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path: root/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl
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authorVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
committerVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
commit128875b501bc2989617ae553317b80faa556d752 (patch)
tree9b32d12123801179ebe900980556486ad4803482 /third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl
parenta20daf87265a62b494d67f86d4a5199f14394973 (diff)
chore: Remove remaining Bazel-related files r/31
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl b/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7480c03add6e..000000000000
--- a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/repl.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-"""Multi target Haskell REPL."""
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:shell.bzl", "shell")
-load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:private/context.bzl", "haskell_context", "render_env")
-    "@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:private/path_utils.bzl",
-    "link_libraries",
-    "match_label",
-    "parse_pattern",
-    "target_unique_name",
-    "@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:providers.bzl",
-    "HaskellInfo",
-    "HaskellLibraryInfo",
-    "empty_HaskellCcInfo",
-    "get_libs_for_ghc_linker",
-    "merge_HaskellCcInfo",
-load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:private/set.bzl", "set")
-HaskellReplLoadInfo = provider(
-    doc = """Haskell REPL target information.
-    Information to a Haskell target to load into the REPL as source.
-    """,
-    fields = {
-        "source_files": "Set of files that contain Haskell modules.",
-        "cc_dependencies": "Direct cc library dependencies. See HaskellCcInfo.",
-        "compiler_flags": "Flags to pass to the Haskell compiler.",
-        "repl_ghci_args": "Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends `compiler_flags` and `repl_ghci_args` from the toolchain",
-    },
-HaskellReplDepInfo = provider(
-    doc = """Haskell REPL dependency information.
-    Information to a Haskell target to load into the REPL as a built package.
-    """,
-    fields = {
-        "package_ids": "Set of workspace unique package identifiers.",
-        "package_databases": "Set of package cache files.",
-    },
-HaskellReplCollectInfo = provider(
-    doc = """Collect Haskell REPL information.
-    Holds information to generate a REPL that loads some targets as source
-    and some targets as built packages.
-    """,
-    fields = {
-        "load_infos": "Dictionary from labels to HaskellReplLoadInfo.",
-        "dep_infos": "Dictionary from labels to HaskellReplDepInfo.",
-        "prebuilt_dependencies": "Transitive collection of info of wired-in Haskell dependencies.",
-        "transitive_cc_dependencies": "Transitive cc library dependencies. See HaskellCcInfo.",
-    },
-HaskellReplInfo = provider(
-    doc = """Haskell REPL information.
-    Holds information to generate a REPL that loads a specific set of targets
-    from source or as built packages.
-    """,
-    fields = {
-        "load_info": "Combined HaskellReplLoadInfo.",
-        "dep_info": "Combined HaskellReplDepInfo.",
-        "prebuilt_dependencies": "Transitive collection of info of wired-in Haskell dependencies.",
-        "transitive_cc_dependencies": "Transitive cc library dependencies. See HaskellCcInfo.",
-    },
-def _merge_HaskellReplLoadInfo(load_infos):
-    source_files = set.empty()
-    cc_dependencies = empty_HaskellCcInfo()
-    compiler_flags = []
-    repl_ghci_args = []
-    for load_info in load_infos:
-        set.mutable_union(source_files, load_info.source_files)
-        cc_dependencies = merge_HaskellCcInfo(
-            cc_dependencies,
-            load_info.cc_dependencies,
-        )
-        compiler_flags += load_info.compiler_flags
-        repl_ghci_args += load_info.repl_ghci_args
-    return HaskellReplLoadInfo(
-        source_files = source_files,
-        cc_dependencies = cc_dependencies,
-        compiler_flags = compiler_flags,
-        repl_ghci_args = repl_ghci_args,
-    )
-def _merge_HaskellReplDepInfo(dep_infos):
