use crate::nixbase32;
use data_encoding::{BASE64, BASE64_NOPAD, HEXLOWER};
use thiserror;
mod algos;
mod ca_hash;
pub use algos::HashAlgo;
pub use ca_hash::CAHash;
/// NixHash represents hashes known by Nix.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum NixHash {
Md5([u8; 16]),
Sha1([u8; 20]),
Sha256([u8; 32]),
Sha512(Box<[u8; 64]>),
/// convenience Result type for all nixhash parsing Results.
pub type Result<V> = std::result::Result<V, Error>;
impl NixHash {
/// returns the algo as [HashAlgo].
pub fn algo(&self) -> HashAlgo {
match self {
NixHash::Md5(_) => HashAlgo::Md5,
NixHash::Sha1(_) => HashAlgo::Sha1,
NixHash::Sha256(_) => HashAlgo::Sha256,
NixHash::Sha512(_) => HashAlgo::Sha512,
/// returns the digest as variable-length byte slice.
pub fn digest_as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
match self {
NixHash::Md5(digest) => digest,
NixHash::Sha1(digest) => digest,
NixHash::Sha256(digest) => digest,
NixHash::Sha512(digest) => digest.as_ref(),
/// Constructs a [NixHash] from the Nix default hash format,
/// the inverse of [Self::to_nix_hex_string].
pub fn from_nix_hex_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
let (tag, digest) = s.split_once(':')?;
(match tag {
"md5" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Md5),
"sha1" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Sha1),
"sha256" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Sha256),
"sha512" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest)
_ => return None,
/// Formats a [NixHash] in the Nix default hash format,
/// which is the algo, followed by a colon, then the lower hex encoded digest.
pub fn to_nix_hex_string(&self) -> String {
format!("{}:{}", self.algo(), self.to_plain_hex_string())
/// Formats a [NixHash] in the format that's used inside CAHash,
/// which is the algo, followed by a colon, then the nixbase32-encoded digest.
pub(crate) fn to_nix_nixbase32_string(&self) -> String {
/// Returns the digest as a hex string -- without any algorithm prefix.
pub fn to_plain_hex_string(&self) -> String {
impl TryFrom<(HashAlgo, &[u8])> for NixHash {
type Error = Error;
/// Constructs a new [NixHash] by specifying [HashAlgo] and digest.
/// It can fail if the passed digest length doesn't match what's expected for
/// the passed algo.
fn try_from(value: (HashAlgo, &[u8])) -> Result<Self> {
let (algo, digest) = value;
from_algo_and_digest(algo, digest)
/// Constructs a new [NixHash] by specifying [HashAlgo] and digest.
/// It can fail if the passed digest length doesn't match what's expected for
/// the passed algo.
pub fn from_algo_and_digest(algo: HashAlgo, digest: &[u8]) -> Result<NixHash> {
if digest.len() != algo.digest_length() {
return Err(Error::InvalidEncodedDigestLength(digest.len(), algo));
Ok(match algo {
HashAlgo::Md5 => NixHash::Md5(digest.try_into().unwrap()),
HashAlgo::Sha1 => NixHash::Sha1(digest.try_into().unwrap()),
HashAlgo::Sha256 => NixHash::Sha256(digest.try_into().unwrap()),
HashAlgo::Sha512 => NixHash::Sha512(Box::new(digest.try_into().unwrap())),
/// Errors related to NixHash construction.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("invalid hash algo: {0}")]
#[error("invalid SRI string: {0}")]
#[error("invalid encoded digest length '{0}' for algo {1}")]
InvalidEncodedDigestLength(usize, HashAlgo),
#[error("invalid base16 encoding: {0}")]
#[error("invalid base32 encoding: {0}")]
#[error("invalid base64 encoding: {0}")]
#[error("conflicting hash algo: {0} (hash_algo) vs {1} (inline)")]
ConflictingHashAlgos(HashAlgo, HashAlgo),
#[error("missing inline hash algo, but no externally-specified algo: {0}")]
/// Nix allows specifying hashes in various encodings, and magically just
/// derives the encoding.
/// This function parses strings to a NixHash.
/// Hashes can be:
/// - Nix hash strings
/// - SRI hashes
/// - bare digests
/// Encoding for Nix hash strings or bare digests can be:
/// - base16 (lowerhex),
/// - nixbase32,
/// - base64 (StdEncoding)
/// - sri string
/// The encoding is derived from the length of the string and the hash type.
