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path: root/emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-04-25T17·26-0400
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-07-19T16·00-0400
commit3c8e6f0cc5eac51e369b8ffbd0441366cdc6da40 (patch)
treee1c98f5b22dd258e4ae331c0591e0527fe5233a1 /emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el
parent56a7b9fa41c6edbb960686ccffb7a8949d242eab (diff)
Support updated emacs
Finally ported my up-to-date emacs configuration here. I was putting
this off for a long while, unsure of how to handle all of the work. All
it took was my laptop being fried to force me to do this. So... voila!
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el b/emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba1f004a2410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/vendor/org-clubhouse.el
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+;;; private/grfn/org-clubhouse.el
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'dash-functional)
+(require 's)
+(require 'org)
+(require 'org-element)
+(require 'cl)
+;;; Configuration
+(defvar org-clubhouse-auth-token nil
+  "Authorization token for the Clubhouse API")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-team-name nil
+  "Team name to use in links to Clubhouse
+ie https://app.clubhouse.io/<TEAM_NAME>/stories")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-project-ids nil
+  "Specific list of project IDs to synchronize with clubhouse.
+If unset all projects will be synchronized")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-workflow-name "Default")
+(defvar org-clubhouse-state-alist
+  '(("LATER"  . "Unscheduled")
+    ("[ ]"    . "Ready for Development")
+    ("TODO"   . "Ready for Development")
+    ("OPEN"   . "Ready for Development")
+    ("ACTIVE" . "In Development")
+    ("PR"     . "Review")
+    ("DONE"   . "Merged")
+    ("[X]"    . "Merged")
+    ("CLOSED" . "Merged")))
+;;; Utilities
+(defun ->list (vec) (append vec nil))
+(defun reject-archived (item-list)
+  (-filter (lambda (item) (equal :json-false (alist-get 'archived item))) item-list))
+(defun alist->plist (key-map alist)
+  (->> key-map
+       (-map (lambda (key-pair)
+               (let ((alist-key (car key-pair))
+                     (plist-key (cdr key-pair)))
+                 (list plist-key (alist-get alist-key alist)))))
+       (-flatten-n 1)))
+(defun alist-get-equal (key alist)
+  "Like `alist-get', but uses `equal' instead of `eq' for comparing keys"
+  (->> alist
+       (-find (lambda (pair) (equal key (car pair))))
+       (cdr)))
+;;; Org-element interaction
+;; (defun org-element-find-headline ()
+;;   (let ((current-elt (org-element-at-point)))
+;;     (if (equal 'headline (car current-elt))
+;;         current-elt
+;;       (let* ((elt-attrs (cadr current-elt))
+;;              (parent (plist-get elt-attrs :post-affiliated)))
+;;         (goto-char parent)
+;;         (org-element-find-headline)))))
+(defun org-element-find-headline ()
+  (let ((current-elt (org-element-at-point)))
+    (when (equal 'headline (car current-elt))
+      (cadr current-elt))))
+(defun org-element-extract-clubhouse-id (elt)
+  (when-let ((clubhouse-id-link (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-ID)))
+    (string-match
+     (rx "[[" (one-or-more anything) "]"
+         "[" (group (one-or-more digit)) "]]")
+     clubhouse-id-link)
+    (string-to-int (match-string 1 clubhouse-id-link))))
+(defun org-element-clubhouse-id ()
+  (org-element-extract-clubhouse-id
+   (org-element-find-headline)))
+;;; API integration
+(defvar org-clubhouse-base-url* "https://api.clubhouse.io/api/v2")
+(defun org-clubhouse-auth-url (url)
+  (concat url
+          "?"
+          (url-build-query-string
+           `(("token" ,org-clubhouse-auth-token)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-baseify-url (url)
+  (if (s-starts-with? org-clubhouse-base-url* url) url
+    (concat org-clubhouse-base-url*
+            (if (s-starts-with? "/" url) url
+              (concat "/" url)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-request (method url &optional data)
+  (message "%s %s %s" method url (prin1-to-string data))
+  (let* ((url-request-method method)
+         (url-request-extra-headers
+          '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
+         (url-request-data data)
+         (buf))
+    (setq url (-> url
+                  org-clubhouse-baseify-url
+                  org-clubhouse-auth-url))
+    (setq buf (url-retrieve-synchronously url))
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
+      (prog1 (json-read) (kill-buffer)))))
+(cl-defun to-id-name-pairs
+    (seq &optional (id-attr 'id) (name-attr 'name))
+  (->> seq
+       ->list
+       (-map (lambda (resource)
+          (cons (alist-get id-attr   resource)
+                (alist-get name-attr resource))))))
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs
+    (resource &optional
+              (id-attr 'id)
+              (name-attr 'name))
+  "Returns the given resource from clubhouse as (id . name) pairs"
+  (let ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" resource)))
+    (-> resp-json
+        ->list
+        reject-archived
+        (to-id-name-pairs id-attr name-attr))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-story (story-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/story/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          story-id))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-epic (epic-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/epic/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          epic-id))
+(defun org-clubhouse-link-to-project (project-id)
+  (format "https://app.clubhouse.io/%s/project/%d"
+          org-clubhouse-team-name
+          project-id))
+;;; Caching
+(defvar org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions ())
+(defmacro defcache (name &optional docstring &rest body)
+  (let* ((doc (when docstring (list docstring)))
+         (cache-var-name (intern (concat (symbol-name name)
+                                         "-cache")))
+         (clear-cache-function-name
+          (intern (concat "clear-" (symbol-name cache-var-name)))))
+    `(progn
+       (defvar ,cache-var-name :no-cache)
+       (defun ,name ()
+         ,@doc
+         (when (equal :no-cache ,cache-var-name)
+           (setq ,cache-var-name (progn ,@body)))
+         ,cache-var-name)
+       (defun ,clear-cache-function-name ()
+         (interactive)
+         (setq ,cache-var-name :no-cache))
+       (push (quote ,clear-cache-function-name)