-    package_ids = set.empty()
-    package_databases = set.empty()
-    for dep_info in dep_infos:
-        set.mutable_union(package_ids, dep_info.package_ids)
-        set.mutable_union(package_databases, dep_info.package_databases)
-    return HaskellReplDepInfo(
-        package_ids = package_ids,
-        package_databases = package_databases,
-    )
-def _create_HaskellReplCollectInfo(target, ctx):
-    load_infos = {}
-    dep_infos = {}
-    hs_info = target[HaskellInfo]
-    prebuilt_dependencies = hs_info.prebuilt_dependencies
-    transitive_cc_dependencies = hs_info.transitive_cc_dependencies
-    load_infos[target.label] = HaskellReplLoadInfo(
-        source_files = hs_info.source_files,
-        cc_dependencies = hs_info.cc_dependencies,
-        compiler_flags = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "compiler_flags", []),
-        repl_ghci_args = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, "repl_ghci_args", []),
-    )
-    if HaskellLibraryInfo in target:
-        lib_info = target[HaskellLibraryInfo]
-        dep_infos[target.label] = HaskellReplDepInfo(
-            package_ids = set.singleton(lib_info.package_id),
-            package_databases = hs_info.package_databases,
-        )
-    return HaskellReplCollectInfo(
-        load_infos = load_infos,
-        dep_infos = dep_infos,
-        prebuilt_dependencies = prebuilt_dependencies,
-        transitive_cc_dependencies = transitive_cc_dependencies,
-    )
-def _merge_HaskellReplCollectInfo(args):
-    load_infos = {}
-    dep_infos = {}
-    prebuilt_dependencies = set.empty()
-    transitive_cc_dependencies = empty_HaskellCcInfo()
-    for arg in args:
-        load_infos.update(arg.load_infos)
-        dep_infos.update(arg.dep_infos)
-        set.mutable_union(
-            prebuilt_dependencies,
-            arg.prebuilt_dependencies,
-        )
-        transitive_cc_dependencies = merge_HaskellCcInfo(
-            transitive_cc_dependencies,
-            arg.transitive_cc_dependencies,
-        )
-    return HaskellReplCollectInfo(
-        load_infos = load_infos,
-        dep_infos = dep_infos,
-        prebuilt_dependencies = prebuilt_dependencies,
-        transitive_cc_dependencies = transitive_cc_dependencies,
-    )
-def _load_as_source(from_source, from_binary, lbl):
-    """Whether a package should be loaded by source or as binary."""
-    for pat in from_binary:
-        if match_label(pat, lbl):
-            return False
-    for pat in from_source:
-        if match_label(pat, lbl):
-            return True
-    return False
-def _create_HaskellReplInfo(from_source, from_binary, collect_info):
-    """Convert a HaskellReplCollectInfo to a HaskellReplInfo.
-    Args:
-      from_source: List of patterns for packages to load by source.
-      from_binary: List of patterns for packages to load as binary packages.
-      collect_info: HaskellReplCollectInfo provider.
-    Returns:
-      HaskellReplInfo provider.
-    """
-    # Collect all packages to load by source.
-    load_info = _merge_HaskellReplLoadInfo([
-        load_info
-        for (lbl, load_info) in collect_info.load_infos.items()
-        if _load_as_source(from_source, from_binary, lbl)
-    ])
-    # Collect all packages to load as binary packages.
-    dep_info = _merge_HaskellReplDepInfo([
-        dep_info
-        for (lbl, dep_info) in collect_info.dep_infos.items()
-        if not _load_as_source(from_source, from_binary, lbl)
-    ])
-    return HaskellReplInfo(
-        load_info = load_info,
-        dep_info = dep_info,
-        prebuilt_dependencies = collect_info.prebuilt_dependencies,
-        transitive_cc_dependencies = collect_info.transitive_cc_dependencies,
-    )
-def _create_repl(hs, ctx, repl_info, output):
-    """Build a multi target REPL.
-    Args:
-      hs: Haskell context.
-      ctx: Rule context.
-      repl_info: HaskellReplInfo provider.
-      output: The output for the executable REPL script.
-    Returns:
-      List of providers:
-        DefaultInfo provider for the executable REPL script.
-    """
-    # The base and directory packages are necessary for the GHCi script we use
-    # (loads source files and brings in scope the corresponding modules).
