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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el
diff options
authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 190c3a498ae6..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-message-formatter.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-;;; slack-message-formatter.el --- format message text  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015  yuya.minami
-;; Author: yuya.minami <yuya.minami@yuyaminami-no-MacBook-Pro.local>
-;; Keywords:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'slack-user)
-(require 'slack-room)
-(defface slack-profile-image-face
-  '((t (:background "#fff")))
-  "Face used to profile image."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-message-output-text
-  '((t (:weight normal :height 0.9)))
-  "Face used to text message."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-message-output-header
-  '((t (:foreground "#FFA000"
-                    :weight bold
-                    :height 1.0
-                    :underline t)))
-  "Face used to text message."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-message-output-reaction
-  '((t (:box (:line-width 1 :style released-button))))
-  "Face used to reactions."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-message-deleted-face
-  '((t (:strike-through t)))
-  "Face used to deleted message."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-attachment-header
-  '((t (:weight bold)))
-  "Face used to shared message header."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-attachment-footer
-  '((t (:height 0.8)))
-  "Face used to shared message footer."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-attachment-pad
-  '((t (:weight ultra-bold)))
-  "Face used to shared message pad."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defface slack-attachment-field-title
-  '((t (:weight bold :height 1.0)))
-  "Face used to attachment field title."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defcustom slack-date-formats
-  '((date_num . "%Y-%m-%d")
-    (date . "%B %d,%Y")
-    (date_short . "%b %d,%Y")
-    (date_long . "%A %B %d,%Y")
-    (date_pretty . "%B %d,%Y")
-    (date_short_pretty . "%b %d,%Y")
-    (date_long_pretty . "%A %B %d,%Y")
-    (time . "%H:%M")
-    (time_secs . "%H:%M:%S"))
-  "Date formats for Slack's date token.
-this format string passed to `format-time-string' function.
-see \"Formatting dates\" section in https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting"
-  :group 'slack)
-(defun slack-message-put-header-property (header)
-  (if header
-      (propertize header 'face 'slack-message-output-header)))
-(defun slack-message-put-text-property (text)
-  (if text
-      (propertize text 'face 'slack-message-output-text)))
-(defun slack-message-put-hard (text)
-  (if text
-      (propertize text 'hard t)))
-(defun slack-message-put-deleted-property (text)
-  (if text
-      (propertize text 'face 'slack-message-deleted-face)))
-(defun slack-message-time-to-string (ts)
-  (when ts
-    (when (stringp ts)
-      (setf ts (string-to-number ts)))
-    (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-                        (seconds-to-time ts))))
-(defmethod slack-message-header ((m slack-message) team)
-  (slack-message-sender-name m team))
-(defmethod slack-message-starred-p ((m slack-message))
-  (oref m is-starred))
-(defmethod slack-message-starred-str ((m slack-message))
-  (if (slack-message-starred-p m)
-      ":star:"
-    ""))
-(defun slack-format-message (&rest args)
-  (let ((messages args))
-    (mapconcat #'identity
-               (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (e) (< (length e) 1)) messages)
-               "\n")))
-(defmethod slack-message-profile-image ((m slack-message) team)
-  (slack-user-image (slack-user-find m team) team))
-(defmethod slack-message-header-with-image ((m slack-message) header team)
-  (let ((image (slack-message-profile-image m team)))
-    (if image
-        (format "%s %s" (propertize "image"
-                                    'display image
-                                    'face 'slack-profile-image-face)
-                header)
-      header)))
-(defun slack-message-header-to-string (m team)
-  (let ((header (format "%s %s"
-                        (slack-message-put-header-property
-                         (slack-message-header m team))
-                        (slack-message-starred-str m))))
-    (if (slack-team-display-profile-imagep team)
-        (slack-message-header-with-image m header team)
-      header)))
-(defmethod slack-message-body-to-string ((m slack-message) team)
-  (let ((raw-body (slack-message-body m team)))
-    (if (oref m deleted-at)
-        (slack-message-put-deleted-property raw-body)
-      (slack-message-put-text-property raw-body))))
-(defun slack-format-reactions (reactions team)
-  (concat "\n"
-          (mapconcat #'(lambda (r) (slack-reaction-to-string r team))
-                     reactions
-                     " ")))
-(defmethod slack-message-reaction-to-string ((m slack-message) team)
-  (let ((reactions (slack-message-reactions m)))
-    (when reactions
-      (slack-format-reactions reactions team))))
-(defmethod slack-message-to-string ((m slack-message) team)
-  (let ((text (if (slot-boundp m 'text) (oref m text))))
-    (let* ((header (slack-message-header-to-string m team))
-           (attachment-body (slack-message-attachment-body m team))
-           (body (slack-message-body-to-string m team))
-           (files (mapconcat #'(lambda (file)
-                                 (slack-message-to-string file
-                                                          (slack-ts m)
-                                                          team))
-                             (oref m files) "\n"))
-           (reactions (slack-message-reaction-to-string m team))
-           (thread (slack-thread-to-string m team)))
-      (slack-format-message header body
-                            (if (< 0 (length files))
-                                (format "\n%s" files)
-                              files)
-                            attachment-body reactions thread))))
-(defmethod slack-message-body ((m slack-message) team)
-  (with-slots (text) m
-    (slack-message-unescape-string text team)))
-(defmethod slack-message-body ((m slack-reply-broadcast-message) team)
-  (format "Replied to a thread: \n%s"
