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authorEelco Dolstra <eelco.dolstra@logicblox.com>2013-12-10T14·54+0100
committerEelco Dolstra <eelco.dolstra@logicblox.com>2013-12-10T14·54+0100
commit49a385096e08b42277b7105d5d8d1e0e62b6b7a4 (patch)
Initial commit (imported from the Nix repo)
9 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mk/clean.mk b/mk/clean.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3287ac873239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/clean.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+clean_files :=
+	rm -fv $(clean_files)
+	@echo $(clean_files)
diff --git a/mk/dist.mk b/mk/dist.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e89aec81fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/dist.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+dist_files :=
+dist: $(dist_name).tar.bz2
+$(dist_name).tar.bz2: $(dist_files)
+	$(QUIET) tar cvfj $@ $(dist_files) --transform 's,^,$(dist_name)/,'
+clean_files += $(dist_name).tar.bz2
diff --git a/mk/install.mk b/mk/install.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c5eb8eb37743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/install.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Add a rule for creating $(1) as a directory.  This template may be
+# called multiple times for the same directory.
+define create-dir =
+  ifndef $(1)_SEEN
+    $(1)_SEEN = 1
+    $(1):
+	$(QUIET) install -d $(1)
+  endif
+# Add a rule for installing file $(1) as file $(2) with mode $(3).
+# The directory containing $(2) will be created automatically.
+define install-file-as =
+  install: $(2)
+  $$(eval $$(call create-dir,$$(dir $(2))))
+  $(2): $(1) | $$(dir $(2))
+	$(QUIET) install -m $(3) $(1) $(2)
+# Add a rule for installing file $(1) in directory $(2) with mode
+# $(3).  The directory will be created automatically.
+define install-file-in =
+  $$(eval $$(call install-file-as,$(1),$(2)/$$(notdir $(1)),$(3)))
+define install-program-in =
+  $$(eval $$(call install-file-in,$(1),$(2),0755))
+define install-data-in =
+  $$(eval $$(call install-file-in,$(1),$(2),0644))
+# Install a symlink from $(2) to $(1).  Note that $(1) need not exist.
+define install-symlink =
+  install: $(2)
+  $$(eval $$(call create-dir,$$(dir $(2))))
+  $(2): | $$(dir $(2))
+	$(QUIET) ln -sfn $(1) $(2)
diff --git a/mk/lib.mk b/mk/lib.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..60b6815e9e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/lib.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+default: all
+# Include Autoconf variables.
+template_files += Makefile.config
+include Makefile.config
+# Get rid of default suffixes. FIXME: is this a good idea?
+# Initialise some variables.
+QUIET = @
+bin_SCRIPTS :=
+noinst_SCRIPTS :=
+# Pass -fPIC if we're building dynamic libraries.
+ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS), 1)
+  GLOBAL_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries
+# Pass -g if we want debug info.
+ifeq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), 1)
+include mk/clean.mk
+include mk/dist.mk
+include mk/install.mk
+include mk/libraries.mk
+include mk/programs.mk
+include mk/patterns.mk
+include mk/templates.mk
+include mk/tests.mk
+# Include all sub-Makefiles.
+define include-sub-makefile =
+  d := $$(patsubst %/, %, $$(dir $(1)))
+  include $(1)
+$(foreach mf, $(SUBS), $(eval $(call include-sub-makefile, $(mf))))
+# Instantiate stuff.
+$(foreach lib, $(LIBS), $(eval $(call build-library,$(lib))))
+$(foreach prog, $(PROGRAMS), $(eval $(call build-program,$(prog))))
+$(foreach script, $(bin_SCRIPTS), $(eval $(call install-program-in,$(script),$(bindir))))
+$(foreach script, $(bin_SCRIPTS), $(eval programs_list += $(script)))
+$(foreach script, $(noinst_SCRIPTS), $(eval programs_list += $(script)))
+$(foreach template, $(template_files), $(eval $(call instantiate-template,$(template))))
+$(foreach test, $(INSTALL_TESTS), $(eval $(call run-install-test,$(test))))
+all: $(programs_list) $(libs_list)
diff --git a/mk/libraries.mk b/mk/libraries.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58c67063be5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/libraries.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+libs_list :=
+# Build a library with symbolic name $(1).  The library is defined by
+# various variables prefixed by ‘$(1)_’:
+# - $(1)_NAME: the name of the library (e.g. ‘libfoo’); defaults to
+#   $(1).