-    args = ["-package", "base", "-package", "directory"]
-    # Load prebuilt dependencies (-package)
-    for dep in set.to_list(repl_info.prebuilt_dependencies):
-        args.extend(["-package", dep.package])
-    # Load built dependencies (-package-id, -package-db)
-    for package_id in set.to_list(repl_info.dep_info.package_ids):
-        args.extend(["-package-id", package_id])
-    for package_cache in set.to_list(repl_info.dep_info.package_databases):
-        args.extend([
-            "-package-db",
-            paths.join("$RULES_HASKELL_EXEC_ROOT", package_cache.dirname),
-        ])
-    # Load C library dependencies
-    link_ctx = repl_info.load_info.cc_dependencies.dynamic_linking
-    libs_to_link = link_ctx.dynamic_libraries_for_runtime.to_list()
-    # External C libraries that we need to make available to the REPL.
-    libraries = link_libraries(libs_to_link, args)
-    # Transitive library dependencies to have in runfiles.
-    (library_deps, ld_library_deps, ghc_env) = get_libs_for_ghc_linker(
-        hs,
-        repl_info.transitive_cc_dependencies,
-        path_prefix = "$RULES_HASKELL_EXEC_ROOT",
-    )
-    library_path = [paths.dirname(lib.path) for lib in library_deps]
-    ld_library_path = [paths.dirname(lib.path) for lib in ld_library_deps]
-    # Load source files
-    # Force loading by source with `:add *...`.
-    # See https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/ghci.html#ghci-cmd-:add
-    add_sources = [
-        "*" + f.path
-        for f in set.to_list(repl_info.load_info.source_files)
-    ]
-    ghci_repl_script = hs.actions.declare_file(
-        target_unique_name(hs, "ghci-repl-script"),
-    )
-    hs.actions.expand_template(
-        template = ctx.file._ghci_repl_script,
-        output = ghci_repl_script,
-        substitutions = {
-            "{ADD_SOURCES}": " ".join(add_sources),
-            "{COMMANDS}": "\n".join(ctx.attr.repl_ghci_commands),
-        },
-    )
-    args += [
-        "-ghci-script",
-        paths.join("$RULES_HASKELL_EXEC_ROOT", ghci_repl_script.path),
-    ]
-    # Extra arguments.
-    # `compiler flags` is the default set of arguments for the repl,
-    # augmented by `repl_ghci_args`.
-    # The ordering is important, first compiler flags (from toolchain
-    # and local rule), then from `repl_ghci_args`. This way the more
-    # specific arguments are listed last, and then have more priority in
-    # GHC.
-    # Note that most flags for GHCI do have their negative value, so a
-    # negative flag in `repl_ghci_args` can disable a positive flag set
-    # in `compiler_flags`, such as `-XNoOverloadedStrings` will disable
-    # `-XOverloadedStrings`.
-    quote_args = (
-        hs.toolchain.compiler_flags +
-        repl_info.load_info.compiler_flags +
-        hs.toolchain.repl_ghci_args +
-        repl_info.load_info.repl_ghci_args +
-        ctx.attr.repl_ghci_args
-    )
-    hs.actions.expand_template(
-        template = ctx.file._ghci_repl_wrapper,
-        output = output,
-        is_executable = True,
-        substitutions = {
-            "{ENV}": render_env(ghc_env),
-            "{TOOL}": hs.tools.ghci.path,
-            "{ARGS}": " ".join(
-                args + [
-                    shell.quote(a)
-                    for a in quote_args
-                ],
-            ),
-        },
-    )
-    extra_inputs = [
-        hs.tools.ghci,
-        ghci_repl_script,
-    ]
-    extra_inputs.extend(set.to_list(repl_info.load_info.source_files))
-    extra_inputs.extend(set.to_list(repl_info.dep_info.package_databases))
-    extra_inputs.extend(library_deps)
-    extra_inputs.extend(ld_library_deps)
-    return [DefaultInfo(
-        executable = output,
-        runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
-            files = extra_inputs,
-            collect_data = ctx.attr.collect_data,
-        ),
-    )]
-def _haskell_repl_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
-    if not HaskellInfo in target:
-        return []
-    target_info = _create_HaskellReplCollectInfo(target, ctx)
-    deps_infos = [
-        dep[HaskellReplCollectInfo]
-        for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps
-        if HaskellReplCollectInfo in dep
-    ]
-    collect_info = _merge_HaskellReplCollectInfo([target_info] + deps_infos)
-    # This aspect currently does not generate an executable REPL script by
-    # itself. This could be extended in future. Note, to that end it's
-    # necessary to construct a Haskell context without `ctx.attr.name`.
