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path: root/emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-04-25T17·26-0400
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-07-19T16·00-0400
commit3c8e6f0cc5eac51e369b8ffbd0441366cdc6da40 (patch)
treee1c98f5b22dd258e4ae331c0591e0527fe5233a1 /emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
parent56a7b9fa41c6edbb960686ccffb7a8949d242eab (diff)
Support updated emacs
Finally ported my up-to-date emacs configuration here. I was putting
this off for a long while, unsure of how to handle all of the work. All
it took was my laptop being fried to force me to do this. So... voila!
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el b/emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6bf933cfb86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+;;; private/grfn/slack-snippets.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(require 's)
+(require 'json)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'dash-functional)
+(require 'request)
+(require 'subr-x)
+;;; Configuration
+(defvar slack/token nil
+  "Legacy (https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens) access token")
+(defvar slack/include-public-channels 't
+  "Whether or not to inclue public channels in the list of conversations")
+(defvar slack/include-private-channels 't
+  "Whether or not to inclue public channels in the list of conversations")
+(defvar slack/include-im 't
+  "Whether or not to inclue IMs (private messages) in the list of conversations")
+(defvar slack/include-mpim nil
+  "Whether or not to inclue multi-person IMs (multi-person private messages) in
+  the list of conversations")
+;;; Utilities
+(defmacro comment (&rest _body)
+  "Comment out one or more s-expressions"
+  nil)
+(defun ->list (vec) (append vec nil))
+(defun json-truthy? (x) (and x (not (equal :json-false x))))
+;;; Generic API integration
+(defvar slack/base-url "https://slack.com/api")
+(defun slack/get (path params &optional callback)
+  "params is an alist of query parameters"
+  (let* ((params-callback (if (functionp params) `(() . ,params) (cons params callback)))
+         (params (car params-callback)) (callback (cdr params-callback))
+         (params (append `(("token" . ,slack/token)) params))
+         (url (concat (file-name-as-directory slack/base-url) path)))
+    (request url
+             :type "GET"
+             :params params
+             :parser 'json-read
+             :success (cl-function
+                       (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                         (funcall callback data))))))
+(defun slack/post (path params &optional callback)
+  (let* ((params-callback (if (functionp params) `(() . ,params) (cons params callback)))
+         (params (car params-callback)) (callback (cdr params-callback))
+         (url (concat (file-name-as-directory slack/base-url) path)))
+    (request url
+             :type "POST"
+             :data (json-encode params)
+             :headers `(("Content-Type"  . "application/json")
+                        ("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" slack/token)))
+             :success (cl-function
+                       (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                         (funcall callback data))))))
+;;; Specific API endpoints
+;; Users
+(defun slack/users (cb)
+  "Returns users as (id . name) pairs"
+  (slack/get
+   "users.list"
+   (lambda (data)
+     (->> data
+          (assoc-default 'members)
+          ->list
+          (-map (lambda (user)
+                  (cons (assoc-default 'id user)
+                        (assoc-default 'real_name user))))
+          (-filter #'cdr)
+          (funcall cb)))))
+ (slack/get
+  "users.list"
+  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
+ (slack/users (lambda (data) (setq --users data)))
+ )
+;; Conversations
+(defun slack/conversation-types ()
+  (->>
+   (list (when slack/include-public-channels  "public_channel")
+         (when slack/include-private-channels "private_channel")
+         (when slack/include-im               "im")
+         (when slack/include-mpim             "mpim"))
+   (-filter #'identity)
+   (s-join ",")))
+(defun channel-label (chan users-alist)
+  (cond
+   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_channel chan))
+    (format "#%s" (assoc-default 'name chan)))
+   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_im chan))
+    (let ((user-id (assoc-default 'user chan)))
+      (format "Private message with %s" (assoc-default user-id users-alist))))
+   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_mpim chan))
+    (->> chan
+         (assoc-default 'purpose)
+         (assoc-default 'value)))))
+(defun slack/conversations (cb)
+  "Calls `cb' with (id . '((label . \"label\") '(topic . \"topic\") '(purpose . \"purpose\"))) pairs"
+  (slack/get
+   "conversations.list"
+   `(("types"            . ,(slack/conversation-types))
+     ("exclude-archived" . "true"))
+   (lambda (data)
+     (setq --data data)
+     (slack/users
+      (lambda (users)
+        (->> data
+             (assoc-default 'channels)
+             ->list
+             (-filter
+              (lambda (chan) (channel-label chan users)))
+             (-map
+              (lambda (chan)
+                (cons (assoc-default 'id chan)
+                      `((label   . ,(channel-label chan users))
+                        (topic   . ,(->> chan
+                                         (assoc-default 'topic)
+                                         (assoc-default 'value)))
+                        (purpose . ,(->> chan
+                                         (assoc-default 'purpose)
+                                         (assoc-default 'value)))))))
+             (funcall cb)))))))
+ (slack/get
+  "conversations.list"
+  '(("types" . "public_channel,private_channel,im,mpim"))
+  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
+ (slack/get
+  "conversations.list"
+  '(("types" . "im"))
+  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
+ (slack/conversations
+  (lambda (convos) (setq --conversations convos)))
+ )
+;; Messages
+(cl-defun slack/post-message
+    (&key text channel-id (on-success #'identity))
+  (slack/post "chat.postMessage"
+              `((text    . ,text)
+                (channel . ,channel-id)
+                (as_user . t))
+              on-success))
+ (slack/post-message
+  :text "hi slackbot"
+  :channel-id slackbot-channel-id
+  :on-success (lambda (data) (setq resp data)))
+ (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
+                            (id (car chan)))
+                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
+            --conversations)
+ )
+;;; Posting code snippets to slack
+(defun prompt-for-channel (cb)
+  (slack/conversations
+   (lambda (conversations)
+     (setq testing (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
+                            (id (car chan)))
+                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
+            conversations))
+     (ivy-read
+      "Select channel: "
+      ;; TODO want to potentially use purpose / topic stuff here
+      (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
+                            (id (car chan)))
+                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
+            conversations)
+      :history 'slack/channel-history
+      :action (lambda (selected)
+                (let ((channel-id (get-text-property 0 'channel-id selected)))
+                  (funcall cb channel-id)
+                  (message "Sent message to %s" selected))))))
+  nil)
+(defun slack-send-code-snippet (&optional snippet-text)
+  (interactive)
+  (when-let ((snippet-text (or snippet-text
+                               (buffer-substring-no-properties (mark) (point)))))
+    (prompt-for-channel
+     (lambda (channel-id)
+       (slack/post-message
+        :text       (format "```\n%s```" snippet-text)
+        :channel-id channel-id)))))