/// The hash is communicated out-of-band, but might also be in-band (in the
/// case of a nix hash string or SRI), in which it needs to be consistent with the
/// one communicated out-of-band.
pub fn from_str(s: &str, algo_str: Option<&str>) -> Result<NixHash> {
// if algo_str is some, parse or bail out
let algo: Option<HashAlgo> = if let Some(algo_str) = algo_str {
} else {
// Peek at the beginning of the string to detect SRI hashes.
if s.starts_with("sha1-")
|| s.starts_with("sha256-")
|| s.starts_with("sha512-")
|| s.starts_with("md5-")
let parsed_nixhash = from_sri_str(s)?;
// ensure the algo matches with what has been passed externally, if so.
if let Some(algo) = algo {
if algo != parsed_nixhash.algo() {
return Err(Error::ConflictingHashAlgos(algo, parsed_nixhash.algo()));
return Ok(parsed_nixhash);
// Peek at the beginning again to see if it's a Nix Hash
if s.starts_with("sha1:")
|| s.starts_with("sha256:")
|| s.starts_with("sha512:")
|| s.starts_with("md5:")
let parsed_nixhash = from_nix_str(s)?;
// ensure the algo matches with what has been passed externally, if so.
if let Some(algo) = algo {
if algo != parsed_nixhash.algo() {
return Err(Error::ConflictingHashAlgos(algo, parsed_nixhash.algo()));
return Ok(parsed_nixhash);
// Neither of these, assume a bare digest, so there MUST be an externally-passed algo.
match algo {
// Fail if there isn't.
None => Err(Error::MissingInlineHashAlgo(s.to_string())),
Some(algo) => decode_digest(s.as_bytes(), algo),
/// Parses a Nix hash string ($algo:$digest) to a NixHash.
pub fn from_nix_str(s: &str) -> Result<NixHash> {
if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("sha1:") {
decode_digest(rest.as_bytes(), HashAlgo::Sha1)
} else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("sha256:") {
decode_digest(rest.as_bytes(), HashAlgo::Sha256)
} else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("sha512:") {
decode_digest(rest.as_bytes(), HashAlgo::Sha512)
} else if let Some(rest) = s.strip_prefix("md5:") {
decode_digest(rest.as_bytes(), HashAlgo::Md5)
} else {
/// Parses a Nix SRI string to a NixHash.
/// Contrary to the SRI spec, Nix doesn't support SRI strings with multiple hashes,
/// only supports sha256 and sha512 from the spec, and supports sha1 and md5
/// additionally.
/// It's also dealing with padding in a very funny way - accepting SRI strings
/// with an arbitrary amount of padding at the end - including *more* padding
/// characters.
pub fn from_sri_str(s: &str) -> Result<NixHash> {
// try to find the first occurence of "-"
let idx = s.as_bytes().iter().position(|&e| e == b'-');
if idx.is_none() {
return Err(Error::InvalidSRI(s.to_string()));
let idx = idx.unwrap();
// try to map the part before that `-` to a supported hash algo:
let algo: HashAlgo = s[..idx].try_into()?;
// the rest should be the digest (as Nix doesn't support more than one hash in an SRI string).
let encoded_digest = &s[idx + 1..];
// strip all padding characters.
let encoded_digest = encoded_digest.trim_end_matches('=');
// If we are using BASE64_NOPAD, we must also disable the trailing bit checking otherwise we
// are bound to get invalid length for our inputs.
// See the `weird_sha256` example below.
let mut spec = BASE64_NOPAD.specification();
spec.check_trailing_bits = false;
let encoder = spec
.expect("Tvix bug: failed to get the special base64 encoder for Nix SRI hashes");
if encoded_digest.len() == encoder.encode_len(algo.digest_length()) {
let digest = encoder
Ok(from_algo_and_digest(algo, &digest).unwrap())
} else {
Err(Error::InvalidEncodedDigestLength(idx, algo))?
/// Decode a plain digest depending on the hash algo specified externally.
