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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c2bc0fe0cb..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20180907.1319/flycheck-ert.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-;;; flycheck-ert.el --- Flycheck: ERT extensions  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Flycheck contributors
-;; Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Sebastian Wiesner and Flycheck contributors
-;; Author: Sebastian Wiesner <swiesner@lunaryorn.com>
-;; Maintainer: Clément Pit-Claudel <clement.pitclaudel@live.com>
-;;             fmdkdd <fmdkdd@gmail.com>
-;; URL: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Unit testing library for Flycheck, the modern on-the-fly syntax checking
-;; extension for GNU Emacs.
-;; Provide various utility functions and unit test helpers to test Flycheck and
-;; Flycheck extensions.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'flycheck)
-(require 'ert)
-(require 'macroexp)                     ; For macro utilities
-;;; Compatibility
-  ;; Provide `ert-skip' and friends for Emacs 24.3
-  (defconst flycheck-ert-ert-can-skip (fboundp 'ert-skip)
-    "Whether ERT supports test skipping.")
-  (unless (fboundp 'define-error)
-    ;; from Emacs `subr.el'
-    (defun define-error (name message &optional parent)
-      "Define NAME as a new error signal.
-MESSAGE is a string that will be output to the echo area if such an error
-is signaled without being caught by a `condition-case'.
-PARENT is either a signal or a list of signals from which it inherits.
-Defaults to `error'."
-      (unless parent (setq parent 'error))
-      (let ((conditions
-             (if (consp parent)
-                 (apply #'append
-                        (mapcar
-                         (lambda (parent)
-                           (cons parent
-                                 (or (get parent 'error-conditions)
-                                     (error "Unknown signal `%s'" parent))))
-                         parent))
-               (cons parent (get parent 'error-conditions)))))
-        (put name 'error-conditions
-             (delete-dups (copy-sequence (cons name conditions))))
-        (when message (put name 'error-message message)))))
-  (unless flycheck-ert-ert-can-skip
-    ;; Fake skipping
-    (define-error 'flycheck-ert-skipped "Test skipped")
-    (defun ert-skip (data)
-      (signal 'flycheck-ert-skipped data))
-    (defmacro skip-unless (form)
-      `(unless (ignore-errors ,form)
-         (signal 'flycheck-ert-skipped ',form)))
-    (defun ert-test-skipped-p (result)
-      (and (ert-test-failed-p result)
-           (eq (car (ert-test-failed-condition result))
-               'flycheck-ert-skipped)))))
-;;; Internal variables
-(defvar flycheck-ert--resource-directory nil
-  "The directory to get resources from in this test suite.")
-;;; Resource management macros
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-temp-buffer (&rest body)
-  "Eval BODY within a temporary buffer.
-Like `with-temp-buffer', but resets the modification state of the
-temporary buffer to make sure that it is properly killed even if
-it has a backing file and is modified."
-  (declare (indent 0))
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (unwind-protect
-         ,(macroexp-progn body)
-       ;; Reset modification state of the buffer, and unlink it from its backing
-       ;; file, if any, because Emacs refuses to kill modified buffers with
-       ;; backing files, even if they are temporary.
-       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-       (set-visited-file-name nil 'no-query))))
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-file-buffer (file-name &rest body)
-  "Create a buffer from FILE-NAME and eval BODY.
-BODY is evaluated with `current-buffer' being a buffer with the
-contents FILE-NAME."
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  `(let ((file-name ,file-name))
-     (unless (file-exists-p file-name)
-       (error "%s does not exist" file-name))
-     (flycheck-ert-with-temp-buffer
-       (insert-file-contents file-name 'visit)
-       (set-visited-file-name file-name 'no-query)
-       (cd (file-name-directory file-name))
-       ;; Mark the buffer as not modified, because we just loaded the file up to
-       ;; now.
-       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
-       ,@body)))
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-help-buffer (&rest body)
-  "Execute BODY and kill the help buffer afterwards.
-Use this macro to test functions that create a Help buffer."
-  (declare (indent 0))
-  `(unwind-protect
-       ,(macroexp-progn body)
-     (when (buffer-live-p (get-buffer (help-buffer)))
-       (kill-buffer (help-buffer)))))
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-global-mode (&rest body)
-  "Execute BODY with Global Flycheck Mode enabled.
-After BODY, restore the old state of Global Flycheck Mode."
