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path: root/src/Xanthous/App.hs
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authorGriffin Smith <root@gws.fyi>2020-05-12T03·03-0400
committerGriffin Smith <root@gws.fyi>2020-05-12T03·03-0400
commit34cabba896507f2b6523d6aec344ec1c88e453be (patch)
treea25801db3ecbfbb10582f4fceef2be8d14ba584e /src/Xanthous/App.hs
parentecd33e0c901b34d77ea77ad0f3b65125d85a4515 (diff)
Add a very basic, naive auto-move command
Add a very basic, naive auto-move command, which just steps the player
in a direction until they collide with something, regardless of any
surrounding beasties who might want to eat them.

There's a lot of other stuff going on here - in order to get this
working the way I wanted with a slight (I settled on 50ms) delay between
every step in these autocommands while still redrawing in between I had
to do all the extra machinery for custom Brick events with a channel,
and then at the same time adding the bits for actually executing
autocommands in a general fashion (because there will definitely be
more!) hit my threshold for size for App.hs which sent me on a big
journey to break it up into smaller files -- which seems actually like
it was quite successful. Hopefully this will help with compile times
too, though App.hs is still pretty slow (maybe more to do here).
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xanthous/App.hs')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xanthous/App.hs b/src/Xanthous/App.hs
index f7013076d594..672aa93f6b32 100644
--- a/src/Xanthous/App.hs
+++ b/src/Xanthous/App.hs
@@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ module Xanthous.App
 import           Xanthous.Prelude
 import           Brick hiding (App, halt, continue, raw)
 import qualified Brick
-import           Brick.Widgets.Edit (handleEditorEvent)
 import           Graphics.Vty.Attributes (defAttr)
-import           Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Event(EvKey), Key(..))
-import           Control.Monad.State (get, gets, MonadState)
-import           Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom)
+import           Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Event(EvKey))
+import           Control.Monad.State (get, gets)
 import           Control.Monad.State.Class (modify)
 import           Data.Aeson (object, ToJSON)
 import qualified Data.Aeson as A
@@ -21,8 +19,11 @@ import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
 import qualified Data.Vector as V
 import           System.Exit
 import           System.Directory (doesFileExist)
-import           GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
+import           Xanthous.App.Common
+import           Xanthous.App.Time
+import           Xanthous.App.Prompt
+import           Xanthous.App.Autocommands
 import           Xanthous.Command
 import           Xanthous.Data
                  ( move
@@ -30,20 +31,18 @@ import           Xanthous.Data
                  , positioned
                  , position
                  , Position
-                 , Ticks
                  , (|*|)
-import           Xanthous.Data.EntityMap (EntityMap)
+import           Xanthous.Data.App (ResourceName, Panel(..), AppEvent(..))
 import qualified Xanthous.Data.EntityMap as EntityMap
 import           Xanthous.Data.Levels (prevLevel, nextLevel)
 import qualified Xanthous.Data.Levels as Levels
 import           Xanthous.Data.Entities (blocksObject)
 import           Xanthous.Game
 import           Xanthous.Game.State
+import           Xanthous.Game.Env
 import           Xanthous.Game.Draw (drawGame)
 import           Xanthous.Game.Prompt
-import           Xanthous.Monad
-import           Xanthous.Resource (Name, Panel(..))
