'use strict';
// Step 3: Create the script
const dbus = require('dbus-native');
const fs = require('fs');
const assert = require('assert');
const { OTLPTraceExporter } = require('@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http');
const {
} = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base');
const opentelemetry = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const { hrTime } = require('@opentelemetry/core');
const { AsyncHooksContextManager } = require('@opentelemetry/context-async-hooks');
const { EventEmitter } = require('stream');
const { setTimeout } = require('node:timers/promises');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const { pseudoRandomBytes } = require('crypto');
const { execFile } = require('node:child_process');
const { readdir, realpath, access } = require('fs/promises');
// NB: this code is like 80% copilot generated, and seriously missing error handling.
// It might break at any time, but for now it seems to work lol.
const programName = process.argv[1];
let themeDir = process.argv[2];
// read the dark alacritty theme file as first argument
let darkThemeName = process.argv[3] ?? 'alacritty_0_12';
// read the light alacritty theme file as second argument
let lightThemeName = process.argv[4] ?? 'dayfox';
assert(themeDir, 'Theme directory is required');
let darkTheme = getThemePathSync(darkThemeName);
let lightTheme = getThemePathSync(lightThemeName);
console.log(`Dark theme: ${darkTheme}`);
console.log(`Light theme: ${lightTheme}`);
class Bus {
* @param {'session' | 'system'} type
* @param {string} name
constructor(name, type) {
this._name = name;
this._type = type;
switch (type) {
case 'session':
this._bus = dbus.sessionBus();
case 'system':
this._bus = dbus.systemBus();
/** @param {Error} err */
err => {
console.error(`${this._type} bus ${this._name} error: ${err}`);
throw new Error(`${this._type} bus ${this._name} error: ${err}`);
this._bus.connection.once('end', () => {
console.error(`${this._type} bus ${this._name} connection ended unexpectedly`);
throw new Error(`${this._type} bus ${this._name} connection ended unexpectedly`);
* @param {string} what
_busErrorMessages(what) {
return `Error getting ${what} from ${this._type} bus ${this._name}`;
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} flags
* @returns {Promise<number>}
requestName(name, flags) {
return promisifyMethodAnnotate(
// @ts-ignore
this._busErrorMessages(`requesting name ${name}`),
* @param {{ [key: string]: unknown }} iface
* @param {string} path
* @param {{ name: string; methods: { [key: string]: unknown }; }} opts
exportInterface(iface, path, opts) {
// @ts-ignore
return this._bus.exportInterface(iface, path, opts);
/** Get object from bus, with the given interface (not checked!)
* @template {{[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>}} Interface
* @param {string} serviceName
* @param {string} interfaceName
* @param {string} objectName object name
* @returns {Promise<Interface & EventEmitter >}
async getObject(serviceName, interfaceName, objectName) {
const s = this._bus.getService(serviceName);
/** @type {{[key: string]: Function}} */
// @ts-ignore
const iface = await promisifyMethodAnnotate(
this._busErrorMessages(`interface ${interfaceName}`),
if (!iface) {
throw new Error(
`Interface ${interfaceName} not found on object ${objectName} of service ${serviceName}`,
// We need to promisify all methods on the interface
const methodNames = Object.keys(iface.$methods ?? {});
/** @type {{[key: string]: any}} */
const methods = {};
/** @type {Record<string, Function>} */
for (const methodName of methodNames) {
methods[methodName] = iface[methodName];
iface[methodName] = (/** @type {any[]} */ ...args) =>
this._busErrorMessages(`method ${methodName}`),
