blob: 6c683cbbf2a799bc5aa0fdc90357e4d29d77322d (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Spec where
import Test.Hspec
import Utils
import GoogleSignIn (ValidationResult(..))
import qualified GoogleSignIn
import qualified Fixtures as F
import qualified TestUtils
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "GoogleSignIn" $
describe "jwtIsValid" $ do
let jwtIsValid' = GoogleSignIn.jwtIsValid True
it "returns validation error when the aud field doesn't match my client ID" $ do
let auds = ["wrong-client-id"]
|> fmap TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI
encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteAuds = auds }
|> F.googleJWT
jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` NoMatchingClientIDs auds
it "returns validation success when one of the aud fields matches my client ID" $ do
let auds = ["wrong-client-id", ""]
|> fmap TestUtils.unsafeStringOrURI
encodedJWT = F.defaultJWTFields { F.overwriteAuds = auds }
|> F.googleJWT
jwtIsValid' encodedJWT `shouldReturn` Valid