//! NAR info files describe a store path in a traditional Nix binary cache.
//! Over the wire, they are formatted as "Key: value" pairs separated by newlines.
//! It contains four kinds of information:
//! 1. the description of the store path itself
//! * store path prefix, digest, and name
//! * NAR hash and size
//! * references
//! 2. authenticity information
//! * zero or more signatures over that description
//! * an optional [CAHash] for content-addressed paths (fixed outputs, sources, and derivations)
//! 3. derivation metadata
//! * deriver (the derivation that produced this path)
//! * system (the system value of that derivation)
//! 4. cache-specific information
//! * URL of the compressed NAR, relative to the NAR info file
//! * compression algorithm used for the NAR
//! * hash and size of the compressed NAR
use data_encoding::BASE64;
use std::{
fmt::{self, Display},
use crate::{
nixhash::{CAHash, NixHash},
pub struct NarInfo<'a> {
pub unknown_fields: bool,
pub compression_default: bool,
// core (authenticated, but unverified here)
/// Store path described by this [NarInfo]
pub store_path: StorePathRef<'a>,
/// SHA-256 digest of the NAR file
pub nar_hash: [u8; 32],
/// Size of the NAR file in bytes
pub nar_size: u64,
/// Store paths known to be referenced by the contents
pub references: Vec<StorePathRef<'a>>,
// authenticity
/// Ed25519 signature over the path fingerprint
pub signatures: Vec<Signature<'a>>,
/// Content address (for content-defined paths)
pub ca: Option<CAHash>,
// derivation metadata
/// Nix system triple of [deriver]
pub system: Option<&'a str>,
/// Store path of the derivation that produced this
pub deriver: Option<StorePathRef<'a>>,
// cache-specific untrusted metadata
/// Relative URL of the compressed NAR file
pub url: &'a str,
/// Compression method of the NAR file
/// `None` means `Compression: none`.
/// Nix interprets a missing `Compression` field as `Some("bzip2")`,
/// so we do as well. We haven't found any examples of this in the
/// wild, not even in the cache.nixos.org dataset.
pub compression: Option<&'a str>,
/// SHA-256 digest of the file at `url`
pub file_hash: Option<[u8; 32]>,
/// Size of the file at `url` in bytes
pub file_size: Option<u64>,
impl<'a> NarInfo<'a> {
pub fn parse(input: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut unknown_fields = false;
let mut compression_default = false;
let mut store_path = None;
let mut url = None;
let mut compression = None;
let mut file_hash = None;
let mut file_size = None;
let mut nar_hash = None;
let mut nar_size = None;
let mut references = None;
let mut system = None;
let mut deriver = None;
let mut signatures = vec![];
let mut ca = None;
for line in input.lines() {
let (tag, val) = line
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidLine(line.to_string()))?;
let val = val
.strip_prefix(' ')
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidLine(line.to_string()))?;
match tag {
"StorePath" => {
let val = val
let val = StorePathRef::from_bytes(val.as_bytes())
if store_path.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"URL" => {
if val.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::EmptyField(tag.to_string()));
if url.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"Compression" => {
if val.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::EmptyField(tag.to_string()));
if compression.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"FileHash" => {
let val = val
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingPrefixForHash(tag.to_string()))?;
let val = nixbase32::decode_fixed::<32>(val)
.map_err(|e| Error::UnableToDecodeHash(tag.to_string(), e))?;
if file_hash.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"FileSize" => {
let val = val
.map_err(|_| Error::UnableToParseSize(tag.to_string(), val.to_string()))?;
if file_size.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"NarHash" => {
let val = val
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingPrefixForHash(tag.to_string()))?;
let val = nixbase32::decode_fixed::<32>(val)
.map_err(|e| Error::UnableToDecodeHash(tag.to_string(), e))?;
if nar_hash.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"NarSize" => {
let val = val
.map_err(|_| Error::UnableToParseSize(tag.to_string(), val.to_string()))?;
if nar_size.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"References" => {
let val: Vec<StorePathRef> = if !val.is_empty() {
let mut prev = "";
val.split(' ')
.map(|(i, s)| {
if mem::replace(&mut prev, s) < s {
.map_err(|err| Error::InvalidReference(i, err))
} else {
// references are out of order
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?