-  (declare (indent 0))
-  `(let ((old-state global-flycheck-mode))
-     (unwind-protect
-         (progn
-           (global-flycheck-mode 1)
-           ,@body)
-       (global-flycheck-mode (if old-state 1 -1)))))
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-env (env &rest body)
-  "Add ENV to `process-environment' in BODY.
-Execute BODY with a `process-environment' which contains all
-variables from ENV added.
-ENV is an alist, where each cons cell `(VAR . VALUE)' is a
-environment variable VAR to be added to `process-environment'
-with VALUE."
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  `(let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
-     (pcase-dolist (`(,var . ,value) ,env)
-       (setenv var value))
-     ,@body))
-;;; Test resources
-(defun flycheck-ert-resource-filename (resource-file)
-  "Determine the absolute file name of a RESOURCE-FILE.
-Relative file names are expanded against
-  (expand-file-name resource-file flycheck-ert--resource-directory))
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-with-resource-buffer (resource-file &rest body)
-  "Create a temp buffer from a RESOURCE-FILE and execute BODY.
-The absolute file name of RESOURCE-FILE is determined with
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  `(flycheck-ert-with-file-buffer
-       (flycheck-ert-resource-filename ,resource-file)
-     ,@body))
-;;; Test suite initialization
-(defun flycheck-ert-initialize (resource-dir)
-  "Initialize a test suite with RESOURCE-DIR.
-RESOURCE-DIR is the directory, `flycheck-ert-resource-filename'
-should use to lookup resource files."
-  (when flycheck-ert--resource-directory
-    (error "Test suite already initialized"))
-  (let ((tests (ert-select-tests t t)))
-    ;; Select all tests
-    (unless tests
-      (error "No tests defined.  \
-Call `flycheck-ert-initialize' after defining all tests!"))
-    (setq flycheck-ert--resource-directory resource-dir)
-    ;; Emacs 24.3 don't support skipped tests, so we add poor man's test
-    ;; skipping: We mark skipped tests as expected failures by adjusting the
-    ;; expected result of all test cases. Not particularly pretty, but works :)
-    (unless flycheck-ert-ert-can-skip
-      (dolist (test tests)
-        (let ((result (ert-test-expected-result-type test)))
-          (setf (ert-test-expected-result-type test)
-                `(or ,result (satisfies ert-test-skipped-p))))))))
-;;; Test case definitions
-(defmacro flycheck-ert-def-checker-test (checker language name
-                                                 &rest keys-and-body)
-  "Define a test case for a syntax CHECKER for LANGUAGE.
-CHECKER is a symbol or a list of symbols denoting syntax checkers
-being tested by the test.  The test case is skipped, if any of
-these checkers cannot be used.  LANGUAGE is a symbol or a list of
-symbols denoting the programming languages supported by the
-syntax checkers.  This is currently only used for tagging the
-test appropriately.
-NAME is a symbol denoting the local name of the test.  The test
-itself is ultimately named
-`flycheck-define-checker/CHECKER/NAME'.  If CHECKER is a list,
-the first checker in the list is used for naming the test.
-Optionally, the keyword arguments `:tags' and `:expected-result'
-may be given.  They have the same meaning as in `ert-deftest.',
-and are added to the tags and result expectations set up by this
-The remaining forms KEYS-AND-BODY denote the body of the test
-case, including assertions and setup code."
-  (declare (indent 3))
-  (unless checker
-    (error "No syntax checkers specified"))
-  (unless language
-    (error "No languages specified"))
-  (let* ((checkers (if (symbolp checker) (list checker) checker))
-         (checker (car checkers))
-         (languages (if (symbolp language) (list language) language))
-         (language-tags (mapcar (lambda (l) (intern (format "language-%s" l)))
-                                languages))
-         (checker-tags (mapcar (lambda (c) (intern (format "checker-%s" c)))
-                               checkers))
-         (local-name (or name 'default))
-         (full-name (intern (format "flycheck-define-checker/%s/%s"
-                                    checker local-name)))
-         (keys-and-body (ert--parse-keys-and-body keys-and-body))
-         (body (cadr keys-and-body))
-         (keys (car keys-and-body))
-         (default-tags '(syntax-checker external-tool)))
-    `(ert-deftest ,full-name ()
-       :expected-result ,(or (plist-get keys :expected-result) :passed)
-       :tags (append ',(append default-tags language-tags checker-tags)
-                     ,(plist-get keys :tags))
-       ,@(mapcar (lambda (c)
-                   `(skip-unless
-                     ;; Ignore non-command checkers
-                     (or (not (flycheck-checker-get ',c 'command))
-                         (executable-find (flycheck-checker-executable ',c)))))
-                 checkers)
-       ,@body)))
-;;; Test case results
-(defun flycheck-ert-syntax-check-timed-out-p (result)
-  "Whether RESULT denotes a timed-out test.