 import qualified Xanthous.Messages as Messages
 import           Xanthous.Random
 import           Xanthous.Util (removeVectorIndex)
@@ -66,24 +65,24 @@ import qualified Xanthous.Generators.CaveAutomata as CaveAutomata
 import qualified Xanthous.Generators.Dungeon as Dungeon
-type App = Brick.App GameState () Name
+type App = Brick.App GameState AppEvent ResourceName
 data RunType = NewGame | LoadGame
   deriving stock (Eq)
-makeApp :: RunType -> IO App
-makeApp rt = pure $ Brick.App
+makeApp :: GameEnv -> RunType -> IO App
+makeApp env rt = pure $ Brick.App
   { appDraw = drawGame
   , appChooseCursor = const headMay
-  , appHandleEvent = \game event -> runAppM (handleEvent event) game
+  , appHandleEvent = \game event -> runAppM (handleEvent event) env game
   , appStartEvent = case rt of
-      NewGame -> runAppM $ startEvent >> get
+      NewGame -> runAppM (startEvent >> get) env
       LoadGame -> pure
   , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr []
-runAppM :: AppM a -> GameState -> EventM Name a
-runAppM appm = fmap fst . runAppT appm
+runAppM :: AppM a -> GameEnv -> GameState -> EventM ResourceName a
+runAppM appm ge = fmap fst . runAppT appm ge
 startEvent :: AppM ()
 startEvent = do
@@ -104,39 +103,20 @@ initLevel = do
-stepGameBy :: Ticks -> AppM ()
-stepGameBy ticks = do
-  ents <- uses entities EntityMap.toEIDsAndPositioned
-  for_ ents $ \(eid, pEntity) -> do
-    pEntity' <- step ticks pEntity
-    entities . ix eid .= pEntity'
-  modify updateCharacterVision
-  whenM (uses character isDead)
-    . prompt_ @'Continue ["dead"] Uncancellable
-    . const . lift . liftIO
-    $ exitSuccess
-ticksPerTurn :: Ticks
-ticksPerTurn = 100
-stepGame :: AppM ()
-stepGame = stepGameBy ticksPerTurn
-handleEvent :: BrickEvent Name () -> AppM (Next GameState)
+handleEvent :: BrickEvent ResourceName AppEvent -> AppM (Next GameState)
 handleEvent ev = use promptState >>= \case
   NoPrompt -> handleNoPromptEvent ev
   WaitingPrompt msg pr -> handlePromptEvent msg pr ev
-handleNoPromptEvent :: BrickEvent Name () -> AppM (Next GameState)
+handleNoPromptEvent :: BrickEvent ResourceName AppEvent -> AppM (Next GameState)
 handleNoPromptEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey k mods))
   | Just command <- commandFromKey k mods
   = do messageHistory %= nextTurn
        handleCommand command
+handleNoPromptEvent (AppEvent AutoContinue) = do
+  preuse (autocommand . _ActiveAutocommand . _1) >>= traverse_ autoStep
+  continue
 handleNoPromptEvent _ = continue
 handleCommand :: Command -> AppM (Next GameState)
@@ -347,6 +327,10 @@ handleCommand GoDown = do
+handleCommand (StartAutoMove dir) = do
+  runAutocommand $ AutoMove dir
+  continue
 handleCommand ToggleRevealAll = do
@@ -355,177 +339,6 @@ handleCommand ToggleRevealAll = do
-  :: Text -- ^ Prompt message
-  -> Prompt AppM
-  -> BrickEvent Name ()
-  -> AppM (Next GameState)
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt Cancellable _ _ _ _) (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []))
-  = clearPrompt >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ pr (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []))
-  = clearPrompt >> submitPrompt pr >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ pr@(Prompt _ SConfirm _ _ _) (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'y') []))
-  = clearPrompt >> submitPrompt pr >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SConfirm _ _ _) (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'n') []))
-  = clearPrompt >> continue
-  msg
-  (Prompt c SStringPrompt (StringPromptState edit) pri cb)
-  (VtyEvent ev)
-  = do
-    edit' <- lift $ handleEditorEvent ev edit
-    let prompt' = Prompt c SStringPrompt (StringPromptState edit') pri cb
-    promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg prompt'
-    continue
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SDirectionPrompt _ _ cb)
-  (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar (directionFromChar -> Just dir)) []))
-  = clearPrompt >> cb (DirectionResult dir) >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SDirectionPrompt _ _ _) _ = continue
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SMenu _ items' cb) (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar chr) []))
-  | Just (MenuOption _ res) <- items' ^. at chr
-  = clearPrompt >> cb (MenuResult res) >> continue
-  | otherwise
-  = continue
-  msg
-  (Prompt c SPointOnMap (PointOnMapPromptState pos) pri cb)
-  (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar (directionFromChar -> Just dir)) []))
-  = let pos' = move dir pos
-        prompt' = Prompt c SPointOnMap (PointOnMapPromptState pos') pri cb
-    in promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg prompt'
-       >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ (Prompt _ SPointOnMap _ _ _) _ = continue
-  _
-  (Prompt Cancellable _ _ _ _)
-  (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []))
-  = clearPrompt >> continue
-handlePromptEvent _ _ _ = continue
-clearPrompt :: AppM ()
-clearPrompt = promptState .= NoPrompt
-class NotMenu (pt :: PromptType)
-instance NotMenu 'StringPrompt
-instance NotMenu 'Confirm
-instance NotMenu 'DirectionPrompt
-instance NotMenu 'PointOnMap
-instance NotMenu 'Continue
-instance TypeError ('Text "Cannot use `prompt` or `prompt_` for menu prompts"
-                    ':$$: 'Text "Use `menu` or `menu_` instead")
-         => NotMenu ('Menu a)
-  :: forall (pt :: PromptType) (params :: Type).
