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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el
diff options
authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a9c6f98a8a0..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-thread.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-;;; slack-thread.el ---                              -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2017  南優也
-;; Author: 南優也 <yuyaminami@minamiyuuya-no-MacBook.local>
-;; Keywords:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'lui)
-(require 'slack-util)
-(require 'slack-room)
-(require 'slack-channel)
-(require 'slack-im)
-(require 'slack-message)
-(require 'slack-request)
-(defvar lui-prompt-string "> ")
-(defconst all-threads-url "https://slack.com/api/subscriptions.thread.getView")
-(defconst thread-mark-url "https://slack.com/api/subscriptions.thread.mark")
-(defcustom slack-thread-also-send-to-room 'ask
-  "Whether a thread message should also be sent to its room.
-If nil: don't send to the room.
-If `ask': ask the user every time.
-Any other non-nil value: send to the room."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Never send message to the room." nil)
-                 (const :tag "Ask the user every time." ask)
-                 (const :tag "Always send message to the room." t)))
-(define-derived-mode slack-thread-mode slack-mode "Slack - Thread"
-  ""
-  (lui-set-prompt lui-prompt-string)
-  (setq lui-input-function 'slack-thread-message--send))
-(defclass slack-thread ()
-  ((thread-ts :initarg :thread_ts :initform "")
-   (messages :initarg :messages :initform '())
-   (has-unreads :initarg :has_unreads :initform nil)
-   (mention-count :initarg :mention_count :initform 0)
-   (reply-count :initarg :reply_count :initform 0)
-   (replies :initarg :replies :initform '())
-   (active :initarg :active :initform t)
-   (root :initarg :root :type slack-message)
-   (unread-count :initarg :unread_count :initform 0)
-   (last-read :initarg :last_read :initform "0")))
-(defmethod slack-thread-messagep ((m slack-message))
-  (if (and (oref m thread-ts) (not (slack-message-thread-parentp m)))
-      t
-    nil))
-(defun slack-thread-start ()
-  (interactive)
-  (slack-if-let* ((buf slack-current-buffer))
-      (slack-buffer-start-thread buf (slack-get-ts))))
-(defun slack-thread-message--send (message)
-  (slack-if-let* ((buf slack-current-buffer))
-      (slack-buffer-send-message buf message)))
-(defun slack-thread-send-message (room team message thread-ts)
-  (let ((message (slack-message-prepare-links
-                  (slack-escape-message message)
-                  team))
-        (broadcast (if (eq slack-thread-also-send-to-room 'ask)
-                       (y-or-n-p (format "Also send to %s ? "
-                                         (slack-room-name room team)))
-                     slack-thread-also-send-to-room)))
-    (progn
-      (slack-message-inc-id team)
-      (with-slots (message-id sent-message self-id) team
-        (let* ((payload (list :id message-id
-                              :channel (oref room id)
-                              :reply_broadcast broadcast
-                              :thread_ts thread-ts
-                              :type "message"
-                              :user self-id
-                              :text message))
-               (obj (slack-message-create payload team :room room)))
-          (slack-ws-send payload team)
-          (puthash message-id obj sent-message))))))
-(defun slack-thread-show-or-create ()
-  (interactive)
-  (slack-if-let* ((buf slack-current-buffer))
-      (if (slack-thread-message-buffer-p buf)
-          (error "Already in thread")
-        (slack-buffer-display-thread buf (slack-get-ts)))))
-(cl-defmethod slack-thread-request-messages ((thread slack-thread) room team &key after-success)
-  (cl-labels
-      ((on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                   (slack-request-handle-error
-                    (data "slack-thread-request-messages")
-                    (let ((messages (mapcar #'(lambda (payload)
-                                                (slack-message-create payload
-                                                                      team
-                                                                      :room room))
-                                            (plist-get data :messages))))
-                      (oset thread messages
-                            (slack-room-sort-messages
-                             (cl-remove-if #'slack-message-thread-parentp
-                                           messages)))))
-                   (if after-success
-                       (funcall after-success))))
-    (slack-request
-     (slack-request-create
-      (slack-room-replies-url room)
-      team
-      :params (list (cons "thread_ts" (oref thread thread-ts))
-                    (cons "channel" (oref room id)))
-      :success #'on-success))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-show-messages ((thread slack-thread) room team)
-  (cl-labels
-      ((after-success ()
-                      (let ((buf (slack-create-thread-message-buffer
-                                  room team (oref thread thread-ts))))
-                        (slack-buffer-display buf))))
-    (slack-thread-request-messages thread room team
