blob: e83ec2cfdb45e69fa83bec962c07b44979020d38 (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module GoogleSignIn where
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Web.JWT
import Utils
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Web.JWT as JWT
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as POSIX
newtype EncodedJWT = EncodedJWT Text
-- | Some of the errors that a JWT
data ValidationResult
= Valid
| DecodeError
| GoogleSaysInvalid Text
| NoMatchingClientIDs [StringOrURI]
| WrongIssuer StringOrURI
| StringOrURIParseFailure Text
| TimeConversionFailure
| MissingRequiredClaim Text
| StaleExpiry NumericDate
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Returns True when the supplied `jwt` meets the following criteria:
-- * The token has been signed by Google
-- * The value of `aud` matches my Google client's ID
-- * The value of `iss` matches is "" or
-- ""
-- * The `exp` time has not passed
-- Set `skipHTTP` to `True` to avoid making the network request for testing.
jwtIsValid :: Bool
-> EncodedJWT
-> IO ValidationResult
jwtIsValid skipHTTP (EncodedJWT encodedJWT) = do
case encodedJWT |> decode of
Nothing -> pure DecodeError
Just jwt -> do
if skipHTTP then
continue jwt
else do
let request = ""
|> HTTP.setRequestQueryString [ ( "id_token", Just (cs encodedJWT) ) ]
res <- HTTP.httpLBS request
if HTTP.getResponseStatusCode res /= 200 then
pure $ GoogleSaysInvalid (res |> HTTP.getResponseBody |> cs)
continue jwt
continue :: JWT UnverifiedJWT -> IO ValidationResult
continue jwt = do
let audValues :: [StringOrURI]
audValues = jwt |> claims |> auds
expectedClientID :: Text
expectedClientID = ""
expectedIssuers :: [Text]
expectedIssuers = [ ""
, ""
mExpectedClientID :: Maybe StringOrURI
mExpectedClientID = stringOrURI expectedClientID
mExpectedIssuers :: Maybe [StringOrURI]
mExpectedIssuers = expectedIssuers |> traverse stringOrURI
case (mExpectedClientID, mExpectedIssuers) of
(Nothing, _) -> pure $ StringOrURIParseFailure expectedClientID
(_, Nothing) -> pure $ StringOrURIParseFailure (Text.unwords expectedIssuers)
(Just clientID, Just parsedIssuers) ->
-- TODO: Prefer reading clientID from a config. I'm thinking of the
-- AppContext type having my Configuration
if not $ clientID `elem` audValues then
pure $ NoMatchingClientIDs audValues
case (jwt |> claims |> iss, jwt |> claims |> JWT.exp) of
(Nothing, _) -> pure $ MissingRequiredClaim "iss"
(_, Nothing) -> pure $ MissingRequiredClaim "exp"
(Just jwtIssuer, Just jwtExpiry) ->
if not $ jwtIssuer `elem` parsedIssuers then
pure $ WrongIssuer jwtIssuer
else do
mCurrentTime <- POSIX.getPOSIXTime |> fmap numericDate
case mCurrentTime of
Nothing -> pure TimeConversionFailure
Just currentTime ->
if not $ currentTime <= jwtExpiry then
pure $ StaleExpiry jwtExpiry
pure Valid