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path: root/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
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authorVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2020-05-17T14·52+0100
committerVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2020-05-17T14·52+0100
commit7994fd1d545cc5c876d6f21db7ddf9185d23dad6 (patch)
tree32dd695785378c5b9c8be97fc583e9dfc62cb105 /third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
parentcf8cd640c1adf74a3706efbcb0ea4625da106fb2 (diff)
parent90b3b31dc27f31e9b11653a636025d29ddb087a3 (diff)
Add 'third_party/nix/' from commit 'be66c7a6b24e3c3c6157fd37b86c7203d14acf10' r/724
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nix
git-subtree-mainline: cf8cd640c1adf74a3706efbcb0ea4625da106fb2
git-subtree-split: be66c7a6b24e3c3c6157fd37b86c7203d14acf10
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc')
1 files changed, 983 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f63c53b562d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+#include "crypto.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+#include "thread-pool.hh"
+#include "json.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include <future>
+namespace nix {
+bool Store::isInStore(const Path & path) const
+    return isInDir(path, storeDir);
+bool Store::isStorePath(const Path & path) const
+    return isInStore(path)
+        && path.size() >= storeDir.size() + 1 + storePathHashLen
+        && path.find('/', storeDir.size() + 1) == Path::npos;
+void Store::assertStorePath(const Path & path) const
+    if (!isStorePath(path))
+        throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+Path Store::toStorePath(const Path & path) const
+    if (!isInStore(path))
+        throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+    Path::size_type slash = path.find('/', storeDir.size() + 1);
+    if (slash == Path::npos)
+        return path;
+    else
+        return Path(path, 0, slash);
+Path Store::followLinksToStore(const Path & _path) const
+    Path path = absPath(_path);
+    while (!isInStore(path)) {
+        if (!isLink(path)) break;
+        string target = readLink(path);
+        path = absPath(target, dirOf(path));
+    }
+    if (!isInStore(path))
+        throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+    return path;
+Path Store::followLinksToStorePath(const Path & path) const
+    return toStorePath(followLinksToStore(path));
+string storePathToName(const Path & path)
+    auto base = baseNameOf(path);
+    assert(base.size() == storePathHashLen || (base.size() > storePathHashLen && base[storePathHashLen] == '-'));
+    return base.size() == storePathHashLen ? "" : string(base, storePathHashLen + 1);
+string storePathToHash(const Path & path)
+    auto base = baseNameOf(path);
+    assert(base.size() >= storePathHashLen);
+    return string(base, 0, storePathHashLen);
+void checkStoreName(const string & name)
+    string validChars = "+-._?=";
+    auto baseError = format("The path name '%2%' is invalid: %3%. "
+        "Path names are alphanumeric and can include the symbols %1% "
+        "and must not begin with a period. "
+        "Note: If '%2%' is a source file and you cannot rename it on "
+        "disk, builtins.path { name = ... } can be used to give it an "
+        "alternative name.") % validChars % name;
+    /* Disallow names starting with a dot for possible security
+       reasons (e.g., "." and ".."). */
+    if (string(name, 0, 1) == ".")
+        throw Error(baseError % "it is illegal to start the name with a period");
+    /* Disallow names longer than 211 characters. ext4’s max is 256,
+       but we need extra space for the hash and .chroot extensions. */
+    if (name.length() > 211)
+        throw Error(baseError % "name must be less than 212 characters");
+    for (auto & i : name)
+        if (!((i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') ||
+              (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') ||
+              (i >= '0' && i <= '9') ||
+              validChars.find(i) != string::npos))
+        {
+            throw Error(baseError % (format("the '%1%' character is invalid") % i));
+        }
+/* Store paths have the following form:
+   <store>/<h>-<name>
+   where
+   <store> = the location of the Nix store, usually /nix/store
+   <name> = a human readable name for the path, typically obtained
+     from the name attribute of the derivation, or the name of the
+     source file from which the store path is created.  For derivation
+     outputs other than the default "out" output, the string "-<id>"
+     is suffixed to <name>.
