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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el
diff options
authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-10-02T13·54-0400
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2018-10-02T13·54-0400
commit9da3ffee41fa481a404a5fb19b7128d557df6114 (patch)
treeabac717a4d44360910233bd6a7dc7ad956f2440a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el
parentde97c7bcd0ed4b4877c1ae70e86cb37386755a37 (diff)
Update Emacs packages
This is a massive diff that I had to do in a hurry - when leaving
Urbint. I'm pretty sure that most of these are updating Emacs packages,
but I'm not positive.
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el')
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c51f8851843b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-attachment.el
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+;;; slack-attachment.el ---                          -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2017  南優也
+;; Author: 南優也 <yuyaminami@minamiyuuya-no-MacBook.local>
+;; Keywords:
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'eieio)
+(require 'slack-util)
+(require 'slack-request)
+(require 'slack-selectable)
+(defclass slack-attachment ()
+  ((fallback :initarg :fallback :initform nil)
+   (title :initarg :title :initform nil)
+   (title-link :initarg :title_link :initform nil)
+   (pretext :initarg :pretext :initform nil)
+   (text :initarg :text :initform nil)
+   (author-name :initarg :author_name :initform nil)
+   (author-link :initarg :author_link)
+   (author-icon :initarg :author_icon)
+   (fields :initarg :fields :initform '())
+   (image-url :initarg :image_url :initform nil)
+   (image-width :initarg :image_width :initform nil)
+   (image-height :initarg :image_height :initform nil)
+   (thumb-url :initarg :thumb_url)
+   (is-share :initarg :is_share :initform nil)
+   (footer :initarg :footer :initform nil)
+   (color :initarg :color :initform nil)
+   (ts :initarg :ts :initform nil)
+   (author-subname :initarg :author_subname :initform nil)
+   (callback-id :initarg :callback_id :initform nil)
+   (id :initarg :id :initform nil)
+   (actions :initarg :actions :initform '())))
+(defclass slack-shared-message (slack-attachment)
+  ((channel-id :initarg :channel_id :initform nil)
+   (channel-name :initarg :channel_name :initform nil)
+   (from-url :initarg :from_url :initform nil)))
+(defclass slack-attachment-field ()
+  ((title :initarg :title :initform nil)
+   (value :initarg :value :initform nil)
+   (short :initarg :short :initform nil)))
+(defclass slack-attachment-action-confirmation ()
+  ((title :initarg :title :initform nil)
+   (text :initarg :text :type string)
+   (ok-text :initarg :ok_text :type string :initform "Okay")
+   (dismiss-text :initarg :dismiss_text :type string :initform "Cancel")))
+(defclass slack-attachment-action ()
+  ((id :initarg :id :type string)
+   (name :initarg :name :type string)
+   (text :initarg :text :type string)
+   (type :initarg :type :type string)
+   (value :initarg :value :initform nil)
+   (confirm :initarg :confirm :initform nil
+            :type (or null slack-attachment-action-confirmation))
+   (style :initarg :style :type string :initform "default")
+   (url :initarg :url :type (or null string) :initform nil)))
+(defclass slack-attachment-select-action (slack-attachment-action slack-selectable)
+  ((min-query-length :initarg :min_query_length :type (or null number) :initform nil)))
+(defclass slack-attachment-select-action-option (slack-selectable-option) ())
+(defclass slack-attachment-select-action-option-group
+  (slack-selectable-option-group) ())
+(defun slack-attachment-action-create (payload)
+  (cl-labels
+      ((create-option (option)
+                      (apply #'make-instance
+                             'slack-attachment-select-action-option
+                             (slack-collect-slots
+                              'slack-attachment-select-action-option
+                              option)))
+       (create-option-group
+        (option-group)
+        (when (plist-get option-group :options)
+          (setq option-group
+                (plist-put option-group
+                           :options
+                           (mapcar #'create-option
+                                   (plist-get option-group :options)))))
+        (apply #'make-instance
+               'slack-attachment-select-action-option-group
+               (slack-collect-slots
+                'slack-attachment-select-action-option-group
+                option-group))))
+    (let* ((properties payload)
+           (type (plist-get payload :type)))
+      (when (plist-get payload :confirm)
+        (setq properties (plist-put properties
+                                    :confirm
+                                    (apply #'make-instance
+                                           'slack-attachment-action-confirmation
+                                           (slack-collect-slots
+                                            'slack-attachment-action-confirmation
+                                            (plist-get payload :confirm))))))
+      (cond
+       ((string= type "select")
+        (progn
+          (setq properties
+                (plist-put properties
+                           :options
+                           (mapcar #'create-option
+                                   (plist-get properties :options))))
+          (setq properties
+                (plist-put properties
+                           :option_groups
+                           (mapcar #'create-option-group
+                                   (plist-get properties :option_groups))))
+          (setq properties
+                (plist-put properties
+                           :selected_options
+                           (mapcar #'create-option
+                                   (plist-get properties :selected_options))))
+          (apply #'make-instance 'slack-attachment-select-action
+                 (slack-collect-slots 'slack-attachment-select-action properties))))
+       (t
+        (apply #'make-instance 'slack-attachment-action
+               (slack-collect-slots 'slack-attachment-action properties)))))))
+(defun slack-attachment-create (payload)
+  (let ((properties payload))
+    (setq payload
