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path: root/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs
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authorVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
committerVincent Ambo <tazjin@google.com>2019-08-15T15·11+0100
commit128875b501bc2989617ae553317b80faa556d752 (patch)
tree9b32d12123801179ebe900980556486ad4803482 /third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs
parenta20daf87265a62b494d67f86d4a5199f14394973 (diff)
chore: Remove remaining Bazel-related files r/31
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 655 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs b/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b6b6236d7cb..000000000000
--- a/third_party/bazel/rules_haskell/examples/vector/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, Rank2Types, BangPatterns #-}
--- |
--- Module      : Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle
--- Copyright   : (c) Roman Leshchinskiy 2008-2010
--- License     : BSD-style
--- Maintainer  : Roman Leshchinskiy <rl@cse.unsw.edu.au>
--- Stability   : experimental
--- Portability : non-portable
--- Bundles for stream fusion
-module Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle (
-  -- * Types
-  Step(..), Chunk(..), Bundle, MBundle,
-  -- * In-place markers
-  inplace,
-  -- * Size hints
-  size, sized,
-  -- * Length information
-  length, null,
-  -- * Construction
-  empty, singleton, cons, snoc, replicate, generate, (++),
-  -- * Accessing individual elements
-  head, last, (!!), (!?),
-  -- * Substreams
-  slice, init, tail, take, drop,
-  -- * Mapping
-  map, concatMap, flatten, unbox,
-  -- * Zipping
-  indexed, indexedR,
-  zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4, zipWith5, zipWith6,
-  zip, zip3, zip4, zip5, zip6,
-  -- * Filtering
-  filter, takeWhile, dropWhile,
-  -- * Searching
-  elem, notElem, find, findIndex,
-  -- * Folding
-  foldl, foldl1, foldl', foldl1', foldr, foldr1,
-  -- * Specialised folds
-  and, or,
-  -- * Unfolding
-  unfoldr, unfoldrN, iterateN,
-  -- * Scans
-  prescanl, prescanl',
-  postscanl, postscanl',
-  scanl, scanl',
-  scanl1, scanl1',
-  -- * Enumerations
-  enumFromStepN, enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo,
-  -- * Conversions
-  toList, fromList, fromListN, unsafeFromList, lift,
-  fromVector, reVector, fromVectors, concatVectors,
-  -- * Monadic combinators
-  mapM, mapM_, zipWithM, zipWithM_, filterM, foldM, fold1M, foldM', fold1M',
-  eq, cmp, eqBy, cmpBy
-) where
-import Data.Vector.Generic.Base ( Vector )
-import Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Size
-import Data.Vector.Fusion.Util
-import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic ( Stream(..), Step(..) )
-import Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic ( Chunk(..) )
-import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic as M
-import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as S
-import Prelude hiding ( length, null,
-                        replicate, (++),
-                        head, last, (!!),
-                        init, tail, take, drop,
-                        map, concatMap,
-                        zipWith, zipWith3, zip, zip3,
-                        filter, takeWhile, dropWhile,
-                        elem, notElem,
-                        foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1,
-                        and, or,
-                        scanl, scanl1,
-                        enumFromTo, enumFromThenTo,
-                        mapM, mapM_ )
-#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1 (..), Ord1 (..))
-import GHC.Base ( build )
--- Data.Vector.Internal.Check is unused
-#include "vector.h"
--- | The type of pure streams
-type Bundle = M.Bundle Id
--- | Alternative name for monadic streams
-type MBundle = M.Bundle
-inplace :: (forall m. Monad m => S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b)
-        -> (Size -> Size) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b
-{-# INLINE_FUSED inplace #-}
-inplace f g b = b `seq` M.fromStream (f (M.elements b)) (g (M.size b))
-{-# RULES
-"inplace/inplace [Vector]"
-  forall (f1 :: forall m. Monad m => S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m a)
-         (f2 :: forall m. Monad m => S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m a)
-         g1 g2 s.
