {
+		Size uint64   `json:"closureSize"`
+		Path string   `json:"path"`
+		Refs []string `json:"references"`
+	} `json:"graph"`
+// Popularity data for each Nix package that was calculated in advance.
+// Popularity is a number from 1-100 that represents the
+// popularity percentile in which this package resides inside
+// of the nixpkgs tree.
+type pkgsMetadata = map[string]int
+// layer represents the data returned for each layer that Nix should
+// build for the container image.
+type layer struct {
+	Contents    []string `json:"contents"`
+	mergeRating uint64
+func (a layer) merge(b layer) layer {
+	a.Contents = append(a.Contents, b.Contents...)
+	a.mergeRating += b.mergeRating
+	return a
+// closure as pointed to by the graph nodes.
+type closure struct {
+	GraphID    int64
+	Path       string
+	Size       uint64
+	Refs       []string
+	Popularity int
+func (c *closure) ID() int64 {
+	return c.GraphID
+var nixRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^/nix/store/[a-z0-9]+-`)
+func (c *closure) DOTID() string {
+	return nixRegexp.ReplaceAllString(c.Path, "")
+// bigOrPopular checks whether this closure should be considered for
+// separation into its own layer, even if it would otherwise only
+// appear in a subtree of the dominator tree.
+func (c *closure) bigOrPopular() bool {
+	const sizeThreshold = 100 * 1000000 // 100MB
+	if c.Size > sizeThreshold {
+		return true
+	}
+	// The threshold value used here is currently roughly the
+	// minimum number of references that only 1% of packages in
+	// the entire package set have.
+	//
+	// TODO(tazjin): Do this more elegantly by calculating
+	// percentiles for each package and using those instead.
+	if c.Popularity >= 1000 {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func insertEdges(graph *simple.DirectedGraph, cmap *map[string]*closure, node *closure) {
+	// Big or popular nodes get a separate edge from the top to
+	// flag them for their own layer.
+	if node.bigOrPopular() && !graph.HasEdgeFromTo(0, node.ID()) {
+		edge := graph.NewEdge(graph.Node(0), node)
+		graph.SetEdge(edge)
+	}
+	for _, c := range node.Refs {
+		// Nix adds a self reference to each node, which
+		// should not be inserted.
+		if c != node.Path {
+			edge := graph.NewEdge(node, (*cmap)[c])
+			graph.SetEdge(edge)
+		}
+	}
+// Create a graph structure from the references supplied by Nix.
+func buildGraph(refs *exportReferences, pop *pkgsMetadata) *simple.DirectedGraph {
+	cmap := make(map[string]*closure)
+	graph := simple.NewDirectedGraph()
+	// Insert all closures into the graph, as well as a fake root
+	// closure which serves as the top of the tree.
+	//
+	// A map from store paths to IDs is kept to actually insert
+	// edges below.
+	root := &closure{
+		GraphID: 0,
+		Path:    "image_root",
+	}
+	graph.AddNode(root)
+	for idx, c := range refs.Graph {
+		node := &closure{
+			GraphID: int64(idx + 1), // inc because of root node
+			Path:    c.Path,
+			Size:    c.Size,
+			Refs:    c.Refs,
+		}
+		if p, ok := (*pop)[node.DOTID()]; ok {
+			node.Popularity = p
+		} else {
+			node.Popularity = 1
+		}
+		graph.AddNode(node)
+		cmap[c.Path] = node
+	}
+	// Insert the top-level closures with edges from the root
+	// node, then insert all edges for each closure.
+	for _, p := range refs.References.Graph {
+		edge := graph.NewEdge(root, cmap[p])
+		graph.SetEdge(edge)
+	}
+	for _, c := range cmap {
+		insertEdges(graph, &cmap, c)
+	}
+	return graph
+// Extracts a subgraph starting at the specified root from the
+// dominator tree. The subgraph is converted into a flat list of
+// layers, each containing the store paths and merge rating.
+func groupLayer(dt *flow.DominatorTree, root *closure) layer {
+	size := root.Size
+	contents := []string{root.Path}
+	children := dt.DominatedBy(root.ID())
+	// This iteration does not use 'range' because the list being
+	// iterated is modified during the iteration (yes, I'm sorry).
+	for i := 0; i < len(children); i++ {
+		child := children[i].(*closure)
+		size += child.Size
+		contents = append(contents, child.Path)
+		children = append(children, dt.DominatedBy(child.ID())...)
+	}
+	return layer{
+		Contents: contents,
+		// TODO(tazjin): The point of this is to factor in
+		// both the size and the popularity when making merge
+		// decisions, but there might be a smarter way to do
+		// it than a plain multiplication.
+		mergeRating: uint64(root.Popularity) * size,
+	}
+// Calculate the dominator tree of the entire package set and group
+// each top-level subtree into a layer.
+// Layers are merged together until they fit into the layer budget,
+// based on their merge rating.
+func dominate(budget int, graph *simple.DirectedGraph) []layer {
+	dt := flow.Dominators(graph.Node(0), graph)
+	var layers []layer
+	for _, n := range dt.DominatedBy(dt.Root().ID()) {
+		layers = append(layers, groupLayer(&dt, n.(*closure)))
+	}
+	sort.Slice(layers, func(i, j int) bool {
+		return layers[i].mergeRating < layers[j].mergeRating
+	})
+	if len(layers) > budget {
+		log.Printf("Ideal image has %v layers, but budget is %v\n", len(layers), budget)
+	}
+	for len(layers) > budget {
+		merged := layers[0].merge(layers[1])
+		layers[1] = merged
+		layers = layers[1:]
+	}
+	return layers
+func main() {
+	graphFile := flag.String("graph", ".attrs.json", "Input file containing graph")
+	popFile := flag.String("pop", "popularity.json", "Package popularity data")
+	outFile := flag.String("out", "layers.json", "File to write layers to")
+	layerBudget := flag.Int("budget", 94, "Total layer budget available")
+	flag.Parse()
+	// Parse graph data
+	file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*graphFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("Failed to load input: %s\n", err)
+	}
+	var refs exportReferences
+	err = json.Unmarshal(file, &refs)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("Failed to deserialise input: %s\n", err)
+	}
+	// Parse popularity data
+	popBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*popFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("Failed to load input: %s\n", err)
+	}
+	var pop pkgsMetadata
+	err = json.Unmarshal(popBytes, &pop)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("Failed to deserialise input: %s\n", err)
+	}
+	graph := buildGraph(&refs, &pop)
+	layers := dominate(*layerBudget, graph)
+	j, _ := json.Marshal(layers)
+	ioutil.WriteFile(*outFile, j, 0644)