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path: root/tvix/tracing/src/lib.rs
blob: 9cfe5afa52d20ce1d84f2421fe76f970da91fcce (plain) (tree)
















use indicatif::ProgressStyle;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
use tracing::Level;
use tracing_indicatif::{filter::IndicatifFilter, IndicatifLayer};
use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, EnvFilter, Layer};

#[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
use opentelemetry::KeyValue;
#[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
use opentelemetry_sdk::{
    resource::{ResourceDetector, SdkProvidedResourceDetector},

lazy_static! {
    pub static ref PB_PROGRESS_STYLE: ProgressStyle = ProgressStyle::with_template(
        "{span_child_prefix}{bar:30} {wide_msg} [{elapsed_precise}]  {pos:>7}/{len:7}"
    .expect("invalid progress template");
    pub static ref PB_SPINNER_STYLE: ProgressStyle = ProgressStyle::with_template(
        "{span_child_prefix}{spinner} {wide_msg} [{elapsed_precise}]  {pos:>7}/{len:7}"
    .expect("invalid progress template");

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
    Init(#[from] tracing_subscriber::util::TryInitError),

    MpscSend(#[from] mpsc::error::SendError<Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>>),

    OneshotRecv(#[from] oneshot::error::RecvError),

pub struct TracingHandle {
    tx: Option<mpsc::Sender<Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>>>,

impl TracingHandle {
    /// This will flush possible attached tracing providers, e.g. otlp exported, if enabled.
    /// If there is none enabled this will result in a noop.
    /// It will not wait until the flush is complete, but you can pass in an oneshot::Sender which
    /// will receive a message once the flush is completed.
    pub async fn flush(&self, msg: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        if let Some(tx) = &self.tx {
        } else {
            // If we have a message passed in we need to notify the receiver
            if let Some(tx) = msg {
                let _ = tx.send(());

    /// This will flush all all attached tracing providers and will wait until the flush is completed.
    /// If no tracing providers like otlp are attached then this will be a noop.
    /// This should only be called on a regular shutdown.
    /// If you correctly need to shutdown tracing on ctrl_c use [force_shutdown](#method.force_shutdown)
    /// otherwise you will get otlp errors.
    pub async fn shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();

    /// This will flush all all attached tracing providers and will wait until the flush is completed.
    /// After this it will do some other necessary cleanup.
    /// If no tracing providers like otlp are attached then this will be a noop.
    /// This should only be used if the tool received an ctrl_c otherwise you will get otlp errors.
    /// If you need to shutdown tracing on a regular exit, you should use the [shutdown](#method.shutdown)
    /// method.
    pub async fn force_shutdown(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();

        #[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
            // Because of a bug within otlp we currently have to use spawn_blocking otherwise
            // calling `shutdown_tracer_provider` can block forever. See
            // https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust/issues/1395#issuecomment-1953280335
            // This still throws an error, if the tool exits regularly: "OpenTelemetry trace error
            // occurred. oneshot canceled", but not having this leads to errors if we cancel with
            // ctrl_c.
            // So this should right now only be used on ctrl_c, for a regular exit use the
            // [shutdown](#shutdown) method
            let _ = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {


pub struct TracingBuilder {
    level: Level,

    #[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
    service_name: Option<&'static str>,

impl Default for TracingBuilder {
    fn default() -> Self {
        TracingBuilder {
            level: Level::INFO,

            #[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
            service_name: None,

impl TracingBuilder {
    /// Set the log level for all layers: stderr und otlp if configured. RUST_LOG still has a
    /// higher priority over this value.
    pub fn level(mut self, level: Level) -> TracingBuilder {
        self.level = level;

    #[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
    /// Enable otlp by setting a custom service_name
    pub fn enable_otlp(mut self, service_name: &'static str) -> TracingBuilder {
        self.service_name = Some(service_name);

    /// This will setup tracing based on the configuration passed in.
    /// It will setup a stderr writer output layer and a EnvFilter based on the provided log
    /// level (RUST_LOG still has a higher priority over the configured value).
    /// The EnvFilter will be applied to all configured layers, also otlp.
    /// It will also configure otlp if the feature is enabled and a service_name was provided. It
    /// will then correctly setup a channel which is later used for flushing the provider.
    pub fn build(self) -> Result<TracingHandle, Error> {
        // Set up the tracing subscriber.
        let indicatif_layer = IndicatifLayer::new().with_progress_style(PB_SPINNER_STYLE.clone());
        let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry()
                    .expect("invalid RUST_LOG"),
                // only show progress for spans with indicatif.pb_show field being set

        // Setup otlp if a service_name is configured
        #[cfg(feature = "otlp")]
            if let Some(service_name) = self.service_name {
                let tracer = opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline()
                        // use SdkProvidedResourceDetector.detect to detect resources,
                        // but replace the default service name with our default.
                        // https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust/issues/1298
                        let resources =
                        // SdkProvidedResourceDetector currently always sets
                        // `service.name`, but we don't like its default.
                        if resources.get("service.name".into()).unwrap() == "unknown_service".into()
                        } else {
                    .expect("Failed to install batch exporter using Tokio");

                // Trace provider is need for later use like flushing the provider.
                // Needs to be kept around for each message to rx we need to handle.
                let tracer_provider = tracer
                    .expect("Failed to get the tracer provider");

                // Set up a channel for flushing trace providers later
                let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::<Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>>(16);

                // Spawning a task that listens on rx for any message. Once we receive a message we
                // correctly call flush on the tracer_provider.
                tokio::spawn(async move {
                    while let Some(m) = rx.recv().await {
                        // Because of a bug within otlp we currently have to use spawn_blocking
                        // otherwise will calling `force_flush` block forever, especially if the
                        // tool was closed with ctrl_c. See
                        // https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust/issues/1395#issuecomment-1953280335
                        let _ = tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
                            let tracer_provider = tracer_provider.clone();
                            move || tracer_provider.force_flush()
                        if let Some(tx) = m {
                            let _ = tx.send(());

                // Create a tracing layer with the configured tracer
                let layer = tracing_opentelemetry::layer().with_tracer(tracer);
                return Ok(TracingHandle { tx: Some(tx) });

        Ok(TracingHandle { tx: None })