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path: root/assessments/tt/src/Types.hs
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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2021-01-22T10·49+0000
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2021-01-22T11·00+0000
commite326b0da45a948668f523d5f715660981a9874c2 (patch)
tree34c425b23d122aa63b3a15d97b08298ee1db00c7 /assessments/tt/src/Types.hs
parent67e0f93b3bbc386421a276cbd5675f5ac51625ae (diff)
parentee8e75231cd9d3d4aa3ffbbfa0e3b8511712e1ee (diff)
Add 'assessments/tt/' from commit 'ee8e75231cd9d3d4aa3ffbbfa0e3b8511712e1ee'
git-subtree-dir: assessments/tt
git-subtree-mainline: 67e0f93b3bbc386421a276cbd5675f5ac51625ae
git-subtree-split: ee8e75231cd9d3d4aa3ffbbfa0e3b8511712e1ee
Diffstat (limited to 'assessments/tt/src/Types.hs')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assessments/tt/src/Types.hs b/assessments/tt/src/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00fa09ccc140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assessments/tt/src/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+module Types where
+import Data.Aeson
+import Utils
+import Data.Text
+import Data.Typeable
+import Database.SQLite.Simple
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField
+import GHC.Generics
+import Web.Cookie
+import Servant.API
+import System.Envy (FromEnv, fromEnv, env)
+import Crypto.Random.Types (MonadRandom)
+import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar
+import qualified Crypto.KDF.BCrypt as BC
+import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
+import qualified Data.Maybe as M
+import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
+-- | Top-level application configuration.
+data Config = Config
+  { mailgunAPIKey :: Text
+  , dbFile :: FilePath
+  , configClient :: Text
+  , configServer :: Text
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromEnv Config where
+  fromEnv _ = do
+    mailgunAPIKey <- env "MAILGUN_API_KEY"
+    dbFile <- env "DB_FILE"
+    configClient <- env "CLIENT"
+    configServer <- env "SERVER"
+    pure Config {..}
+-- TODO(wpcarro): Properly handle NULL for columns like profilePicture.
+forNewtype :: (Typeable b) => (Text -> b) -> FieldParser b
+forNewtype wrapper y =
+  case fieldData y of
+    (SQLText x) -> Ok (wrapper x)
+    x -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("We expected SQLText, but we received: " ++ show x)
+newtype Username = Username Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON Username
+instance FromJSON Username
+instance ToField Username where
+  toField (Username x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField Username where
+  fromField = forNewtype Username
+newtype HashedPassword = HashedPassword BS.ByteString
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToField HashedPassword where
+  toField (HashedPassword x) = SQLText (TE.decodeUtf8 x)
+instance FromField HashedPassword where
+  fromField y =
+    case fieldData y of
+      (SQLText x) -> x |> TE.encodeUtf8 |> HashedPassword |> Ok
+      x -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("We expected SQLText, but we received: " ++ show x)
+newtype ClearTextPassword = ClearTextPassword Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON ClearTextPassword
+instance FromJSON ClearTextPassword
+instance ToField ClearTextPassword where
+  toField (ClearTextPassword x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField ClearTextPassword where
+  fromField = forNewtype ClearTextPassword
+newtype Email = Email Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON Email
+instance FromJSON Email
+instance ToField Email where
+  toField (Email x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField Email where
+  fromField = forNewtype Email
+data Role = RegularUser | Manager | Admin
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON Role where
+  toJSON RegularUser = "user"
+  toJSON Manager = "manager"
+  toJSON Admin = "admin"
+instance FromJSON Role where
+  parseJSON = withText "Role" $ \x ->
+    case x of
+      "user" -> pure RegularUser
+      "manager" -> pure Manager
+      "admin" -> pure Admin
+      _ -> fail "Expected \"user\" or \"manager\" or \"admin\""
+instance ToField Role where
+  toField RegularUser = SQLText "user"
+  toField Manager = SQLText "manager"
+  toField Admin = SQLText "admin"
+instance FromField Role where
+  fromField y =
+    case fieldData y of
+      (SQLText "user") -> Ok RegularUser
+      (SQLText "manager") -> Ok Manager
+      (SQLText "admin") -> Ok Admin
+      x -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("We expected user, manager, admin, but we received: " ++ show x)
+-- TODO(wpcarro): Prefer Data.ByteString instead of Text
+newtype ProfilePicture = ProfilePicture Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON ProfilePicture
+instance FromJSON ProfilePicture
+instance ToField ProfilePicture where
+  toField (ProfilePicture x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField ProfilePicture where
+  fromField = forNewtype ProfilePicture
+data Account = Account
+  { accountUsername :: Username
+  , accountPassword :: HashedPassword
+  , accountEmail :: Email
+  , accountRole :: Role
+  , accountProfilePicture :: Maybe ProfilePicture
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+-- | Return a tuple with all of the fields for an Account record to use for SQL.
