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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el
diff options
authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·33-0500
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2019-01-13T19·45-0500
commit481df5a3855ccd5ea3bf4d5f41ae780f4773b7b4 (patch)
tree3aeb7e20eaba176536cb8d10ba531ac39674fc4a /configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el
parent18b9930b8604134f087ca61fe94740b31f94327c (diff)
Remove Emacs spam
My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the
moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is
this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored

This commit removes those files which includes:

- auto-save-list
- elpa packages
- quelpa packages
- misc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index c396d3032b11..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/elixir-mode-20180711.1245/elixir-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-;;; elixir-mode.el --- Major mode for editing Elixir files
-;; Copyright 2011-2015 secondplanet
-;;           2013-2015 Samuel Tonini, Matt DeBoard, Andreas Fuchs
-;; Authors: Humza Yaqoob,
-;;          Andreas Fuchs <asf@boinkor.net>,
-;;          Matt DeBoard
-;;          Samuel Tonini <tonini.samuel@gmail.com>
-;; URL: https://github.com/elixir-lang/emacs-elixir
-;; Created: Mon Nov 7 2011
-;; Keywords: languages elixir
-;; Version: 2.3.1
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (pkg-info "0.4"))
-;; This file is not a part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;  Provides font-locking, indentation and navigation support
-;;  for the Elixir programming language.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'easymenu)           ; Elixir Mode menu definition
-(require 'elixir-smie)        ; Syntax and indentation support
-(require 'pkg-info)           ; Display Elixir Mode package version
-(require 'elixir-format)      ; Elixir Format functions
-(defgroup elixir nil
-  "Major mode for editing Elixir code."
-  :prefix "elixir-"
-  :group 'languages
-  :link '(url-link :tag "Github" "https://github.com/elixir-lang/emacs-elixir")
-  :link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "elixir-mode"))
-(defvar elixir-mode-website-url "http://elixir-lang.org"
-  "Official url of Elixir programming website.")
-(defvar elixir-mode-doc-url "https://hexdocs.pm/elixir"
-  "Official documentation for the Elixir programming language.")
-(defvar elixir-mode-hook nil)
-(defvar elixir-mode-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    map)
-  "Keymap used in `elixir-mode'.")
-(defvar elixir-imenu-generic-expression
-  '(("Modules" "^\\s-*defmodule[ \n\t]+\\([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9._]+\\)\\s-+.*$" 1)
-    ("Public Functions" "^\\s-*def[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_!\\?]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Private Functions" "^\\s-*defp[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_!\\?]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Public Macros" "^\\s-*defmacro[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_!\\?]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Private Macros" "^\\s-*defmacrop[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_!\\?]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Delegates" "^\\s-*defdelegate[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Overridables" "^\\s-*defoverridable[ \n\t]+\\([a-z0-9_]+\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)*.*" 1)
-    ("Tests" "^\\s-*test[ \t\n]+\"?\\(:?[a-z0-9_@+() \t-]+\\)\"?[ \t\n]+.*" 1))
-  "Imenu pattern for `elixir-mode'.")
-(defvar elixir-basic-offset 2)
-(defvar elixir-key-label-offset 0)
-(defvar elixir-match-label-offset 2)
-(defvar elixir-attribute-face 'elixir-attribute-face)
-(defface elixir-attribute-face
-  '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
-     :foreground "MediumPurple4")
-    (((class color) (background dark))
-     (:foreground "thistle"))
-    (t nil))
-  "For use with module attribute tokens."
-  :group 'font-lock-faces)
-(defvar elixir-atom-face 'elixir-atom-face)
-(defface elixir-atom-face
-  '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
-     :foreground "RoyalBlue4")
-    (((class color) (background dark))
-     (:foreground "light sky blue"))
-    (t nil))
-  "For use with atoms & map keys."
-  :group 'font-lock-faces)
-  (defconst elixir-rx-constituents
-    `(
-      (string-delimiter . ,(rx (and
-                                ;; Match even number of backslashes.