} else {
if references.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"System" => {
if val.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::EmptyField(tag.to_string()));
if system.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"Deriver" => {
let val = StorePathRef::from_bytes(val.as_bytes())
if !val.name().ends_with(".drv") {
return Err(Error::InvalidDeriverStorePathMissingSuffix);
if deriver.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
"Sig" => {
let val = Signature::parse(val)
.map_err(|e| Error::UnableToParseSignature(signatures.len(), e))?;
"CA" => {
let val =
parse_ca(val).ok_or_else(|| Error::UnableToParseCA(val.to_string()))?;
if ca.replace(val).is_some() {
return Err(Error::DuplicateField(tag.to_string()));
_ => {
unknown_fields = true;
Ok(NarInfo {
store_path: store_path.ok_or(Error::MissingField("StorePath"))?,
nar_hash: nar_hash.ok_or(Error::MissingField("NarHash"))?,
nar_size: nar_size.ok_or(Error::MissingField("NarSize"))?,
references: references.ok_or(Error::MissingField("References"))?,
url: url.ok_or(Error::MissingField("URL"))?,
compression: match compression {
Some("none") => None,
None => {
compression_default = true;
_ => compression,
impl Display for NarInfo<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(w, "StorePath: /nix/store/{}", self.store_path)?;
writeln!(w, "URL: {}", self.url)?;
if let Some(compression) = self.compression {
writeln!(w, "Compression: {compression}")?;
if let Some(file_hash) = self.file_hash {
writeln!(w, "FileHash: {}", fmt_hash(&NixHash::Sha256(file_hash)))?;
if let Some(file_size) = self.file_size {
writeln!(w, "FileSize: {file_size}")?;
writeln!(w, "NarHash: {}", fmt_hash(&NixHash::Sha256(self.nar_hash)))?;
writeln!(w, "NarSize: {}", self.nar_size)?;
write!(w, "References:")?;
if self.references.is_empty() {
write!(w, " ")?;
} else {
for path in &self.references {
write!(w, " {path}")?;
if let Some(deriver) = &self.deriver {
writeln!(w, "Deriver: {deriver}")?;
if let Some(system) = self.system {
writeln!(w, "System: {system}")?;
for sig in &self.signatures {
writeln!(w, "Sig: {sig}")?;
if let Some(ca) = &self.ca {
writeln!(w, "CA: {}", fmt_ca(ca))?;
pub struct Signature<'a> {
name: &'a str,
bytes: [u8; 64],
impl<'a> Signature<'a> {
pub fn parse(input: &'a str) -> Result<Signature<'a>, SignatureError> {
let (name, bytes64) = input
let mut buf = [0; 66];
let mut bytes = [0; 64];
match BASE64.decode_mut(bytes64.as_bytes(), &mut buf) {
Ok(64) => {
Ok(n) => return Err(SignatureError::InvalidSignatureLen(n)),
// keeping DecodePartial gets annoying lifetime-wise
Err(_) => return Err(SignatureError::DecodeError(input.to_string())),
Ok(Signature { name, bytes })
pub fn name(&self) -> &'a str {
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8; 64] {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum SignatureError {
#[error("Missing separator")]
#[error("Invalid signature len: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to base64-decode signature: {0}")]
impl Display for Signature<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "{}:{}", self.name, BASE64.encode(&self.bytes))
pub fn parse_ca(s: &str) -> Option<CAHash> {
let (tag, s) = s.split_once(':')?;
match tag {
"text" => {
let digest = s.strip_prefix("sha256:")?;
