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authorWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-08-02T17·02+0100
committerWilliam Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>2020-08-02T17·02+0100
commit1d5cf2e4b57aa62e1867b6866e205bba8fdcc9a7 (patch)
parenta3d783025a8d2f9b57092809667fd93824e4cfa7 (diff)
Support Admins inviting users from the client
The title says it all.
2 files changed, 139 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Admin.elm b/client/src/Admin.elm
index 17155c1d8e22..d95609ee15e4 100644
--- a/client/src/Admin.elm
+++ b/client/src/Admin.elm
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Date
 import Html exposing (..)
 import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
 import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Maybe.Extra as ME
 import RemoteData
 import State
 import Tailwind
@@ -12,6 +13,59 @@ import UI
 import Utils
+roleToggle : State.Model -> State.Role -> Html State.Msg
+roleToggle model role =
+    div [ [ "px-1", "inline" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+        [ UI.toggleButton
+            { toggled = model.inviteRole == Just role
+            , label = State.roleToString role
+            , handleEnable = State.UpdateInviteRole (Just role)
+            , handleDisable = State.UpdateInviteRole Nothing
+            }
+        ]
+inviteUser : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
+inviteUser model =
+    div [ [ "pb-6" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+        [ UI.header 3 "Invite a user"
+        , UI.textField
+            { handleInput = State.UpdateInviteEmail
+            , inputId = "invite-email"
+            , inputValue = model.inviteEmail
+            , pholder = "Email..."
+            }
+        , div [ [ "pt-4" ] |> Tailwind.use |> class ]
+            [ roleToggle model State.User
+            , roleToggle model State.Manager
+            , roleToggle model State.Admin
+            ]
+        , UI.baseButton
+            { enabled =
+                List.all
+                    identity
+                    [ String.length model.inviteEmail > 0
+                    , ME.isJust model.inviteRole
+                    ]
+            , extraClasses = [ "my-4" ]
+            , label =
+                case model.inviteResponseStatus of
+                    RemoteData.Loading ->
+                        "Sending..."
+                    _ ->
+                        "Send invitation"
+            , handleClick =
+                case model.inviteRole of
+                    Nothing ->
+                        State.DoNothing
+                    Just role ->
+                        State.AttemptInviteUser role
+            }
+        ]
 allTrips : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
 allTrips model =
     case model.trips of
@@ -124,7 +178,10 @@ render model =
         , case model.adminTab of
             State.Accounts ->
-                allUsers model
+                div []
+                    [ inviteUser model
+                    , allUsers model
+                    ]
             State.Trips ->
                 allTrips model
diff --git a/client/src/State.elm b/client/src/State.elm
index 8898918cc39e..a38895a6c50f 100644
--- a/client/src/State.elm
+++ b/client/src/State.elm
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ type Msg
     | ClearErrors
     | ToggleLoginForm
     | PrintPage
+    | UpdateInviteEmail String
+    | UpdateInviteRole (Maybe Role)
+    | ReceiveTodaysDate Date.Date
       -- SPA
     | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest
     | UrlChanged Url.Url
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ type Msg
     | AttemptDeleteAccount String
     | AttemptCreateTrip Date.Date Date.Date
     | AttemptDeleteTrip Trip
+    | AttemptInviteUser Role
       -- Inbound network
     | GotAccounts (WebData (List Account))
     | GotTrips (WebData (List Trip))
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ type Msg
     | GotDeleteAccount (Result Http.Error String)
     | GotCreateTrip (Result Http.Error ())
     | GotDeleteTrip (Result Http.Error ())
+    | GotInviteUser (Result Http.Error ())
 type Route
@@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ type alias Model =
     , url : Url.Url
