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path: root/website/sandbox/learnpianochords/src/server/Spec.hs
blob: 097ae3d5158d72601b4015072aafc96f08d48b82 (plain) (tree)








{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Spec where
import Test.Hspec
import Utils
import Web.JWT (numericDate)
import GoogleSignIn (ValidationResult(..))

import qualified GoogleSignIn
import qualified Fixtures as F
import qualified TestUtils
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as POSIX

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
  describe "GoogleSignIn" $
    describe "jwtIsValid" $ do
      let jwtIsValid' = GoogleSignIn.jwtIsValid True
      it "returns a decode error when an incorrectly encoded JWT is used" $ do
        jwtIsValid' (GoogleSignIn.EncodedJWT "rubbish") `shouldReturn` DecodeError

      it "returns validation error when the aud field doesn't match my client ID" $ do
        let auds = ["wrong-client-id"]
                   |> fmap TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI
            encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteAuds = auds }
                         |> F.googleJWT
        jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` NoMatchingClientIDs auds

      it "returns validation success when one of the aud fields matches my client ID" $ do
        let auds = ["wrong-client-id", "771151720060-buofllhed98fgt0j22locma05e7rpngl.apps.googleusercontent.com"]
                   |> fmap TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI
            encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteAuds = auds }
                         |> F.googleJWT
        jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` Valid

      it "returns validation error when one of the iss field doesn't match accounts.google.com or https://accounts.google.com" $ do
        let erroneousIssuer = TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI "not-accounts.google.com"
            encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteIss = erroneousIssuer }
                         |> F.googleJWT
        jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` WrongIssuer erroneousIssuer

      it "returns validation success when the iss field matches accounts.google.com or https://accounts.google.com" $ do
        let erroneousIssuer = TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI "https://accounts.google.com"
            encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteIss = erroneousIssuer }
                         |> F.googleJWT
        jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` Valid

      it "fails validation when the exp field has expired" $ do
        let mErroneousExp = numericDate 0
        case mErroneousExp of
          Nothing -> True `shouldBe` False
          Just erroneousExp -> do
            let encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteExp = erroneousExp }
                             |> F.googleJWT
            jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` StaleExpiry erroneousExp

      it "passes validation when the exp field is current" $ do
        mFreshExp <- POSIX.getPOSIXTime
                     |> fmap (\x -> x * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10) -- 10 days later
                     |> fmap numericDate
        case mFreshExp of
          Nothing -> True `shouldBe` False
          Just freshExp -> do
            let encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteExp = freshExp }
                             |> F.googleJWT
            jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` Valid