-    (ToJSON params, SingPromptType pt, NotMenu pt)
-  => [Text]                     -- ^ Message key
-  -> params                     -- ^ Message params
-  -> PromptCancellable
-  -> (PromptResult pt -> AppM ()) -- ^ Prompt promise handler
-  -> AppM ()
-prompt msgPath params cancellable cb = do
-  let pt = singPromptType @pt
-  msg <- Messages.message msgPath params
-  p <- case pt of
-    SPointOnMap -> do
-      charPos <- use characterPosition
-      pure $ mkPointOnMapPrompt cancellable charPos cb
-    SStringPrompt -> pure $ mkPrompt cancellable pt cb
-    SConfirm -> pure $ mkPrompt cancellable pt cb
-    SDirectionPrompt -> pure $ mkPrompt cancellable pt cb
-    SContinue -> pure $ mkPrompt cancellable pt cb
-    SMenu -> error "unreachable"
-  promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg p
-  :: forall (pt :: PromptType).
-    (SingPromptType pt, NotMenu pt)
-  => [Text] -- ^ Message key
-  -> PromptCancellable
-  -> (PromptResult pt -> AppM ()) -- ^ Prompt promise handler
-  -> AppM ()
-prompt_ msg = prompt msg $ object []
-  :: ToJSON params
-  => [Text] -- ^ Message key
-  -> params
-  -> AppM ()
-  -> AppM ()
-confirm msgPath params
-  = prompt @'Confirm msgPath params Cancellable . const
-confirm_ :: [Text] -> AppM () -> AppM ()
-confirm_ msgPath = confirm msgPath $ object []
-menu :: forall (a :: Type) (params :: Type).
-       (ToJSON params)
-     => [Text]                            -- ^ Message key
-     -> params                            -- ^ Message params
-     -> PromptCancellable
-     -> Map Char (MenuOption a)           -- ^ Menu items
-     -> (PromptResult ('Menu a) -> AppM ()) -- ^ Menu promise handler
-     -> AppM ()
-menu msgPath params cancellable items' cb = do
-  msg <- Messages.message msgPath params
-  let p = mkMenu cancellable items' cb
-  promptState .= WaitingPrompt msg p
-menu_ :: forall (a :: Type).
-        [Text]                            -- ^ Message key
-      -> PromptCancellable
-      -> Map Char (MenuOption a)           -- ^ Menu items
-      -> (PromptResult ('Menu a) -> AppM ()) -- ^ Menu promise handler
-      -> AppM ()
-menu_ msgPath = menu msgPath $ object []
-  :: forall a. (Entity a, Typeable a)
-  => Position
-  -> EntityMap SomeEntity
-  -> [(EntityMap.EntityID, a)]
-entitiesAtPositionWithType pos em =
-  let someEnts = EntityMap.atPositionWithIDs pos em
-  in flip foldMap someEnts $ \(eid, view positioned -> se) ->
-    case downcastEntity @a se of
-      Just e  -> [(eid, e)]
-      Nothing -> []
-describeEntitiesAt :: (MonadState GameState m, MonadRandom m) => Position -> m ()
-describeEntitiesAt pos =
-  use ( entities
-      . EntityMap.atPosition pos
-      . to (filter (not . entityIs @Character))
-      ) >>= \case
-        Empty -> pure ()
-        ents  -> describeEntities ents
-  :: ( Entity entity
-    , MonadRandom m
-    , MonadState GameState m
-    , MonoFoldable (f Text)
-    , Functor f
-    , Element (f Text) ~ Text
-    )
-  => f entity
-  -> m ()
-describeEntities ents =
-  let descriptions = description <$> ents
-  in say ["entities", "description"]
-     $ object ["entityDescriptions" A..= toSentence descriptions]
 attackAt :: Position -> AppM ()
 attackAt pos =
   uses entities (entitiesAtPositionWithType @Creature pos) >>= \case