-RESULT is an ERT test result object."
-  (and (ert-test-failed-p result)
-       (eq (car (ert-test-failed-condition result))
-           'flycheck-ert-syntax-check-timed-out)))
-;;; Syntax checking in tests
-(defvar-local flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished nil
-  "Non-nil if the current checker has finished.")
-(add-hook 'flycheck-after-syntax-check-hook
-          (lambda () (setq flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished t)))
-(defconst flycheck-ert-checker-wait-time 10
-  "Time to wait until a checker is finished in seconds.
-After this time has elapsed, the checker is considered to have
-failed, and the test aborted with failure.")
-(define-error 'flycheck-ert-syntax-check-timed-out "Syntax check timed out.")
-(defun flycheck-ert-wait-for-syntax-checker ()
-  "Wait until the syntax check in the current buffer is finished."
-  (let ((starttime (float-time)))
-    (while (and (not flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished)
-                (< (- (float-time) starttime) flycheck-ert-checker-wait-time))
-      (sleep-for 1))
-    (unless (< (- (float-time) starttime) flycheck-ert-checker-wait-time)
-      (flycheck-stop)
-      (signal 'flycheck-ert-syntax-check-timed-out nil)))
-  (setq flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished nil))
-(defun flycheck-ert-buffer-sync ()
-  "Like `flycheck-buffer', but synchronously."
-  (setq flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished nil)
-  (should (not (flycheck-running-p)))
-  (flycheck-mode)                       ; This will only start a deferred check,
-  (flycheck-buffer)                     ; so we need an explicit manual check
-  ;; After starting the check, the checker should either be running now, or
-  ;; already be finished (if it was fast).
-  (should (or flycheck-current-syntax-check
-              flycheck-ert-syntax-checker-finished))
-  ;; Also there should be no deferred check pending anymore
-  (should-not (flycheck-deferred-check-p))
-  (flycheck-ert-wait-for-syntax-checker))
-(defun flycheck-ert-ensure-clear ()
-  "Clear the current buffer.
-Raise an assertion error if the buffer is not clear afterwards."
-  (flycheck-clear)
-  (should (not flycheck-current-errors))
-  (should (not (-any? (lambda (ov) (overlay-get ov 'flycheck-overlay))
-                      (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
-;;; Test assertions
-(defun flycheck-error-without-group (err)
-  "Return a copy ERR with the `group' property set to nil."
-  (let ((copy (copy-flycheck-error err)))
-    (setf (flycheck-error-group copy) nil)
-    copy))
-(defun flycheck-ert-should-overlay (error)
-  "Test that ERROR has a proper overlay in the current buffer.
-ERROR is a Flycheck error object."
-  (let* ((overlay (-first (lambda (ov)
-                            (equal (flycheck-error-without-group
-                                    (overlay-get ov 'flycheck-error))
-                                   (flycheck-error-without-group error)))
-                          (flycheck-overlays-in 0 (+ 1 (buffer-size)))))
-         (region
-          ;; Overlays of errors from other files are on the first line
-          (if (flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-p error)
-              (cons (point-min)
-                    (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (point-at-eol)))
-            (flycheck-error-region-for-mode error 'symbols)))
-         (level (flycheck-error-level error))
-         (category (flycheck-error-level-overlay-category level))
-         (face (get category 'face))
-         (fringe-bitmap (flycheck-error-level-fringe-bitmap level))
-         (fringe-face (flycheck-error-level-fringe-face level))
-         (fringe-icon (list 'left-fringe fringe-bitmap fringe-face)))
-    (should overlay)
-    (should (overlay-get overlay 'flycheck-overlay))
-    (should (= (overlay-start overlay) (car region)))
-    (should (= (overlay-end overlay) (cdr region)))
-    (should (eq (overlay-get overlay 'face) face))
-    (should (equal (get-char-property 0 'display
-                                      (overlay-get overlay 'before-string))
-                   fringe-icon))
-    (should (eq (overlay-get overlay 'category) category))
-    (should (equal (flycheck-error-without-group (overlay-get overlay
-                                                              'flycheck-error))
-                   (flycheck-error-without-group error)))))
-(defun flycheck-ert-should-errors (&rest errors)
-  "Test that the current buffers has ERRORS.
