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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-10-02T13·54-0400
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-10-02T13·54-0400
commit9da3ffee41fa481a404a5fb19b7128d557df6114 (patch)
treeabac717a4d44360910233bd6a7dc7ad956f2440a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el
parentde97c7bcd0ed4b4877c1ae70e86cb37386755a37 (diff)
Update Emacs packages
This is a massive diff that I had to do in a hurry - when leaving
Urbint. I'm pretty sure that most of these are updating Emacs packages,
but I'm not positive.
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d7df4c433e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/treepy-20180724.656/treepy.el
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+;;; treepy.el --- Generic tree traversal tools           -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Filename: treepy.el
+;; Copyright (C) 2017 Daniel Barreto
+;; Description: Generic Tree Traversing Tools
+;; Author: Daniel Barreto <daniel.barreto.n@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: lisp, maint, tools
+;; Package-Version: 20180724.656
+;; Created: Mon Jul 10 15:17:36 2017 (+0200)
+;; Version: 0.1.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; URL: https://github.com/volrath/treepy.el
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Generic tools for recursive and iterative tree traversal based on
+;; clojure.walk and clojure.zip respectively.  Depends on `map', a map
+;; manipulation library built in Emacs 25.1.  All functions are prefixed
+;; with "treepy-"
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'map)
+;;; Walk (recursive tree traversal)
+(defun treepy-walk (inner outer form)
+  "Using INNER and OUTER, traverse FORM, an arbitrary data structure.
+INNER and OUTER are functions.  Apply INNER to each element of
+FORM, building up a data structure of the same type, then apply
+OUTER to the result.  Recognize cons, lists, alists, vectors and
+hash tables."
+  (cond
+   ((and (listp form) (cdr form) (atom (cdr form))) (funcall outer (cons (funcall inner (car form))
+                                                                         (funcall inner (cdr form)))))
+   ((listp form) (funcall outer (mapcar inner form)))
+   ((vectorp form) (funcall outer (apply #'vector (mapcar inner form))))
+   ((hash-table-p form) (funcall outer (map-apply (lambda (k v) (funcall inner (cons k v))) form)))
+   (t (funcall outer form))))
+(defun treepy-postwalk (f form)
+  "Perform a depth-first, post-order traversal of F applied to FORM.
+Call F on each sub-form, use F's return value in place of the
+original.  Recognize cons, lists, alists, vectors and
+hash tables."
+  (treepy-walk (apply-partially #'treepy-postwalk f) f form))
+(defun treepy-prewalk (f form)
+  "Perform a depth-first, pre-order traversal of F applied to FORM.
+Like `treepy-postwalk'."
+  (treepy-walk (apply-partially #'treepy-prewalk f) #'identity (funcall f form)))
+(defun treepy-postwalk-demo (form)
+  "Demonstrate the behavior of `treepy-postwalk' for FORM.
+Return a list of each form as it is walked."
+  (let ((walk nil))
+    (treepy-postwalk (lambda (x) (push x walk) x)
+                     form)
+    (reverse walk)))
+(defun treepy-prewalk-demo (form)
+  "Demonstrate the behavior of `treepy-prewalk' for FORM.
+Return a list of each form as it is walked."
+  (let ((walk nil))
+    (treepy-prewalk (lambda (x) (push x walk) x)
+                    form)
+    (reverse walk)))
+(defun treepy-postwalk-replace (smap form &optional testfn)
+  "Use SMAP to transform FORM by doing replacing operations.
+Recursively replace in FORM keys in SMAP with their values.  Does
+replacement at the leaves of the tree first.  The optional TESTFN
+parameter is the function to be used by `map-contains-key'."
+  (treepy-postwalk (lambda (x) (if (map-contains-key smap x testfn) (map-elt smap x) x))
+                   form))
+(defun treepy-prewalk-replace (smap form &optional testfn)
+  "Use SMAP to transform FORM by doing replacing operations.
+Recursively replace in FORM keys in SMAP with their values.  Does
+replacement at the root of the tree first.  The optional TESTFN
+parameter is the function to be used by `map-contains-key'."
+  (treepy-prewalk (lambda (x) (if (map-contains-key smap x testfn) (map-elt smap x) x))
+                  form))
+;;; Zipper (iterative tree traversal)
+(defun treepy--context (loc &optional key)
+  "Return context for this LOC.
+If KEY is given, only return this key's value in context."