+   <h> = base-32 representation of the first 160 bits of a SHA-256
+     hash of <s>; the hash part of the store name
+   <s> = the string "<type>:sha256:<h2>:<store>:<name>";
+     note that it includes the location of the store as well as the
+     name to make sure that changes to either of those are reflected
+     in the hash (e.g. you won't get /nix/store/<h>-name1 and
+     /nix/store/<h>-name2 with equal hash parts).
+   <type> = one of:
+     "text:<r1>:<r2>:...<rN>"
+       for plain text files written to the store using
+       addTextToStore(); <r1> ... <rN> are the references of the
+       path.
+     "source"
+       for paths copied to the store using addToStore() when recursive
+       = true and hashAlgo = "sha256"
+     "output:<id>"
+       for either the outputs created by derivations, OR paths copied
+       to the store using addToStore() with recursive != true or
+       hashAlgo != "sha256" (in that case "source" is used; it's
+       silly, but it's done that way for compatibility).  <id> is the
+       name of the output (usually, "out").
+   <h2> = base-16 representation of a SHA-256 hash of:
+     if <type> = "text:...":
+       the string written to the resulting store path
+     if <type> = "source":
+       the serialisation of the path from which this store path is
+       copied, as returned by hashPath()
+     if <type> = "output:<id>":
+       for non-fixed derivation outputs:
+         the derivation (see hashDerivationModulo() in
+         primops.cc)
+       for paths copied by addToStore() or produced by fixed-output
+       derivations:
+         the string "fixed:out:<rec><algo>:<hash>:", where
+           <rec> = "r:" for recursive (path) hashes, or "" for flat
+             (file) hashes
+           <algo> = "md5", "sha1" or "sha256"
+           <hash> = base-16 representation of the path or flat hash of
+             the contents of the path (or expected contents of the
+             path for fixed-output derivations)
+   It would have been nicer to handle fixed-output derivations under
+   "source", e.g. have something like "source:<rec><algo>", but we're
+   stuck with this for now...
+   The main reason for this way of computing names is to prevent name
+   collisions (for security).  For instance, it shouldn't be feasible
+   to come up with a derivation whose output path collides with the
+   path for a copied source.  The former would have a <s> starting with
+   "output:out:", while the latter would have a <s> starting with
+   "source:".
+Path Store::makeStorePath(const string & type,
+    const Hash & hash, const string & name) const
+    /* e.g., "source:sha256:1abc...:/nix/store:foo.tar.gz" */
+    string s = type + ":" + hash.to_string(Base16) + ":" + storeDir + ":" + name;
+    checkStoreName(name);
+    return storeDir + "/"
+        + compressHash(hashString(htSHA256, s), 20).to_string(Base32, false)
+        + "-" + name;
+Path Store::makeOutputPath(const string & id,
+    const Hash & hash, const string & name) const
+    return makeStorePath("output:" + id, hash,
+        name + (id == "out" ? "" : "-" + id));
+Path Store::makeFixedOutputPath(bool recursive,
+    const Hash & hash, const string & name) const
+    return hash.type == htSHA256 && recursive
+        ? makeStorePath("source", hash, name)
+        : makeStorePath("output:out", hashString(htSHA256,
+                "fixed:out:" + (recursive ? (string) "r:" : "") +
+                hash.to_string(Base16) + ":"),
+            name);
+Path Store::makeTextPath(const string & name, const Hash & hash,
+    const PathSet & references) const
+    assert(hash.type == htSHA256);
+    /* Stuff the references (if any) into the type.  This is a bit
+       hacky, but we can't put them in `s' since that would be
+       ambiguous. */
+    string type = "text";
+    for (auto & i : references) {
+        type += ":";
+        type += i;
+    }
+    return makeStorePath(type, hash, name);
+std::pair<Path, Hash> Store::computeStorePathForPath(const string & name,
+    const Path & srcPath, bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter) const
+    Hash h = recursive ? hashPath(hashAlgo, srcPath, filter).first : hashFile(hashAlgo, srcPath);
+    Path dstPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, name);
+    return std::pair<Path, Hash>(dstPath, h);
+Path Store::computeStorePathForText(const string & name, const string & s,
+    const PathSet & references) const
