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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el
deleted file mode 100644
index dfdedc8ee086..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/js2-mode-20180724.801/js2-imenu-extras.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-;;; js2-imenu-extras.el --- Imenu support for additional constructs
-;; Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author:    Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru>
-;; Keywords:  languages, javascript, imenu
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This package adds Imenu support for additional framework constructs and
-;; structural patterns to `js2-mode'.
-;; Usage:
-;; (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'js2-imenu-extras-mode)
-;; To customize how it works:
-;;   M-x customize-group RET js2-imenu RET
-  (require 'cl))
-(require 'js2-mode)
-(defvar js2-imenu-extension-styles
-  `((:framework jquery
-     :call-re   "\\_<\\(?:jQuery\\|\\$\\|_\\)\\.extend\\s-*("
-     :recorder  js2-imenu-record-jquery-extend)
-    (:framework jquery-ui
-     :call-re   "^\\s-*\\(?:jQuery\\|\\$\\)\\.widget\\s-*("
-     :recorder  js2-imenu-record-string-declare)
-    (:framework dojo
-     :call-re   "^\\s-*dojo.declare\\s-*("
-     :recorder  js2-imenu-record-string-declare)
-    (:framework backbone
-     :call-re   ,(concat "\\_<" js2-mode-identifier-re "\\.extend\\s-*(")
-     :recorder  js2-imenu-record-backbone-extend)
-    (:framework enyo
-     :call-re   "\\_<enyo\\.kind\\s-*("
-     :recorder  js2-imenu-record-enyo-kind)
-    (:framework react
-     :call-re "\\_<React\\.createClass\\s-*("
-     :recorder js2-imenu-record-react-class)
-    (:framework sencha
-     :call-re "^\\s-*Ext\\.define\\s-*("
-     :recorder js2-imenu-record-sencha-class))
-  "List of JavaScript class definition or extension styles.
-:framework is a valid value in `js2-imenu-enabled-frameworks'.
-:call-re is a regular expression that has no capturing groups.
-:recorder is a function name that will be called when the regular
-expression matches some text in the buffer.  When it's called, point will be
-at the end of the match.  The function must keep the point position.")
-(defconst js2-imenu-available-frameworks
-  (mapcar (lambda (style) (plist-get style :framework)) js2-imenu-extension-styles)
-  "List of available JavaScript framework symbols.")
-(defcustom js2-imenu-enabled-frameworks js2-imenu-available-frameworks
-  "Frameworks to be recognized by `js2-mode'."
-  :type (cons 'set (mapcar (lambda (x) (list 'const x))
-                           js2-imenu-available-frameworks))
-  :group 'js2-imenu)
-(defcustom js2-imenu-show-other-functions t
-  "Non-nil to show functions not recognized by other mechanisms,
-in a shared namespace."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'js2-imenu)
-(defcustom js2-imenu-other-functions-ns "?"
-  "Namespace name to use for other functions."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'js2-imenu)
-(defcustom js2-imenu-show-module-pattern t
-  "Non-nil to recognize the module pattern:
-var foobs = (function(a) {
-  return {fib: function() {}, fub: function() {}};
-We record the returned hash as belonging to the named module, and
-prefix any functions defined inside the IIFE with the module name."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'js2-imenu)
-(defcustom js2-imenu-split-string-identifiers t
-  "When non-nil, split string identifiers on dots.