// @ts-ignore
return iface;
// Connect to the user session bus
const bus = new Bus('color-scheme', 'session');
opentelemetry.diag.setLogger({ ...console, verbose: console.log });
const exporter = new OTLPTraceExporter();
const consoleExporter = new ConsoleSpanExporter();
const provider = new BasicTracerProvider({
resource: {
attributes: {
'service.name': 'alacritty-change-color-scheme',
// 'service.namespace': 'default',
// 'service.instance.id': 'alacritty-change-color-scheme-01',
// 'service.version': '0.0.1',
spanProcessors: [
// new BatchSpanProcessor(exporter, {
// maxQueueSize: 100,
// scheduledDelayMillis: 5000,
// }),
new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter),
new SimpleSpanProcessor(consoleExporter),
contextManager: new AsyncHooksContextManager().enable(),
const dbusSpanEmitter = new EventEmitter();
dbusSpanEmitter.on('new-root-span', onNewRootSpan);
/** @typedef {{spanId: string, name: string, parentId?: string, startTime?: opentelemetry.TimeInput, attributes?: opentelemetry.Attributes}} StartSpan */
/** @typedef {{spanId: string, endTime?: opentelemetry.TimeInput}} EndSpan */
/** @param {opentelemetry.Tracer} tracer,
* @param {StartSpan} spanData */
function emitNewRootSpanEvent(tracer, spanData) {
dbusSpanEmitter.emit('new-root-span', tracer, spanData);
* @param {StartSpan} childSpanData
* @param {string} parentSpanId
function emitNewChildSpanEvent(parentSpanId, childSpanData) {
dbusSpanEmitter.emit(`new-child-span-for/${parentSpanId}`, childSpanData);
/** @param {EndSpan} endSpanData */
function emitEndSpanEvent(endSpanData) {
dbusSpanEmitter.emit(`end-span-for/${endSpanData.spanId}`, endSpanData);
/** @param {opentelemetry.Tracer} tracer
* @param {StartSpan} spanData */
function onNewRootSpan(tracer, spanData) {
console.log(`New span: ${spanData.spanId}`);
setupActiveSpan(tracer, spanData);
/** @param {opentelemetry.Tracer} tracer
* @param {StartSpan} spanData */
function setupActiveSpan(tracer, spanData) {
const SPAN_TIMEOUT = 1_000_000; // 1000 seconds
const SPAN_TIMEOUT_SHORT = 10_000; // 10 seconds
if (typeof spanData.startTime === 'number') {
'startTime is a number, not a hrTime tuple. This would use perfomance.now() in the wrong context, so we are ignoring it.',
spanData.startTime = undefined;
{ startTime: spanData.startTime, attributes: spanData.attributes },
span => {
let activeContext = opentelemetry.context.active();
/** @param {{spanId: string, name: string}} childSpanData */
function onNewChildSpan(childSpanData) {
opentelemetry.context.with(activeContext, () => {
console.log(`New child span: ${childSpanData.spanId}`);
setupActiveSpan(tracer, childSpanData);
dbusSpanEmitter.on(`new-child-span-for/${spanData.spanId}`, onNewChildSpan);
const removeTimeoutOnEnd = new AbortController();
/** @param {{endTime?: opentelemetry.TimeInput}} endSpanData */
function onEndSpan(endSpanData) {
opentelemetry.context.with(activeContext, () => {
console.log(`End span: ${spanData.spanId}`);
if (typeof endSpanData.endTime === 'number') {
'endTime is a number, not a hrTime tuple. This would use perfomance.now() in the wrong context, so we are ignoring it.',
endSpanData.endTime = undefined;
// we don’t remove the child span listener here, because in theory child spans don’t have to be inside parent spans.
// However, we only want to keep the child span listener around for a little more, so let’s set a shorter timeout here
setTimeout(SPAN_TIMEOUT_SHORT).then(() => {
dbusSpanEmitter.off(`new-child-span-for/${spanData.spanId}`, onNewChildSpan);
// remove the general long timeout belove
dbusSpanEmitter.once(`end-span-for/${spanData.spanId}`, onEndSpan);
// don't keep spans contexts open forever if we never get a second message
// but we don’t end the spans, just remove the listeners.