+    return makeTextPath(name, hashString(htSHA256, s), references);
+Store::Store(const Params & params)
+    : Config(params)
+    , state({(size_t) pathInfoCacheSize})
+std::string Store::getUri()
+    return "";
+bool Store::isValidPath(const Path & storePath)
+    assertStorePath(storePath);
+    auto hashPart = storePathToHash(storePath);
+    {
+        auto state_(state.lock());
+        auto res = state_->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart);
+        if (res) {
+            stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+            return *res != 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (diskCache) {
+        auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart);
+        if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) {
+            stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+            auto state_(state.lock());
+            state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart,
+                res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? 0 : res.second);
+            return res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oValid;
+        }
+    }
+    bool valid = isValidPathUncached(storePath);
+    if (diskCache && !valid)
+        // FIXME: handle valid = true case.
+        diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, 0);
+    return valid;
+/* Default implementation for stores that only implement
+   queryPathInfoUncached(). */
+bool Store::isValidPathUncached(const Path & path)
+    try {
+        queryPathInfo(path);
+        return true;
+    } catch (InvalidPath &) {
+        return false;
+    }
+ref<const ValidPathInfo> Store::queryPathInfo(const Path & storePath)
+    std::promise<ref<ValidPathInfo>> promise;
+    queryPathInfo(storePath,
+        {[&](std::future<ref<ValidPathInfo>> result) {
+            try {
+                promise.set_value(result.get());
+            } catch (...) {
+                promise.set_exception(std::current_exception());
+            }
+        }});
+    return promise.get_future().get();
+void Store::queryPathInfo(const Path & storePath,
+    Callback<ref<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept
+    std::string hashPart;
+    try {
+        assertStorePath(storePath);
+        hashPart = storePathToHash(storePath);
+        {
+            auto res = state.lock()->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart);
+            if (res) {
+                stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+                if (!*res)
+                    throw InvalidPath(format("path '%s' is not valid") % storePath);
+                return callback(ref<ValidPathInfo>(*res));
+            }
+        }
+        if (diskCache) {
+            auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart);
+            if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) {
+                stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+                {
+                    auto state_(state.lock());
+                    state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart,
+                        res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? 0 : res.second);
+                    if (res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ||
+                        (res.second->path != storePath && storePathToName(storePath) != ""))
+                        throw InvalidPath(format("path '%s' is not valid") % storePath);
+                }
+                return callback(ref<ValidPathInfo>(res.second));
+            }
+        }
+    } catch (...) { return callback.rethrow(); }
+    auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared<decltype(callback)>(std::move(callback));
+    queryPathInfoUncached(storePath,
+        {[this, storePath, hashPart, callbackPtr](std::future<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
+            try {
+                auto info = fut.get();
+                if (diskCache)
+                    diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, info);
+                {
+                    auto state_(state.lock());
+                    state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, info);
+                }
+                if (!info
+                    || (info->path != storePath && storePathToName(storePath) != ""))
+                {
+                    stats.narInfoMissing++;