-  inplace f1 g1 (inplace f2 g2 s) = inplace (f1 . f2) (g1 . g2) s   #-}
--- | Convert a pure stream to a monadic stream
-lift :: Monad m => Bundle v a -> M.Bundle m v a
-{-# INLINE_FUSED lift #-}
-lift (M.Bundle (Stream step s) (Stream vstep t) v sz)
-    = M.Bundle (Stream (return . unId . step) s)
-               (Stream (return . unId . vstep) t) v sz
--- | 'Size' hint of a 'Bundle'
-size :: Bundle v a -> Size
-{-# INLINE size #-}
-size = M.size
--- | Attach a 'Size' hint to a 'Bundle'
-sized :: Bundle v a -> Size -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE sized #-}
-sized = M.sized
--- Length
--- ------
--- | Length of a 'Bundle'
-length :: Bundle v a -> Int
-{-# INLINE length #-}
-length = unId . M.length
--- | Check if a 'Bundle' is empty
-null :: Bundle v a -> Bool
-{-# INLINE null #-}
-null = unId . M.null
--- Construction
--- ------------
--- | Empty 'Bundle'
-empty :: Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE empty #-}
-empty = M.empty
--- | Singleton 'Bundle'
-singleton :: a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE singleton #-}
-singleton = M.singleton
--- | Replicate a value to a given length
-replicate :: Int -> a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE replicate #-}
-replicate = M.replicate
--- | Generate a stream from its indices
-generate :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE generate #-}
-generate = M.generate
--- | Prepend an element
-cons :: a -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE cons #-}
-cons = M.cons
--- | Append an element
-snoc :: Bundle v a -> a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE snoc #-}
-snoc = M.snoc
-infixr 5 ++
--- | Concatenate two 'Bundle's
-(++) :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE (++) #-}
-(++) = (M.++)
--- Accessing elements
--- ------------------
--- | First element of the 'Bundle' or error if empty
-head :: Bundle v a -> a
-{-# INLINE head #-}
-head = unId . M.head
--- | Last element of the 'Bundle' or error if empty
-last :: Bundle v a -> a
-{-# INLINE last #-}
-last = unId . M.last
-infixl 9 !!
--- | Element at the given position
-(!!) :: Bundle v a -> Int -> a
-{-# INLINE (!!) #-}
-s !! i = unId (s M.!! i)
-infixl 9 !?
--- | Element at the given position or 'Nothing' if out of bounds
-(!?) :: Bundle v a -> Int -> Maybe a
-{-# INLINE (!?) #-}
-s !? i = unId (s M.!? i)
--- Substreams
--- ----------
--- | Extract a substream of the given length starting at the given position.
-slice :: Int   -- ^ starting index
-      -> Int   -- ^ length
-      -> Bundle v a
-      -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE slice #-}
-slice = M.slice
--- | All but the last element
-init :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE init #-}
-init = M.init
--- | All but the first element
-tail :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE tail #-}
-tail = M.tail
--- | The first @n@ elements
-take :: Int -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE take #-}
-take = M.take
--- | All but the first @n@ elements
-drop :: Int -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE drop #-}
-drop = M.drop
--- Mapping
--- ---------------
--- | Map a function over a 'Bundle'
-map :: (a -> b) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b
-{-# INLINE map #-}
-map = M.map
-unbox :: Bundle v (Box a) -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE unbox #-}
-unbox = M.unbox
-concatMap :: (a -> Bundle v b) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b
-{-# INLINE concatMap #-}
-concatMap = M.concatMap
--- Zipping
--- -------
--- | Pair each element in a 'Bundle' with its index
-indexed :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v (Int,a)
-{-# INLINE indexed #-}
-indexed = M.indexed
--- | Pair each element in a 'Bundle' with its index, starting from the right
--- and counting down
-indexedR :: Int -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v (Int,a)
-{-# INLINE_FUSED indexedR #-}
-indexedR = M.indexedR
--- | Zip two 'Bundle's with the given function
-zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c
-{-# INLINE zipWith #-}
-zipWith = M.zipWith
--- | Zip three 'Bundle's with the given function
-zipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-{-# INLINE zipWith3 #-}
-zipWith3 = M.zipWith3
-zipWith4 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e)
-                    -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                    -> Bundle v e
-{-# INLINE zipWith4 #-}
-zipWith4 = M.zipWith4
-zipWith5 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f)
-                    -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                    -> Bundle v e -> Bundle v f
-{-# INLINE zipWith5 #-}
-zipWith5 = M.zipWith5
-zipWith6 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g)
-                    -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                    -> Bundle v e -> Bundle v f -> Bundle v g
-{-# INLINE zipWith6 #-}
-zipWith6 = M.zipWith6
-zip :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v (a,b)
-{-# INLINE zip #-}
-zip = M.zip
-zip3 :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v (a,b,c)
-{-# INLINE zip3 #-}
-zip3 = M.zip3
-zip4 :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                -> Bundle v (a,b,c,d)
-{-# INLINE zip4 #-}
-zip4 = M.zip4
-zip5 :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                -> Bundle v e -> Bundle v (a,b,c,d,e)
-{-# INLINE zip5 #-}
-zip5 = M.zip5
-zip6 :: Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v c -> Bundle v d
-                -> Bundle v e -> Bundle v f -> Bundle v (a,b,c,d,e,f)
-{-# INLINE zip6 #-}
-zip6 = M.zip6
--- Filtering
--- ---------
--- | Drop elements which do not satisfy the predicate
-filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE filter #-}
-filter = M.filter
--- | Longest prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate
-takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
-takeWhile = M.takeWhile
--- | Drop the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the predicate
-dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
-dropWhile = M.dropWhile
--- Searching
--- ---------
-infix 4 `elem`
--- | Check whether the 'Bundle' contains an element
-elem :: Eq a => a -> Bundle v a -> Bool
-{-# INLINE elem #-}
-elem x = unId . M.elem x
-infix 4 `notElem`
--- | Inverse of `elem`
-notElem :: Eq a => a -> Bundle v a -> Bool
-{-# INLINE notElem #-}
-notElem x = unId . M.notElem x
--- | Yield 'Just' the first element matching the predicate or 'Nothing' if no
--- such element exists.
