//! This module implements the scope-tracking logic of the Tvix
//! compiler.
//! Scoping in Nix is fairly complicated, there are features like
//! mutually recursive bindings, `with`, upvalue capturing, and so
//! on that introduce a fair bit of complexity.
//! Tvix attempts to do as much of the heavy lifting of this at
//! compile time, and leave the runtime to mostly deal with known
//! stack indices. To do this, the compiler simulates where locals
//! will be at runtime using the data structures implemented here.
use std::{
collections::{hash_map, HashMap},
use smol_str::SmolStr;
use crate::opcode::{StackIdx, UpvalueIdx};
enum LocalName {
/// Normally declared local with a statically known name.
/// Phantom stack value (e.g. attribute set used for `with`) that
/// must be accounted for to calculate correct stack offsets.
/// Represents a single local already known to the compiler.
pub struct Local {
/// Identifier of this local. This is always a statically known
/// value (Nix does not allow dynamic identifier names in locals),
/// or a "phantom" value not accessible by users.
name: LocalName,
/// Source span at which this local was declared.
pub span: Option<codemap::Span>,
/// Scope depth of this local.
pub depth: usize,
/// Is this local initialised?
pub initialised: bool,
/// Is this local known to have been used at all?
pub used: bool,
/// Does this local need to be finalised after the enclosing scope
/// is completely constructed?
pub needs_finaliser: bool,
/// Does this local's upvalues contain a reference to itself?
pub must_thunk: bool,
impl Local {
/// Retrieve the name of the given local (if available).
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<SmolStr> {
match &self.name {
LocalName::Phantom => None,
LocalName::Ident(name) => Some(SmolStr::new(name)),
/// Is this local intentionally ignored? (i.e. name starts with `_`)
pub fn is_ignored(&self) -> bool {
match &self.name {
LocalName::Ident(name) => name.starts_with('_'),
LocalName::Phantom => false,
pub fn is_used(&self) -> bool {
self.depth == 0 || self.used || self.is_ignored()
/// Represents the current position of an identifier as resolved in a scope.
pub enum LocalPosition {
/// Local is not known in this scope.
/// Local is known at the given local index.
/// Local is known, but is being accessed recursively within its
/// own initialisation. Depending on context, this is either an
/// error or forcing a closure/thunk.
/// Represents the different ways in which upvalues can be captured in
/// closures or thunks.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UpvalueKind {
/// This upvalue captures a local from the stack.
/// This upvalue captures an enclosing upvalue.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Upvalue {
pub kind: UpvalueKind,
pub span: codemap::Span,
/// The index of a local in the scope's local array at compile time.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct LocalIdx(usize);
/// Helper struct for indexing over `Scope::locals` by name.
enum ByName {
impl ByName {
/// Add an additional index for this name.
fn add_idx(&mut self, new: LocalIdx) {
match self {
ByName::Shadowed(indices) => indices.push(new),
ByName::Single(idx) => {
*self = ByName::Shadowed(vec![*idx, new]);
/// Remove the most recent index for this name, unless it is a
/// single. Returns `true` if an entry was removed.
fn remove_idx(&mut self) -> bool {
match self {
ByName::Single(_) => false,
ByName::Shadowed(indices) => match indices[..] {
[fst, _snd] => {
*self = ByName::Single(fst);
_ => {
/// Return the most recent index.
pub fn index(&self) -> LocalIdx {
match self {
ByName::Single(idx) => *idx,
ByName::Shadowed(vec) => *vec.last().unwrap(),
/// Represents a scope known during compilation, which can be resolved
/// directly to stack indices.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Scope {
locals: Vec<Local>,
pub upvalues: Vec<Upvalue>,
/// Secondary by-name index over locals.
by_name: HashMap<String, ByName>,
/// How many scopes "deep" are these locals?
scope_depth: usize,
/// Current size of the `with`-stack at runtime.
with_stack_size: usize,
impl Index<LocalIdx> for Scope {
type Output = Local;
fn index(&self, index: LocalIdx) -> &Self::Output {
impl Scope {
/// Inherit scope details from a parent scope (required for
/// correctly nesting scopes in lambdas and thunks when special
/// scope features like dynamic resolution are present).
pub fn inherit(&self) -> Self {
Self {
scope_depth: self.scope_depth + 1,
with_stack_size: self.with_stack_size,
/// Increase the `with`-stack size of this scope.
pub fn push_with(&mut self) {
self.with_stack_size += 1;
/// Decrease the `with`-stack size of this scope.
pub fn pop_with(&mut self) {
self.with_stack_size -= 1;
/// Does this scope currently require dynamic runtime resolution
/// of identifiers that could not be found?