let digest = nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).ok()?;
"fixed" => {
if let Some(s) = s.strip_prefix("r:") {
} else {
_ => None,
struct fmt_ca<'a>(&'a CAHash);
impl Display for fmt_ca<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.0 {
CAHash::Flat(h) => {
write!(w, "fixed:{}", fmt_hash(h))
&CAHash::Text(d) => {
write!(w, "text:{}", fmt_hash(&NixHash::Sha256(d)))
CAHash::Nar(h) => {
write!(w, "fixed:r:{}", fmt_hash(h))
fn parse_hash(s: &str) -> Option<NixHash> {
let (tag, digest) = s.split_once(':')?;
(match tag {
"md5" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Md5),
"sha1" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Sha1),
"sha256" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest).map(NixHash::Sha256),
"sha512" => nixbase32::decode_fixed(digest)
_ => return None,
struct fmt_hash<'a>(&'a NixHash);
impl Display for fmt_hash<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let (tag, digest) = match self.0 {
NixHash::Md5(d) => ("md5", &d[..]),
NixHash::Sha1(d) => ("sha1", &d[..]),
NixHash::Sha256(d) => ("sha256", &d[..]),
NixHash::Sha512(d) => ("sha512", &d[..]),
write!(w, "{tag}:{}", nixbase32::encode(digest))
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("duplicate field: {0}")]
#[error("missing field: {0}")]
MissingField(&'static str),
#[error("invalid line: {0}")]
#[error("invalid StorePath: {0}")]
#[error("field {0} may not be empty string")]
#[error("invalid {0}: {1}")]
UnableToParseSize(String, String),
#[error("unable to parse #{0} reference: {1}")]
InvalidReference(usize, crate::store_path::Error),
#[error("reference at {0} is out of order")]
#[error("invalid Deriver store path: {0}")]
#[error("invalid Deriver store path, must end with .drv")]
#[error("missing prefix for {0}")]
#[error("unable to decode {0}: {1}")]
UnableToDecodeHash(String, nixbase32::Nixbase32DecodeError),
#[error("unable to parse signature #{0}: {1}")]
UnableToParseSignature(usize, SignatureError),
#[error("unable to parse CA field: {0}")]
mod test {
use hex_literal::hex;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use std::{io, str};
use crate::nixhash::{CAHash, NixHash};
use super::NarInfo;
lazy_static! {
static ref CASES: &'static [&'static str] = {
let data = zstd::decode_all(io::Cursor::new(include_bytes!("../testdata/narinfo.zst")))
let data = str::from_utf8(Vec::leak(data)).unwrap();
.map(|s| s.strip_suffix('\n').unwrap())
fn roundtrip() {
for &input in *CASES {
let parsed = NarInfo::parse(input).expect("should parse");
let output = format!("{parsed}");
assert_eq!(input, output, "should roundtrip");
fn ca_nar_hash_sha1() {
let parsed = NarInfo::parse(
r#"StorePath: /nix/store/k20pahypzvr49fy82cw5sx72hdfg3qcr-texlive-hyphenex-37354
URL: nar/0i5biw0g01514llhfswxy6xfav8lxxdq1xg6ik7hgsqbpw0f06yi.nar.xz
Compression: xz
FileHash: sha256:0i5biw0g01514llhfswxy6xfav8lxxdq1xg6ik7hgsqbpw0f06yi
FileSize: 7120
NarHash: sha256:0h1bm4sj1cnfkxgyhvgi8df1qavnnv94sd0v09wcrm971602shfg
NarSize: 22552
Sig: cache.nixos.org-1:u01BybwQhyI5H1bW1EIWXssMDhDDIvXOG5uh8Qzgdyjz6U1qg6DHhMAvXZOUStIj6X5t4/ufFgR8i3fjf0bMAw==
CA: fixed:r:sha1:1ak1ymbmsfx7z8kh09jzkr3a4dvkrfjw
"#).expect("should parse");
fn compression_default() {
// This doesn't exist as such in cache.nixos.org.
// We explicitly removed the compression field for the sake of this test.