+accountFields :: Account -> (Username, HashedPassword, Email, Role, Maybe ProfilePicture)
+accountFields (Account {..})
+  = ( accountUsername
+    , accountPassword
+    , accountEmail
+    , accountRole
+    , accountProfilePicture
+    )
+instance FromRow Account where
+  fromRow = do
+    accountUsername <- field
+    accountPassword <- field
+    accountEmail <- field
+    accountRole <- field
+    accountProfilePicture <- field
+    pure Account{..}
+data Session = Session
+  { sessionUsername :: Username
+  , sessionRole :: Role
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance ToJSON Session where
+  toJSON (Session username role) =
+    object [ "username" .= username
+           , "role" .= role
+           ]
+newtype Comment = Comment Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON Comment
+instance FromJSON Comment
+instance ToField Comment where
+  toField (Comment x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField Comment where
+  fromField = forNewtype Comment
+newtype Destination = Destination Text
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON Destination
+instance FromJSON Destination
+instance ToField Destination where
+  toField (Destination x) = SQLText x
+instance FromField Destination where
+  fromField = forNewtype Destination
+newtype Year = Year Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype Month = Month Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype Day = Day Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Date = Date
+  { dateYear :: Year
+  , dateMonth :: Month
+  , dateDay :: Day
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Trip = Trip
+  { tripUsername :: Username
+  , tripDestination :: Destination
+  , tripStartDate :: Calendar.Day
+  , tripEndDate :: Calendar.Day
+  , tripComment :: Comment
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance FromRow Trip where
+  fromRow = do
+    tripUsername <- field
+    tripDestination <- field
+    tripStartDate <- field
+    tripEndDate <- field
+    tripComment <- field
+    pure Trip{..}
+-- | The fields used as the Primary Key for a Trip entry.
+data TripPK = TripPK
+  { tripPKUsername :: Username
+  , tripPKDestination :: Destination
+  , tripPKStartDate :: Calendar.Day
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+tripPKFields :: TripPK -> (Username, Destination, Calendar.Day)
+tripPKFields (TripPK{..})
+  = (tripPKUsername, tripPKDestination, tripPKStartDate)
+instance FromJSON TripPK where
+  parseJSON = withObject "TripPK" $ \x -> do
+    tripPKUsername    <- x .: "username"
+    tripPKDestination <- x .: "destination"
+    tripPKStartDate   <- x .: "startDate"
+    pure TripPK{..}
+-- | Return the tuple representation of a Trip record for SQL.
+tripFields :: Trip
+           -> (Username, Destination, Calendar.Day, Calendar.Day, Comment)
+tripFields (Trip{..})
+  = ( tripUsername
+    , tripDestination
+    , tripStartDate
+    , tripEndDate
+    , tripComment
+    )
+instance ToJSON Trip where
+  toJSON (Trip username destination startDate endDate comment) =
+    object [ "username" .= username
+           , "destination" .= destination
+           , "startDate" .= startDate
+           , "endDate" .= endDate
+           , "comment" .= comment
+           ]
+instance FromJSON Trip where
+  parseJSON = withObject "Trip" $ \x -> do
+    tripUsername    <- x .: "username"
+    tripDestination <- x .: "destination"
+    tripStartDate   <- x .: "startDate"
+    tripEndDate     <- x .: "endDate"
+    tripComment     <- x .: "comment"
+    pure Trip{..}
+-- | Users and Accounts both refer to the same underlying entities; however,
+-- Users model the user-facing Account details, hiding sensitive details like
+-- passwords and emails.
+data User = User
+  { userUsername :: Username
+  , userProfilePicture :: Maybe ProfilePicture
+  , userRole :: Role
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON User where
+  toJSON (User username profilePicture role) =
+    object [ "username" .= username
+           , "profilePicture" .= profilePicture
+           , "role" .= role
+           ]
+userFromAccount :: Account -> User
+userFromAccount account =
+  User { userUsername = accountUsername account
+       , userProfilePicture = accountProfilePicture account
+       , userRole = accountRole account
+       }
+-- | This is the data that a user needs to supply to authenticate with the
+-- application.