setTimeout(SPAN_TIMEOUT, undefined, { signal: removeTimeoutOnEnd.signal })
.then(() => {
`Timeout for span ${spanData.spanId}, removing all event listeners`,
dbusSpanEmitter.off(`new-child-span-for/${spanData.spanId}`, onNewChildSpan);
dbusSpanEmitter.off(`end-span-for/${spanData.spanId}`, onEndSpan);
.catch(err => {
if (err.name === 'AbortError') {
// console.log(`Timeout for span ${spanData.spanId} was aborted`);
} else {
throw err;
// set XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it's not set
if (!process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME) {
process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME = process.env.HOME + '/.config';
/** get the path of the theme config file synchronously
* @param {string} theme
* @returns {string}
* */
function getThemePathSync(theme) {
const path = `${themeDir}/${theme}.toml`;
const absolutePath = fs.realpathSync(path);
assert(fs.existsSync(absolutePath), `Theme file not found: ${absolutePath}`);
return absolutePath;
/** get the path of the theme config file
* @param {string} theme
* @returns {Promise<string | null>} null if the theme file does not exist
* */
async function getThemePath(theme) {
const path = `${themeDir}/${theme}.toml`;
try {
const absolutePath = await realpath(path);
await access(absolutePath);
return absolutePath;
} catch (err) {
return null;
/** write new color scheme
* @param {'prefer-dark' | 'prefer-light'} cs
function writeAlacrittyColorConfig(cs) {
const theme = cs === 'prefer-dark' ? darkTheme : lightTheme;
Writing color scheme ${cs} with theme ${theme}`);
process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME + '/alacritty/alacritty-colors-autogen.toml',
`# !! THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY ${programName}
general.import = ["${theme}"]`,
/** Typescript type that returns the inner value type T from a Promise<T>
* type PromiseVal<T> = T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T;
* @template T
* @typedef {T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T } PromiseVal
* @template {{[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>}} T
* @typedef {typeof Bus.prototype.getObject<T>} GetObject<T>
* @template {{[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => Promise<unknown>}} T
* @typedef {PromiseVal<ReturnType<GetObject<T>>>} IfaceReturn<T> */
/** get the current value of the color scheme from dbus
* @returns {Promise<'prefer-dark' | 'prefer-light'>}
async function getColorScheme() {
/** @typedef {{ReadOne: (interface: string, settingName: string) => Promise<[unknown, ['prefer-dark' | 'prefer-light']]>}} ColorScheme */
/** @type {IfaceReturn<ColorScheme>} */
let iface = await bus.getObject(
const [_, [value]] = await iface.ReadOne('org.gnome.desktop.interface', 'color-scheme');
assert(value === 'prefer-dark' || value === 'prefer-light');
return value;
/** promisify an object method and annotate any errors that get thrown
* @template {Function} A
* @param {object} obj
* @param {A} method
* @param {string} msg
* @param {...any} args
* @returns {Promise<ReturnType<A>>}
function promisifyMethodAnnotate(obj, method, msg, ...args) {
return promisify(method.bind(obj))(...args).catch(annotateErr(msg));
/** write respective alacritty config if the colorscheme changes.
* Colorscheme changes are only tracked in-between calls to this function in-memory.
* @param {'prefer-dark' | 'prefer-light'} cs
function writeAlacrittyColorConfigIfDifferent(cs) {
// only change the color scheme if it's different from the previous one
let previous = null;
if (previous === cs) {
console.log(`Color scheme already set to ${cs}`);
previous = cs;
console.log(`Color scheme changed to ${cs}`);
/** Listen on the freedesktop SettingChanged dbus interface for the color-scheme setting to change. */
async function listenForColorschemeChange() {
/** @type {PromiseVal<ReturnType<typeof bus.getObject<{}>>>} */
const iface = await bus.getObject(
// Listen for SettingChanged signals
iface.on('SettingChanged', (interfaceName, key, [_, [newValue]]) => {
if (interfaceName === 'org.gnome.desktop.interface' && key == 'color-scheme') {
console.log('Listening for color scheme changes...');
/** Create a dbus service that binds against the interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme and implements the method SetColorScheme */
async function exportColorSchemeDbusInterface() {
console.log('Exporting color scheme interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme');
const ifaceName = 'de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme';
const iface = {
name: 'de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme',
methods: {
SetColorScheme: ['s', ''],
// first argument: 'dark' | 'light'
