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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2022-05-23T03·20-0700
committerclbot <clbot@tvl.fyi>2022-05-27T23·21+0000
commited29aed5bcc877787fa510f7868110b30a80bcaf (patch)
parent11a8eea0e392114f5077658b629db30a4eea8b8d (diff)
chore(wpcarro/readme): Prefer shell pseudocode to bullet points r/4155
These docs get stale pretty often. Maybe my installation should be similar

$ # pseudocode
$ nix-build https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.tar -A users.wpcarro.baseSystem

...where that automates more toil 🤷

Change-Id: I548142d9dff284afeb233ecf23036655b7f7c2df
Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/5744
Reviewed-by: wpcarro <wpcarro@gmail.com>
Autosubmit: wpcarro <wpcarro@gmail.com>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/users/wpcarro/README.md b/users/wpcarro/README.md
index 7347c516c0..5c5ce61c00 100644
--- a/users/wpcarro/README.md
+++ b/users/wpcarro/README.md
@@ -36,10 +36,13 @@ Below I have outlined a few projects that you might find interesting.
 ### NixOS Machine
-- Ensure Nix is installed.
-- Ensure direnv is installed.
-- Ensure `~/.password-store` exists.
-- Transfer GPG stuffs:
-  - old computer: `configs/.gnupg/export.sh $outdir`
-  - new computer: `configs/.gnupg/import.sh <path-to-zip>`
-  from the new machine.
+$ nix-shell -p nixos.{git,direnv}
+$ git clone https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git /depot
+$ cd /depot
+$ eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
+$ HOSTNAME=base rebuild-system
+$ sudo tailscale up
+$ git clone 'user@host:~/.password-store' ~/.password-store
+$ scp -r 'user@host:~/.gnupg' ~/.gnupg