+# - $(1)_DIR: the directory containing the sources of the library, and
+#   where the (non-installed) library will be placed.
+# - $(1)_SOURCES: the source files of the library.
+# - $(1)_LIBS: the symbolic names of other libraries on which this
+#   library depends.
+# - $(1)_ALLOW_UNDEFINED: if set, the library is allowed to have
+#   undefined symbols.  Has no effect for static libraries.
+# - $(1)_LDFLAGS: additional linker flags.
+# - $(1)_LDFLAGS_PROPAGATED: additional linker flags, also propagated
+#   to the linking of programs/libraries that use this library.
+# - $(1)_FORCE_INSTALL: if defined, the library will be installed even
+#   if it's not needed (i.e. dynamically linked) by a program.
+# - $(1)_INSTALL_DIR: the directory where the library will be
+#   installed.  Defaults to $(libdir).
+# - BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: if equal to ‘1’, a dynamic library will be
+#   built, otherwise a static library.
+define build-library =
+  $(1)_NAME ?= $(1)
+  _d := $$(strip $$($(1)_DIR))
+  _srcs := $$(foreach src, $$($(1)_SOURCES), $$(_d)/$$(src))
+  $(1)_OBJS := $$(addsuffix .o, $$(basename $$(_srcs)))
+  _libs := $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_PATH))
+  $(1)_INSTALL_DIR ?= $$(libdir)
+  $(1)_LDFLAGS_USE :=
+  ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS), 1)
+    ifndef $(1)_ALLOW_UNDEFINED
+      $(1)_LDFLAGS += -z defs
+    endif
+    $(1)_PATH := $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).so
+    $$($(1)_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$(_libs)
+	$(QUIET) $(CXX) -o $$@ -shared $(GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS_PROPAGATED) $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_LDFLAGS_USE))
+    $(1)_LDFLAGS_USE += -L$$(_d) -Wl,-rpath,$$(abspath $$(_d)) -l$$(patsubst lib%,%,$$(strip $$($(1)_NAME)))
+    $(1)_INSTALL_PATH := $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)/$$($(1)_NAME).so
+    _libs_final := $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_INSTALL_PATH))
+    $$(eval $$(call create-dir,$$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)))
+    $$($(1)_INSTALL_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$(_libs_final) | $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)
+	$(QUIET) $(CXX) -o $$@ -shared $(GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS_PROPAGATED) $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_LDFLAGS_USE_INSTALLED))
+    $(1)_LDFLAGS_USE_INSTALLED += -L$$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR) -Wl,-rpath,$$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR) -l$$(patsubst lib%,%,$$(strip $$($(1)_NAME)))
+    ifdef $(1)_FORCE_INSTALL
+      install: $$($(1)_INSTALL_PATH)
+    endif
+  else
+    $(1)_PATH := $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).a
+    $$($(1)_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS)
+	$(QUIET) ar crs $$@ $$?
+    $(1)_LDFLAGS_USE += $$($(1)_PATH) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS)
+    $(1)_INSTALL_PATH := $$(libdir)/$$($(1)_NAME).a
+  endif
+  # Propagate CXXFLAGS to the individual object files.