// second argument: the theme name (one of the themes in the theme directory)
// will only be applied during the run-time of this program, and reset on restart
SetColorSchemeTheme: ['ss', ''],
const ifaceImpl = {
/** @type {function('prefer-dark' | 'prefer-light'): void} */
SetColorScheme: function (cs) {
console.log(`SetColorScheme called with ${cs}`);
SetColorSchemeTheme: async function (
/** @type {string} */ cs,
/** @type {string} */ theme,
) {
console.log(`SetColorSchemeTheme called with ${cs} and theme ${theme}`);
if (cs !== 'dark' && cs !== 'light') {
console.warn(`Invalid color scheme ${cs}`);
const themePath = await getThemePath(theme);
if (themePath === null) {
if (cs === 'dark') {
darkTheme = themePath;
if (cs === 'light') {
lightTheme = themePath;
console.log(`Setting color scheme ${cs} with theme ${themePath}`);
writeAlacrittyColorConfig(cs === 'dark' ? 'prefer-dark' : 'prefer-light');
try {
const retCode = await bus.requestName(ifaceName, 0);
`Request name returned ${retCode} for interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme`,
bus.exportInterface(ifaceImpl, '/de/profpatsch/alacritty/ColorScheme', iface);
console.log('Exported interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error exporting interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme');
/** Annotate an error as a promise .catch handler (rethrows the annotated error)
* @param {string} msg
* @returns {function(Error): void}
function annotateErr(msg) {
return err => {
msg = err.message ? `${msg}: ${err.message}` : msg;
err.message = msg;
throw err;
const bus2 = new Bus('otel', 'session');
async function exportOtelInterface() {
console.log('Exporting OpenTelemetry interface');
try {
const retCode = bus2.requestName('de.profpatsch.otel.Tracer', 0);
`Request name returned ${retCode} for interface de.profpatsch.otel.Tracer`,
const traceIface = {
name: 'de.profpatsch.otel.Tracer',
methods: {
// These both just take a json string as input
StartSpan: ['s', ''],
EndSpan: ['s', ''],
// An array of [(isStartSpan: bool, span: Span)]
// So that you don’t have to call dbus for every span
BatchSpans: ['a(bs)', ''],
/** @type {(arg: {tracer: opentelemetry.Tracer, tracerName: string}) => {StartSpan: (input: string) => void, EndSpan: (input: string) => void, BatchSpans: (input: [boolean, string][]) => void }} */
const traceImpl = tracer => ({
StartSpan: function (input) {
// TODO: actually verify json input
/** @type {StartSpan} */
const spanArgs = JSON.parse(input);
if (spanArgs.parentId === undefined) {
`Tracing root span ${spanArgs.name} with tracer ${tracer.tracerName}`,
emitNewRootSpanEvent(tracer.tracer, spanArgs);
} else {
`Tracing child span ${spanArgs.name} with tracer ${tracer.tracerName}`,
emitNewChildSpanEvent(spanArgs.parentId, spanArgs);
EndSpan: function (input) {
// TODO: actually verify json input
/** @type {EndSpan} */
const spanArgs = JSON.parse(input);
console.log(`Ending span ${spanArgs.spanId} with tracer ${tracer.tracerName}`);
BatchSpans: function (input) {
// lol
for (const [isStartSpan, span] of input) {
if (isStartSpan) {
} else {
/** @param {string} tracerName */
CreateTracer: function (tracerName) {
console.log(`Creating tracer with name ${tracerName}`);
const tracer = opentelemetry.trace.getTracer(tracerName, '0.0.1');
traceImpl({ tracer, tracerName }),
return `/de/profpatsch/otel/tracers/${tracerName}`;
name: 'de.profpatsch.otel.TracerFactory',
methods: {
CreateTracer: ['s', 's'],
console.log('Exported interface de.profpatsch.otel.TracerFactory');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error exporting interface de.profpatsch.alacritty.ColorScheme');
/** Returns the callsite of the function calling `getParentCallsite`, if any. */
async function getParentCallsite() {
const getCallsites = (await import('callsites')).default;
const cs = getCallsites();
return cs[2] ?? cs[1] ?? null;
/** @typedef {([true, StartSpan] | [false, EndSpan])} BatchSpan */
* @typedef {{
* StartSpan: (spanData: StartSpan) => Promise<void>,
* EndSpan: (spanData: EndSpan) => Promise<void>,
* BatchSpans: (spans: BatchSpan[]) => Promise<void>
* }} TracerIface
/** Calls the tracer dbus interface, sets up a tracer
* @param {string} tracerName The name of the tracer to set up
* @returns {Promise<TracerIface>}
async function setupTracer(tracerName) {
const parentCallsite = await getParentCallsite();
console.log(`Setting up tracer ${tracerName} from ${parentCallsite?.getFileName()}`);
/** @typedef {{CreateTracer: (name: string) => Promise<string>}} TracerFactory */
/** @type {IfaceReturn<TracerFactory>} */
const iface = await bus2.getObject(
const path = await iface.CreateTracer(tracerName);
* @typedef {{
* StartSpan: (spanData: string) => Promise<void>,
