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path: root/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
diff options
authorVincent Ambo <Vincent Ambo>2020-01-11T23·36+0000
committerVincent Ambo <Vincent Ambo>2020-01-11T23·40+0000
commit7ef0d62730840ded097b524104cc0a0904591a63 (patch)
treea670f96103667aeca4789a95d94ca0dff550c4ce /third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
parent6a2a3007077818e24a3d56fc492ada9206a10cf0 (diff)
parent1b593e1ea4d2af0f6444d9a7788d5d99abd6fde5 (diff)
merge(third_party/git): Merge squashed git subtree at v2.23.0 r/373
Merge commit '1b593e1ea4d2af0f6444d9a7788d5d99abd6fde5' as 'third_party/git'
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..120bc4064b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# git-gui merge conflict resolution
+# parts based on git-mergetool (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o
+proc merge_resolve_one {stage} {
+	global current_diff_path
+	switch -- $stage {
+		1 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the base version?"] }
+		2 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to this branch?"] }
+		3 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the other branch?"] }
+	}
+	set op_question [strcat $targetquestion "\n" \
+[mc "Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes.
+%s will be overwritten.
+This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge." \
+		[short_path $current_diff_path]]]
+	if {[ask_popup $op_question] eq {yes}} {
+		merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_force_stage $stage]
+	}
+proc merge_stage_workdir {path {lno {}}} {
+	global current_diff_path diff_active
+	global current_diff_side ui_workdir
+	if {$diff_active} return
+	if {$path ne $current_diff_path || $ui_workdir ne $current_diff_side} {
+		show_diff $path $ui_workdir $lno {} [list do_merge_stage_workdir $path]
+	} else {
+		do_merge_stage_workdir $path
+	}
+proc do_merge_stage_workdir {path} {
+	global current_diff_path is_conflict_diff
+	if {$path ne $current_diff_path} return;
+	if {$is_conflict_diff} {
+		if {[ask_popup [mc "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?" \
+				[short_path $path]]] ne {yes}} {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	merge_add_resolution $path
+proc merge_add_resolution {path} {
+	global current_diff_path ui_workdir
+	set after [next_diff_after_action $ui_workdir $path {} {^_?U}]
+	update_index \
+		[mc "Adding resolution for %s" [short_path $path]] \
+		[list $path] \
+		[concat $after [list ui_ready]]
+proc merge_force_stage {stage} {
+	global current_diff_path merge_stages
+	if {$merge_stages($stage) ne {}} {
+		git checkout-index -f --stage=$stage -- $current_diff_path
+	} else {
+		file delete -- $current_diff_path
+	}
+	merge_add_resolution $current_diff_path
+proc merge_load_stages {path cont} {
+	global merge_stages_fd merge_stages merge_stages_buf
+	if {[info exists merge_stages_fd]} {
+		catch { kill_file_process $merge_stages_fd }
+		catch { close $merge_stages_fd }
+	}
+	set merge_stages(0) {}
+	set merge_stages(1) {}
+	set merge_stages(2) {}
+	set merge_stages(3) {}
+	set merge_stages_buf {}
+	set merge_stages_fd [eval git_read ls-files -u -z -- {$path}]
+	fconfigure $merge_stages_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+	fileevent $merge_stages_fd readable [list read_merge_stages $merge_stages_fd $cont]
+proc read_merge_stages {fd cont} {
+	global merge_stages_buf merge_stages_fd merge_stages
+	append merge_stages_buf [read $fd]
+	set pck [split $merge_stages_buf "\0"]
+	set merge_stages_buf [lindex $pck end]
+	if {[eof $fd] && $merge_stages_buf ne {}} {
+		lappend pck {}
+		set merge_stages_buf {}
+	}
+	foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
+		set fcols [split $p "\t"]
+		set cols  [split [lindex $fcols 0] " "]
+		set stage [lindex $cols 2]
+		set merge_stages($stage) [lrange $cols 0 1]
+	}
+	if {[eof $fd]} {
+		close $fd
+		unset merge_stages_fd
+		eval $cont
+	}
+proc merge_resolve_tool {} {
+	global current_diff_path
+	merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_resolve_tool2]
+proc merge_resolve_tool2 {} {
+	global current_diff_path merge_stages
+	# Validate the stages
+	if {$merge_stages(2) eq {} ||
+	    [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {120000} ||
+	    [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {160000} ||
+	    $merge_stages(3) eq {} ||
+	    [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {120000} ||
+	    [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {160000}
+	} {
+		error_popup [mc "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool"]
+		return
+	}
+	if {![file exists $current_diff_path]} {
+		error_popup [mc "Conflict file does not exist"]
+		return
+	}
+	# Determine the tool to use
+	set tool [get_config merge.tool]
+	if {$tool eq {}} { set tool meld }
+	set merge_tool_path [get_config "mergetool.$tool.path"]
+	if {$merge_tool_path eq {}} {
+		switch -- $tool {
+		emerge { set merge_tool_path "emacs" }
+		araxis { set merge_tool_path "compare" }
+		default { set merge_tool_path $tool }
+		}
+	}
+	# Make file names
+	set filebase [file rootname $current_diff_path]
+	set fileext  [file extension $current_diff_path]
+	set basename [lindex [file split $current_diff_path] end]
+	set MERGED   $current_diff_path
+	set BASE     "./$MERGED.BASE$fileext"
+	set LOCAL    "./$MERGED.LOCAL$fileext"
+	set REMOTE   "./$MERGED.REMOTE$fileext"
+	set BACKUP   "./$MERGED.BACKUP$fileext"
+	set base_stage $merge_stages(1)
+	# Build the command line
+	switch -- $tool {
+	araxis {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -merge -3 -a1 \
+				-title1:"'$MERGED (Base)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Local)'" \
+				-title3:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
+				"$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -2 \
+				 -title1:"'$MERGED (Local)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
