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path: root/users/aspen/xanthous/src/Xanthous/Generators/Speech.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Xanthous.Generators.Speech
  ( -- * Language definition
    -- ** Lenses
  , phonotactics
  , syllablesPerWord

    -- ** Phonotactics
  , Phonotactics(..)
    -- *** Lenses
  , onsets
  , nuclei
  , codas
  , numOnsets
  , numNuclei
  , numCodas

    -- * Language generation
  , syllable
  , word

    -- * Languages
  , english
  , gormlak

  ) where
import           Xanthous.Prelude hiding (replicateM)
import           Data.Interval (Interval, (<=..<=))
import qualified Data.Interval as Interval
import           Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom)
import           Xanthous.Random (chooseRange, choose, ChooseElement (..), Weighted (Weighted))
import           Control.Monad (replicateM)
import           Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, CoArbitrary, Function)
import           Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text ()
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)

newtype Phoneme = Phoneme Text
  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
  deriving anyclass (NFData, CoArbitrary, Function)
  deriving newtype (IsString, Semigroup, Monoid, Arbitrary)

-- | The phonotactics of a language
-- The phonotactics of a language represent the restriction on the phonemes in
-- the syllables of a language.
-- Syllables in a language consist of an onset, a nucleus, and a coda (the
-- nucleus and the coda together representing the "rhyme" of the syllable).
data Phonotactics = Phonotactics
  { _onsets    :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible onsets, or consonant clusters
                           --   at the beginning of a syllable
  , _nuclei    :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible nuclei, or vowel clusters in
                           --   the middle of a syllable
  , _codas     :: [Phoneme] -- ^ The permissible codas, or consonant clusters at
                           --   the end of a syllable
  , _numOnsets :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable onsets
  , _numNuclei :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable nuclei
  , _numCodas  :: Interval Word -- ^ The range of number of allowable codas
  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
  deriving anyclass (NFData)
makeLenses ''Phonotactics

-- | Randomly generate a syllable with the given 'Phonotactics'
syllable :: MonadRandom m => Phonotactics -> m Text
syllable phonotactics = do
  let genPart num choices = do
        n <- fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 <$> chooseRange (phonotactics ^. num)
        fmap (fromMaybe mempty . mconcat)
          . replicateM n
          . choose . ChooseElement
          $ phonotactics ^. choices

  (Phoneme onset) <- genPart numOnsets onsets
  (Phoneme nucleus) <- genPart numNuclei nuclei
  (Phoneme coda) <- genPart numCodas codas

  pure $ onset <> nucleus <> coda

-- | A definition for a language
-- Currently this provides enough information to generate multi-syllabic words,
-- but in the future will likely also include grammar-related things.
data Language = Language
  { _phonotactics :: Phonotactics
  , _syllablesPerWord :: Weighted Int NonEmpty Int
  deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
  deriving anyclass (NFData)
makeLenses ''Language

word :: MonadRandom m => Language -> m Text
word lang = do
  numSyllables <- choose $ lang ^. syllablesPerWord
  mconcat <$> replicateM numSyllables (syllable $ lang ^. phonotactics)


-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_phonology#Phonotactics>
englishPhonotactics :: Phonotactics
englishPhonotactics = Phonotactics
  { _onsets = [ "pl" , "bl" , "kl" , "gl" , "pr" , "br" , "tr" , "dr" , "kr"
              , "gr" , "tw" , "dw" , "gw" , "kw" , "pw"

              , "fl" , "sl" , {- "thl", -} "shl" {- , "vl" -}
              , "p", "b", "t", "d", "k", "ɡ", "m", "n", "f", "v", "th", "s"
              , "z", "h", "l", "w"

              , "sp", "st", "sk"

              , "sm", "sn"

              , "sf", "sth"

              , "spl", "skl", "spr", "str", "skr", "skw", "sm", "sp", "st", "sk"
  , _nuclei = [ "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ur", "ar", "or", "ear", "are", "ure"
              , "oa", "ee", "oo", "ei", "ie", "oi", "ou"
  , _codas = [ "m", "n", "ng", "p", "t", "tsh", "k", "f", "sh", "s", "th", "x"
             , "v", "z", "zh", "l", "r", "w"

             , "lk", "lb", "lt", "ld", "ltsh", "ldsh", "lk"
             , "rp", "rb", "rt", "rd", "rtsh", "rdsh", "rk", "rɡ"
             , "lf", "lv", "lth", "ls", "lz", "lsh", "lth"
             , "rf", "rv", "rth", "rs", "rz", "rth"
             , "lm", "ln"
             , "rm", "rn", "rl"
             , "mp", "nt", "nd", "nth", "nsh", "nk"
             , "mf", "ms", "mth", "nf", "nth", "ns", "nz", "nth"
             , "ft", "sp", "st", "sk"
             , "fth"
             , "pt", "kt"
             , "pth", "ps", "th", "ts", "dth", "dz", "ks"
             , "lpt", "lps", "lfth", "lts", "lst", "lkt", "lks"
             , "rmth", "rpt", "rps", "rts", "rst", "rkt"
             , "mpt", "mps", "ndth", "nkt", "nks", "nkth"
             , "ksth", "kst"
  , _numOnsets = 0 <=..<= 1
  , _numNuclei = Interval.singleton 1
  , _numCodas  = 0 <=..<= 1

english :: Language
english = Language
  { _phonotactics = englishPhonotactics
  , _syllablesPerWord = Weighted [(20, 1),
                                  (7,  2),
                                  (2,  3),
                                  (1,  4)]

gormlakPhonotactics :: Phonotactics
gormlakPhonotactics = Phonotactics
 { _onsets = [ "h", "l", "g", "b", "m", "n", "ng"
             , "gl", "bl", "fl"
 , _numOnsets = Interval.singleton 1
 , _nuclei = [ "a", "o", "aa", "u" ]
 , _numNuclei = Interval.singleton 1
 , _codas = [ "r", "l", "g", "m", "n"
            , "rl", "gl", "ml", "rm"
            , "n", "k"
 , _numCodas = Interval.singleton 1

gormlak :: Language
gormlak = Language
  { _phonotactics = gormlakPhonotactics
  , _syllablesPerWord = Weighted [ (5, 2)
                                 , (5, 1)
                                 , (1, 3)