+          (plist-put payload :fields
+                     (mapcar #'(lambda (field)
+                                 (apply #'slack-attachment-field
+                                        (slack-collect-slots 'slack-attachment-field
+                                                             field)))
+                             (append (plist-get payload :fields) nil))))
+    (setq payload
+          (plist-put payload :actions
+                     (mapcar #'slack-attachment-action-create
+                             (plist-get payload :actions))))
+    (when (numberp (plist-get payload :ts))
+      (setq payload
+            (plist-put payload :ts (number-to-string (plist-get payload :ts)))))
+    ;; (message "PAYLOAD: %s" payload)
+    (if (plist-get payload :is_share)
+        (apply #'slack-shared-message "shared-attachment"
+               (slack-collect-slots 'slack-shared-message payload))
+      (apply #'slack-attachment "attachment"
+             (slack-collect-slots 'slack-attachment payload)))))
+(defmethod slack-image-spec ((this slack-attachment))
+  (with-slots (image-url image-height image-width) this
+    (when image-url
+      (list image-url image-width image-height slack-image-max-height))))
+(defface slack-message-action-primary-face
+  '((t (:box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)
+             :foreground "#2aa198")))
+  "Face used to primary action."
+  :group 'slack)
+(defface slack-message-action-danger-face
+  '((t (:box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)
+             :foreground "#FF6E64")))
+  "Face used to danger action."
+  :group 'slack)
+(defvar slack-attachment-action-keymap
+  (let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") #'slack-attachment-action-run)
+    (define-key keymap [mouse-1] #'slack-attachment-action-run)
+    keymap))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-run-payload ((this slack-attachment-action)
+                                                team
+                                                common-payload
+                                                service-id)
+  (with-slots (id name text type value style) this
+    (cons (cons "actions" (list (list (cons "id" id)
+                                      (cons "name" name)
+                                      (cons "text" text)
+                                      (cons "type" type)
+                                      (cons "value" value)
+                                      (cons "style" style))))
+          common-payload)))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-get-suggestions ((this
+                                                     slack-attachment-select-action)
+                                                    team
+                                                    common-payload
+                                                    service-id
+                                                    after-success)
+  (with-slots (name) this
+    (let ((url "https://slack.com/api/chat.attachmentSuggestion")
+          (params (list (cons "service_id" service-id)
+                        (cons "payload"
+                              (json-encode-alist
+                               (cons
+                                (cons "name" name)
+                                (cons (cons "value"
+                                            (read-from-minibuffer
+                                             (format "Start typing to see results... (minimum: %s) "
+                                                     (oref this min-query-length))))
+                                      common-payload)))))))
+      (cl-labels
+          ((log-error (err)
+                      (slack-log (format "Error: %s, URL: %s, PARAMS: %s"
+                                         err
+                                         url
+                                         params)
+                                 team :level 'error))
+           (on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                       (slack-request-handle-error
+                        (data "slack-attachment-action-get-suggestions"
+                              #'log-error))
+                       (funcall after-success (plist-get data :options))))
+        (slack-request
+         (slack-request-create
+          url
+          team
+          :type "POST"
+          :success #'on-success
+          :params params
+          :sync t))))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-selected-options ((this
+                                                      slack-attachment-select-action)
+                                                     team
+                                                     common-payload
+                                                     service-id)
+  (with-slots (data-source) this
+    (cond
+     ((string= data-source "external")
+      (let ((option))
+        (cl-labels
+            ((on-success (options)
+                         (let ((selected
+                                (funcall slack-completing-read-function
+                                         ""
+                                         (cons "" (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
+                                                              (plist-get e :text))
+                                                          options))
+                                         nil t)))
+                           (setq option
+                                 (cl-find-if #'(lambda (e)
+                                                 (string= selected
+                                                          (plist-get e :text)))
+                                             options)))))
+          (slack-attachment-action-get-suggestions this
+                                                   team
+                                                   common-payload
+                                                   service-id
+                                                   #'on-success)
+          (if option
+              (list (list (cons "value" (plist-get option :value))))
+            (slack-attachment-action-selected-options
+             this team common-payload service-id)))))
+     ((string= data-source "conversations")