+				 "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"]
+		}
+	}
+	bc3 {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "-mergeoutput=$MERGED"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "-mergeoutput=$MERGED"]
+		}
+	}
+	ecmerge {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge3 --to="$MERGED"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge2 --to="$MERGED"]
+		}
+	}
+	emerge {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-with-ancestor-command \
+					"$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$basename"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-command \
+					"$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$basename"]
+		}
+	}
+	gvimdiff {
+		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
+	}
+	kdiff3 {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Base)" \
+				--L2 "$MERGED (Local)" --L3 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Local)" \
+				--L2 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+		}
+	}
+	meld {
+		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
+	}
+	opendiff {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -ancestor "$BASE" -merge "$MERGED"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -merge "$MERGED"]
+		}
+	}
+	p4merge {
+		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
+	}
+	tkdiff {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -a "$BASE" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+		}
+	}
+	vimdiff {
+		error_popup [mc "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'" $tool]
+		return
+	}
+	winmerge {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			# This tool does not support 3-way merges.
+			# Use the 'conflict file' resolution feature instead.
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub "$MERGED"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub -wl \
+				-dl "Theirs File" -dr "Mine File" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
+		}
+	}
+	xxdiff {
+		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
+					    -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
+					    -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
+					    -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
+					    --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"]
+		} else {
+			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
+					    -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
+					    -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
+					    -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
+					    --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
+		}
+	}
+	default {
+		error_popup [mc "Unsupported merge tool '%s'" $tool]
+		return
+	}
+	}
+	merge_tool_start $cmdline $MERGED $BACKUP [list $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE]
+proc delete_temp_files {files} {
+	foreach fname $files {
+		file delete $fname
+	}
+proc merge_tool_get_stages {target stages} {
+	global merge_stages
+	set i 1
+	foreach fname $stages {
+		if {$merge_stages($i) eq {}} {
+			file delete $fname
+			catch { close [open $fname w] }
+		} else {
+			# A hack to support autocrlf properly
+			git checkout-index -f --stage=$i -- $target
+			file rename -force -- $target $fname
+		}
+		incr i
+	}
+proc merge_tool_start {cmdline target backup stages} {
+	global merge_stages mtool_target mtool_tmpfiles mtool_fd mtool_mtime
+	if {[info exists mtool_fd]} {
+		if {[ask_popup [mc "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?"]] eq {yes}} {
+			catch { kill_file_process $mtool_fd }
+			catch { close $mtool_fd }
+			unset mtool_fd
+			set old_backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
+			file rename -force -- $old_backup $mtool_target
+			delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+		} else {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	# Save the original file
+	file rename -force -- $target $backup
+	# Get the blobs; it destroys $target
+	if {[catch {merge_tool_get_stages $target $stages} err]} {
+		file rename -force -- $backup $target
+		delete_temp_files $stages
+		error_popup [mc "Error retrieving versions:\n%s" $err]
+		return
+	}
+	# Restore the conflict file
+	file copy -force -- $backup $target
+	# Initialize global state
+	set mtool_target $target
+	set mtool_mtime [file mtime $target]
+	set mtool_tmpfiles $stages
+	lappend mtool_tmpfiles $backup
+	# Force redirection to avoid interpreting output on stderr
+	# as an error, and launch the tool
+	lappend cmdline {2>@1}
+	if {[catch { set mtool_fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmdline] } err]} {
+		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+		error_popup [mc "Could not start the merge tool:\n\n%s" $err]
+		return
+	}
+	ui_status [mc "Running merge tool..."]
+	fconfigure $mtool_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
+	fileevent $mtool_fd readable [list read_mtool_output $mtool_fd]
+proc read_mtool_output {fd} {
+	global mtool_fd mtool_tmpfiles
+	read $fd
+	if {[eof $fd]} {
+		unset mtool_fd
+		fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+		merge_tool_finish $fd
+	}
+proc merge_tool_finish {fd} {
+	global mtool_tmpfiles mtool_target mtool_mtime
+	set backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
+	set failed 0
+	# Check the return code
+	if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+		set failed 1
+		if {$err ne {child process exited abnormally}} {
+			error_popup [strcat [mc "Merge tool failed."] "\n\n$err"]
+		}
+	}
+	# Finish
+	if {$failed} {
+		file rename -force -- $backup $mtool_target
+		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+		ui_status [mc "Merge tool failed."]
+	} else {
+		if {[is_config_true mergetool.keepbackup]} {
+			file rename -force -- $backup "$mtool_target.orig"
+		}
+		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
+		reshow_diff
+	}