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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el
diff options
authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el
deleted file mode 100644
index de792b58e470..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-unicode-input-method.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-;;; haskell-unicode-input-method.el --- Haskell Unicode helper functions  -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011  Roel van Dijk
-;; Author: Roel van Dijk <vandijk.roel@gmail.com>
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'quail)
-(defun turn-on-haskell-unicode-input-method ()
-  "Set input method `haskell-unicode'."
-  (interactive)
-  (set-input-method "haskell-unicode"))
- "haskell-unicode" ;; name
- "UTF-8"           ;; language
- "\\"              ;; title
- t                 ;; guidance
- "Haskell Unicode input method.
-Designed to be used with the Haskell UnicodeSyntax language
-extension in combination with the x-unicode-symbols set of
-packages (base-unicode-symbols and containers-unicode-symbols).
-"                  ;; docstring
- nil              ;; translation-keys
- nil              ;; forget-last-selection
- nil              ;; deterministic
- nil              ;; kbd-translate
- nil              ;; show-layout
- nil              ;; create-decode-map
- nil              ;; maximum-shortest
- nil              ;; overlay-plist
- nil              ;; update-translation-function
- nil              ;; conversion-keys
- t                ;; simple
- )
- ;; Greek letters
- ("alpha "           ["α"])
- ("Alpha "           ["Α"])
- ("beta "            ["β"])
- ("Beta "            ["Β"])
- ("gamma "           ["γ"])
- ("Gamma "           ["Γ"])
- ("delta "           ["δ"])
- ("Delta "           ["Δ"])
- ("epsilon "         ["ε"])
- ("Epsilon "         ["Ε"])
- ("zeta "            ["ζ"])
- ("Zeta "            ["Ζ"])
- ("eta "             ["η"])
- ("Eta "             ["Η"])
- ("theta "           ["θ"])
- ("Theta "           ["Θ"])
- ("iota "            ["ι"])
- ("Iota "            ["Ι"])
- ("kappa "           ["κ"])
- ("Kappa "           ["Κ"])
- ("lambda "          ["λ"])
- ("Lambda "          ["Λ"])
- ("lamda "           ["λ"])
- ("Lamda "           ["Λ"])
- ("mu "              ["μ"])
- ("Mu "              ["Μ"])
- ("nu "              ["ν"])
- ("Nu "              ["Ν"])
- ("xi "              ["ξ"])
- ("Xi "              ["Ξ"])
- ("omicron "         ["ο"])
- ("Omicron "         ["Ο"])
- ("pi "              ["π"])
- ("Pi "              ["Π"])
- ("rho "             ["ρ"])
- ("Rho "             ["Ρ"])
- ("sigma "           ["σ"])
- ("Sigma "           ["Σ"])
- ("tau "             ["τ"])
- ("Tau "             ["Τ"])
- ("upsilon "         ["υ"])
- ("Upsilon "         ["Υ"])
- ("phi "             ["φ"])
- ("Phi "             ["Φ"])
- ("chi "             ["χ"])
- ("Chi "             ["Χ"])
- ("psi "             ["ψ"])
- ("Psi "             ["Ψ"])
- ("omega "           ["ω"])
- ("Omega "           ["Ω"])
- ("digamma "         ["ϝ"])
- ("Digamma "         ["Ϝ"])
- ("san "             ["ϻ"])
- ("San "             ["Ϻ"])
- ("qoppa "           ["ϙ"])
- ("Qoppa "           ["Ϙ"])
- ("sampi "           ["ϡ"])
- ("Sampi "           ["Ϡ"])
- ("stigma "          ["ϛ"])
- ("Stigma "          ["Ϛ"])
- ("heta "            ["ͱ"])
- ("Heta "            ["Ͱ"])
- ("sho "             ["ϸ"])
- ("Sho "             ["Ϸ"])
- ;; Double-struck letters
- ("|A|"              ["𝔸"])
- ("|B|"              ["𝔹"])
- ("|C|"              ["ℂ"])
- ("|D|"              ["𝔻"])
- ("|E|"              ["𝔼"])
- ("|F|"              ["𝔽"])
- ("|G|"              ["𝔾"])
- ("|H|"              ["ℍ"])
- ("|I|"              ["𝕀"])
- ("|J|"              ["𝕁"])
- ("|K|"              ["𝕂"])
- ("|L|"              ["𝕃"])
- ("|M|"              ["𝕄"])
- ("|N|"              ["ℕ"])
- ("|O|"              ["𝕆"])
- ("|P|"              ["ℙ"])
- ("|Q|"              ["ℚ"])