/// hexlower, nixbase32 and base64 encodings are supported - the encoding is
/// inferred from the input length.
fn decode_digest(s: &[u8], algo: HashAlgo) -> Result<NixHash> {
// for the chosen hash algo, calculate the expected (decoded) digest length
// (as bytes)
let digest = if s.len() == HEXLOWER.encode_len(algo.digest_length()) {
} else if s.len() == nixbase32::encode_len(algo.digest_length()) {
} else if s.len() == BASE64.encode_len(algo.digest_length()) {
} else {
Err(Error::InvalidEncodedDigestLength(s.len(), algo))?
Ok(from_algo_and_digest(algo, &digest).unwrap())
mod tests {
use crate::{
nixhash::{self, HashAlgo, NixHash},
use data_encoding::{BASE64, BASE64_NOPAD, HEXLOWER};
use hex_literal::hex;
use test_case::test_case;
const DIGEST_SHA1: [u8; 20] = hex!("6016777997c30ab02413cf5095622cd7924283ac");
const DIGEST_SHA256: [u8; 32] =
const DIGEST_SHA512: [u8; 64] = hex!("ab40d0be3541f0774bba7815d13d10b03252e96e95f7dbb4ee99a3b431c21662fd6971a020160e39848aa5f305b9be0f78727b2b0789e39f124d21e92b8f39ef");
const DIGEST_MD5: [u8; 16] = hex!("c4874a8897440b393d862d8fd459073f");
fn to_base16(digest: &[u8]) -> String {
fn to_nixbase32(digest: &[u8]) -> String {
fn to_base64(digest: &[u8]) -> String {
fn to_base64_nopad(digest: &[u8]) -> String {
fn make_nixhash(algo: &HashAlgo, digest_encoded: String) -> String {
format!("{}:{}", algo, digest_encoded)
fn make_sri_string(algo: &HashAlgo, digest_encoded: String) -> String {
format!("{}-{}", algo, digest_encoded)
/// Test parsing a hash string in various formats, and also when/how the out-of-band algo is needed.
#[test_case(&NixHash::Sha1(DIGEST_SHA1); "sha1")]
#[test_case(&NixHash::Sha256(DIGEST_SHA256); "sha256")]
#[test_case(&NixHash::Sha512(Box::new(DIGEST_SHA512)); "sha512")]
#[test_case(&NixHash::Md5(DIGEST_MD5); "md5")]
fn from_str(expected_hash: &NixHash) {
let algo = &expected_hash.algo();
let digest = expected_hash.digest_as_bytes();
// parse SRI
// base64 without out-of-band algo
let s = make_sri_string(algo, to_base64(digest));
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// base64 with out-of-band-algo
let s = make_sri_string(algo, to_base64(digest));
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&expected_hash.algo().to_string()))
.expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// base64_nopad without out-of-band algo
let s = make_sri_string(algo, to_base64_nopad(digest));
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// base64_nopad with out-of-band-algo
let s = make_sri_string(algo, to_base64_nopad(digest));
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// parse plain base16. should succeed with algo out-of-band, but fail without.
let s = to_base16(digest);
nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect_err("must fail");
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// parse plain nixbase32. should succeed with algo out-of-band, but fail without.
let s = to_nixbase32(digest);
nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect_err("must fail");
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// parse plain base64. should succeed with algo out-of-band, but fail without.
let s = to_base64(digest);
nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect_err("must fail");
let h = nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(expected_hash, &h);
// parse Nix hash strings
// base16. should succeed with both algo out-of-band and in-band.
let s = make_nixhash(algo, to_base16(digest));
&nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect("must succeed")
&nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed")
// nixbase32. should succeed with both algo out-of-band and in-band.
let s = make_nixhash(algo, to_nixbase32(digest));
&nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect("must succeed")
&nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed")
// base64. should succeed with both algo out-of-band and in-band.
let s = make_nixhash(algo, to_base64(digest));
&nixhash::from_str(&s, None).expect("must succeed")
&nixhash::from_str(&s, Some(&algo.to_string())).expect("must succeed")
/// Test parsing an SRI hash via the [nixhash::from_sri_str] method.
fn from_sri_str() {
let nix_hash = nixhash::from_sri_str("sha256-pc6cFV7Qk5dhRkbJcX/HzZSxAj17drYY1Ank/v1unTk=")
.expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(HashAlgo::Sha256, nix_hash.algo());
/// Test parsing sha512 SRI hash with various paddings, Nix accepts all of them.