+                    throw InvalidPath("path '%s' is not valid", storePath);
+                }
+                (*callbackPtr)(ref<ValidPathInfo>(info));
+            } catch (...) { callbackPtr->rethrow(); }
+        }});
+PathSet Store::queryValidPaths(const PathSet & paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute)
+    struct State
+    {
+        size_t left;
+        PathSet valid;
+        std::exception_ptr exc;
+    };
+    Sync<State> state_(State{paths.size(), PathSet()});
+    std::condition_variable wakeup;
+    ThreadPool pool;
+    auto doQuery = [&](const Path & path ) {
+        checkInterrupt();
+        queryPathInfo(path, {[path, &state_, &wakeup](std::future<ref<ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
+            auto state(state_.lock());
+            try {
+                auto info = fut.get();
+                state->valid.insert(path);
+            } catch (InvalidPath &) {
+            } catch (...) {
+                state->exc = std::current_exception();
+            }
+            assert(state->left);
+            if (!--state->left)
+                wakeup.notify_one();
+        }});
+    };
+    for (auto & path : paths)
+        pool.enqueue(std::bind(doQuery, path));
+    pool.process();
+    while (true) {
+        auto state(state_.lock());
+        if (!state->left) {
+            if (state->exc) std::rethrow_exception(state->exc);
+            return state->valid;
+        }
+        state.wait(wakeup);
+    }
+/* Return a string accepted by decodeValidPathInfo() that
+   registers the specified paths as valid.  Note: it's the
+   responsibility of the caller to provide a closure. */
+string Store::makeValidityRegistration(const PathSet & paths,
+    bool showDerivers, bool showHash)
+    string s = "";
+    for (auto & i : paths) {
+        s += i + "\n";
+        auto info = queryPathInfo(i);
+        if (showHash) {
+            s += info->narHash.to_string(Base16, false) + "\n";
+            s += (format("%1%\n") % info->narSize).str();
+        }
+        Path deriver = showDerivers ? info->deriver : "";
+        s += deriver + "\n";
+        s += (format("%1%\n") % info->references.size()).str();
+        for (auto & j : info->references)
+            s += j + "\n";
+    }
+    return s;
+void Store::pathInfoToJSON(JSONPlaceholder & jsonOut, const PathSet & storePaths,
+    bool includeImpureInfo, bool showClosureSize, AllowInvalidFlag allowInvalid)
+    auto jsonList = jsonOut.list();
+    for (auto storePath : storePaths) {
+        auto jsonPath = jsonList.object();
+        jsonPath.attr("path", storePath);
+        try {
+            auto info = queryPathInfo(storePath);
+            storePath = info->path;
+            jsonPath
+                .attr("narHash", info->narHash.to_string())
+                .attr("narSize", info->narSize);
+            {
+                auto jsonRefs = jsonPath.list("references");
+                for (auto & ref : info->references)
+                    jsonRefs.elem(ref);
+            }
+            if (info->ca != "")
+                jsonPath.attr("ca", info->ca);
+            std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> closureSizes;
+            if (showClosureSize) {
+                closureSizes = getClosureSize(storePath);
+                jsonPath.attr("closureSize", closureSizes.first);
+            }
+            if (includeImpureInfo) {
+                if (info->deriver != "")
+                    jsonPath.attr("deriver", info->deriver);
+                if (info->registrationTime)
+                    jsonPath.attr("registrationTime", info->registrationTime);
+                if (info->ultimate)
+                    jsonPath.attr("ultimate", info->ultimate);
+                if (!info->sigs.empty()) {
+                    auto jsonSigs = jsonPath.list("signatures");
+                    for (auto & sig : info->sigs)
+                        jsonSigs.elem(sig);
+                }
+                auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
+                    std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
+                if (narInfo) {
+                    if (!narInfo->url.empty())
+                        jsonPath.attr("url", narInfo->url);
+                    if (narInfo->fileHash)
+                        jsonPath.attr("downloadHash", narInfo->fileHash.to_string());
+                    if (narInfo->fileSize)
+                        jsonPath.attr("downloadSize", narInfo->fileSize);