-find :: (a -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Maybe a
-{-# INLINE find #-}
-find f = unId . M.find f
--- | Yield 'Just' the index of the first element matching the predicate or
--- 'Nothing' if no such element exists.
-findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Maybe Int
-{-# INLINE findIndex #-}
-findIndex f = unId . M.findIndex f
--- Folding
--- -------
--- | Left fold
-foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> a
-{-# INLINE foldl #-}
-foldl f z = unId . M.foldl f z
--- | Left fold on non-empty 'Bundle's
-foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bundle v a -> a
-{-# INLINE foldl1 #-}
-foldl1 f = unId . M.foldl1 f
--- | Left fold with strict accumulator
-foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> a
-{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
-foldl' f z = unId . M.foldl' f z
--- | Left fold on non-empty 'Bundle's with strict accumulator
-foldl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bundle v a -> a
-{-# INLINE foldl1' #-}
-foldl1' f = unId . M.foldl1' f
--- | Right fold
-foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Bundle v a -> b
-{-# INLINE foldr #-}
-foldr f z = unId . M.foldr f z
--- | Right fold on non-empty 'Bundle's
-foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bundle v a -> a
-{-# INLINE foldr1 #-}
-foldr1 f = unId . M.foldr1 f
--- Specialised folds
--- -----------------
-and :: Bundle v Bool -> Bool
-{-# INLINE and #-}
-and = unId . M.and
-or :: Bundle v Bool -> Bool
-{-# INLINE or #-}
-or = unId . M.or
--- Unfolding
--- ---------
--- | Unfold
-unfoldr :: (s -> Maybe (a, s)) -> s -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE unfoldr #-}
-unfoldr = M.unfoldr
--- | Unfold at most @n@ elements
-unfoldrN :: Int -> (s -> Maybe (a, s)) -> s -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE unfoldrN #-}
-unfoldrN = M.unfoldrN
--- | Apply function n-1 times to value. Zeroth element is original value.
-iterateN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE iterateN #-}
-iterateN = M.iterateN
--- Scans
--- -----
--- | Prefix scan
-prescanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE prescanl #-}
-prescanl = M.prescanl
--- | Prefix scan with strict accumulator
-prescanl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE prescanl' #-}
-prescanl' = M.prescanl'
--- | Suffix scan
-postscanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE postscanl #-}
-postscanl = M.postscanl
--- | Suffix scan with strict accumulator
-postscanl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE postscanl' #-}
-postscanl' = M.postscanl'
--- | Haskell-style scan
-scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE scanl #-}
-scanl = M.scanl
--- | Haskell-style scan with strict accumulator
-scanl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE scanl' #-}
-scanl' = M.scanl'
--- | Scan over a non-empty 'Bundle'
-scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE scanl1 #-}
-scanl1 = M.scanl1
--- | Scan over a non-empty 'Bundle' with a strict accumulator
-scanl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE scanl1' #-}
-scanl1' = M.scanl1'
--- Comparisons
--- -----------
--- | Check if two 'Bundle's are equal
-eq :: (Eq a) => Bundle v a -> Bundle v a -> Bool
-{-# INLINE eq #-}
-eq = eqBy (==)
-eqBy :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Bool
-{-# INLINE eqBy #-}
-eqBy e x y = unId (M.eqBy e x y)
--- | Lexicographically compare two 'Bundle's
-cmp :: (Ord a) => Bundle v a -> Bundle v a -> Ordering
-{-# INLINE cmp #-}
-cmp = cmpBy compare
-cmpBy :: (a ->  b -> Ordering) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> Ordering
-{-# INLINE cmpBy #-}
-cmpBy c x y = unId (M.cmpBy c x y)
-instance Eq a => Eq (M.Bundle Id v a) where
-  {-# INLINE (==) #-}
-  (==) = eq
-instance Ord a => Ord (M.Bundle Id v a) where
-  {-# INLINE compare #-}
-  compare = cmp
-#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-instance Eq1 (M.Bundle Id v) where
-  {-# INLINE liftEq #-}
-  liftEq = eqBy
-instance Ord1 (M.Bundle Id v) where
-  {-# INLINE liftCompare #-}
-  liftCompare = cmpBy
--- Monadic combinators
--- -------------------
--- | Apply a monadic action to each element of the stream, producing a monadic