+  (let ((context (cdr (car loc))))
+    (if (and context key)
+        (map-elt context key)
+      context)))
+(defun treepy--context-assoc-1 (context k v)
+  "Assoc in CONTEXT a key K with a value V."
+  (if (map-contains-key context k)
+      (mapcar (lambda (entry)
+                (if (equal (car entry) k)
+                    (cons k v)
+                  entry))
+              context)
+    (cons (cons k v) context)))
+(defun treepy--context-assoc (context &rest kvs)
+  "Immutable map association in CONTEXT using KVS."
+  (seq-reduce (lambda (context kv)
+                (seq-let [k v] kv
+                  (treepy--context-assoc-1 context k v)))
+              (seq-partition kvs 2) context))
+(defun treepy--meta (loc &optional key)
+  "Return meta information for this LOC.
+If KEY is given, only return this key's value in meta
+  (let ((meta (cdr loc)))
+    (if key
+        (map-elt meta key)
+      meta)))
+(defun treepy--with-meta (obj meta)
+  "Bind OBJ with some META information."
+  (cons obj meta))
+(defun treepy--join-children (left-children right-children)
+  "Return a joining of LEFT-CHILDREN and RIGHT-CHILDREN.
+Reverses LEFT-CHILDREN so that they are correctly ordered as in
+the tree."
+  (append (reverse left-children) right-children))
+(defmacro treepy--with-loc (loc vars &rest body)
+  "Create a lexical context using LOC VARS.
+Execute BODY in this context."
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  (let ((lex-ctx (mapcar (lambda (v)
+                           (cl-case v
+                             ('node    `(node (treepy-node ,loc)))
+                             ('context `(context (treepy--context ,loc)))
+                             (t        `(,v (treepy--context ,loc (quote ,(intern (concat ":" (symbol-name v)))))))))
+                         vars)))
+    `(let* (,@lex-ctx) ,@body)))
+;;;; Construction
+(defun treepy-zipper (branchp children make-node root)
+  "Create a new zipper structure.
+BRANCHP is a function that, given a node, returns t if it can
+have children, even if it currently doesn't.
+CHILDREN is a function that, given a branch node, returns a seq
+of its children.
+MAKE-NODE is a function that, given an existing node and a seq of
+children, returns a new branch node with the supplied children.
+ROOT is the root node."
+  (treepy--with-meta
+   (cons root nil)
+   `((:branchp . ,branchp) (:children . ,children) (:make-node . ,make-node))))
+(defun treepy-list-zip (root)
+  "Return a zipper for nested lists, given a ROOT list."
+  (let ((make-node (lambda (_ children) children)))
+    (treepy-zipper #'listp #'identity make-node root)))
+(defun treepy-vector-zip (root)
+  "Return a zipper for nested vectors, given a ROOT vector."
+  (let ((make-node (lambda (_ children) (apply #'vector children)))
+        (children (lambda (cs) (seq-into cs 'list))))
+    (treepy-zipper #'vectorp children make-node root)))
+;;;; Context
+(defun treepy-node (loc)
+  "Return the node at LOC."
+  (caar loc))
+(defun treepy-branch-p (loc)
+  "Return t if the node at LOC is a branch."
+  (funcall (treepy--meta loc ':branchp) (treepy-node loc)))
+(defun treepy-children (loc)
+  "Return a children list of the node at LOC, which must be a branch."
+  (if (treepy-branch-p loc)
+      (funcall (treepy--meta loc ':children) (treepy-node loc))
+    (error "Called children on a leaf node")))
+(defun treepy-make-node (loc node children)
+  "Return a new branch node.
+Given an existing LOC, NODE and new CHILDREN, creates a new LOC
+with them.  The LOC is only used to supply the constructor."
+  (funcall (treepy--meta loc ':make-node) node children))
+(defun treepy-path (loc)
+  "Return a list of nodes leading to the given LOC."
+  (reverse (treepy--context loc ':pnodes)))
+(defun treepy-lefts (loc)
+  "Return a list of the left siblings of this LOC."
+  (reverse (treepy--context loc ':l)))
+(defun treepy-rights (loc)
+  "Return a list of the right siblings of this LOC."
+  (treepy--context loc ':r))
+;;;; Navigation
+(defun treepy-down (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the leftmost child of the node at this LOC.
+nil if no children."
