diff options
author | William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com> | 2017-09-26T19·30-0400 |
committer | William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com> | 2017-09-26T19·30-0400 |
commit | d996d8e814f528f14f9de7570b847ab1fad283d7 (patch) | |
tree | b3505986dc2b77e44df159d16f2d1227fdd6afbc /configs/shared/.tmux.conf | |
parent | a1a8a73b2da9226c143c5c38a4636666db55bb70 (diff) |
Adds preferable Tmux kbds
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/.tmux.conf')
-rw-r--r-- | configs/shared/.tmux.conf | 48 |
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/.tmux.conf b/configs/shared/.tmux.conf index f56c6b503713..76ca5f20055a 100644 --- a/configs/shared/.tmux.conf +++ b/configs/shared/.tmux.conf @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ +# Convenience defn for creating vim-specific kbd behavior +is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \ + | grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'" + + # change tmux leader unbind C-b set -g prefix C-q @@ -9,15 +14,30 @@ set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" set-option -sa terminal-overrides ",xterm*:Tc" -#copy-paste fixes: http://evertpot.com/osx-tmux-vim-copy-paste-clipboard/ # Copy-paste integration set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh" +# copy text like it's Vim +bind-key -n Escape if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys Escape" copy-mode + + +# Transpose window layouts +bind-key -n M-r rotate-window -D + + +# Maximize current pane +bind-key -n M-z resize-pane -Z + + # Use vim keybindings in copy mode setw -g mode-keys vi +# kbds to create and delete tmux panes and windows (without confirmation) +bind-key -n M-q if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys M-q" kill-pane + + # Setup 'v' to begin selection as in Vim bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-pipe "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy" @@ -51,10 +71,6 @@ bind c new-window -c '#{pane_current_path}' # Make tmux work like vi set-window-option -g mode-keys vi -bind h select-pane -L -bind j select-pane -D -bind k select-pane -U -bind l select-pane -R # Easier window swaps @@ -93,10 +109,9 @@ bind -n m-s choose-session # split window shortcuts, maintaing the working directory -bind | split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}' -bind \ split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}' -bind - split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}' -bind _ split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}' +bind-key -n M-\ split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}' +bind-key -n M-- split-window -v -c '#{pane_current_path}' + bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" @@ -119,10 +134,11 @@ set-option -g status-right-length 90 # Bindings for "christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator" -is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \ - | grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'" -bind-key -n C-h if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-h" "select-pane -L" -bind-key -n C-j if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-j" "select-pane -D" -bind-key -n C-k if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-k" "select-pane -U" -bind-key -n C-l if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-l" "select-pane -R" -bind-key -n C-\ if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-\\" "select-pane -l" +bind-key -n M-h if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys M-h" "select-pane -L" +bind-key -n M-j if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys M-j" "select-pane -D" +bind-key -n M-k if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys M-k" "select-pane -U" +bind-key -n M-l if-shell "${is_vim}" "send-keys M-l" "select-pane -R" + + +# Configuration for a Pomodoro timer available at 'tj/pomo' +set-option -g status-right '#(cat ~/.pomo_stat)' |