     , key : Nav.Key
     , session : Maybe Session
+    , todaysDate : Maybe Date.Date
     , username : String
     , email : String
     , password : String
@@ -135,12 +141,16 @@ type alias Model =
     , trips : WebData (List Trip)
     , adminTab : AdminTab
     , loginTab : LoginTab
+    , inviteEmail : String
+    , inviteRole : Maybe Role
+    , inviteResponseStatus : WebData ()
     , loginError : Maybe Http.Error
     , logoutError : Maybe Http.Error
     , signUpError : Maybe Http.Error
     , deleteUserError : Maybe Http.Error
     , createTripError : Maybe Http.Error
     , deleteTripError : Maybe Http.Error
+    , inviteUserError : Maybe Http.Error
@@ -151,6 +161,7 @@ allErrors model =
     , ( model.signUpError, "Error attempting to create your account" )
     , ( model.deleteUserError, "Error attempting to delete a user" )
     , ( model.createTripError, "Error attempting to create a trip" )
+    , ( model.inviteUserError, "Error attempting to invite a user" )
@@ -178,6 +189,19 @@ endpoint =
     UrlBuilder.crossOrigin Shared.serverOrigin
+encodeRole : Role -> JE.Value
+encodeRole x =
+    case x of
+        User ->
+            JE.string "user"
+        Manager ->
+            JE.string "manager"
+        Admin ->
+            JE.string "admin"
 decodeRole : JD.Decoder Role
 decodeRole =
@@ -254,6 +278,21 @@ signUp { username, email, password } =
+inviteUser : { email : String, role : Role } -> Cmd Msg
+inviteUser { email, role } =
+    Utils.postWithCredentials
+        { url = endpoint [ "invite" ] []
+        , body =
+            Http.jsonBody
+                (JE.object
+                    [ ( "email", JE.string email )
+                    , ( "role", encodeRole role )
+                    ]
+                )
+        , expect = Http.expectWhatever GotInviteUser
+        }
 createTrip :
     { username : String
     , destination : String
@@ -424,6 +463,7 @@ prod _ url key =
       , url = url
       , key = key
       , session = Nothing
+      , todaysDate = Nothing
       , username = ""
       , email = ""
       , password = ""
@@ -438,16 +478,21 @@ prod _ url key =
       , endDatePicker = endDatePicker
       , adminTab = Accounts
       , loginTab = LoginForm
+      , inviteEmail = ""
+      , inviteRole = Nothing
+      , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.NotAsked
       , loginError = Nothing
       , logoutError = Nothing
       , signUpError = Nothing
       , deleteUserError = Nothing
       , createTripError = Nothing
       , deleteTripError = Nothing
+      , inviteUserError = Nothing
     , Cmd.batch
         [ Cmd.map UpdateTripStartDate startDatePickerCmd
         , Cmd.map UpdateTripEndDate endDatePickerCmd
+        , Date.today |> Task.perform ReceiveTodaysDate
@@ -632,6 +677,15 @@ update msg model =
         PrintPage ->
             ( model, printPage () )
+        UpdateInviteEmail x ->
+            ( { model | inviteEmail = x }, Cmd.none )
+        UpdateInviteRole mRole ->
+            ( { model | inviteRole = mRole }, Cmd.none )
+        ReceiveTodaysDate date ->
+            ( { model | todaysDate = Just date }, Cmd.none )
         LinkClicked urlRequest ->
             case urlRequest of
                 Browser.Internal url ->
@@ -766,6 +820,33 @@ update msg model =
                     , sleepAndClearErrors
+        AttemptInviteUser role ->
+            ( { model | inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Loading }
+            , inviteUser
+                { email = model.inviteEmail
+                , role = role
+                }
+            )
+        GotInviteUser result ->
+            case result of
+                Ok _ ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | inviteEmail = ""
+                        , inviteRole = Nothing
+                        , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Success ()
+                      }
+                    , Cmd.none
+                    )
+                Err x ->
+                    ( { model
+                        | inviteUserError = Just x
+                        , inviteResponseStatus = RemoteData.Failure x
+                      }
+                    , sleepAndClearErrors
+                    )
         -- POST /accounts
         AttemptSignUp ->
             ( model