+  (when (treepy-branch-p loc)
+    (let ((children (treepy-children loc)))
+      (treepy--with-loc loc (node context pnodes)
+        (seq-let [c &rest cs] children
+          (when children
+            (treepy--with-meta
+             `(,c . ((:l . ,nil)
+                     (:pnodes . ,(if context (cons node pnodes) (list node)))
+                     (:ppath . ,context)
+                     (:r . ,cs)))
+             (treepy--meta loc))))))))
+(defun treepy-up (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the parent of the node at this LOC.
+nil if at the top."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node pnodes ppath changed? l r)
+    (when pnodes
+      (let ((pnode (car pnodes)))
+        (treepy--with-meta
+         (if changed?
+             (cons (treepy-make-node loc pnode (treepy--join-children l (cons node r)))
+                   (and ppath (treepy--context-assoc ppath ':changed? t)))
+           (cons pnode ppath))
+         (treepy--meta loc))))))
+(defun treepy-root (loc)
+  "Zip from LOC all the way up and return the root node.
+Reflect any alterations to the tree."
+  (if (equal :end (treepy--context loc))
+      (treepy-node loc)
+    (let ((p loc))
+      (while (setq p (treepy-up p))
+        (setq loc p))
+      (treepy-node loc))))
+(defun treepy-right (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the right sibling of the node at this LOC.
+nil if there's no more right sibilings."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context l r)
+    (let ((r (if (listp r)
+                 r
+               ;; If `r' is not a list (or nil), then we're dealing with a non
+               ;; nil cdr ending list.
+               (cons r nil))))
+      (seq-let [cr &rest rnext] r
+        (when (and context r)
+          (treepy--with-meta
+           (cons cr
+                 (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                        ':l (cons node l)
+                                        ':r rnext))
+           (treepy--meta loc)))))))
+(defun treepy-rightmost (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the rightmost sibling of the node at this LOC.
+If LOC is already the rightmost sibiling, return self."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context l r)
+    (if (and context r)
+        (treepy--with-meta
+         (cons (car (last r))
+               (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                      ':l (treepy--join-children l (cons node (butlast r)))
+                                      ':r nil))
+         (treepy--meta loc))
+      loc)))
+(defun treepy-left (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the left sibling of the node at this LOC.
+nil if no more left sibilings."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context l r)
+    (when (and context l)
+      (seq-let [cl &rest lnext] l
+        (treepy--with-meta
+         (cons cl
+               (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                      ':l lnext
+                                      ':r (cons node r)))
+         (treepy--meta loc))))))
+(defun treepy-leftmost (loc)
+  "Return the loc of the leftmost sibling of the node at this LOC.
+If LOC is already the leftmost sibiling, return self."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context l r)
+    (if (and context l)
+        (treepy--with-meta
+         (cons (car (last l))
+               (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                      ':l []
+                                      ':r (treepy--join-children (butlast l) (cons node r))))
+         (treepy--meta loc))
+      loc)))
+(defun treepy-leftmost-descendant (loc)
+  "Return the leftmost descendant of the given LOC.
+\(ie, down repeatedly)."
+  (while (treepy-branch-p loc)
+    (setq loc (treepy-down loc)))
+  loc)
+;;;; Modification
+(defun treepy-insert-left (loc item)
+  "Insert as the left sibiling of this LOC'S node the ITEM.
+Return same loc with sibilings updated."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context l)
+    (if (not context)
+        (error "Insert at top")
+      (treepy--with-meta
+       (cons node
+             (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                    ':l (cons item l)
+                                    ':changed? t))
+       (treepy--meta loc)))))
+(defun treepy-insert-right (loc item)
+  "Insert as the right sibling of this LOC's node the ITEM.
+Return same loc with sibilings updated."
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (node context r)
+    (if (not context)
+        (error "Insert at top")
+      (treepy--with-meta
+       (cons node
+             (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                    ':r (cons item r)
+                                    ':changed? t))
+       (treepy--meta loc)))))
+(defun treepy-replace (loc node)
+  "Replace the node in this LOC with the given NODE, without moving."
+  (let ((context (treepy--context loc)))
+    (treepy--with-meta
+     (cons node
+           (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                  ':changed? t))
+     (treepy--meta loc))))
+(defun treepy-edit (loc f &rest args)
+  "Replace the node at this LOC with the value of (F node ARGS)."
+  (treepy-replace loc (apply f (treepy-node loc) args)))
+(defun treepy-insert-child (loc item)
+  "Insert as the leftmost child of this LOC's node the ITEM.