+      (let ((room-id (oref (slack-room-select (append (oref team channels)
+                                                      (oref team groups)
+                                                      (oref team ims))
+                                              team)
+                           id)))
+        (list (list (cons "value" room-id)))))
+     ((string= data-source "channels")
+      (let ((channel-id (oref (slack-room-select (oref team channels)
+                                                 team) id)))
+        (list (list (cons "value" channel-id)))))
+     ((string= data-source "users")
+      (let ((user-id (plist-get (slack--user-select team) :id)))
+        (list (list (cons "value" user-id)))))
+     ((string= data-source "static")
+      (slack-if-let*
+          ((option (slack-selectable-select-from-static-data-source this))
+           (selected-options (list (list (cons "value"
+                                               (oref option value))))))
+          selected-options
+        (error "Option is not selected")))
+     (t (error "%s's data-source: %s is not implemented"
+               (oref this name)
+               (oref this data-source))))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-run-payload ((this slack-attachment-select-action)
+                                                team
+                                                common-payload
+                                                service-id)
+  (with-slots (id name text type value style data-source min-query-length) this
+    (slack-if-let*
+        ((selected-options (slack-attachment-action-selected-options this
+                                                                     team
+                                                                     common-payload
+                                                                     service-id)))
+        (cons (cons "actions"
+                    (list (list (cons "id" id)
+                                (cons "name" name)
+                                (cons "text" text)
+                                (cons "type" type)
+                                (cons "style" style)
+                                (cons "data_source" data-source)
+                                (cons "min_query_length" min-query-length)
+                                (cons "selected_options" selected-options))))
+              common-payload)
+      (error "Option is not selected"))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-confirm ((this slack-attachment-action))
+  (with-slots (confirm) this
+    (if confirm
+        (with-slots (title text ok-text dismiss-text) confirm
+          (yes-or-no-p (format "%s%s"
+                               (if title
+                                   (format "%s\n" title)
+                                 "")
+                               text)))
+      t)))
+(defun slack-attachment-action-run ()
+  (interactive)
+  (slack-if-let* ((buffer slack-current-buffer)
+                  (room (oref buffer room))
+                  (team (oref buffer team))
+                  (type (get-text-property (point) 'type))
+                  (attachment-id (get-text-property (point) 'attachment-id))
+                  (ts (slack-get-ts))
+                  (message (slack-room-find-message room ts))
+                  (action (get-text-property (point) 'action)))
+      (when (slack-attachment-action-confirm action)
+        (slack-if-let* ((callback-id (get-text-property (point) 'callback-id))
+                        (common-payload (list
+                                         (cons "attachment_id" (number-to-string
+                                                                attachment-id))
+                                         (cons "callback_id" callback-id)
+                                         (cons "is_ephemeral" (oref message
+                                                                    is-ephemeral))
+                                         (cons "message_ts" ts)
+                                         (cons "channel_id" (oref room id))))
+                        (service-id (if (slack-bot-message-p message)
+                                        (slack-message-bot-id message)
+                                      "B01")))
+            (let ((url "https://slack.com/api/chat.attachmentAction")
+                  (params (list (cons "payload"
+                                      (json-encode-alist
+                                       (slack-attachment-action-run-payload
+                                        action
+                                        team
+                                        common-payload
+                                        service-id)))
+                                (cons "service_id" service-id)
+                                (cons "client_token"
+                                      (slack-team-client-token team)))))
+              (cl-labels
+                  ((log-error (err)
+                              (slack-log (format "Error: %s, URL: %s, PARAMS: %s"
+                                                 err
+                                                 url
+                                                 params)
+                                         team
+                                         :level 'error))
+                   (on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
+                               (slack-request-handle-error
+                                (data "slack-attachment-action-run" #'log-error))))
+                (slack-request
+                 (slack-request-create
+                  url
+                  team
+                  :type "POST"
+                  :params params
+                  :success #'on-success))))
+          (slack-if-let* ((url (oref action url)))
+              (browse-url url))))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-callback-id ((this slack-attachment))
+  (oref this callback-id))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-id ((this slack-attachment))
+  (oref this id))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-face ((this slack-attachment-action))
+  (with-slots (style) this
+    (or (and (string= "danger" style)
+             'slack-message-action-danger-face)