+data AccountCredentials = AccountCredentials
+  { accountCredentialsUsername :: Username
+  , accountCredentialsPassword :: ClearTextPassword
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance FromJSON AccountCredentials where
+  parseJSON = withObject "AccountCredentials" $ \x -> do
+    accountCredentialsUsername <- x.: "username"
+    accountCredentialsPassword <- x.: "password"
+    pure AccountCredentials{..}
+-- | Hash password `x`.
+hashPassword :: (MonadRandom m) => ClearTextPassword -> m HashedPassword
+hashPassword (ClearTextPassword x) = do
+  hashed <- BC.hashPassword 12 (x |> unpack |> B.pack)
+  pure $ HashedPassword hashed
+-- | Return True if the cleartext password matches the hashed password.
+passwordsMatch :: ClearTextPassword -> HashedPassword -> Bool
+passwordsMatch (ClearTextPassword clear) (HashedPassword hashed) =
+  BC.validatePassword (clear |> unpack |> B.pack) hashed
+data CreateAccountRequest = CreateAccountRequest
+  { createAccountRequestUsername :: Username
+  , createAccountRequestPassword :: ClearTextPassword
+  , createAccountRequestEmail :: Email
+  , createAccountRequestRole :: Role
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromJSON CreateAccountRequest where
+  parseJSON = withObject "CreateAccountRequest" $ \x -> do
+    createAccountRequestUsername <- x .: "username"
+    createAccountRequestPassword <- x .: "password"
+    createAccountRequestEmail <- x .: "email"
+    createAccountRequestRole <- x .: "role"
+    pure $ CreateAccountRequest{..}
+createAccountRequestFields :: CreateAccountRequest
+                           -> (Username, ClearTextPassword, Email, Role)
+createAccountRequestFields CreateAccountRequest{..} =
+  ( createAccountRequestUsername
+  , createAccountRequestPassword
+  , createAccountRequestEmail
+  , createAccountRequestRole
+  )
+newtype SessionUUID = SessionUUID UUID.UUID
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance FromField SessionUUID where
+  fromField y =
+    case fieldData y of
+      (SQLText x) ->
+        case UUID.fromText x of
+          Nothing -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("Could not convert to UUID: " ++ show x)
+          Just uuid -> Ok $ SessionUUID uuid
+      _ -> returnError ConversionFailed y "Expected SQLText for SessionUUID, but we received"
+instance ToField SessionUUID where
+  toField (SessionUUID uuid) =
+    uuid |> UUID.toText |> SQLText
+data StoredSession = StoredSession
+  { storedSessionUUID :: SessionUUID
+  , storedSessionUsername :: Username
+  , storedSessionTsCreated :: Clock.UTCTime
+  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance FromRow StoredSession where
+  fromRow = do
+    storedSessionUUID <- field
+    storedSessionUsername <- field
+    storedSessionTsCreated <- field
+    pure StoredSession {..}
+data LoginAttempt = LoginAttempt
+  { loginAttemptUsername :: Username
+  , loginAttemptNumAttempts :: Integer
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromRow LoginAttempt where
+  fromRow = do
+    loginAttemptUsername <- field
+    loginAttemptNumAttempts <- field
+    pure LoginAttempt {..}
+newtype SessionCookie = SessionCookie Cookies
+instance FromHttpApiData SessionCookie where
+  parseHeader x =
+    x |> parseCookies |> SessionCookie |> pure
+  parseQueryParam x =
+    x |> TE.encodeUtf8 |> parseCookies |> SessionCookie |> pure
+newtype RegistrationSecret = RegistrationSecret UUID.UUID
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance FromHttpApiData RegistrationSecret where
+  parseQueryParam x =
+    case UUID.fromText x of
+      Nothing -> Left x
+      Just uuid -> Right (RegistrationSecret uuid)
+instance FromField RegistrationSecret where
+  fromField y =
+    case fieldData y of
+      (SQLText x) ->
+        case UUID.fromText x of
+          Nothing -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("Could not convert text to UUID: " ++ show x)
+          Just uuid -> Ok $ RegistrationSecret uuid
+      _ -> returnError ConversionFailed y "Field data is not SQLText, which is what we expect"
+instance ToField RegistrationSecret where
+  toField (RegistrationSecret secretUUID) =
+    secretUUID |> UUID.toText |> SQLText
