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path: root/client/src/Login.elm
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-07-31T17·32+0100
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-07-31T17·57+0100
commit421c71c8922731563771ed75be7f28c9a559c068 (patch)
treef7723ade399bb02a638fa3df9371cdb072262eb5 /client/src/Login.elm
parent29a00dc571b53b08064915c34e0d951467b6f1e4 (diff)
Support a basic client-side login flow
I will need to remove some of the baggage like:

- Scrub any copy about restaurants
- delete Restaurant.elm
- Change Owner.elm -> Manager.elm
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/Login.elm')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Login.elm b/client/src/Login.elm
index 968325d48cfe..046ee8583ca7 100644
--- a/client/src/Login.elm
+++ b/client/src/Login.elm
@@ -4,13 +4,214 @@ import Html exposing (..)
 import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
 import Html.Events exposing (..)
 import State
+import Tailwind
+import UI
+import Utils
+loginForm : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
+loginForm model =
+    div
+        [ [ "w-full"
+          , "max-w-xs"
+          , "mx-auto"
+          ]
+            |> Tailwind.use
+            |> class
+        ]
+        [ div
+            [ [ "bg-white"
+              , "shadow-md"
+              , "rounded"
+              , "px-8"
+              , "pt-6"
+              , "pb-8"
+              , "mb-4"
+              , "text-left"
+              ]
+                |> Tailwind.use
+                |> class
+            ]
+            [ div
+                [ [ "mb-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+                [ UI.label_ { for_ = "username", text_ = "Username" }
+                , UI.textField
+                    { inputId = "Username"
+                    , pholder = "Username"
+                    , handleInput = State.UpdateUsername
+                    , inputValue = model.username
+                    }
+                ]
+            , div []
+                [ UI.label_ { for_ = "role", text_ = "Role" }
+                , select
+                    [ [ "mb-4"
+                      , "w-full"
+                      , "py-2"
+                      , "px-2"
+                      , "rounded"
+                      , "shadow"
+                      , "border"
+                      ]
+                        |> Tailwind.use
+                        |> class
+                    , id "role"
+                    , onInput State.UpdateRole
+                    ]
+                    [ option [] [ text "" ]
+                    , option [ value "user" ] [ text "User" ]
+                    , option [ value "manager" ] [ text "Manager" ]
+                    , option [ value "admin" ] [ text "Admin" ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            , div
+                [ [ "mb-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+                [ UI.label_ { for_ = "password", text_ = "Password" }
+                , input
+                    [ [ "shadow"
+                      , "appearance-none"
+                      , "border"
+                      , "rounded"
+                      , "w-full"
+                      , "py-2"
+                      , "px-3"
+                      , "text-gray-700"
+                      , "leading-tight"
+                      , "focus:outline-none"
+                      , "focus:shadow-outline"
+                      ]
+                        |> Tailwind.use
+                        |> class
+                    , id "password"
+                    , type_ "password"
+                    , placeholder "******************"
+                    , onInput State.UpdatePassword
+                    ]
+                    []
+                ]
+            , div
+                []
+                [ UI.baseButton
+                    { label = "Sign In"
+                    , handleClick = State.AttemptLogin
+                    , extraClasses = []
+                    , enabled =
+                        case ( model.username, model.password ) of
+                            ( "", "" ) ->
+                                False
+                            ( "", _ ) ->
+                                False
+                            ( _, "" ) ->
+                                False
+                            _ ->
+                                True
+                    }
+                , div [ [ "inline", "pl-2" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+                    [ UI.baseButton
+                        { label = "Sign Up"
+                        , extraClasses = []
+                        , enabled =
+                            case ( model.username, model.password, model.role ) of
+                                ( "", "", _ ) ->
+                                    False
+                                ( _, "", _ ) ->
+                                    False
+                                ( "", _, _ ) ->
+                                    False
+                                ( _, _, Nothing ) ->
+                                    False
+                                _ ->
+                                    True
+                        , handleClick =
+                            case model.role of
+                                Just role ->
+                                    State.AttemptSignUp role
+                                Nothing ->
+                                    State.DoNothing
+                        }
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+login :
+    State.Model
+    -> Html State.Msg
+login model =
+    div
+        [ [ "text-center"
+          , "py-20"
+          , "bg-gray-200"
+          , "h-screen"
+          ]
+            |> Tailwind.use
+            |> class
+        ]
+        [ UI.header 3 "Welcome to Trip Planner"
+        , loginForm model
+        , case model.loginError of
+            Nothing ->
+                text ""
+            Just e ->
+                UI.errorBanner
+                    { title = "Error logging in"
+                    , body = Utils.explainHttpError e
+                    }
+        , case model.signUpError of
+            Nothing ->
+                text ""
+            Just e ->
+                UI.errorBanner
+                    { title = "Error creating account"
+                    , body = Utils.explainHttpError e
+                    }
+        ]
+logout : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
+logout model =
+    div
+        [ [ "text-center"
+          , "py-20"
+          , "bg-gray-200"
+          , "h-screen"
+          ]
+            |> Tailwind.use
+            |> class
+        ]
+        [ UI.header 3 "Looks like you're already signed in..."
+        , UI.simpleButton
+            { label = "Logout"
+            , handleClick = State.AttemptLogout
+            }
+        , case model.logoutError of
+            Nothing ->
+                text ""
+            Just e ->
+                UI.errorBanner
+                    { title = "Error logging out"
+                    , body = Utils.explainHttpError e
+                    }
+        ]
-googleSignIn : Html State.Msg
-googleSignIn =
-    div [ class "g-signin2", attribute "onsuccess" "onSignIn" ] []
 render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
 render model =
-    div [ class "pt-10 pb-20 px-10" ]
-        [ googleSignIn
-        ]
+    case model.session of
+        Nothing ->
+            login model
+        Just x ->
+            logout model