-    return [collect_info]
-haskell_repl_aspect = aspect(
-    implementation = _haskell_repl_aspect_impl,
-    attr_aspects = ["deps"],
-Haskell REPL aspect.
-Used to implement the haskell_repl rule. Does not generate an executable REPL
-by itself.
-def _haskell_repl_impl(ctx):
-    collect_info = _merge_HaskellReplCollectInfo([
-        dep[HaskellReplCollectInfo]
-        for dep in ctx.attr.deps
-        if HaskellReplCollectInfo in dep
-    ])
-    from_source = [parse_pattern(ctx, pat) for pat in ctx.attr.experimental_from_source]
-    from_binary = [parse_pattern(ctx, pat) for pat in ctx.attr.experimental_from_binary]
-    repl_info = _create_HaskellReplInfo(from_source, from_binary, collect_info)
-    hs = haskell_context(ctx)
-    return _create_repl(hs, ctx, repl_info, ctx.outputs.repl)
-haskell_repl = rule(
-    implementation = _haskell_repl_impl,
-    attrs = {
-        "_ghci_repl_script": attr.label(
-            allow_single_file = True,
-            default = Label("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:assets/ghci_script"),
-        ),
-        "_ghci_repl_wrapper": attr.label(
-            allow_single_file = True,
-            default = Label("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:private/ghci_repl_wrapper.sh"),
-        ),
-        "deps": attr.label_list(
-            aspects = [haskell_repl_aspect],
-            doc = "List of Haskell targets to load into the REPL",
-        ),
-        "experimental_from_source": attr.string_list(
-            doc = """White-list of targets to load by source.
-            Wild-card targets such as //... or //:all are allowed.
-            The black-list takes precedence over the white-list.
-            Note, this attribute will change depending on the outcome of
-            https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7763.
-            """,
-            default = ["//..."],
-        ),
-        "experimental_from_binary": attr.string_list(
-            doc = """Black-list of targets to not load by source but as packages.
-            Wild-card targets such as //... or //:all are allowed.
-            The black-list takes precedence over the white-list.
-            Note, this attribute will change depending on the outcome of
-            https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7763.
-            """,
-            default = [],
-        ),
-        "repl_ghci_args": attr.string_list(
-            doc = "Arbitrary extra arguments to pass to GHCi. This extends `compiler_flags` and `repl_ghci_args` from the toolchain",
-            default = [],
-        ),
-        "repl_ghci_commands": attr.string_list(
-            doc = "Arbitrary extra commands to execute in GHCi.",
-            default = [],
-        ),
-        "collect_data": attr.bool(
-            doc = "Whether to collect the data runfiles from the dependencies in srcs, data and deps attributes.",
-            default = True,
-        ),
-    },
-    executable = True,
-    outputs = {
-        "repl": "%{name}@repl",
-    },
-    toolchains = ["@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:toolchain"],
-"""Build a REPL for multiple targets.
-  ```bzl
-  haskell_repl(
-      name = "repl",
-      deps = [
-          "//lib:some_lib",
-          "//exe:some_exe",
-      ],
-      experimental_from_source = [
-          "//lib/...",
-          "//exe/...",
-          "//common/...",
-      ],
-      experimental_from_binary = [
-          "//lib/vendored/...",
-      ],
-  )
-  ```
-  Collects all transitive Haskell dependencies from `deps`. Those that match
-  `experimental_from_binary` or are defined in an external workspace will be
-  loaded as binary packages. Those that match `experimental_from_source` and
-  are defined in the local workspace will be loaded by source.
-  You can call the REPL like this:
-$ bazel run //:repl