+        (and (string= "primary" style)
+             'slack-message-action-primary-face)
+        'slack-message-action-face)))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-display-text ((this slack-attachment-action))
+  (replace-regexp-in-string ":" " " (oref this text)))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-display-text ((this slack-attachment-select-action))
+  (let ((base (call-next-method)))
+    (with-slots (selected-options) this
+      (format "%s%s" base (if (and selected-options (car selected-options))
+                              (format " (%s)"
+                                      (slack-selectable-text (car selected-options)))
+                            "")))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-to-string ((action slack-attachment-select-action)
+                                              attachment team)
+  (with-slots (id name text type data-source style options option-groups) action
+    (let* ((callback-id (slack-attachment-callback-id attachment))
+           (attachment-id (slack-attachment-id attachment))
+           (face (slack-attachment-action-face action)))
+      (propertize (slack-attachment-action-display-text action)
+                  'type type
+                  'face face
+                  'attachment-id attachment-id
+                  'callback-id callback-id
+                  'action action
+                  'keymap slack-attachment-action-keymap))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-action-to-string ((action slack-attachment-action)
+                                              attachment team)
+  (with-slots (id name text type value style) action
+    (let* ((callback-id (slack-attachment-callback-id attachment))
+           (attachment-id (slack-attachment-id attachment))
+           (face (slack-attachment-action-face action)))
+      (propertize (slack-attachment-action-display-text action)
+                  'type type
+                  'face face
+                  'keymap slack-attachment-action-keymap
+                  'attachment-id attachment-id
+                  'callback-id callback-id
+                  'action action))))
+(defmethod slack-message-to-string ((attachment slack-attachment) team)
+  (with-slots
+      (fallback text ts color from-url footer fields pretext actions) attachment
+    (let* ((pad-raw (propertize "|" 'face 'slack-attachment-pad))
+           (pad (or (and color (propertize pad-raw 'face (list :foreground (concat "#" color))))
+                    pad-raw))
+           (header-raw (slack-attachment-header attachment))
+           (header (and (not (slack-string-blankp header-raw))
+                        (format "%s\t%s" pad
+                                (propertize header-raw
+                                            'face 'slack-attachment-header))))
+           (pretext (and pretext (format "%s\t%s" pad pretext)))
+           (body (and text (format "%s\t%s" pad (mapconcat #'identity
+                                                           (split-string text "\n")
+                                                           (format "\n\t%s\t" pad)))))
+           (fields (if fields (mapconcat #'(lambda (field)
+                                             (slack-attachment-field-to-string field
+                                                                               (format "\t%s" pad)))
+                                         fields
+                                         (format "\n\t%s\n" pad))))
+           (actions (if actions
+                        (format "%s\t%s"
+                                pad
+                                (mapconcat #'(lambda (action)
+                                               (slack-attachment-action-to-string
+                                                action
+                                                attachment
+                                                team))
+                                           actions
+                                           " "))))
+           (footer (if footer
+                       (format "%s\t%s"
+                               pad
+                               (propertize
+                                (format "%s%s" footer
+                                        (or (and ts (format "|%s" (slack-message-time-to-string ts)))
+                                            ""))
+                                'face 'slack-attachment-footer))))
+           (image (slack-image-string (slack-image-spec attachment)
+                                      (format "\t%s\t" pad))))
+      (slack-message-unescape-string
+       (slack-format-message
+        (or (and header (format "\t%s\n" header)) "")
+        (or (and pretext (format "\t%s\n" pretext)) "")
+        (or (and body (format "\t%s" body)) "")
+        (or (and fields fields) "")
+        (or (and actions (format "\t%s" actions)) "")
+        (or (and footer (format "\n\t%s" footer)) "")
+        (or (and image (< 0 (length image))
+                 (format "\n\t%s\t%s" pad image)) ""))
+       team))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-header ((attachment slack-attachment))
+  (with-slots (title title-link author-name author-subname) attachment
+    (concat (or (and title title-link (slack-linkfy title title-link))
+                title
+                "")
+            (or author-name author-subname ""))))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-field-to-string ((field slack-attachment-field) &optional pad)
+  (unless pad (setq pad ""))
+  (let ((title (propertize (or (oref field title) "") 'face 'slack-attachment-field-title))
+        (value (mapconcat #'(lambda (e) (format "\t%s" e))
+                          (split-string (or (oref field value) "") "\n")
+                          (format "\n%s\t" pad))))
+    (format "%s\t%s\n%s\t%s" pad title pad value)))
+(defmethod slack-attachment-to-alert ((a slack-attachment))
+  (with-slots (title fallback pretext) a
+    (if (and title (< 0 (length title)))
+        title
+      (if (and pretext (< 0 (length pretext)))
+          (format "%s\n%s" pretext fallback)
+        fallback))))
+(defmethod slack-selectable-prompt ((this slack-attachment-select-action))
+  (format "%s :" (oref this text)))
+(provide 'slack-attachment)
+;;; slack-attachment.el ends here