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path: root/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl
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authorVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
committerVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
commit128875b501bc2989617ae553317b80faa556d752 (patch)
tree9b32d12123801179ebe900980556486ad4803482 /third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl
parenta20daf87265a62b494d67f86d4a5199f14394973 (diff)
chore: Remove remaining Bazel-related files r/31
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl b/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d77f72193a..000000000000
--- a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/haskell/nixpkgs.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-"""Workspace rules (Nixpkgs)"""
-load("@bazel_skylib//lib:dicts.bzl", "dicts")
-    "@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs:nixpkgs.bzl",
-    "nixpkgs_package",
-def haskell_nixpkgs_package(
-        name,
-        attribute_path,
-        nix_file_deps = [],
-        repositories = {},
-        build_file_content = None,
-        build_file = None,
-        **kwargs):
-    """Load a single haskell package.
-    The package is expected to be in the form of the packages generated by
-    `genBazelBuild.nix`
-    """
-    repositories = dicts.add(
-        {"bazel_haskell_wrapper": "@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:nix/default.nix"},
-        repositories,
-    )
-    nixpkgs_args = dict(
-        name = name,
-        attribute_path = attribute_path,
-        build_file_content = build_file_content,
-        nix_file_deps = nix_file_deps + ["@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:nix/default.nix"],
-        repositories = repositories,
-        **kwargs
-    )
-    if build_file_content:
-        nixpkgs_args["build_file_content"] = build_file_content
-    elif build_file:
-        nixpkgs_args["build_file"] = build_file
-    else:
-        nixpkgs_args["build_file_content"] = """
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:import.bzl", haskell_import_new = "haskell_import")
-load(":BUILD.bzl", "targets")
-    nixpkgs_package(
-        **nixpkgs_args
-    )
-def _bundle_impl(repository_ctx):
-    build_file_content = """
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-    """
-    for package in repository_ctx.attr.packages:
-        build_file_content += """
-    name = "{package}",
-    actual = "@{base_repo}-{package}//:pkg",
-        """.format(
-            package = package,
-            base_repo = repository_ctx.attr.base_repository,
-        )
-    repository_ctx.file("BUILD", build_file_content)
-_bundle = repository_rule(
-    attrs = {
-        "packages": attr.string_list(),
-        "base_repository": attr.string(),
-    },
-    implementation = _bundle_impl,
-Generate an alias from `@base_repo//:package` to `@base_repo-package//:pkg` for
-each one of the input package
-def haskell_nixpkgs_packages(name, base_attribute_path, packages, **kwargs):
-    """Import a set of haskell packages from nixpkgs.
-    This takes as input the same arguments as
-    [nixpkgs_package](https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs#nixpkgs_package),
-    expecting the `attribute_path` to resolve to a set of haskell packages
-    (such as `haskellPackages` or `haskell.packages.ghc822`) preprocessed by
-    the `genBazelBuild` function. It also takes as input a list of packages to
-    import (which can be generated by the `gen_packages_list` function).
-   """
-    for package in packages:
-        haskell_nixpkgs_package(
-            name = name + "-" + package,
-            attribute_path = base_attribute_path + "." + package,
-            **kwargs
-        )
-    _bundle(
-        name = name,
-        packages = packages,
-        base_repository = name,
-    )
-def _is_nix_platform(repository_ctx):
-    return repository_ctx.which("nix-build") != None
-def _gen_imports_impl(repository_ctx):
-    repository_ctx.file("BUILD", "")
-    extra_args_raw = ""
-    for foo, bar in repository_ctx.attr.extra_args.items():
-        extra_args_raw += foo + " = " + bar + ", "
-    bzl_file_content = """
-load("{repo_name}", "packages")
-load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:nixpkgs.bzl", "haskell_nixpkgs_packages")
-def import_packages(name):
-    haskell_nixpkgs_packages(
-        name = name,
-        packages = packages,
-        {extra_args_raw}
-    )
-    """.format(
-        repo_name = repository_ctx.attr.packages_list_file,
-        extra_args_raw = extra_args_raw,
-    )
-    # A dummy 'packages.bzl' file with a no-op 'import_packages()' on unsupported platforms
-    bzl_file_content_unsupported_platform = """
-def import_packages(name):
-    return
-    """
-    if _is_nix_platform(repository_ctx):
-        repository_ctx.file("packages.bzl", bzl_file_content)
-    else:
-        repository_ctx.file("packages.bzl", bzl_file_content_unsupported_platform)
-_gen_imports_str = repository_rule(
-    implementation = _gen_imports_impl,
-    attrs = dict(
-        packages_list_file = attr.label(doc = "A list containing the list of packages to import"),
-        # We pass the extra arguments to `haskell_nixpkgs_packages` as strings
-        # since we can't forward arbitrary arguments in a rule and they will be
-        # converted to strings anyways.