* EndSpan: (spanData: string) => Promise<void>
* BatchSpans: (spans: [boolean, string][]) => Promise<void>
* }} Tracer
* @type {IfaceReturn<Tracer>}
* */
const tracerIface = await bus2.getObject(
/** @param {StartSpan} spanData */
function StartSpan(spanData) {
return tracerIface.StartSpan(JSON.stringify(spanData));
* @param {any} spanData
function EndSpan(spanData) {
return tracerIface.EndSpan(JSON.stringify(spanData));
/** @param {[boolean, unknown][]} spans */
function BatchSpans(spans) {
return tracerIface.BatchSpans(
spans.map(([isStartSpan, span]) => [isStartSpan, JSON.stringify(span)]),
return {
/** @typedef {{}} Span */
/** @typedef {{name: string, attributes?: opentelemetry.Attributes, parentSpan?: Span}} SpanData */
class Tracer {
/** @param {string} tracerName */
static async setup(tracerName) {
const iface = await setupTracer(tracerName);
return new Tracer(tracerName, iface);
* @param {string} tracerName
* @param {TracerIface} iface
constructor(tracerName, iface) {
this.tracerName = tracerName;
const batch = new EventEmitter();
* @type {BatchSpan[]}
const batchQueue = [];
async function sendBatch() {
if (batchQueue.length > 0) {
await iface.BatchSpans(batchQueue);
batchQueue.length = 0;
* @param {StartSpan} spanData
function onNewSpan(spanData) {
batchQueue.push([true, spanData]);
if (batchQueue.length > 10) {
* @param {EndSpan} spanData
function onEndSpan(spanData) {
batchQueue.push([false, spanData]);
if (batchQueue.length > 10) {
batch.on('new-span', onNewSpan);
batch.on('end-span', onEndSpan);
let errorCounter = 0;
async function batchTimeout() {
const BATCH_TIMEOUT = 100;
try {
await setTimeout(BATCH_TIMEOUT);
await sendBatch();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (errorCounter > 5) {
console.warn('Too many errors, stopping batchTimeout');
throw new Error('Too many errors, had to stop batchTimeout');
await setTimeout(BATCH_TIMEOUT).then(batchTimeout);
/** @param {StartSpan} spanData */
function startSpan(spanData) {
batch.emit('new-span', spanData);
/** @param {EndSpan} spanId */
function endSpan(spanId) {
batch.emit('end-span', { spanId });
this.batch = {
* @template A
* @param {SpanData} spanData
* @param {function(Span): A} f
async withSpan(spanData, f) {
const spanId = this.tracerName + '-' + pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString('hex');
const startTime = hrTime();
// @ts-ignore spanId is an internal impl detaul to our Span type
const parentId = spanData.parentSpan?.spanId;
try {
name: spanData.name,
attributes: spanData.attributes,
const span = { spanId };
return await f(span);
} finally {
this.batch.endSpan({ spanId });
const execFileP = promisify(execFile);
/** actual brightness roughly (but not quite arghhhh) logarithmic on a ThinkPad T14s with effin ARM crap
/* @type {number[]}
const brightnessMappingInternal = [0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 14, 20, 35, 50, 84, 120, 147, 200, 255];
const brightnessMappingExternal = [0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 100, 100, 100];
const maxBrightnessVal = brightnessMappingInternal.length - 1;
async function getInitialInternalMonitorBrightness() {
const { stdout } = await execFileP(`blight`, [`get`, 'brightness'], {});
const brightness = parseInt(stdout, 10);
const brightnessVal = brightnessMappingInternal.findIndex(value => value >= brightness);
return brightnessVal;
* @param {number} brightnessVal number between 0 and `maxBrightnessVal`
* (the amount of steps we want) where 0 is “turn off if possible” and `maxBrightnessVal` is “full brightness”
* The steps should be roughly aligned (by human eye) between the internal and external monitor.
async function SetBrightnessAllMonitors(brightnessVal) {
return Promise.all([
(async () => {
const internalMonitorBrightness = brightnessMappingInternal[brightnessVal] ?? '255';
// set the brightness for internal monitor with the `blight` command line util
console.log(`Setting internal monitor brightness to ${internalMonitorBrightness}`);
await execFileP(`blight`, [`set`, `${internalMonitorBrightness}`], {});
(async () => {
// find external monitors by listing all directories in /dev/bus/ddcci and reading their numbers
// external monitor brightness (ddc) is between 0 and 100
const externalBrightness = brightnessMappingExternal[brightnessVal] ?? '100';
const ddcutilEmitter = new EventEmitter();
* @param {number} brightness
function ddcutilNewBrightness(brightness) {
ddcutilEmitter.emit('new-brightness', brightness);
* @type {number | null}
let nextBrightness = null;
/** Set the brightness of the external monitor using ddcutil,
* but only if nothing else is already trying to set it. In that case schedule to set it later.