- ("|R|"              ["ℝ"])
- ("|S|"              ["𝕊"])
- ("|T|"              ["𝕋"])
- ("|U|"              ["𝕌"])
- ("|V|"              ["𝕍"])
- ("|W|"              ["𝕎"])
- ("|X|"              ["𝕏"])
- ("|Y|"              ["𝕐"])
- ("|Z|"              ["ℤ"])
- ("|gamma|"          ["ℽ"])
- ("|Gamma|"          ["ℾ"])
- ("|pi|"             ["ℼ"])
- ("|Pi|"             ["ℿ"])
- ;; Types
- ("::"               ["∷"])
- ;; Quantifiers
- ("forall"           ["∀"])
- ("exists"           ["∃"])
- ;; Arrows
- ("->"               ["→"])
- ;; ("-->"              ["⟶"])
- ("<-"               ["←"])
- ;; ("<--"              ["⟵"])
- ;; ("<->"              ["↔"])
- ;; ("<-->"             ["⟷"])
- ("=>"               ["⇒"])
- ;; ("==>"              ["⟹"])
- ;; ("<="               ["⇐"])
- ;; ("<=="              ["⟸"])
- ;; ("<=>"              ["⇔"])
- ;; ("<==>"             ["⟺"])
- ;; ("|->"              ["↦"])
- ;; ("|-->"             ["⟼"])
- ;; ("<-|"              ["↤"])
- ;; ("<--|"             ["⟻"])
- ;; ("|=>"              ["⤇"])
- ;; ("|==>"             ["⟾"])
- ;; ("<=|"              ["⤆"])
- ;; ("<==|"             ["⟽"])
- ("~>"               ["⇝"])
- ;; ("~~>"              ["⟿"])
- ("<~"               ["⇜"])
- ;; ("<~~"              ["⬳"])
- ;; (">->"              ["↣"])
- ;; ("<-<"              ["↢"])
- ;; ("->>"              ["↠"])
- ;; ("<<-"              ["↞"])
- ;; (">->>"             ["⤖"])
- ;; ("<<-<"             ["⬻"])
- ;; ("<|-"              ["⇽"])
- ;; ("-|>"              ["⇾"])
- ;; ("<|-|>"            ["⇿"])
- ;; ("<-/-"             ["↚"])
- ;; ("-/->"             ["↛"])
- ;; ("<-|-"             ["⇷"])
- ;; ("-|->"             ["⇸"])
- ;; ("<-|->"            ["⇹"])
- ;; ("<-||-"            ["⇺"])
- ;; ("-||->"            ["⇻"])
- ;; ("<-||->"           ["⇼"])
- ;; ("-o->"             ["⇴"])
- ;; ("<-o-"             ["⬰"])
- ;; Boolean operators
- ;; ("not"              ["¬"])
- ("&&"               ["∧"])
- ("||"               ["∨"])
- ;; Relational operators
- ("=="               ["≡"])
- ("/="               ["≢" "≠"])
- ("<="               ["≤"])
- (">="               ["≥"])
- ("/<"               ["≮"])
- ("/>"               ["≯"])
- ;; Arithmetic
- ;; (" / "              [" ÷ "])
- (" * "              [" ⋅ "])
- ;; Containers / Collections
- ;; ("++"               ["⧺"])
- ;; ("+++"              ["⧻"])
- ;; ("|||"              ["⫴"])
- ;; ("empty"            ["∅"])
- ("elem"             ["∈"])
- ("notElem"          ["∉"])
- ("member"           ["∈"])
- ("notMember"        ["∉"])
- ("union"            ["∪"])
- ("intersection"     ["∩"])
- ("isSubsetOf"       ["⊆"])
- ("isProperSubsetOf" ["⊂"])
- ;; Other
- ;; ("<<"               ["≪"])
- ;; (">>"               ["≫"])
- ("<<<"              ["⋘"])
- (">>>"              ["⋙"])
- ("<|"               ["⊲"])
- ("|>"               ["⊳"])
- ("><"               ["⋈"])
- ;; ("mempty"           ["∅"])
- ("mappend"          ["⊕"])
- ;; ("<*>"              ["⊛"])
- (" . "              [" ∘ "])
- ("undefined"        ["⊥"])
- (":="               ["≔"])
- ("=:"               ["≕"])
- ("=def"             ["≝"])
- ("=?"               ["≟"])
- ("..."              ["…"])
- ;; Braces
- ;; ("[|"               ["〚"])
- ;; ("|]"               ["〛"])
- ;; Numeric subscripts
- ("_0 "              ["₀"])
- ("_1 "              ["₁"])
- ("_2 "              ["₂"])
- ("_3 "              ["₃"])
- ("_4 "              ["₄"])
- ("_5 "              ["₅"])
- ("_6 "              ["₆"])
- ("_7 "              ["₇"])
- ("_8 "              ["₈"])
- ("_9 "              ["₉"])
- ;; Numeric superscripts
- ("^0 "              ["⁰"])
- ("^1 "              ["¹"])
- ("^2 "              ["²"])
- ("^3 "              ["³"])
- ("^4 "              ["⁴"])
- ("^5 "              ["⁵"])
- ("^6 "              ["⁶"])
- ("^7 "              ["⁷"])
- ("^8 "              ["⁸"])
- ("^9 "              ["⁹"])
- )
-(provide 'haskell-unicode-input-method)
-;;; haskell-unicode-input-method.el ends here