blob: b7a31457b79edc766d5a40d2c3358822e0f7ee55 (
plain) (
module App where
import RIO hiding (Handler)
import Servant
import API
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
import GoogleSignIn (EncodedJWT(..), ValidationResult(..))
import Utils
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified GoogleSignIn
import qualified Stripe
import qualified Types as T
server :: T.Context -> Server API
server ctx@T.Context{..} = verifyGoogleSignIn
:<|> createPaymentIntent
verifyGoogleSignIn :: T.VerifyGoogleSignInRequest -> Handler NoContent
verifyGoogleSignIn T.VerifyGoogleSignInRequest{..} = do
validationResult <- liftIO $ GoogleSignIn.validateJWT False (EncodedJWT idToken)
case validationResult of
Valid _ -> do
-- If GoogleLinkedAccounts has email from JWT:
-- create a new session for email
-- Else:
-- Redirect the SPA to the sign-up / payment page
pure NoContent
err -> do
throwError err401 { errBody = err |> GoogleSignIn.explainResult |> cs }
createPaymentIntent :: T.PaymentIntent -> Handler T.CreatePaymentIntentResponse
createPaymentIntent pmt = do
clientSecret <- liftIO $ Stripe.createPaymentIntent ctx pmt
pure T.CreatePaymentIntentResponse{..}
run :: T.App
run = do
ctx@T.Context{..} <- ask
|> server
|> serve (Proxy @API)
|> cors (const $ Just corsPolicy)
|> contextServerPort
|> liftIO
pure $ Right ()
corsPolicy :: CorsResourcePolicy
corsPolicy = simpleCorsResourcePolicy
{ corsOrigins = Just (["http://localhost:8000"], True)
, corsMethods = simpleMethods ++ ["PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"]
, corsRequestHeaders = simpleHeaders ++ ["Content-Type", "Authorization"]