-        extra_args = attr.string_dict(doc = "Extra arguments for `haskell_nixpkgs_packages`"),
-    ),
-Generate a repository containing a file `packages.bzl` which imports the given
-packages list.
-def _gen_imports(name, packages_list_file, extra_args):
-    """
-    A wrapper around `_gen_imports_str` which allows passing an arbitrary set of
-    `extra_args` instead of a set of strings
-    """
-    extra_args_str = {label: repr(value) for (label, value) in extra_args.items()}
-    _gen_imports_str(
-        name = name,
-        packages_list_file = packages_list_file,
-        extra_args = extra_args_str,
-    )
-def haskell_nixpkgs_packageset(name, base_attribute_path, repositories = {}, **kwargs):
-    """Import all the available haskell packages.
-    The arguments are the same as the arguments of ``nixpkgs_package``, except
-    for the ``base_attribute_path`` which should point to an `haskellPackages`
-    set in the nix expression
-    Example:
-      In `haskellPackages.nix`:
-      ```nix
-      with import <nixpkgs> {};
-      let wrapPackages = callPackage <bazel_haskell_wrapper> { }; in
-      { haskellPackages = wrapPackages haskell.packages.ghc822; }
-      ```
-      In your `WORKSPACE`
-      ```bazel
-      # Define a nix repository to fetch the packages from
-      load("@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs:nixpkgs.bzl",
-          "nixpkgs_git_repository")
-      nixpkgs_git_repository(
-          name = "nixpkgs",
-          revision = "9a787af6bc75a19ac9f02077ade58ddc248e674a",
-      )
-      load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:nixpkgs.bzl",
-          "haskell_nixpkgs_packageset",
-      # Generate a list of all the available haskell packages
-      haskell_nixpkgs_packageset(
-          name = "hackage-packages",
-          repositories = {"@nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"},
-          nix_file = "//haskellPackages.nix",
-          base_attribute_path = "haskellPackages",
-      )
-      load("@hackage-packages//:packages.bzl", "import_packages")
-      import_packages(name = "hackage")
-      ```
-      Then in your `BUILD` files, you can access to the whole of hackage as
-      `@hackage//:{your-package-name}`
-    """
-    repositories = dicts.add(
-        {"bazel_haskell_wrapper": "@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:nix/default.nix"},
-        repositories,
-    )
-    nixpkgs_package(
-        name = name + "-packages-list",
-        attribute_path = base_attribute_path + ".packageNames",
-        repositories = repositories,
-        build_file_content = """
-        """,
-        fail_not_supported = False,
-        **kwargs
-    )
-    _gen_imports(
-        name = name,
-        packages_list_file = "@" + name + "-packages-list//:all-haskell-packages.bzl",
-        extra_args = dict(
-            repositories = repositories,
-            base_attribute_path = base_attribute_path,
-            **kwargs
-        ),
-    )
-def _ghc_nixpkgs_toolchain_impl(repository_ctx):
-    # These constraints might look tautological, because they always
-    # match the host platform if it is the same as the target
-    # platform. But they are important to state because Bazel
-    # toolchain resolution prefers other toolchains with more specific
-    # constraints otherwise.