-                                (or (not (any ?\\ ?\' ?\")) point
-                                    ;; Quotes might be preceded by escaped quote
-                                    (and (or (not (any ?\\)) point) ?\\
-                                         (* ?\\ ?\\) (any ?\' ?\")))
-                                (* ?\\ ?\\)
-                                ;; Match single or triple quotes of any kind.
-                                (group (or "\"" "\"\"\"" "'" "'''")))))
-      (atoms . ,(rx ":"
-                    (or
-                     (and
-                      (any "a-z" "A-Z" "_" "\"" "'")
-                      (zero-or-more (any "a-z" "A-Z" "0-9" "_" "\"" "'" "!" "@" "?")))
-                     (and "\"" (one-or-more (not (any "\""))) "\"")
-                     (and "'" (one-or-more (not (any "'"))) "'"))))
-      (builtin . ,(rx symbol-start
-                      (or "case" "cond" "for" "if" "quote" "raise" "receive" "send"
-                          "super" "throw" "try" "unless" "unquote" "unquote_splicing"
-                          "with")
-                      symbol-end))
-      (builtin-declaration . ,(rx symbol-start
-                                  (or "def" "defp" "defmodule" "defprotocol"
-                                      "defmacro" "defmacrop" "defdelegate"
-                                      "defexception" "defstruct" "defimpl"
-                                      "defcallback" "defoverridable")
-                                  symbol-end))
-      (builtin-namespace . ,(rx symbol-start
-                                (or "import" "require" "use" "alias")
-                                symbol-end))
-      ;; Set aside code point syntax for negation face.
-      (code-point . ,(rx symbol-start
-                         "?"
-                         anything
-                         symbol-end))
-      (function-declaration . ,(rx (or line-start (not (any ".")))
-                                   symbol-start
-                                   (or "def" "defp")
-                                   symbol-end))
-      ;; The first character of an identifier must be a letter or an underscore.
-      ;; After that, they may contain any alphanumeric character + underscore.
-      ;; Additionally, the final character may be either `?' or `!'.
-      (identifiers . ,(rx (one-or-more (any "A-Z" "a-z" "_"))
-                          (zero-or-more (any "A-Z" "a-z" "0-9" "_"))
-                          (optional (or "?" "!"))))
-      (keyword . ,(rx symbol-start
-                      (or "fn" "do" "end" "after" "else" "rescue" "catch")
-                      symbol-end))
-      (keyword-operator . ,(rx symbol-start
-                               (or "not" "and" "or" "when" "in")
-                               symbol-end))
-      ;; Module and submodule names start with upper case letter. This
-      ;; can then be followed by any combination of alphanumeric chars.
-      ;; In turn, this can be followed by a `.' which begins the notation of
-      ;; a submodule, which follows the same naming pattern of the module.
-      ;; Finally, like other identifiers, it can be terminated with either `?'
-      ;; or `!'.
-      (module-names . ,(rx symbol-start
-                           (optional (or "%" "&"))
-                           (one-or-more (any "A-Z"))
-                           (zero-or-more (any "A-Z" "a-z" "_" "0-9"))
-                           (zero-or-more
-                            (and "."
-                                 (one-or-more (any "A-Z" "_"))
-                                 (zero-or-more (any "A-Z" "a-z" "_" "0-9"))))
-                           (optional (or "!" "?"))
-                           symbol-end))
-      (pseudo-var . ,(rx symbol-start
-                         (optional (or "%" "&"))
-                         (or "_" "__MODULE__" "__DIR__" "__ENV__" "__CALLER__"
-                             "__block__" "__aliases__")
-                         symbol-end))
-      (sigils . ,(rx "~" (or "B" "C" "D" "N" "R" "S" "T" "b" "c" "r" "s" "w")))))
-  (defmacro elixir-rx (&rest sexps)
-    (let ((rx-constituents (append elixir-rx-constituents rx-constituents)))
-      (cond ((null sexps)
-             (error "No regexp"))
-            ((cdr sexps)
-             (rx-to-string `(and ,@sexps) t))
-            (t
-             (rx-to-string (car sexps) t))))))
-(defsubst elixir-syntax-in-string-or-comment-p ()
-  (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
-(defsubst elixir-syntax-count-quotes (quote-char &optional point limit)
-  "Count number of quotes around point (max is 3).