+Return same loc with children updated."
+  (treepy-replace loc (treepy-make-node loc (treepy-node loc) (cons item (treepy-children loc)))))
+(defun treepy-append-child (loc item)
+  "Insert as the rightmost child of this LOC'S node the ITEM.
+Return same loc with children updated."
+  (treepy-replace loc (treepy-make-node loc (treepy-node loc) (append (treepy-children loc) `(,item)))))  ;; TODO: check performance
+(defun treepy-remove (loc)
+  "Remove the node at LOC.
+Return the loc that would have preceded it in a depth-first
+  (treepy--with-loc loc (context pnodes ppath l r)
+    (if (not context)
+        (error "Remove at top")
+      (if (> (length l) 0)
+          (let ((nloc (treepy--with-meta (cons (car l)
+                                               (treepy--context-assoc context
+                                                                      ':l (cdr l)
+                                                                      ':changed? t))
+                                         (treepy--meta loc)))
+                (child nil))
+            (while (setq child (and (treepy-branch-p nloc) (treepy-children nloc)))
+              (setq nloc (treepy-rightmost child)))
+            nloc)
+        (treepy--with-meta
+         (cons (treepy-make-node loc (car pnodes) r)
+               (and ppath (treepy--context-assoc context ':changed? t)))
+         (treepy--meta loc))))))
+;;;; Enumeration
+(defun treepy--preorder-next (loc)
+  "Move to the next LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first in preorder.
+When reaching the end, returns a distinguished loc detectable via
+`treepy-end-p'.  If already at the end, stays there."
+  (if (equal :end (treepy--context loc))
+      loc
+    (let ((cloc loc))
+      (or
+       (and (treepy-branch-p cloc) (treepy-down cloc))
+       (treepy-right cloc)
+       (let ((p cloc)
+             (pr nil))
+         (while (and (treepy-up p) (not (setq pr (treepy-right (treepy-up p)))))
+           (setq p (treepy-up p)))
+         (or pr (cons (cons (treepy-node p) :end) nil)))))))
+(defun treepy--postorder-next (loc)
+  "Move to the next LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first in postorder.
+When reaching the end, returns a distinguished loc detectable via
+`treepy-end-p'.  If already at the end, stays there."
+  (if (equal :end (treepy--context loc))
+      loc
+    (if (null (treepy-up loc))
+        (cons (cons (treepy-node loc) :end) nil)
+      (or (let ((rloc (treepy-right loc)))
+            (and rloc (treepy-leftmost-descendant rloc)))
+          (treepy-up loc)))))
+(defun treepy-next (loc &optional order)
+  "Move to the next LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first.
+Use ORDER if given.  Possible values for ORDER are `:preorder' and
+`:postorder', defaults to the former."
+  (cl-case (or order ':preorder)
+    (':preorder (treepy--preorder-next loc))
+    (':postorder (treepy--postorder-next loc))
+    (t (error "Unrecognized order"))))
+(defun treepy--preorder-prev (loc)
+  "Move to the previous LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first preorder.
+If already at the root, returns nil."
+  (let ((lloc (treepy-left loc))
+        (child nil))
+    (if lloc
+        (progn
+          (while (setq child (and (treepy-branch-p lloc) (treepy-children lloc)))
+            (setq lloc (treepy-rightmost child)))
+          lloc)
+      (treepy-up loc))))
+(defun treepy--postorder-prev (loc)
+  "Move to the previous LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first postorder.
+If already at the root, returns nil."
+  (if (treepy-branch-p loc)
+      (treepy-rightmost (treepy-down loc))
+    (progn
+      (while (not (treepy-left loc))
+        (setq loc (treepy-up loc)))
+      (treepy-left loc))))
+(defun treepy-prev (loc &optional order)
+  "Move to the previous LOC in the hierarchy, depth-first.
+Use ORDER if given.  Possible values for ORDER are `:preorder' and `:postorder',
+defaults to the former."
+  (cl-case (or order ':preorder)
+    (':preorder (treepy--preorder-prev loc))
+    (':postorder (treepy--postorder-prev loc))
+    (t (error "Unrecognized order"))))
+(defun treepy-end-p (loc)
+  "Return t if LOC represents the end of a depth-first walk."
+  (equal :end (treepy--context loc)))
+(provide 'treepy)
+;;; treepy.el ends here