* Also debounce the brightness setting to avoid setting it multiple times in a short time.
* @param {number} externalBrightness
async function onDdcutilBrightnessChange(externalBrightness) {
if (nextBrightness === externalBrightness) return;
if (nextBrightness !== null) {
nextBrightness = externalBrightness;
console.log(`Already running, will set brightness to ${externalBrightness} later`);
nextBrightness = externalBrightness;
// debounce for some ms if anything happens to nextBrightness in the meantime, use that value
await setTimeout(250);
if (nextBrightness !== externalBrightness) {
`Newer brightness value ${nextBrightness} was requested, ignoring ${externalBrightness}`,
const brightness = nextBrightness;
nextBrightness = null;
await onDdcutilBrightnessChange(brightness);
const ddcciDevices = await readdir('/dev/bus/ddcci');
console.log(`Found ddcci devices: ${ddcciDevices}`);
for (const device of ddcciDevices) {
`Setting external monitor brightness to ${externalBrightness} for device ${device}`,
await execFileP('ddcutil', [
]).catch(err => {
/** @type {string} */
let stdout = err.stdout;
// err.stdout contains "No monitor detected on bus"
if (stdout.includes('No monitor detected on bus')) {
console.log(`External monitor on bus ${device} is gone, ignoring.`);
console.warn(`Error setting brightness with ddcutil for device ${device}`, err);
if (nextBrightness !== externalBrightness) {
const brightness = nextBrightness;
nextBrightness = null;
await onDdcutilBrightnessChange(brightness);
} else {
nextBrightness = null;
console.log(`Finished setting external monitor brightness to ${externalBrightness}`);
async function exportDisplayBrightnessDbusInterface() {
console.log('Exporting display brightness interface de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness');
const ifaceName = 'de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness';
const iface = {
name: 'de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness',
methods: {
// between 0 and 10
SetBrightnessAllMonitors: ['d', ''],
// either '+' or '-'
SetBrightnessAllMonitorsRelative: ['s', ''],
let currentBrightness = await getInitialInternalMonitorBrightness();
console.log(`Current brightness: ${currentBrightness}`);
ddcutilEmitter.on('new-brightness', onDdcutilBrightnessChange);
const ifaceImpl = {
/** @type {function(number): void} */
SetBrightnessAllMonitors: function (brightness) {
console.log(`SetBrightnessAllMonitors called with ${brightness}`);
// set the brightness
/** @type {function(string): void} */
SetBrightnessAllMonitorsRelative: function (direction) {
console.log(`SetBrightnessAllMonitorsRelative called with ${direction}`);
switch (direction) {
case '+':
currentBrightness = Math.min(maxBrightnessVal, currentBrightness + 1);
case '-':
currentBrightness = Math.max(0, currentBrightness - 1);
console.warn(`Invalid direction ${direction}`);
try {
const retCode = await bus.requestName(ifaceName, 0);
`Request name returned ${retCode} for interface de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness`,
bus.exportInterface(ifaceImpl, '/de/profpatsch/DisplayBrightness', iface);
console.log('Exported interface de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness');
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error exporting interface de.profpatsch.DisplayBrightness');
async function main() {
await exportOtelInterface();
await exportDisplayBrightnessDbusInterface();
const tracer = await Tracer.setup('hello');
await tracer.withSpan(
name: 'hello',
attributes: {
foo: 'bar',
async span => {
await tracer.withSpan(
parentSpan: span,
name: 'world',
attributes: {
bar: 'baz',
async () => {
// Code inside the nested span
// Code after the nested span
await exportColorSchemeDbusInterface();
// get the current color scheme
const currentColorScheme = await getColorScheme();
console.log(`Current color scheme: ${currentColorScheme}`);
// write the color scheme
// listen for color scheme changes
await listenForColorschemeChange();
main().catch(err => {