-QUOTE-CHAR is the quote char to count.  Optional argument POINT is
-the point where scan starts (defaults to current point), and LIMIT
-is used to limit the scan."
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (while (and (< i 3)
-                (or (not limit) (< (+ point i) limit))
-                (eq (char-after (+ point i)) quote-char))
-      (setq i (1+ i)))
-    i))
-(defun elixir-syntax-stringify ()
-  "Put `syntax-table' property correctly on single/triple quotes."
-  (let* ((num-quotes (length (match-string-no-properties 1)))
-         (ppss (prog2
-                   (backward-char num-quotes)
-                   (syntax-ppss)
-                 (forward-char num-quotes)))
-         (string-start (and (not (nth 4 ppss)) (nth 8 ppss)))
-         (quote-starting-pos (- (point) num-quotes))
-         (quote-ending-pos (point))
-         (num-closing-quotes
-          (and string-start
-               (elixir-syntax-count-quotes
-                (char-before) string-start quote-starting-pos))))
-    (cond ((and string-start (= num-closing-quotes 0))
-           ;; This set of quotes doesn't match the string starting
-           ;; kind. Do nothing.
-           nil)
-          ((not string-start)
-           ;; This set of quotes delimit the start of a string.
-           (put-text-property quote-starting-pos (1+ quote-starting-pos)
-                              'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|")))
-          ((= num-quotes num-closing-quotes)
-           ;; This set of quotes delimit the end of a string.
-           (put-text-property (1- quote-ending-pos) quote-ending-pos
-                              'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|")))
-          ((> num-quotes num-closing-quotes)
-           ;; This may only happen whenever a triple quote is closing
-           ;; a single quoted string. Add string delimiter syntax to
-           ;; all three quotes.
-           (put-text-property quote-starting-pos quote-ending-pos
-                              'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|"))))))
-(defun elixir-syntax-propertize-interpolation ()
-  (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
-         (context (save-excursion (save-match-data (syntax-ppss beg)))))
-    (put-text-property beg (1+ beg) 'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "w"))
-    (put-text-property beg (1+ beg) 'elixir-interpolation
-                       (cons (nth 3 context) (match-data)))))
-(defconst elixir-sigil-delimiter-pair
-  '((?\( . ")")
-    (?\{ . "}")
-    (?\< . ">")
-    (?\[ . "]")))
-(defun elixir-syntax-replace-property-in-sigil ()
-  (unless (elixir-syntax-in-string-or-comment-p)
-    (let ((heredoc-p (save-excursion
-                       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
-                       (looking-at-p "~[sS]\\(?:'''\\|\"\"\"\\)"))))
-      (unless heredoc-p
-        (forward-char 1)
-        (let* ((start-delim (char-after (1- (point))))
-               (end-delim (or (assoc-default start-delim elixir-sigil-delimiter-pair)
-                              (char-to-string start-delim)))
-               (end (save-excursion
-                      (let (finish)
-                        (while (not finish)
-                          (skip-chars-forward (concat "^" end-delim))
-                          (if (or (not (eq (char-before) ?\\))
-                                  (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)
-                                  (eobp))
-                              (setq finish t)
-                            (forward-char 1)))
-                        (point))))
-               (word-syntax (string-to-syntax "w")))
-          (when (memq start-delim '(?' ?\"))
-            (setq end (1+ end))
-            (forward-char -1))
-          (while (re-search-forward "[\"'#]" end 'move)
-            (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'syntax-table word-syntax)))))))
-(defun elixir-syntax-propertize-function (start end)
-  (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-    (goto-char start)
-    (funcall
-     (syntax-propertize-rules
-      ("\\(\\?\\)[\"']"
-       (1 (if (save-excursion (nth 3 (syntax-ppss (match-beginning 0))))
-              ;; Within a string, skip.