-Currently used for jQuery widgets, Dojo and Enyo declarations."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'js2-imenu)
-(defun js2-imenu-extras-setup ()
-  (when js2-imenu-enabled-frameworks
-    (add-hook 'js2-build-imenu-callbacks 'js2-imenu-record-declarations t t))
-  (when (or js2-imenu-show-other-functions js2-imenu-show-module-pattern)
-    (add-hook 'js2-build-imenu-callbacks 'js2-imenu-walk-ast t t)))
-(defun js2-imenu-extras-remove ()
-  (remove-hook 'js2-build-imenu-callbacks 'js2-imenu-record-declarations t)
-  (remove-hook 'js2-build-imenu-callbacks 'js2-imenu-walk-ast t))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-declarations ()
-  (let* ((styles (loop for style in js2-imenu-extension-styles
-                       when (memq (plist-get style :framework)
-                                  js2-imenu-enabled-frameworks)
-                       collect style))
-         (re (mapconcat (lambda (style)
-                          (concat "\\(" (plist-get style :call-re) "\\)"))
-                        styles "\\|")))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (js2-re-search-forward re nil t)
-      (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length styles))
-            when (match-beginning (1+ i))
-            return (funcall (plist-get (nth i styles) :recorder))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-jquery-extend ()
-  (let ((pred (lambda (subject)
-                (and
-                 (js2-prop-get-node-p subject)
-                 (string= (js2-name-node-name (js2-prop-get-node-right subject))
-                          "prototype")))))
-    (js2-imenu-record-extend-first-arg (1- (point)) pred
-                                       'js2-compute-nested-prop-get)))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-string-declare ()
-  (js2-imenu-record-extend-first-arg
-   (1- (point)) 'js2-string-node-p
-   (lambda (node)
-     (if js2-imenu-split-string-identifiers
-         (split-string (js2-string-node-value node) "\\." t)
-       (list (js2-string-node-value node))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-extend-first-arg (point pred qname-fn)
-  (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point point))
-         (args (js2-call-node-args node))
-         (subject (first args)))
-    (when (funcall pred subject)
-      (loop for arg in (cdr args)
-            when (js2-object-node-p arg)
-            do (js2-record-object-literal
-                arg (funcall qname-fn subject) (js2-node-abs-pos arg))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-backbone-or-react ()
-  (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point (1- (point))))
-         (args (js2-call-node-args node))
-         (methods (first args))
-         (parent (js2-node-parent node)))
-    (when (js2-object-node-p methods)
-      (let ((subject (cond ((js2-var-init-node-p parent)
-                            (js2-var-init-node-target parent))
-                           ((js2-assign-node-p parent)
-                            (js2-assign-node-left parent)))))
-        (when subject
-          (js2-record-object-literal methods
-                                     (js2-compute-nested-prop-get subject)
-                                     (js2-node-abs-pos methods)))))))
-(defalias 'js2-imenu-record-backbone-extend 'js2-imenu-record-backbone-or-react)
-(defalias 'js2-imenu-record-react-class 'js2-imenu-record-backbone-or-react)
-(defun js2-imenu-record-enyo-kind ()
-  (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point (1- (point))))
-         (args (js2-call-node-args node))
-         (options (first args)))
-    (when (js2-object-node-p options)
-      (let ((name-value
-             (loop for elem in (js2-object-node-elems options)
-                   thereis
-                   (let ((key (js2-object-prop-node-left elem))
-                         (value (js2-object-prop-node-right elem)))
-                     (when (and (equal
-                                 (cond ((js2-name-node-p key)
-                                        (js2-name-node-name key))
-                                       ((js2-string-node-p key)
-                                        (js2-string-node-value key)))
-                                 "name")
-                                (js2-string-node-p value))
-                       (js2-string-node-value value))))))
-        (when name-value
-          (js2-record-object-literal options
-                                     (if js2-imenu-split-string-identifiers
-                                         (split-string name-value "\\.")
-                                       (list name-value))
-                                     (js2-node-abs-pos options)))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-sencha-class ()
-  (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point (1- (point))))
-         (args (js2-call-node-args node))
-         (name (first args))
-         (methods (second args)))
-    (when (and (js2-string-node-p name) (js2-object-node-p methods))
-      (let ((name-value (js2-string-node-value name)))
-        (js2-record-object-literal methods
-                                   (if js2-imenu-split-string-identifiers
-                                       (split-string name-value "\\." t)
-                                     (list name-value))
-                                   (js2-node-abs-pos methods))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-walk-ast ()
-  (js2-visit-ast
-   js2-mode-ast
-   (lambda (node end-p)
-     (unless end-p
-       (cond
-        ((and js2-imenu-show-other-functions
-              (js2-object-prop-node-p node))
-         (js2-imenu-record-orphan-prop-node-function node))
-        ((js2-assign-node-p node)
-         (cond
-          ((and js2-imenu-show-other-functions
-                (js2-function-node-p
-                 (js2-assign-node-right node)))
-           (js2-imenu-record-orphan-assign-node-function
-            (js2-assign-node-left node)
-            (js2-assign-node-right node)))
-          ((and js2-imenu-show-module-pattern
-                (js2-call-node-p
-                 (js2-assign-node-right node)))
-           (js2-imenu-record-module-pattern
-            (js2-assign-node-left node)
-            (js2-assign-node-right node)))))
-        ((js2-var-init-node-p node)
-         (cond
-          ((and js2-imenu-show-other-functions
-                (js2-function-node-p
-                 (js2-var-init-node-initializer node)))
-           (js2-imenu-record-orphan-assign-node-function
-            (js2-var-init-node-target node)
-            (js2-var-init-node-initializer node)))
-          ((and js2-imenu-show-module-pattern
-                (js2-call-node-p
-                 (js2-var-init-node-initializer node)))
-           (js2-imenu-record-module-pattern
-            (js2-var-init-node-target node)
-            (js2-var-init-node-initializer node))))))
-       t))))
-(defun js2-imenu-parent-key-names (node)
-  "Get the list of parent key names of NODE.