-ERRORS is a list of errors expected to be present in the current
-buffer.  Each error is given as a list of arguments to
-If ERRORS are omitted, test that there are no errors at all in
-the current buffer.
-With ERRORS, test that each error in ERRORS is present in the
-current buffer, and that the number of errors in the current
-buffer is equal to the number of given ERRORS.  In other words,
-check that the buffer has all ERRORS, and no other errors."
-  (let ((expected (mapcar (apply-partially #'apply #'flycheck-error-new-at)
-                          errors)))
-    (should (equal (mapcar #'flycheck-error-without-group expected)
-                   (mapcar #'flycheck-error-without-group
-                           flycheck-current-errors)))
-    ;; Check that related errors are the same
-    (cl-mapcar (lambda (err1 err2)
-                 (should (equal (mapcar #'flycheck-error-without-group
-                                        (flycheck-related-errors err1 expected))
-                                (mapcar #'flycheck-error-without-group
-                                        (flycheck-related-errors err2)))))
-               expected flycheck-current-errors)
-    (mapc #'flycheck-ert-should-overlay expected))
-  (should (= (length errors)
-             (length (flycheck-overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))))
-(define-error 'flycheck-ert-suspicious-checker "Suspicious state from checker")
-(defun flycheck-ert-should-syntax-check (resource-file modes &rest errors)
-  "Test a syntax check in RESOURCE-FILE with MODES.
-RESOURCE-FILE is the file to check.  MODES is a single major mode
-symbol or a list thereof, specifying the major modes to syntax
-check with.  If more than one major mode is specified, the test
-is run for each mode separately, so if you give three major
-modes, the entire test will run three times.  ERRORS is the list
-of expected errors, as in `flycheck-ert-should-errors'.  If
-omitted, the syntax check must not emit any errors.  The errors
-are cleared after each test.
-The syntax checker is selected via standard syntax checker
-selection.  To test a specific checker, you need to set
-`flycheck-checker' or `flycheck-disabled-checkers' accordingly
-before using this predicate, depending on whether you want to use
-manual or automatic checker selection.
-During the syntax check, configuration files of syntax checkers
-are also searched in the `config-files' sub-directory of the
-resource directory."
-  (when (symbolp modes)
-    (setq modes (list modes)))
-  (dolist (mode modes)
-    (unless (fboundp mode)
-      (ert-skip (format "%S missing" mode)))
-    (flycheck-ert-with-resource-buffer resource-file
-      (funcall mode)
-      ;; Load safe file-local variables because some tests depend on them
-      (let ((enable-local-variables :safe)
-            ;; Disable all hooks at this place, to prevent 3rd party packages
-            ;; from interfering
-            (hack-local-variables-hook))
-        (hack-local-variables))
-      ;; Configure config file locating for unit tests
-      (let ((process-hook-called 0))
-        (add-hook 'flycheck-process-error-functions
-                  (lambda (_err)
-                    (setq process-hook-called (1+ process-hook-called))
-                    nil)
-                  nil :local)
-        (add-hook 'flycheck-status-changed-functions
-                  (lambda (status)
-                    (when (eq status 'suspicious)
-                      (signal 'flycheck-ert-suspicious-checker nil))))
-        (flycheck-ert-buffer-sync)
-        (apply #'flycheck-ert-should-errors errors)
-        (should (= process-hook-called (length errors))))
-      (flycheck-ert-ensure-clear))))
-(defun flycheck-ert-at-nth-error (n)
-  "Determine whether point is at the N'th Flycheck error.
-Return non-nil if the point is at the N'th Flycheck error in the
-current buffer.  Otherwise return nil."
-  (let* ((error (nth (1- n) flycheck-current-errors))
-         (mode flycheck-highlighting-mode)
-         (region (flycheck-error-region-for-mode error mode)))
-    (and (member error (flycheck-overlay-errors-at (point)))
-         (= (point) (car region)))))
-(defun flycheck-ert-explain--at-nth-error (n)
-  "Explain a failed at-nth-error predicate at N."
-  (let ((errors (flycheck-overlay-errors-at (point))))
-    (if (null errors)
-        (format "Expected to be at error %s, but no error at point %s"
-                n (point))
-      (let ((pos (cl-position (car errors) flycheck-current-errors)))
-        (format "Expected to be at error %s, but point %s is at error %s"
-                n (point) (1+ pos))))))
-(put 'flycheck-ert-at-nth-error 'ert-explainer
-     'flycheck-ert-explain--at-nth-error)
-(provide 'flycheck-ert)
-;;; flycheck-ert.el ends here