+                    if (showClosureSize)
+                        jsonPath.attr("closureDownloadSize", closureSizes.second);
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (InvalidPath &) {
+            jsonPath.attr("valid", false);
+        }
+    }
+std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> Store::getClosureSize(const Path & storePath)
+    uint64_t totalNarSize = 0, totalDownloadSize = 0;
+    PathSet closure;
+    computeFSClosure(storePath, closure, false, false);
+    for (auto & p : closure) {
+        auto info = queryPathInfo(p);
+        totalNarSize += info->narSize;
+        auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
+            std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
+        if (narInfo)
+            totalDownloadSize += narInfo->fileSize;
+    }
+    return {totalNarSize, totalDownloadSize};
+const Store::Stats & Store::getStats()
+    {
+        auto state_(state.lock());
+        stats.pathInfoCacheSize = state_->pathInfoCache.size();
+    }
+    return stats;
+void Store::buildPaths(const PathSet & paths, BuildMode buildMode)
+    for (auto & path : paths)
+        if (isDerivation(path))
+            unsupported("buildPaths");
+    if (queryValidPaths(paths).size() != paths.size())
+        unsupported("buildPaths");
+void copyStorePath(ref<Store> srcStore, ref<Store> dstStore,
+    const Path & storePath, RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs)
+    auto srcUri = srcStore->getUri();
+    auto dstUri = dstStore->getUri();
+    Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actCopyPath,
+        srcUri == "local" || srcUri == "daemon"
+          ? fmt("copying path '%s' to '%s'", storePath, dstUri)
+          : dstUri == "local" || dstUri == "daemon"
+            ? fmt("copying path '%s' from '%s'", storePath, srcUri)
+            : fmt("copying path '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", storePath, srcUri, dstUri),
+        {storePath, srcUri, dstUri});
+    PushActivity pact(act.id);
+    auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(storePath);
+    uint64_t total = 0;
+    if (!info->narHash) {
+        StringSink sink;
+        srcStore->narFromPath({storePath}, sink);
+        auto info2 = make_ref<ValidPathInfo>(*info);
+        info2->narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s);
+        if (!info->narSize) info2->narSize = sink.s->size();
+        if (info->ultimate) info2->ultimate = false;
+        info = info2;
+        StringSource source(*sink.s);
+        dstStore->addToStore(*info, source, repair, checkSigs);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (info->ultimate) {
+        auto info2 = make_ref<ValidPathInfo>(*info);
+        info2->ultimate = false;
+        info = info2;
+    }
+    auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & sink) {
+        LambdaSink wrapperSink([&](const unsigned char * data, size_t len) {
+            sink(data, len);
+            total += len;
+            act.progress(total, info->narSize);
+        });
+        srcStore->narFromPath({storePath}, wrapperSink);
+    }, [&]() {
+        throw EndOfFile("NAR for '%s' fetched from '%s' is incomplete", storePath, srcStore->getUri());
+    });
+    dstStore->addToStore(*info, *source, repair, checkSigs);
+void copyPaths(ref<Store> srcStore, ref<Store> dstStore, const PathSet & storePaths,
+    RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, SubstituteFlag substitute)
+    PathSet valid = dstStore->queryValidPaths(storePaths, substitute);
+    PathSet missing;
+    for (auto & path : storePaths)
+        if (!valid.count(path)) missing.insert(path);
+    if (missing.empty()) return;
+    Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actCopyPaths, fmt("copying %d paths", missing.size()));
+    std::atomic<size_t> nrDone{0};
+    std::atomic<size_t> nrFailed{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> bytesExpected{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> nrRunning{0};
+    auto showProgress = [&]() {
+        act.progress(nrDone, missing.size(), nrRunning, nrFailed);
+    };
+    ThreadPool pool;
+    processGraph<Path>(pool,
+        PathSet(missing.begin(), missing.end()),
+        [&](const Path & storePath) {
+            if (dstStore->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+                nrDone++;
+                showProgress();
+                return PathSet();