-For example, for code
-  {rules: {password: {required: function() {}}}}
-when NODE is the inner `js2-object-prop-mode',
-it returns `(\"rules\" \"password\")'."
-  (let (rlt (n node))
-    (while (setq n (js2-imenu-parent-prop-node n))
-      (push (js2-prop-node-name (js2-object-prop-node-left n)) rlt))
-    rlt))
-(defun js2-imenu-parent-prop-node (node)
-  "When the parent of NODE is `js2-object-node',
-and the grandparent is `js2-object-prop-node',
-return the grandparent."
-  ;; Suppose the code is:
-  ;; {parent-key: {required: function() {}}}
-  ;; NODE is `required: function() {}'.
-  (let (p2 p3)
-    ;; Parent is `{required: function() {}}'.
-    (setq p2 (js2-node-parent node))
-    ;; GP is `parent-key: {required: function() {}}'.
-    (when (and p2 (js2-object-node-p p2))
-      (setq p3 (js2-node-parent p2))
-      (if (and p3 (js2-object-prop-node-p p3)) p3))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-orphan-prop-node-function (node)
-  "Record orphan function when it's the value of NODE.
-NODE must be `js2-object-prop-node'."
-  (when (js2-function-node-p (js2-object-prop-node-right node))
-    (let ((fn-node (js2-object-prop-node-right node)))
-      (unless (and js2-imenu-function-map
-                   (gethash fn-node js2-imenu-function-map))
-        (let ((key-node (js2-object-prop-node-left node))
-              (parent-prop-node (js2-imenu-parent-prop-node node))
-              chain)
-          (setq chain (nconc (js2-imenu-parent-key-names node)
-                             (list (js2-prop-node-name key-node))))
-          (push js2-imenu-other-functions-ns chain)
-          (js2-record-imenu-entry fn-node chain
-                                  (js2-node-abs-pos key-node)))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-orphan-assign-node-function (target-node fn-node)
-  "Record orphan function FN-NODE assigned to node TARGET."
-  (when (or (not js2-imenu-function-map)
-            (eq 'skip
-                (gethash fn-node js2-imenu-function-map 'skip)))
-    (let ((chain (js2-compute-nested-prop-get target-node)))
-      (when chain
-        (push js2-imenu-other-functions-ns chain)
-        (js2-record-imenu-entry fn-node chain (js2-node-abs-pos fn-node))))))
-(defun js2-imenu-record-module-pattern (target init)
-  "Recognize and record module pattern use instance.
-INIT must be `js2-call-node'."
-  (let ((callt (js2-call-node-target init)))
-    ;; Just basic call form: (function() {...})();
-    ;; TODO: Handle variations without duplicating `js2-wrapper-function-p'?
-    (when (and (js2-paren-node-p callt)
-               (js2-function-node-p (js2-paren-node-expr callt)))
-      (let* ((fn (js2-paren-node-expr callt))
-             (blk (js2-function-node-body fn))
-             (ret (car (last (js2-block-node-kids blk)))))
-        (when (and (js2-return-node-p ret)
-                   (js2-object-node-p (js2-return-node-retval ret)))
-          ;; TODO: Map function names when revealing module pattern is used.
-          (let ((retval (js2-return-node-retval ret))
-                (target-qname (js2-compute-nested-prop-get target)))
-            (js2-record-object-literal retval target-qname
-                                       (js2-node-abs-pos retval))
-            (js2-record-imenu-entry fn target-qname
-                                    (js2-node-abs-pos target))))))))
-(define-minor-mode js2-imenu-extras-mode
-  "Toggle Imenu support for frameworks and structural patterns."
-  :lighter ""
-  (if js2-imenu-extras-mode
-      (js2-imenu-extras-setup)
-    (js2-imenu-extras-remove)))
-(provide 'js2-imenu-extras)