module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Random
import Random.List
import Piano
import Theory
type State = State { whitelistedChords : List Theory.Chord
, selectedChord : Theory.Chord
type Msg = NextChord
| NewChord Theory.Chord
viewChord : Theory.Chord -> String
viewChord (Theory.Chord (note, chordType, chordPosition)) =
viewNote note ++ " " ++
(case chordType of
Theory.Major -> "major"
Theory.Major7 -> "major 7th"
Theory.MajorDominant7 -> "major dominant 7th"
Theory.Minor -> "minor"
Theory.Minor7 -> "minor 7th"
Theory.MinorDominant7 -> "minor dominant 7th"
Theory.Augmented -> "augmented"
Theory.Augmented7 -> "augmented 7th"
Theory.Diminished -> "diminished"
Theory.Diminished7 -> "diminished 7th") ++ " " ++
(case chordPosition of
Theory.First -> "root position"
Theory.Second -> "2nd position"
Theory.Third -> "3rd position"
Theory.Fourth -> "4th position")
{-| Serialize a human-readable format of `note` -}
viewNote : Theory.Note -> String
viewNote note =
case note of
Theory.C -> "C"
Theory.C_sharp -> "C♯/D♭"
Theory.D -> "D"
Theory.D_sharp -> "D♯/E♭"
Theory.E -> "E"
Theory.F -> "F"
Theory.F_sharp -> "F♯/G♭"
Theory.G -> "G"
Theory.G_sharp -> "G♯/A♭"
Theory.A -> "A"
Theory.A_sharp -> "A♯/B♭"
Theory.B -> "B"
cmajor : Theory.Chord
cmajor = Theory.Chord (Theory.C, Theory.Major, Theory.First)
{-| The initial state for the application. -}
initialState : State
initialState =
State { whitelistedChords = Theory.allChords
, selectedChord = cmajor
{-| Now that we have state, we need a function to change the state. -}
update : Msg -> State -> (State, Cmd Msg)
update msg (State {whitelistedChords, selectedChord}) =
case msg of
NewChord chord -> ( State { whitelistedChords = whitelistedChords
, selectedChord = chord
, Cmd.none
NextChord -> ( State { whitelistedChords = whitelistedChords
, selectedChord = selectedChord
, Random.generate (\x ->
case x of
(Just chord, _) -> NewChord chord
(Nothing, _) -> NewChord cmajor)
(Random.List.choose whitelistedChords)
view : State -> Html Msg
view (State {selectedChord}) =
div [] [ p [] [ text (viewChord selectedChord) ]
, button [ onClick NextChord ] [ text "Next Chord" ]
, Piano.render { highlight = [] }
{-| For now, I'm just dumping things onto the page to sketch ideas. -}
main =
Browser.element { init = \() -> (initialState, Cmd.none)
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, update = update
, view = view