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path: root/users/sterni/machines/ingeborg/monitoring.nix
blob: e6fcf33a52da0458716be0d4a3ff1d7c04aa2f86 (plain) (tree)










{ pkgs, lib, config, depot, ... }:

  ircChannel = "#sterni.lv";
  irccatPort =
    builtins.replaceStrings [ ":" ] [ "" ]

  send-irc-msg = pkgs.writeShellScript "send-irc-msg" ''
    set -euo pipefail
    printf '%s %s\n' ${lib.escapeShellArg ircChannel} "$1" | \
      ${lib.getBin pkgs.netcat-openbsd}/bin/nc -N localhost ${irccatPort}

  netdataPort = 19999;

  imports = [

  config = {
    services.depot.irccat.config.irc.channels = [

    # Since we have irccat we can wire up mdadm --monitor
    boot.swraid.mdadmConf = ''
      PROGRAM ${
        pkgs.writeShellScript "mdmonitor-to-irc" ''
          ${send-irc-msg} "mdmonitor: $1($2''${3:+, $3})"

    # TODO(sterni): irc notifications (?)
    services = {
      smartd = {
        enable = true;
        autodetect = true;
        # Short self test every day 03:00
        # Long self test every tuesday 05:00
        defaults.autodetected = "-a -o on -s (S/../.././03|L/../../2/05)";
        extraOptions = [

      netdata = {
        enable = true;
        config = {
          logs = {
            access = "syslog";
            error = "syslog";
            debug = "syslog";
            health = "syslog";
            collector = "syslog";
          web = {
            "default port" = toString netdataPort;
            "bind to" = "localhost:${toString netdataPort}";
          health = {
            "script to execute on alarm" = pkgs.writeShellScript "simple-alarm-notify" ''
              set -euo pipefail

              # This humongous list is copied over from netdata's alarm-notify.sh
              roles="''${1}"               # the roles that should be notified for this event
              args_host="''${2}"           # the host generated this event
              unique_id="''${3}"           # the unique id of this event
              alarm_id="''${4}"            # the unique id of the alarm that generated this event
              event_id="''${5}"            # the incremental id of the event, for this alarm id
              when="''${6}"                # the timestamp this event occurred
              name="''${7}"                # the name of the alarm, as given in netdata health.d entries
              chart="''${8}"               # the name of the chart (type.id)
              status="''${9}"              # the current status : REMOVED, UNINITIALIZED, UNDEFINED, CLEAR, WARNING, CRITICAL
              old_status="''${10}"         # the previous status: REMOVED, UNINITIALIZED, UNDEFINED, CLEAR, WARNING, CRITICAL
              value="''${11}"              # the current value of the alarm
              old_value="''${12}"          # the previous value of the alarm
              src="''${13}"                # the line number and file the alarm has been configured
              duration="''${14}"           # the duration in seconds of the previous alarm state
              non_clear_duration="''${15}" # the total duration in seconds this is/was non-clear
              units="''${16}"              # the units of the value
              info="''${17}"               # a short description of the alarm
              value_string="''${18}"       # friendly value (with units)
              # shellcheck disable=SC2034
              # variable is unused, but https://github.com/netdata/netdata/pull/5164#discussion_r255572947
              old_value_string="''${19}"   # friendly old value (with units), previously named "old_value_string"
              calc_expression="''${20}"    # contains the expression that was evaluated to trigger the alarm
              calc_param_values="''${21}"  # the values of the parameters in the expression, at the time of the evaluation
              total_warnings="''${22}"     # Total number of alarms in WARNING state
              total_critical="''${23}"     # Total number of alarms in CRITICAL state
              total_warn_alarms="''${24}"  # List of alarms in warning state
              total_crit_alarms="''${25}"  # List of alarms in critical state
              classification="''${26}"     # The class field from .conf files
              edit_command_line="''${27}"  # The command to edit the alarm, with the line number
              child_machine_guid="''${28}" # the machine_guid of the child
              transition_id="''${29}"      # the transition_id of the alert
              summary="''${30}"            # the summary text field of the alert

              # Verify that they haven't extended the arg list

              if [[ "$#" != "$ARG_COUNT_EXPECTED" ]]; then
                echo "$0: WARNING: unexpected number of arguments: $#. Did netdata add more?" >&2

              MSG="netdata: $status ''${name//_/ } ($chart): ''${summary//_/ } = $value_string"

              # Filter rules by chart name. This is necessary, since the "enabled alarms"
              # filter only allows for filtering alarm types, not specific alarms
              # belonging to that alarm.
              case "$chart" in
                # netdata prefers the automatically assigned names (dm-<n>, md<n>,
                # sd<c>) over ids for alerts, so this configuration assumes that
                # we have two physical disks which we kind of assert using the
                # grub configuration (it is more difficult with the soft raid
                # config).
                # ${assert builtins.length config.boot.loader.grub.devices == 2; ""}
                disk_util.sda | disk_util.sdb | disk_backlog.sda | disk_backlog.sdb)

                disk_util.* | disk_backlog.*)
                  echo "$0: INFO: DISCARDING message: $MSG" >&2
                  exit 0

              echo "$0: INFO: sending message: $MSG" >&2
              ${send-irc-msg} "$MSG"

      # https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/running-the-netdata-agent-behind-a-reverse-proxy/nginx
      nginx.virtualHosts."monitoring.sterni.lv" = {
        forceSSL = true;
        enableACME = true;
        extraConfig = ''
          auth_basic "netdata";
          auth_basic_user_file ${config.age.secretsDir}/netdata-htpasswd;

          location / {
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_pass${toString netdataPort};
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_pass_request_headers on;
            proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
            proxy_store off;

    age.secrets.netdata-htpasswd = {
      file = depot.users.sterni.secrets."netdata-htpasswd.age";
      inherit (config.services.nginx) group;
      owner = config.services.nginx.user;
      mode = "700";