-                                   :after-success #'after-success)))
-(defmethod slack-thread-to-string ((m slack-message) team)
-  (with-slots (thread) m
-    (if thread
-        (let* ((usernames (mapconcat #'identity
-                                     (cl-remove-duplicates
-                                      (mapcar #'(lambda (reply)
-                                                  (slack-user-name
-                                                   (plist-get reply :user)
-                                                   team))
-                                              (oref thread replies))
-                                      :test #'string=)
-                                     " "))
-               (text (format "\n%s reply from %s"
-                             (oref thread reply-count)
-                             usernames)))
-          (propertize text
-                      'face '(:underline t)
-                      'keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-                                (define-key map [mouse-1] #'slack-thread-show-or-create)
-                                (define-key map (kbd "RET") #'slack-thread-show-or-create)
-                                map)))
-      "")))
-(defmethod slack-thread-create ((m slack-message) team &optional payload)
-  (if payload
-      (let ((replies (plist-get payload :replies))
-            (reply-count (plist-get payload :reply_count))
-            (unread-count (plist-get payload :unread_count))
-            (last-read (plist-get payload :last_read)))
-        (make-instance 'slack-thread
-                       :thread_ts (slack-ts m)
-                       :root m
-                       :replies replies
-                       :reply_count (or reply-count 0)
-                       :unread_count (or unread-count 1)
-                       :last_read last-read))
-    (make-instance 'slack-thread
-                   :thread_ts (slack-ts m)
-                   :root m)))
-(defmethod slack-merge ((old slack-thread) new)
-  (oset old replies (oref new replies))
-  (oset old reply-count (oref new reply-count))
-  (oset old unread-count (oref new unread-count)))
-(defun slack-thread-update-state (payload team)
-  (slack-if-let* ((message-payload (plist-get payload :message))
-                  (thread-ts (plist-get message-payload :thread_ts))
-                  (room (slack-room-find (plist-get payload :channel) team))
-                  (message (slack-room-find-message room thread-ts))
-                  (thread (slack-message-get-thread message team))
-                  (new-thread (slack-thread-create message team message-payload)))
-      (progn
-        (slack-merge thread new-thread)
-        (slack-message-update message team t t))
-    (message "THREAD_TS: %s, ROOM: %s, MESSAGE: %s THREAD: %s, NEW_THREAD:%s"
-             thread-ts
-             (not (null room))
-             (not (null message))
-             (not (null thread))
-             (not (null new-thread)))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-equal ((thread slack-thread) other)
-  (and (string-equal (oref thread thread-ts)
-                     (oref other thread-ts))
-       (string-equal (oref (oref thread root) channel)
-                     (oref (oref other root) channel))))
-(cl-defun slack-thread-get-all (&key (sync nil) (ts nil))
-  (let ((team (slack-team-select)))
-    (cl-labels
-        ((on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                     (slack-request-handle-error
-                      (data "slack-thread-get-all")
-                      (let ((threads-data (append (plist-get data :threads) nil))
-                            (total-unread (plist-get data :total_unread_replies))
-                            (more (if (eq :json-false (plist-get data :has_more)) nil t))
-                            (new-count (plist-get data :new_threads_count)))
-                        (with-slots (threads) team
-                          (with-slots
-                              (initializedp total-unread-replies new-threads-count has-more) threads
-                            (setq has-more more)
-                            (setq initializedp t)
-                            (setq total-unread-replies total-unread)
-                            (setq new-threads-count new-count)
-                            (let ((parents (cl-loop for thread in threads-data
-                                                    collect (slack-message-create
-                                                             (plist-get thread :root_msg) team))))
-                              (mapc #'(lambda (parent) (slack-message-update parent team nil t))
-                                    parents))))))))
-      (slack-request
-       (slack-request-create
-        all-threads-url
-        team
-        :type "POST"
-        :params (list (cons "limit" "10")
-                      (cons "current_ts" (or ts (format-time-string "%s"))))
-        :success #'on-success)))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-title ((thread slack-thread) team)
-  (with-slots (root) thread
-    (let ((room (slack-room-find (oref root channel) team))
-          (body (slack-message-body root team)))
-      (when room
-        (format "%s - %s" (slack-room-name room team)
-                (concat (substring body 0 (min 50 (length body))) "..."))))))