pub fn has_with(&self) -> bool {
self.with_stack_size > 0
/// Resolve the stack index of a statically known local.
pub fn resolve_local(&mut self, name: &str) -> LocalPosition {
if let Some(by_name) = self.by_name.get(name) {
let idx = by_name.index();
let local = self
.expect("invalid compiler state: indexed local missing");
local.used = true;
// This local is still being initialised, meaning that
// we know its final runtime stack position, but it is
// not yet on the stack.
if !local.initialised {
return LocalPosition::Recursive(idx);
return LocalPosition::Known(idx);
/// Declare a local variable that occupies a stack slot and should
/// be accounted for, but is not directly accessible by users
/// (e.g. attribute sets used for `with`).
pub fn declare_phantom(&mut self, span: codemap::Span, initialised: bool) -> LocalIdx {
let idx = self.locals.len();
self.locals.push(Local {
span: Some(span),
name: LocalName::Phantom,
depth: self.scope_depth,
needs_finaliser: false,
must_thunk: false,
used: true,
/// Declare an uninitialised, named local variable.
/// Returns the `LocalIdx` of the new local, and optionally the
/// index of a previous local shadowed by this one.
pub fn declare_local(
&mut self,
name: String,
span: codemap::Span,
) -> (LocalIdx, Option<LocalIdx>) {
let idx = LocalIdx(self.locals.len());
self.locals.push(Local {
name: LocalName::Ident(name.clone()),
span: Some(span),
depth: self.scope_depth,
initialised: false,
needs_finaliser: false,
must_thunk: false,
used: false,
let mut shadowed = None;
match self.by_name.entry(name) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
let existing = entry.get_mut();
shadowed = Some(existing.index());
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
(idx, shadowed)
pub fn declare_constant(&mut self, name: String) -> LocalIdx {
let idx = LocalIdx(self.locals.len());
self.locals.push(Local {
name: LocalName::Ident(name.clone()),
span: None,
depth: 0,
initialised: true,
used: false,
needs_finaliser: false,
must_thunk: false,
// We don't need to worry about shadowing for constants; they're defined at the toplevel
// always
self.by_name.insert(name, ByName::Single(idx));
/// Mark local as initialised after compiling its expression.
pub fn mark_initialised(&mut self, idx: LocalIdx) {
self.locals[idx.0].initialised = true;
/// Mark local as needing a finaliser.
pub fn mark_needs_finaliser(&mut self, idx: LocalIdx) {
self.locals[idx.0].needs_finaliser = true;
/// Mark local as must be wrapped in a thunk. This happens if
/// the local has a reference to itself in its upvalues.
pub fn mark_must_thunk(&mut self, idx: LocalIdx) {
self.locals[idx.0].must_thunk = true;
/// Compute the runtime stack index for a given local by
/// accounting for uninitialised variables at scopes below this
/// one.
pub fn stack_index(&self, idx: LocalIdx) -> StackIdx {
let uninitialised_count = self.locals[..(idx.0)]
.filter(|l| !l.initialised && self[idx].depth > l.depth)
StackIdx(idx.0 - uninitialised_count)
/// Increase the current scope depth (e.g. within a new bindings
/// block, or `with`-scope).
pub fn begin_scope(&mut self) {
self.scope_depth += 1;
/// Decrease the scope depth and remove all locals still tracked
/// for the current scope.
/// Returns the count of locals that were dropped while marked as
/// initialised (used by the compiler to determine whether to emit
/// scope cleanup operations), as well as the spans of the
/// definitions of unused locals (used by the compiler to emit
/// unused binding warnings).
pub fn end_scope(&mut self) -> (usize, Vec<codemap::Span>) {
debug_assert!(self.scope_depth != 0, "can not end top scope");
let mut pops = 0;
let mut unused_spans = vec![];
// TL;DR - iterate from the back while things belonging to the
// ended scope still exist.
while self.locals.last().unwrap().depth == self.scope_depth {
if let Some(local) = self.locals.pop() {
// pop the local from the stack if it was actually
// initialised
if local.initialised {
pops += 1;
// analyse whether the local was accessed during its
// lifetime, and emit a warning otherwise (unless the
// user explicitly chose to ignore it by prefixing the
// identifier with `_`)
if local.is_used() {
// remove the by-name index if this was a named local
if let LocalName::Ident(name) = local.name {
if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) = self.by_name.entry(name) {
// If no removal occured through `remove_idx`
// (i.e. there was no shadowing going on),
// nuke the whole entry.
if !entry.get_mut().remove_idx() {
self.scope_depth -= 1;
(pops, unused_spans)
/// Access the current scope depth.
pub fn scope_depth(&self) -> usize {