+  $$(foreach obj, $$($(1)_OBJS), $$(eval $$(obj)_CXXFLAGS=$$($(1)_CXXFLAGS)))
+  include $$(wildcard $$(_d)/*.dep)
+  libs_list += $$($(1)_PATH)
+  clean_files += $$(_d)/*.a $$(_d)/*.so $$(_d)/*.o $$(_d)/*.dep
+  dist_files += $$(_srcs)
diff --git a/mk/patterns.mk b/mk/patterns.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..87d90955bf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/patterns.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%.o: %.cc
+	$(QUIET) $(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(GLOBAL_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $($@_CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(basename $@).dep -MP
+%.o: %.c
+	$(QUIET) $(CC) -o $@ -c $< $(GLOBAL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $($@_CFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(basename $@).dep -MP
diff --git a/mk/programs.mk b/mk/programs.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..648a6053b4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/programs.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+programs_list :=
+# Build a program with symbolic name $(1).  The program is defined by
+# various variables prefixed by ‘$(1)_’:
+# - $(1)_DIR: the directory containing the sources of the program, and
+#   where the (non-installed) program will be placed.
+# - $(1)_SOURCES: the source files of the program.
+# - $(1)_LIBS: the symbolic names of libraries on which this program
+#   depends.
+# - $(1)_LDFLAGS: additional linker flags.
+# - $(1)_INSTALL_DIR: the directory where the program will be
+#   installed; defaults to $(bindir).
+define build-program =
+  _d := $$($(1)_DIR)
+  _srcs := $$(foreach src, $$($(1)_SOURCES), $$(_d)/$$(src))
+  $(1)_OBJS := $$(addsuffix .o, $$(basename $$(_srcs)))
+  _libs := $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_PATH))
+  $(1)_PATH := $$(_d)/$(1)
+  $$($(1)_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$(_libs)
+	$(QUIET) $(CXX) -o $$@ $(GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS) $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_LDFLAGS_USE))
+  $(1)_INSTALL_DIR ?= $$(bindir)
+  $(1)_INSTALL_PATH := $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1)
+  $$(eval $$(call create-dir,$$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)))
+  install: $$($(1)_INSTALL_PATH)
+  ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS), 1)
+    _libs_final := $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_INSTALL_PATH))
+    $$($(1)_INSTALL_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS) $$(_libs_final) | $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)
+	$(QUIET) $(CXX) -o $$@ $(GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_OBJS) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS) $$(foreach lib, $$($(1)_LIBS), $$($$(lib)_LDFLAGS_USE_INSTALLED))
+  else
+    $$($(1)_INSTALL_PATH): $$($(1)_PATH) | $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR)
+	install -t $$($(1)_INSTALL_DIR) $$<
+  endif
+  # Propagate CXXFLAGS to the individual object files.
+  $$(foreach obj, $$($(1)_OBJS), $$(eval $$(obj)_CXXFLAGS=$$($(1)_CXXFLAGS)))
+  include $$(wildcard $$(_d)/*.dep)
+  programs_list += $$($(1)_PATH)
+  clean_files += $$($(1)_PATH) $$(_d)/*.o $$(_d)/*.dep
+  dist_files += $$(_srcs)
diff --git a/mk/templates.mk b/mk/templates.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa91e25095d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/templates.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Create the file $(1) from $(1).in by running config.status (which
+# substitutes all ‘@var@’ variables set by the configure script).
+define instantiate-template =
+  clean_files += $(1)
+%: %.in
+	$(QUIET) ./config.status --quiet --file $@
diff --git a/mk/tests.mk b/mk/tests.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a3bff66e890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/tests.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Run program $1 as part of ‘make installcheck’.
+define run-install-test =
+  installcheck: $1
+  # Run the test in its own directory to mimick Automake behaviour.
+  $1.run: $1 $(_PREV_TEST)
+  _installcheck_list += $1
+installcheck: install
+	@total=0; failed=0; for i in $(_installcheck_list); do \
+	  total=$$((total + 1)); \
+	  echo "running test $$i"; \
+	  if (cd $$(dirname $$i) && $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $$(basename $$i)); then \
+	    echo "PASS: $$i"; \
+	  else \
+	    echo "FAIL: $$i"; \
+	    failed=$$((failed + 1)); \
+	  fi; \
+	done; \
+	if [ "$$failed" != 0 ]; then \
+	  echo "$$failed out of $$total tests failed "; \
+	  exit 1; \
+	fi
+.PHONY: check installcheck