let parsed = NarInfo::parse(r#"StorePath: /nix/store/a1jjalr4csx9hcga7fnm122aqabrjnch-digikam-2.6.0
URL: nar/1fzimfnvq2k8b40n4g54abmncpx2ddckh6qlb77pgq6xiysyil69.nar.bz2
FileHash: sha256:1fzimfnvq2k8b40n4g54abmncpx2ddckh6qlb77pgq6xiysyil69
FileSize: 43503778
NarHash: sha256:0zpbbwipqzr5p8mlpag9wrsp5hlaxkq7gax5jj0hg3vvdziypcw5
NarSize: 100658640
References: 0izkyk7bq2ag9393nvnhgm87p75cq09w-liblqr-1-0.4.1 1cslpgyb7vb30inj3210jv6agqv42jxz-qca-2.0.3 1sya3bwjxkzpkmwn67gfzp4gz4g62l36-libXrandr-1.3.1 26yxdaa9z0ma5sgw02i670rsqnl57crs-glib-2.30.3 27lnjh99236kmhbpc5747599zcymfzmg-qt-4.8.2 2v6x378vcfvyxilkvihs60zha54z2x2y-qjson-0.7.1 45hgr3fbnr45n795hn2x7hsymp0h2j2m-libjpeg-8c 4kw1b212s80ap2iyibxrimcqb5imhfj7-libkexiv2-4.7.4 7dvylm5crlc0sfafcc0n46mb5ch67q0j-glibc-2.13 a05cbh1awjbl1rbyb2ynyf4k42v5a9a7-boost-1.47.0 a1jjalr4csx9hcga7fnm122aqabrjnch-digikam-2.6.0 aav5ffg8wlnilgnvdb2jnrv2aam4zmmz-perl-5.14.2 ab0m9h30nsr13w48qriv0k350kmwx567-kdelibs-4.7.4 avffkd49cqvpwdkzry8bn69dkbw4cy29-lensfun-0.2.5 cy8rl8h4yp2j3h8987vkklg328q3wmjz-gcc-4.6.3 dmmh5ihyg1r2dm4azgsfj2kprj92czlg-libSM-1.2.0 fl56j5n4shfw9c0r6vs2i4f1h9zx5kac-soprano-2.7.6 g15cmvh15ggdjcwapskngv20q4yhix40-jasper-1.900.1 i04maxd0din6v92rnqcwl9yra0kl2vk5-marble-4.7.4 kqjjb3m26rdddwwwkk8v45821aps877k-libICE-1.0.7 lxz9r135wkndvi642z4bjgmvyypsgirb-libtiff-3.9.4 m9c8i0a6cl30lcqp654dqkbag3wjmd00-libX11-1.4.1 mpnj4k2ijrgyfkh48fg96nzcmklfh5pl-coreutils-8.15 nppljblap477s0893c151lyq7r7n5v1q-zlib-1.2.7 nw9mdbyp8kyn3v4vkdzq0gsnqbc4mnx3-expat-2.0.1 p1a0dn931mzdkvj6h5yzshbmgxba5r0z-libgphoto2-2.4.11 pvjj07xa1cfkad3gwk376nzdrgknbcqm-mesa-7.11.2 pzcxag98jqccp9ycbxknyh0w95pgnsk4-lcms-1.19 qfi5pgds33kg6vlnxsmj0hyl74vcmyiz-libpng-1.5.10 scm6bj86s3qh3s3x0b9ayjp6755p4q86-mysql-5.1.54 sd23qspcyg385va0lr35xgz3hvlqphg6-libkipi-4.7.4 svmbrhc6kzfzakv20a7zrfl6kbr5mfpq-kdepimlibs-4.7.4 v7kh3h7xfwjz4hgffg3gwrfzjff9bw9d-bash-4.2-p24 vi17f22064djgpk0w248da348q8gxkww-libkdcraw-4.7.4 wkjdzmj3z4dcbsc9f833zs6krdgg2krk-phonon-4.6.0 xf3i3awqi0035ixy2qyb6hk4c92r3vrn-opencv-2.4.2 y1vr0nz8i59x59501020nh2k1dw3bhwq-libusb-0.1.12 yf3hin2hb6i08n7zrk8g3acy54rhg9bp-libXext-1.2.0
Deriver: la77dr44phk5m5jnl4dvk01cwpykyw9s-digikam-2.6.0.drv
System: i686-linux
Sig: cache.nixos.org-1:92fl0i5q7EyegCj5Yf4L0bENkWuVAtgveiRcTEEUH0P6HvCE1xFcPbz/0Pf6Np+K1LPzHK+s5RHOmVoxRsvsDg==
"#).expect("should parse");
assert_eq!(parsed.compression, Some("bzip2"));