-              (ignore
-               (goto-char (match-end 1)))
-            (put-text-property (match-end 1) (match-end 0)
-                               'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "_"))
-            (string-to-syntax "'"))))
-      ((elixir-rx string-delimiter)
-       (0 (ignore (elixir-syntax-stringify))))
-      ((elixir-rx sigils)
-       (0 (ignore (elixir-syntax-replace-property-in-sigil))))
-      ((rx (group "#{" (0+ (not (any "}"))) "}"))
-       (0 (ignore (elixir-syntax-propertize-interpolation)))))
-     start end)))
-(defun elixir-match-interpolation (limit)
-  (let ((pos (next-single-char-property-change (point) 'elixir-interpolation
-                                               nil limit)))
-    (when (and pos (> pos (point)))
-      (goto-char pos)
-      (let ((value (get-text-property pos 'elixir-interpolation)))
-        (if (car value)
-            (progn
-              (set-match-data (cdr value))
-              t)
-          (elixir-match-interpolation limit))))))
-(defconst elixir-font-lock-keywords
-  `(
-    ;; String interpolation
-    (elixir-match-interpolation 0 font-lock-variable-name-face t)
-    ;; Module attributes
-    (,(elixir-rx (and "@" (1+ identifiers)))
-     0 elixir-attribute-face)
-    ;; Keywords
-    (,(elixir-rx (and (or line-start (not (any ".")))
-                      (group (or builtin builtin-declaration builtin-namespace
-                                 keyword keyword-operator))))
-     1 font-lock-keyword-face)
-    ;; Function names, i.e. `def foo do'.
-    (,(elixir-rx (group function-declaration)
-                 space
-                 (group identifiers))
-     2 font-lock-function-name-face)
-    ;; Sigil patterns. Elixir has support for eight different sigil delimiters.
-    ;; This isn't a very DRY approach here but it gets the job done.
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "/"
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "/") (not (any "/" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "/"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "["
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "]") (not (any "]" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "]"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "{"
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "}") (not (any "}" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "}"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "("
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" ")") (not (any ")" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      ")"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "|"
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "|") (not (any "|" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "|"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "\""
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "\"") (not (any "\"" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "\""))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "'"
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" "'") (not (any "'" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      "'"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    (,(elixir-rx (group sigils)
-                 (and "<"
-                      (group (zero-or-more (or (and "\\" ">") (not (any ">" "\n" "\r")))))
-                      ">"))
-     (1 font-lock-builtin-face)
-     (2 font-lock-string-face))
-    ;; Modules
-    (,(elixir-rx (group module-names))
-     1 font-lock-type-face)
-    ;; Atoms and singleton-like words like true/false/nil.
-    (,(elixir-rx symbol-start
-                 (group (or atoms "true" "false" "nil"))
-                 symbol-end
-                 (zero-or-more space)
-                 (optional "="))
-     1 elixir-atom-face)
-    ;; Gray out variables starting with "_"
-    (,(elixir-rx symbol-start
-                 (group (and "_"
-                             (any "A-Z" "a-z" "0-9"))
-                        (zero-or-more (any "A-Z" "a-z" "0-9" "_"))
-                        (optional (or "?" "!"))))
-     1 font-lock-comment-face)
-    ;; Variable definitions
-    (,(elixir-rx (group identifiers)
-                 (zero-or-more space)
-                 (repeat 1 "=")
-                 (or (or sigils identifiers space)
-                     (one-or-more "\n")))
-     1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
-    ;; Map keys
-    (,(elixir-rx (group (and (one-or-more identifiers) ":")) space)
-     1 elixir-atom-face)
-    ;; Pseudovariables
-    (,(elixir-rx (group pseudo-var))
-     1 font-lock-constant-face)
-    ;; Code points
-    (,(elixir-rx (group code-point))
-     1 font-lock-negation-char-face)))
-(defun elixir-mode-open-github ()
-  "Elixir mode open GitHub page."
-  (interactive)
-  (browse-url "https://github.com/elixir-lang/emacs-elixir"))
-(defun elixir-mode-open-elixir-home ()
-  "Elixir mode go to language home."
-  (interactive)
-  (browse-url elixir-mode-website-url))
-(defun elixir-mode-open-docs-master ()
-  "Elixir mode go to master documentation."
-  (interactive)
-  (browse-url (concat elixir-mode-doc-url "/master")))
-(defun elixir-mode-open-docs-stable ()
-  "Elixir mode go to stable documentation."