+             org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-clear-cache ()
+  (interactive)
+  (-map #'funcall org-clubhouse-cache-clear-functions))
+;;; API resource functions
+(defcache org-clubhouse-projects
+  "Returns projects as (project-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "projects"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-epics
+  "Returns projects as (project-id . name)"
+  (org-clubhouse-fetch-as-id-name-pairs "epics"))
+(defcache org-clubhouse-workflow-states
+  "Returns worflow states as (name . id) pairs"
+  (let* ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" "workflows"))
+         (workflows (->list resp-json))
+         ;; just assume it exists, for now
+         (workflow  (-find (lambda (workflow)
+                             (equal org-clubhouse-workflow-name
+                                    (alist-get 'name workflow)))
+                           workflows))
+         (states    (->list (alist-get 'states workflow))))
+    (to-id-name-pairs states
+                      'name
+                      'id)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-stories-in-project (project-id)
+  "Returns the stories in the given project as org bugs"
+  (let ((resp-json (org-clubhouse-request "GET" (format "/projects/%d/stories" project-id))))
+    (->> resp-json ->list reject-archived
+         (-reject (lambda (story) (equal :json-true (alist-get 'completed story))))
+         (-map (lambda (story)
+                 (cons
+                  (cons 'status
+                        (cond
+                         ((equal :json-true (alist-get 'started story))
+                          'started)
+                         ((equal :json-true (alist-get 'completed story))
+                          'completed)
+                         ('t
+                          'open)))
+                  story)))
+         (-map (-partial #'alist->plist
+                         '((name . :title)
+                           (id . :id)
+                           (status . :status)))))))
+;;; Story creation
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-create-story-internal
+    (title &key project-id epic-id)
+  (assert (and (stringp title)
+               (integerp project-id)
+               (or (null epic-id) (integerp epic-id))))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "POST"
+   "stories"
+   (json-encode
+    `((name . ,title)
+      (project_id . ,project-id)
+      (epic_id . ,epic-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-project (cb)
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select a project: "
+   (-map #'cdr (org-clubhouse-projects))
+   :require-match t
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-project-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((project-id
+                    (->> (org-clubhouse-projects)
+                         (-find (lambda (proj)
+                                    (string-equal (cdr proj) selected)))
+                         car)))
+               (message "%d" project-id)
+               (funcall cb project-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-prompt-for-epic (cb)
+  (ivy-read
+   "Select an epic: "
+   (-map #'cdr (org-clubhouse-epics))
+   :history 'org-clubhouse-epic-history
+   :action (lambda (selected)
+             (let ((epic-id
+                    (->> (org-clubhouse-epics)
+                         (-find (lambda (proj)
+                                    (string-equal (cdr proj) selected)))
+                         car)))
+               (message "%d" epic-id)
+               (funcall cb epic-id)))))
+(defun org-clubhouse-populate-created-story (story)
+  (let ((elt        (org-element-find-headline))
+        (story-id   (alist-get 'id story))
+        (epic-id    (alist-get 'epic_id story))
+        (project-id (alist-get 'project_id story)))
+    (org-set-property "clubhouse-id"
+                      (org-make-link-string
+                       (org-clubhouse-link-to-story story-id)
+                       (number-to-string story-id)))
+    (org-set-property "clubhouse-epic"
+                      (org-make-link-string
+                       (org-clubhouse-link-to-epic epic-id)
+                       (alist-get epic-id (org-clubhouse-epics))))
+    (org-set-property "clubhouse-project"
+                      (org-make-link-string
+                       (org-clubhouse-link-to-project project-id)
+                       (alist-get project-id (org-clubhouse-projects))))
+    (org-todo "TODO")))
+(defun org-clubhouse-create-story ()
+  (interactive)
+  ;; (message (org-element-find-headline))
+  (when-let ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+             (title (plist-get elt :title)))
+    (if (plist-get elt :CLUBHOUSE-ID)
+        (message "This headline is already a clubhouse story!")
+      (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-project
+       (lambda (project-id)
+         (when project-id
+           (org-clubhouse-prompt-for-epic
+            (lambda (epic-id)
+              (let* ((story (org-clubhouse-create-story-internal
+                             title
+                             :project-id project-id
+                             :epic-id epic-id)))
+                (org-clubhouse-populate-created-story story))))))))))
+;;; Story updates
+(cl-defun org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+    (story-id &rest attrs)
+  (assert (and (integerp story-id)
+               (listp attrs)))
+  (org-clubhouse-request
+   "PUT"
+   (format "stories/%d" story-id)
+   (json-encode attrs)))
+(defun org-clubhouse-update-status ()
+  (when-let (clubhouse-id (org-element-clubhouse-id))
+    (let* ((elt (org-element-find-headline))
+           (todo-keyword (-> elt (plist-get :todo-keyword) (substring-no-properties))))
+      (message todo-keyword)
+      (when-let ((clubhouse-workflow-state
+                  (alist-get-equal todo-keyword org-clubhouse-state-alist))
+                 (workflow-state-id
+                  (alist-get-equal clubhouse-workflow-state (org-clubhouse-workflow-states))))
+        (org-clubhouse-update-story-internal
+         clubhouse-id
+         :workflow_state_id workflow-state-id)
+        (message "Successfully updated clubhouse status to \"%s\""
+                 clubhouse-workflow-state)))))
+(define-minor-mode org-clubhouse-mode
+  :init-value nil
+  :group 'org
+  :lighter "Org-Clubhouse"
+  :keymap '()
+  (add-hook 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook
+            'org-clubhouse-update-status
+            nil
+            t))