+            }
+            auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(storePath);
+            bytesExpected += info->narSize;
+            act.setExpected(actCopyPath, bytesExpected);
+            return info->references;
+        },
+        [&](const Path & storePath) {
+            checkInterrupt();
+            if (!dstStore->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+                MaintainCount<decltype(nrRunning)> mc(nrRunning);
+                showProgress();
+                try {
+                    copyStorePath(srcStore, dstStore, storePath, repair, checkSigs);
+                } catch (Error &e) {
+                    nrFailed++;
+                    if (!settings.keepGoing)
+                        throw e;
+                    logger->log(lvlError, format("could not copy %s: %s") % storePath % e.what());
+                    showProgress();
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            nrDone++;
+            showProgress();
+        });
+void copyClosure(ref<Store> srcStore, ref<Store> dstStore,
+    const PathSet & storePaths, RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+    SubstituteFlag substitute)
+    PathSet closure;
+    srcStore->computeFSClosure({storePaths}, closure);
+    copyPaths(srcStore, dstStore, closure, repair, checkSigs, substitute);
+ValidPathInfo decodeValidPathInfo(std::istream & str, bool hashGiven)
+    ValidPathInfo info;
+    getline(str, info.path);
+    if (str.eof()) { info.path = ""; return info; }
+    if (hashGiven) {
+        string s;
+        getline(str, s);
+        info.narHash = Hash(s, htSHA256);
+        getline(str, s);
+        if (!string2Int(s, info.narSize)) throw Error("number expected");
+    }
+    getline(str, info.deriver);
+    string s; int n;
+    getline(str, s);
+    if (!string2Int(s, n)) throw Error("number expected");
+    while (n--) {
+        getline(str, s);
+        info.references.insert(s);
+    }
+    if (!str || str.eof()) throw Error("missing input");
+    return info;
+string showPaths(const PathSet & paths)
+    string s;
+    for (auto & i : paths) {
+        if (s.size() != 0) s += ", ";
+        s += "'" + i + "'";
+    }
+    return s;
+std::string ValidPathInfo::fingerprint() const
+    if (narSize == 0 || !narHash)
+        throw Error(format("cannot calculate fingerprint of path '%s' because its size/hash is not known")
+            % path);
+    return
+        "1;" + path + ";"
+        + narHash.to_string(Base32) + ";"
+        + std::to_string(narSize) + ";"
+        + concatStringsSep(",", references);
+void ValidPathInfo::sign(const SecretKey & secretKey)
+    sigs.insert(secretKey.signDetached(fingerprint()));
+bool ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(const Store & store) const
+    auto warn = [&]() {
+        printError(format("warning: path '%s' claims to be content-addressed but isn't") % path);
+    };
+    if (hasPrefix(ca, "text:")) {
+        Hash hash(std::string(ca, 5));
+        if (store.makeTextPath(storePathToName(path), hash, references) == path)
+            return true;
+        else
+            warn();
+    }
+    else if (hasPrefix(ca, "fixed:")) {
+        bool recursive = ca.compare(6, 2, "r:") == 0;
+        Hash hash(std::string(ca, recursive ? 8 : 6));
+        if (references.empty() &&
+            store.makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, hash, storePathToName(path)) == path)
+            return true;
+        else
+            warn();
+    }
+    return false;
+size_t ValidPathInfo::checkSignatures(const Store & store, const PublicKeys & publicKeys) const
+    if (isContentAddressed(store)) return maxSigs;
+    size_t good = 0;
+    for (auto & sig : sigs)
+        if (checkSignature(publicKeys, sig))
+            good++;
+    return good;
+bool ValidPathInfo::checkSignature(const PublicKeys & publicKeys, const std::string & sig) const
+    return verifyDetached(fingerprint(), sig, publicKeys);
+Strings ValidPathInfo::shortRefs() const
+    Strings refs;
+    for (auto & r : references)
+        refs.push_back(baseNameOf(r));
+    return refs;
+std::string makeFixedOutputCA(bool recursive, const Hash & hash)
+    return "fixed:" + (recursive ? (std::string) "r:" : "") + hash.to_string();
+void Store::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, Source & narSource,
+    RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+    std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor)