-  (interactive)
-  (browse-url elixir-mode-doc-url))
-(defun elixir-mode-version (&optional show-version)
-  "Get the Elixir-Mode version as string.
-If called interactively or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the
-version in the echo area and the messages buffer.
-The returned string includes both, the version from package.el
-and the library version, if both a present and different.
-If the version number could not be determined, signal an error,
-if called interactively, or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, otherwise
-just return nil."
-  (interactive (list t))
-  (let ((version (pkg-info-version-info 'elixir-mode)))
-    (when show-version
-      (message "Elixir-Mode version: %s" version))
-    version))
-(defun elixir-mode-fill-doc-string ()
-  (interactive)
-  (save-excursion
-    (re-search-backward "@\\(?:module\\)?doc +\"\"\"" nil t)
-    (re-search-forward "\"\"\"" nil t)
-    (set-mark (point))
-    (re-search-forward "\"\"\"" nil t)
-    (re-search-backward "^ *\"\"\"" nil t)
-    (backward-char)
-    (fill-region (point) (mark))))
-(defun elixir-beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
-  (interactive "p")
-  (let ((regexp (concat "^\\s-*" (elixir-rx builtin-declaration)))
-        case-fold-search)
-    (while (and (re-search-backward regexp nil t (or arg 1))
-                (elixir-syntax-in-string-or-comment-p)))
-    (goto-char (line-beginning-position))))
-(defun elixir-end-of-defun ()
-  (interactive)
-  (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
-  (if (re-search-forward "\\_<do:" (line-end-position) t)
-      (goto-char (line-end-position))
-    (goto-char (line-end-position))
-    (let ((level (save-excursion
-                   (elixir-beginning-of-defun)
-                   (current-indentation)))
-          finish)
-      (while (and (not finish) (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\_<end\\_>" nil t))
-        (when (and (not (elixir-syntax-in-string-or-comment-p))
-                   (= (current-indentation) level))
-          (setq finish t)))
-      (when (looking-back "^\\s-*\\_<end" (line-beginning-position))
-        (forward-line 1)))))
-(defun elixir--docstring-p (&optional pos)
-  "Check to see if there is a docstring at pos."
-  (let ((pos (or pos (nth 8 (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point))))))
-    (when pos
-      (save-excursion
-        (goto-char pos)
-        (and (looking-at "\"\"\"")(looking-back "@moduledoc[ \]+\\|@doc[ \]+"
-                                                (line-beginning-position)))))))
-(defun elixir-font-lock-syntactic-face-function (state)
-  (if (nth 3 state)
-      (if (elixir--docstring-p (nth 8 state))
-          font-lock-doc-face
-        font-lock-string-face)
-    font-lock-comment-face))
-(easy-menu-define elixir-mode-menu elixir-mode-map
-  "Elixir mode menu."
-  '("Elixir"
-    ["Indent line" smie-indent-line]
-    "---"
-    ["elixir-mode on GitHub" elixir-mode-open-github]
-    ["Elixir homepage" elixir-mode-open-elixir-home]
-    ["About" elixir-mode-version]))
-(define-derived-mode elixir-mode prog-mode "Elixir"
-  "Major mode for editing Elixir code.
-  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
-       '(elixir-font-lock-keywords
-         nil nil nil nil
-         (font-lock-syntactic-face-function
-          . elixir-font-lock-syntactic-face-function)))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "# ")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "#+ *")
-  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax) t)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'syntax-propertize-function)
-       #'elixir-syntax-propertize-function)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
-       elixir-imenu-generic-expression)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) #'elixir-beginning-of-defun)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) #'elixir-end-of-defun)
-  (smie-setup elixir-smie-grammar 'verbose-elixir-smie-rules
-              :forward-token 'elixir-smie-forward-token
-              :backward-token 'elixir-smie-backward-token))
-;; Invoke elixir-mode when appropriate
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.elixir\\'" . elixir-mode))
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ex\\'" . elixir-mode))
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.exs\\'" . elixir-mode)))
-(provide 'elixir-mode)
-;;; elixir-mode.el ends here