-          (slack-message-unescape-string (oref m text) team)))
-(defmethod slack-message-body-to-string ((m slack-file-comment-message) team)
-  (with-slots (file comment deleted-at) m
-    (let ((commented-user (slack-user-name (plist-get comment :user)
-                                           team))
-          (comment-body (plist-get comment :comment))
-          (file-id (plist-get file :id))
-          (file-user (slack-user-name (plist-get file :user)
-                                      team))
-          (file-title (plist-get file :title))
-          (text-propertize (or
-                            (and deleted-at
-                                 #'slack-message-put-deleted-property)
-                            #'slack-message-put-text-property)))
-      (format "%s %s: %s"
-              (funcall text-propertize
-                       (format "@%s commented on @%s's file"
-                               commented-user
-                               file-user))
-              (slack-file-link-info file-id file-title)
-              (funcall text-propertize
-                       comment-body)))))
-(defmethod slack-team-display-image-inlinep ((_m slack-message) team)
-  (slack-team-display-attachment-image-inlinep team))
-(defmethod slack-message-attachment-body ((m slack-message) team)
-  (with-slots (attachments) m
-    (let ((body (mapconcat #'(lambda (attachment)
-                               (slack-message-to-string attachment team))
-                           attachments "\n\t-\n")))
-      (if (< 0 (length body))
-          (slack-message-unescape-string (format "\n%s" body) team)))))
-(defmethod slack-message-to-alert ((m slack-message) team)
-  (with-slots (text attachments files) m
-    (let ((alert-text
-           (cond
-            ((and text (< 0 (length text))) text)
-            ((and attachments (< 0 (length attachments)))
-             (mapconcat #'slack-attachment-to-alert attachments " "))
-            ((and files (< 0 (length files)))
-             (mapconcat #'(lambda (file) (oref file title)) files " ")))))
-      (slack-message-unescape-string alert-text team))))
-(defun slack-message-unescape-string (text team)
-  (when text
-    (let* ((and-unescpaed
-            (replace-regexp-in-string "&amp;" "&" text))
-           (lt-unescaped
-            (replace-regexp-in-string "&lt;" "<" and-unescpaed))
-           (gt-unescaped
-            (replace-regexp-in-string "&gt;" ">" lt-unescaped)))
-      (slack-message-unescape-date-format
-       (slack-message-unescape-command
-        (slack-message-unescape-user-id
-         (slack-message-unescape-channel gt-unescaped team)
-         team))))))
-(defun slack-message-unescape-user-id (text team)
-  (let ((user-regexp "<@\\(U.*?\\)>"))
-    (cl-labels ((unescape-user-id
-                 (text)
-                 (concat "@" (or
-                              (slack-message-replace-user-name text)
-                              (let ((user (slack-user--find (match-string 1 text) team)))
-                                (plist-get user :name))
-                              (match-string 1 text)))))
-      (replace-regexp-in-string user-regexp
-                                #'unescape-user-id
-                                text t t))))
-(defun slack-message-replace-user-name (text)
-  (let ((user-name-regexp "<@U.*?|\\(.*?\\)>"))
-    (cl-labels ((replace-user-id-with-name (text)
-                                           (match-string 1 text)))
-      (if (string-match-p user-name-regexp text)
-          (replace-regexp-in-string user-name-regexp
-                                    #'replace-user-id-with-name
-                                    text nil t)))))
-(defun slack-message-unescape-date-format (text)
-  (let ((date-regexp "<!date^\\([[:digit:]]*\\)^\\(.*?\\)\\(\\^.*\\)?|\\(.*\\)>")
-        (time-format-regexp "{\\(.*?\\)}"))
-    (cl-labels
-        ((unescape-date-string
-          (text)
-          (let* ((time (match-string 1 text))
-                 (format-string (match-string 2 text))
-                 (link (match-string 3 text))
-                 (fallback (match-string 4 text)))
-            (replace-regexp-in-string time-format-regexp
-                                      #'(lambda (text)
-                                          (unescape-datetime-format time
-                                                                    link
-                                                                    text
-                                                                    fallback))
-                                      format-string)))
-         (unescape-datetime-format
-          (unix-time link text fallback)
-          (let* ((match (match-string 1 text))
-                 (template (cl-assoc (intern match) slack-date-formats)))
-            (if template
-                (slack-linkfy
-                 (format-time-string (cdr template)
-                                     (float-time (string-to-number unix-time)))
-                 (and link (substring link 1 (length link))))
-              fallback))))
-      (replace-regexp-in-string date-regexp
-                                #'unescape-date-string
-                                text nil t))))
-(defun slack-message-unescape-command (text)
-  (let ((command-regexp "<!\\(.*?\\)>"))
-    (cl-labels ((unescape-command
-                 (text)
-                 (let ((match (match-string 1 text)))
-                   (if (string-prefix-p "date" match)
-                       (format "<!%s>" match)
-                     (concat "@" match)))))
-      (replace-regexp-in-string command-regexp
-                                #'unescape-command
-                                text nil t))))
-(defun slack-message-unescape-channel (text team)
-  (let ((channel-regexp "<#\\(C.*?\\)\\(|.*?\\)?>"))
-    (cl-labels ((unescape-channel
-                 (text)
-                 (let ((name (match-string 2 text))
-                       (id (match-string 1 text)))
-                   (concat "#" (or (and name (substring name 1))
-                                   (slack-if-let* ((room (slack-room-find id team)))
-                                       (oref room name)
-                                     id))))))
-      (replace-regexp-in-string channel-regexp
-                                #'unescape-channel
-                                text t))))
-(provide 'slack-message-formatter)
-;;; slack-message-formatter.el ends here