#[test_case("sha512-7g91TBvYoYQorRTqo+rYD/i5YnWvUBLnqDhPHxBJDaBW7smuPMeRp6E6JOFuVN9bzN0QnH1ToUU0u9c2CjALEQ"; "no padding")]
#[test_case("sha512-7g91TBvYoYQorRTqo+rYD/i5YnWvUBLnqDhPHxBJDaBW7smuPMeRp6E6JOFuVN9bzN0QnH1ToUU0u9c2CjALEQ="; "wrong padding")]
#[test_case("sha512-7g91TBvYoYQorRTqo+rYD/i5YnWvUBLnqDhPHxBJDaBW7smuPMeRp6E6JOFuVN9bzN0QnH1ToUU0u9c2CjALEQ="; "correct padding")]
#[test_case("sha512-7g91TBvYoYQorRTqo+rYD/i5YnWvUBLnqDhPHxBJDaBW7smuPMeRp6E6JOFuVN9bzN0QnH1ToUU0u9c2CjALEQ="; "too much padding")]
fn from_sri_str_sha512_paddings(sri_str: &str) {
let nix_hash = nixhash::from_sri_str(sri_str).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(HashAlgo::Sha512, nix_hash.algo());
/// Ensure we detect truncated base64 digests, where the digest size
/// doesn't match what's expected from that hash function.
fn from_sri_str_truncated() {
.expect_err("must fail");
/// Ensure we fail on SRI hashes that Nix doesn't support.
fn from_sri_str_unsupported() {
.expect_err("must fail");
/// Ensure we reject invalid base64 encoding
fn from_sri_str_invalid_base64() {
nixhash::from_sri_str("sha256-invalid=base64").expect_err("must fail");
/// Ensure we reject SRI strings with multiple hashes, as Nix doesn't support that.
fn from_sri_str_unsupported_multiple() {
nixhash::from_sri_str("sha256-ngth6szLtC1IJIYyz3lhftzL8SkrJkqPyPve+dGqa1Y= sha512-q0DQvjVB8HdLungV0T0QsDJS6W6V99u07pmjtDHCFmL9aXGgIBYOOYSKpfMFub4PeHJ7KweJ458STSHpK4857w==").expect_err("must fail");
/// Nix also accepts SRI strings with missing padding, but only in case the
/// string is expressed as SRI, so it still needs to have a `sha256-` prefix.
/// This both seems to work if it is passed with and without specifying the
/// hash algo out-of-band (hash = "sha256-…" or sha256 = "sha256-…")
/// Passing the same broken base64 string, but not as SRI, while passing
/// the hash algo out-of-band does not work.
fn sha256_broken_padding() {
let broken_base64 = "fgIr3TyFGDAXP5+qoAaiMKDg/a1MlT6Fv/S/DaA24S8";
// if padded with a trailing '='
let expected_digest =
// passing hash algo out of band should succeed
let nix_hash = nixhash::from_str(&format!("sha256-{}", &broken_base64), Some("sha256"))
.expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(&expected_digest, &nix_hash.digest_as_bytes());
// not passing hash algo out of band should succeed
let nix_hash =
nixhash::from_str(&format!("sha256-{}", &broken_base64), None).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(&expected_digest, &nix_hash.digest_as_bytes());
// not passing SRI, but hash algo out of band should fail
nixhash::from_str(broken_base64, Some("sha256")).expect_err("must fail");
/// As we decided to pass our hashes by trimming `=` completely,
/// we need to take into account hashes with padding requirements which
/// contains trailing bits which would be checked by `BASE64_NOPAD` and would
/// make the verification crash.
/// This base64 has a trailing non-zero bit at bit 42.
fn sha256_weird_base64() {
let weird_base64 = "syceJMUEknBDCHK8eGs6rUU3IQn+HnQfURfCrDxYPa9=";
let expected_digest =
let nix_hash = nixhash::from_str(&format!("sha256-{}", &weird_base64), Some("sha256"))
.expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(&expected_digest, &nix_hash.digest_as_bytes());
// not passing hash algo out of band should succeed
let nix_hash =
nixhash::from_str(&format!("sha256-{}", &weird_base64), None).expect("must succeed");
assert_eq!(&expected_digest, &nix_hash.digest_as_bytes());
// not passing SRI, but hash algo out of band should fail
nixhash::from_str(weird_base64, Some("sha256")).expect_err("must fail");