-    target_constraints = ["@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64"]
-    if repository_ctx.os.name == "linux":
-        target_constraints.append("@bazel_tools//platforms:linux")
-    elif repository_ctx.os.name == "mac os x":
-        target_constraints.append("@bazel_tools//platforms:osx")
-    exec_constraints = list(target_constraints)
-    exec_constraints.append("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:nixpkgs")
-    compiler_flags_select = repository_ctx.attr.compiler_flags_select or {"//conditions:default": []}
-    locale_archive = repr(repository_ctx.attr.locale_archive or None)
-    repository_ctx.file(
-        "BUILD",
-        executable = False,
-        content = """
-load("@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:toolchain.bzl", "haskell_toolchain")
-    name = "toolchain",
-    tools = ["{tools}"],
-    version = "{version}",
-    compiler_flags = {compiler_flags} + {compiler_flags_select},
-    haddock_flags = {haddock_flags},
-    repl_ghci_args = {repl_ghci_args},
-    # On Darwin we don't need a locale archive. It's a Linux-specific
-    # hack in Nixpkgs.
-    locale_archive = {locale_archive},
-    exec_compatible_with = {exec_constraints},
-    target_compatible_with = {target_constraints},
-        """.format(
-            tools = "@io_tweag_rules_haskell_ghc-nixpkgs//:bin",
-            version = repository_ctx.attr.version,
-            compiler_flags = repository_ctx.attr.compiler_flags,
-            compiler_flags_select = "select({})".format(compiler_flags_select),
-            haddock_flags = repository_ctx.attr.haddock_flags,
-            repl_ghci_args = repository_ctx.attr.repl_ghci_args,
-            locale_archive = locale_archive,
-            exec_constraints = exec_constraints,
-            target_constraints = target_constraints,
-        ),
-    )
-_ghc_nixpkgs_toolchain = repository_rule(
-    _ghc_nixpkgs_toolchain_impl,
-    local = False,
-    attrs = {
-        # These attributes just forward to haskell_toolchain.
-        # They are documented there.
-        "version": attr.string(),
-        "compiler_flags": attr.string_list(),
-        "compiler_flags_select": attr.string_list_dict(),
-        "haddock_flags": attr.string_list(),
-        "repl_ghci_args": attr.string_list(),
-        "locale_archive": attr.string(),
-    },
-def haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs(
-        version,
-        build_file = None,
-        compiler_flags = None,
-        compiler_flags_select = None,
-        haddock_flags = None,
-        repl_ghci_args = None,
-        locale_archive = None,
-        attribute_path = "haskellPackages.ghc",
-        nix_file = None,
-        nix_file_deps = [],
-        repositories = {}):
-    """Register a package from Nixpkgs as a toolchain.
-    Toolchains can be used to compile Haskell code. To have this
-    toolchain selected during [toolchain
-    resolution][toolchain-resolution], set a host platform that
-    includes the `@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:nixpkgs`
-    constraint value.
-    [toolchain-resolution]: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html#toolchain-resolution
-    Example:
-      ```
-      haskell_register_ghc_nixpkgs(
-          locale_archive = "@glibc_locales//:locale-archive",
-          atttribute_path = "haskellPackages.ghc",
-          version = "1.2.3",   # The version of GHC
-      )
-      ```
-      Setting the host platform can be done on the command-line like
-      in the following:
-      ```
-      --host_platform=@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell/platforms:linux_x86_64_nixpkgs
-      ```
-    """
-    haskell_nixpkgs_package(
-        name = "io_tweag_rules_haskell_ghc-nixpkgs",
-        attribute_path = attribute_path,
-        build_file = build_file or "@io_tweag_rules_haskell//haskell:ghc.BUILD",
-        nix_file = nix_file,
-        nix_file_deps = nix_file_deps,
-        repositories = repositories,
-    )
-    _ghc_nixpkgs_toolchain(
-        name = "io_tweag_rules_haskell_ghc-nixpkgs-toolchain",
-        version = version,
-        compiler_flags = compiler_flags,
-        compiler_flags_select = compiler_flags_select,
-        haddock_flags = haddock_flags,
-        repl_ghci_args = repl_ghci_args,
-        locale_archive = locale_archive,
-    )
-    native.register_toolchains("@io_tweag_rules_haskell_ghc-nixpkgs-toolchain//:toolchain")