+    addToStore(info, make_ref<std::string>(narSource.drain()), repair, checkSigs, accessor);
+void Store::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, const ref<std::string> & nar,
+    RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+    std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor)
+    StringSource source(*nar);
+    addToStore(info, source, repair, checkSigs, accessor);
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "remote-store.hh"
+namespace nix {
+RegisterStoreImplementation::Implementations * RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations = 0;
+/* Split URI into protocol+hierarchy part and its parameter set. */
+std::pair<std::string, Store::Params> splitUriAndParams(const std::string & uri_)
+    auto uri(uri_);
+    Store::Params params;
+    auto q = uri.find('?');
+    if (q != std::string::npos) {
+        for (auto s : tokenizeString<Strings>(uri.substr(q + 1), "&")) {
+            auto e = s.find('=');
+            if (e != std::string::npos) {
+                auto value = s.substr(e + 1);
+                std::string decoded;
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ) {
+                    if (value[i] == '%') {
+                        if (i + 2 >= value.size())
+                            throw Error("invalid URI parameter '%s'", value);
+                        try {
+                            decoded += std::stoul(std::string(value, i + 1, 2), 0, 16);
+                            i += 3;
+                        } catch (...) {
+                            throw Error("invalid URI parameter '%s'", value);
+                        }
+                    } else
+                        decoded += value[i++];
+                }
+                params[s.substr(0, e)] = decoded;
+            }
+        }
+        uri = uri_.substr(0, q);
+    }
+    return {uri, params};
+ref<Store> openStore(const std::string & uri_,
+    const Store::Params & extraParams)
+    auto [uri, uriParams] = splitUriAndParams(uri_);
+    auto params = extraParams;
+    params.insert(uriParams.begin(), uriParams.end());
+    for (auto fun : *RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations) {
+        auto store = fun(uri, params);
+        if (store) {
+            store->warnUnknownSettings();
+            return ref<Store>(store);
+        }
+    }
+    throw Error("don't know how to open Nix store '%s'", uri);
+StoreType getStoreType(const std::string & uri, const std::string & stateDir)
+    if (uri == "daemon") {
+        return tDaemon;
+    } else if (uri == "local" || hasPrefix(uri, "/")) {
+        return tLocal;
+    } else if (uri == "" || uri == "auto") {
+        if (access(stateDir.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) == 0)
+            return tLocal;
+        else if (pathExists(settings.nixDaemonSocketFile))
+            return tDaemon;
+        else
+            return tLocal;
+    } else {
+        return tOther;
+    }
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([](
+    const std::string & uri, const Store::Params & params)
+    -> std::shared_ptr<Store>
+    switch (getStoreType(uri, get(params, "state", settings.nixStateDir))) {
+        case tDaemon:
+            return std::shared_ptr<Store>(std::make_shared<UDSRemoteStore>(params));
+        case tLocal: {
+            Store::Params params2 = params;
+            if (hasPrefix(uri, "/"))
+                params2["root"] = uri;
+            return std::shared_ptr<Store>(std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params2));
+        }
+        default:
+            return nullptr;
+    }
+std::list<ref<Store>> getDefaultSubstituters()
+    static auto stores([]() {
+        std::list<ref<Store>> stores;
+        StringSet done;
+        auto addStore = [&](const std::string & uri) {
+            if (done.count(uri)) return;
+            done.insert(uri);
+            try {
+                stores.push_back(openStore(uri));
+            } catch (Error & e) {
+                printError("warning: %s", e.what());
+            }
+        };
+        for (auto uri : settings.substituters.get())
+            addStore(uri);
+        for (auto uri : settings.extraSubstituters.get())
+            addStore(uri);
+        stores.sort([](ref<Store> & a, ref<Store> & b) {
+            return a->getPriority() < b->getPriority();
+        });
+        return stores;
+    } ());
+    return stores;