-(defun slack-thread-select (&optional reload)
-  (interactive)
-  (cl-labels
-      ((load-threads (threads)
-                     (slack-thread-get-all :sync t
-                                           :ts (cl-first
-                                                (cl-sort
-                                                 (mapcar #'(lambda (thread) (oref thread thread-ts)) threads)
-                                                 #'string<))))
-       (select-thread (threads team has-more)
-                      (let* ((alist (cl-remove-if-not
-                                     #'(lambda (cons) (car cons))
-                                     (mapcar #'(lambda (thread)
-                                                 (let ((title (slack-thread-title thread team)))
-                                                   (and title (cons title thread))))
-                                             threads)))
-                             (maybe-has-more (if has-more
-                                                 (append alist (list (cons "(load more)" 'load-more))) alist))
-                             (selected (slack-select-from-list (maybe-has-more "Select Thread: "))))
-                        selected))
-       (collect-thread-parents (messages)
-                               (mapcar #'(lambda (m) (oref m thread))
-                                       (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (m) (not (slack-message-thread-parentp m)))
-                                                     messages)))
-       (collect-threads (team)
-                        (cl-loop for room in (with-slots (groups ims channels) team
-                                               (append ims groups channels))
-                                 append (collect-thread-parents (oref room messages)))))
-    (let* ((team (slack-team-select)))
-      (with-slots (initializedp has-more) (oref team threads)
-        (if (or (not initializedp) has-more) (load-threads (collect-threads team))))
-      (let ((selected (select-thread (collect-threads team) team nil)))
-        (if (eq selected 'load-more)
-            (slack-thread-select t)
-          (slack-thread-show-messages selected
-                                      (slack-room-find (oref (oref selected root) channel) team)
-                                      team))))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-delete-message ((thread slack-thread) message)
-  (with-slots (messages reply-count) thread
-    (setq messages (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (e)
-                                     (string= (slack-ts e)
-                                              (slack-ts message)))
-                                 messages))
-    (setq reply-count (length messages))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-update-mark ((thread slack-thread) room msg team)
-  (with-slots (thread-ts) thread
-    (with-slots (id) room
-      (with-slots (ts) msg
-        (cl-labels
-            ((on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                         (slack-request-handle-error
-                          (data "slack-thread-mark"))))
-          (slack-request
-           (slack-request-create
-            thread-mark-url
-            team
-            :params (list (cons "channel" id)
-                          (cons "thread_ts" thread-ts)
-                          (cons "ts" ts))
-            :success #'on-success)))))))
-(defmethod slack-thread-marked ((thread slack-thread) payload)
-  (let ((unread-count (plist-get payload :unread_count))
-        (last-read (plist-get payload :last_read)))
-    (oset thread unread-count unread-count)
-    (oset thread last-read last-read)))
-(defun slack-room-unread-threads ()
-  (interactive)
-  (slack-if-let* ((buf slack-current-buffer))
-      (slack-buffer-display-unread-threads buf)))
-(defmethod slack-thread-update-last-read ((thread slack-thread) msg)
-  (with-slots (ts) msg
-    (oset thread last-read ts)))
-(provide 'slack-thread)
-;;; slack-thread.el ends here