+data PendingAccount = PendingAccount
+  { pendingAccountSecret :: RegistrationSecret
+  , pendingAccountUsername :: Username
+  , pendingAccountPassword :: HashedPassword
+  , pendingAccountRole :: Role
+  , pendingAccountEmail :: Email
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromRow PendingAccount where
+  fromRow = do
+    pendingAccountSecret <- field
+    pendingAccountUsername <- field
+    pendingAccountPassword <- field
+    pendingAccountRole <- field
+    pendingAccountEmail <- field
+    pure PendingAccount {..}
+data UpdateTripRequest = UpdateTripRequest
+  { updateTripRequestTripPK :: TripPK
+  , updateTripRequestDestination :: Maybe Destination
+  , updateTripRequestStartDate :: Maybe Calendar.Day
+  , updateTripRequestEndDate :: Maybe Calendar.Day
+  , updateTripRequestComment :: Maybe Comment
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromJSON UpdateTripRequest where
+  parseJSON = withObject "UpdateTripRequest" $ \x -> do
+    updateTripRequestTripPK <- x .: "tripKey"
+    -- the following four fields might not be present
+    updateTripRequestDestination <- x .:? "destination"
+    updateTripRequestStartDate   <- x .:? "startDate"
+    updateTripRequestEndDate     <- x .:? "endDate"
+    updateTripRequestComment     <- x .:? "comment"
+    pure UpdateTripRequest{..}
+-- | Apply the updates in the UpdateTripRequest to Trip.
+updateTrip :: UpdateTripRequest -> Trip -> Trip
+updateTrip UpdateTripRequest{..} Trip{..} = Trip
+  { tripUsername    = tripUsername
+  , tripDestination = M.fromMaybe tripDestination updateTripRequestDestination
+  , tripStartDate   = M.fromMaybe tripStartDate updateTripRequestStartDate
+  , tripEndDate     = M.fromMaybe tripEndDate updateTripRequestEndDate
+  , tripComment     = M.fromMaybe tripComment updateTripRequestComment
+  }
+data UnfreezeAccountRequest = UnfreezeAccountRequest
+  { unfreezeAccountRequestUsername :: Username
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromJSON UnfreezeAccountRequest where
+  parseJSON = withObject "UnfreezeAccountRequest" $ \x -> do
+    unfreezeAccountRequestUsername <- x .: "username"
+    pure UnfreezeAccountRequest{..}
+data InviteUserRequest = InviteUserRequest
+  { inviteUserRequestEmail :: Email
+  , inviteUserRequestRole :: Role
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromJSON InviteUserRequest where
+  parseJSON = withObject "InviteUserRequest" $ \x -> do
+    inviteUserRequestEmail <- x .: "email"
+    inviteUserRequestRole <- x .: "role"
+    pure InviteUserRequest{..}
+newtype InvitationSecret = InvitationSecret UUID.UUID
+  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance ToJSON InvitationSecret
+instance FromJSON InvitationSecret
+instance ToField InvitationSecret where
+  toField (InvitationSecret secretUUID) =
+    secretUUID |> UUID.toText |> SQLText
+instance FromField InvitationSecret where
+  fromField y =
+    case fieldData y of
+      (SQLText x) ->
+        case UUID.fromText x of
+          Nothing -> returnError ConversionFailed y ("Could not convert text to UUID: " ++ show x)
+          Just z -> Ok $ InvitationSecret z
+      _ -> returnError ConversionFailed y "Field data is not SQLText, which is what we expect"
+data Invitation = Invitation
+  { invitationEmail :: Email
+  , invitationRole :: Role
+  , invitationSecret :: InvitationSecret
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromRow Invitation where
+  fromRow = Invitation <$> field
+                       <*> field
+                       <*> field
+data AcceptInvitationRequest = AcceptInvitationRequest
+  { acceptInvitationRequestUsername :: Username
+  , acceptInvitationRequestPassword :: ClearTextPassword
+  , acceptInvitationRequestEmail :: Email
+  , acceptInvitationRequestSecret :: InvitationSecret
+  } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance FromJSON AcceptInvitationRequest where
+  parseJSON = withObject "AcceptInvitationRequest" $ \x -> do
+    acceptInvitationRequestUsername <- x .: "username"
+    acceptInvitationRequestPassword <- x .: "password"
+    acceptInvitationRequestEmail <- x .: "email"
+    acceptInvitationRequestSecret <- x .: "secret"
+    pure AcceptInvitationRequest{..}