--- stream of results
-mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Bundle v a -> M.Bundle m v b
-{-# INLINE mapM #-}
-mapM f = M.mapM f . lift
--- | Apply a monadic action to each element of the stream
-mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Bundle v a -> m ()
-{-# INLINE mapM_ #-}
-mapM_ f = M.mapM_ f . lift
-zipWithM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> M.Bundle m v c
-{-# INLINE zipWithM #-}
-zipWithM f as bs = M.zipWithM f (lift as) (lift bs)
-zipWithM_ :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m c) -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b -> m ()
-{-# INLINE zipWithM_ #-}
-zipWithM_ f as bs = M.zipWithM_ f (lift as) (lift bs)
--- | Yield a monadic stream of elements that satisfy the monadic predicate
-filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Bundle v a -> M.Bundle m v a
-{-# INLINE filterM #-}
-filterM f = M.filterM f . lift
--- | Monadic fold
-foldM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> m a
-{-# INLINE foldM #-}
-foldM m z = M.foldM m z . lift
--- | Monadic fold over non-empty stream
-fold1M :: Monad m => (a -> a -> m a) -> Bundle v a -> m a
-{-# INLINE fold1M #-}
-fold1M m = M.fold1M m . lift
--- | Monadic fold with strict accumulator
-foldM' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Bundle v b -> m a
-{-# INLINE foldM' #-}
-foldM' m z = M.foldM' m z . lift
--- | Monad fold over non-empty stream with strict accumulator
-fold1M' :: Monad m => (a -> a -> m a) -> Bundle v a -> m a
-{-# INLINE fold1M' #-}
-fold1M' m = M.fold1M' m . lift
--- Enumerations
--- ------------
--- | Yield a 'Bundle' of the given length containing the values @x@, @x+y@,
--- @x+y+y@ etc.
-enumFromStepN :: Num a => a -> a -> Int -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE enumFromStepN #-}
-enumFromStepN = M.enumFromStepN
--- | Enumerate values
--- /WARNING:/ This operations can be very inefficient. If at all possible, use
--- 'enumFromStepN' instead.
-enumFromTo :: Enum a => a -> a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE enumFromTo #-}
-enumFromTo = M.enumFromTo
--- | Enumerate values with a given step.
--- /WARNING:/ This operations is very inefficient. If at all possible, use
--- 'enumFromStepN' instead.
-enumFromThenTo :: Enum a => a -> a -> a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE enumFromThenTo #-}
-enumFromThenTo = M.enumFromThenTo
--- Conversions
--- -----------
--- | Convert a 'Bundle' to a list
-toList :: Bundle v a -> [a]
-{-# INLINE toList #-}
--- toList s = unId (M.toList s)
-toList s = build (\c n -> toListFB c n s)
--- This supports foldr/build list fusion that GHC implements
-toListFB :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Bundle v a -> b
-{-# INLINE [0] toListFB #-}
-toListFB c n M.Bundle{M.sElems = Stream step t} = go t
-  where
-    go s = case unId (step s) of
-             Yield x s' -> x `c` go s'
-             Skip    s' -> go s'
-             Done       -> n
--- | Create a 'Bundle' from a list
-fromList :: [a] -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE fromList #-}
-fromList = M.fromList
--- | Create a 'Bundle' from the first @n@ elements of a list
--- > fromListN n xs = fromList (take n xs)
-fromListN :: Int -> [a] -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE fromListN #-}
-fromListN = M.fromListN
-unsafeFromList :: Size -> [a] -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE unsafeFromList #-}
-unsafeFromList = M.unsafeFromList
-fromVector :: Vector v a => v a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE fromVector #-}
-fromVector = M.fromVector
-reVector :: Bundle u a -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE reVector #-}
-reVector = M.reVector
-fromVectors :: Vector v a => [v a] -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE fromVectors #-}
-fromVectors = M.fromVectors
-concatVectors :: Vector v a => Bundle u (v a) -> Bundle v a
-{-# INLINE concatVectors #-}
-concatVectors = M.concatVectors
--- | Create a 'Bundle' of values from a 'Bundle' of streamable things
-flatten :: (a -> s) -> (s -> Step s b) -> Size -> Bundle v a -> Bundle v b
-{-# INLINE_FUSED flatten #-}
-flatten mk istep sz = M.flatten (return . mk) (return . istep) sz . lift